day : 25/05/2021 12 results

CORONAVIRUS: Tuesday 5/25/2021 roundup

Tonight’s pandemic toplines:

FIRST NUMBERS SINCE SATURDAY: The daily summary from Seattle-King County Public Health wasn’t updated Sunday or Monday, so these are the cumulative totals reflecting three days:

*108,689 people have tested positive, 381 new since Saturday

*1,575 people have died, unchanged since Saturday

*6,111 people have been hospitalized, 12 new since Saturday

One week ago, the totals were 107,498/1,562/6,064. (The “number of people tested” number is not complete tonight, so we’ve omitted that.)


NATIONAL/WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 167.8 million cases worldwide, 33.1 million of them in the U.S. – see other nation-by-nation stats by going here.

HEALTH OFFICIALS’ BRIEFING: At 8:15 am tomorrow online, state health officials will present their weekly briefing and media Q&A. Watch the livestream here.

NEED FOOD? Grab-and-go boxes will be available outside Highland Park Elementary 2-5 pm Friday.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

VIDEO: ‘We are late.’ West Seattle church raises Black Lives Matter banner on anniversary of George Floyd’s murder

Though Fauntleroy United Church of Christ has been worshiping online, the raising of that banner tonight brought congregation members to the church’s parking lot. There, on the one-year anniversary of George Floyd‘s murder in Minnesota, Rev. Leah Atkinson Bilinski acknowledged that the church was late in making an anti-racism statement. She began by calling the banner “an embrace of the Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous people of our community who do not feel the embrace of love and justice.”

In the short ceremony, the pastor and her congregation declared, “This is the issue that we – as a country, as individuals, as institutions – are being called to resolve at this time in history.”

TRAFFIC ALERT: Paving work at north end of Delridge Way

Thanks to Mark for the photo and tip: Paving work is under way tonight at the north end of Delridge Way, and that has traffic down to one lane each way. This work was supposed to start last night, but SDOT announced it was postponed until “the next dry night.” Apparently tonight qualifies. This work, scheduled for 7 pm-6 am on work nights, is part of the repaving/utilities/more work to prepare for the conversion of Metro Route 120 into the RapidRide H Line next year. Here’s the project’s full work plan for this week.

NEED FOOD? Distribution at Highland Park Elementary on Friday

May 25, 2021 8:50 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | Highland Park | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

As noted in our roundup last night, the weekly food-box distribution at Food Lifeline is NOT happening this Friday – but here’s something that is. Highland Park Elementary family-support worker Dominique Pie is teaming up again with Together Washington for a drive-up/ride-up grab-and-go food distribution 2-5 pm Friday. It’ll happen in the school-bus-loading zone at HPES (1012 SW Trenton); masks required, first-come first-served.

FOLLOWUP: Here’s how West Seattle low-bridge access applications are going

Four weeks after SDOT opened applications for more categories of drivers to use the low bridge during restricted hours (5 am-9 pm weekdays, 8 am-9 pm weekends), we wondered how many they’ve received and how many have been approved. Here’s what we heard back: 800 businesses and individuals have applied for authorization. SDOT spokesperson Ethan Bergerson tells WSB, “We have approved 469 of these applications (including 100% of the people with lifesaving medical needs).” Applications received by May 15th were reviewed for authorization to start June 1st – here’s the breakdown so far:

105 people with lifesaving medical needs
201 on-call medical providers
116 West Seattle area businesses
47 maritime / industrial businesses

The next round of applications are due by June 15th to be reviewed for possible authorization July 1st (except patients with lifesaving medical treatment, who will be reviewed/approved as quickly as possible, the city says). Application links are here.

West Seattle Junction summer fun: See the poster! Order your kit(s)!

That’s the poster you’ll see around The Junction for this summer’s modified festivities (first announced last month) – the Sidewalk Sale, and downsized Summer Fest. It’s by Jeff Rodriguez of Horsepower Design, and the neon squirrel design will also be featured on the tote bags for the summer-fun kits on sale now, as well as the beer and wine glasses you’ll find in two of the kits. The kits are on sale now – for info and ordering, see this page of the spiffy new West Seattle Junction Association website designed by Cami MacNamara of West Seattle’s own WebCami. Here’s the Summer Fest/Sidewalk Sale schedule:

Thursday, July 8 – Paint and Sip (virtual/limited in-person) – live instruction by BrushCapades – 5 PM and 7 PM $70
Friday, July 9 + Saturday, July 10 – Sidewalk Sale on California Ave – 10 AM – 6 PM
Friday, July 9 – Music Trivia (virtual) hosted by Pegasus Book Exchange, trivia host Rachel Ask Me Questions – 7:30 PM $25
Saturday, July 10 – Noon to 1:30 PM Mayoral Town Hall (broadcast live) hosted by West Seattle Blog
Saturday, July 10 – Beer Tasting (virtual/limited in-person) hosted by Elliott Bay Brewing and The Beer Junction – 7 PM $55

Boxes, totes, and tickets for the trivia night (at the prices mentioned above) are now on sale here!

P.S. Proceeds from the kits/boxes/etc. support local businesses.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Next phase of water-main project affecting Admiral Way traffic

(Project zone map provided last month by SPU)

3:24 PM: Last month, we published first word of a water-main project in the Admiral area, with a note that the work would eventually affect travel on SW Admiral Way. That phase is about to start – here’s the update from Seattle Public Utilities:

Starting May 27, SPU contractor crews will begin construction activities on the northwest corner of the intersection at SW Admiral Way and 39th Ave SW. This work is part of a water-main replacement project taking place on 39th Ave SW between SW Grayson St and SW Admiral Way.

While crews are performing work on SW Admiral Way, the two westbound lanes will be closed during working hours between 38th Ave SW and just east of 39th Ave SW. Two-way traffic will be maintained using the two open eastbound lanes. Northbound traffic on 38th Ave SW and 39th Ave SW will not be able to turn left onto SW Admiral Way while traffic controls are in place.

Residents will continue to have pedestrian access to their homes, and roadways will be open outside of working hours. However, site restoration may require a longer closure of 39th Ave SW and SW Admiral Way of up to 3 days to allow the pavement to cure. Residents and commuters are asked to please pay attention to on-site signage and staff direction to support safe movement around the construction site.

Normal working hours will continue to be Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm. There will be a brief pause in construction activities Friday, May 28 – Monday, May 31 for the Memorial Day holiday.

Work on SW Admiral Way is anticipated to take about two weeks to complete, and the contractor is scheduled to finish work at this site and demobilize in mid-June.

6:11 PM: Two readers said the work at Admiral/39th is already under way. So we asked SPU if the timetable had accelerated. They checked with their on-site team and then sent us this:

Update: Starting (today), there will be intermittent lane restrictions on SW Admiral Way at 39th Ave SW. On Thursday, May 27, crews will close two lanes of traffic on SW Admiral Way to perform water main connection work at the intersection. Crews will re-open SW Admiral Way after work on Thursday and return after the Memorial Day holiday to install hydrants and perform final pavement restoration over the next few weeks. SPU crews are working to minimize impacts to residents and commuters to the extent possible.

Fare-increase options, vaccination, celebration, & what else surfaced @ Washington State Ferries’ spring meeting, with encore tomorrow

May 25, 2021 1:08 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news

(Seattle-Bremerton ferry passing Duwamish Head, photographed by Marc Milrod)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Vessel shortages, staff shortages, and even a cause for celebration were among the many topics covered in presentations and Q&A during the first of two Washington State Ferries spring community meetings, just wrapped up online.

These are among the regular annual meetings that WSF offers. Hadley Rodero from the WSF communications team facilitated, and a panel of WSF officials participated. The Fauntleroy terminal replacement project, for which planning is now accelerating, was not included in presentations but was the topic of a few participant questions.

New system chief Patty Rubstello opened with a few words of self-introduction (though she’s only recently become assistant WSDOT secretary, she’s been with the department for 30 years). She’s been visiting vessels and terminals, most recently the Triangle Route (Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth). WSF HQ has been undergoing some renovations and downsizing, with so much telework going on.

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Bridge and more @ West Seattle Transportation Coalition meeting Thursday

Want to hear firsthand from SDOT what’s up with the West Seattle Bridge, now that a contractor’s been chosen? They’re on the agenda for this month’s meeting of the West Seattle Transportation Coalition, this Thursday (May 27th), 6:30 pm, online. Also scheduled: Representatives from Hopelink “to tell us about their transportation resources and initiatives,” per WSTC’s announcement. Everyone’s welcome and there’s time for Q&A, so bring that question you wish somebody would ask. Participate via videoconferencing by going here, or calling 253-215-8782 – for both, the meeting ID is 822 9306 9463 and the passcode is 547252. (Here’s our coverage of last month’s WSTC meeting.)

BIZNOTE: Pegasus Book Exchange gets ready to reopen in-store drop-in shopping

Starting today, Pegasus Book Exchange in The Junction is closed for a week. But shortly after the store at 4553 California SW reopens, it won’t just be pandemic-era business as usual – Pegasus is reopening for in-store drop-in shopping! “We are very much looking forward to seeing everyone in person again!” says Pegasus’s Emma Epps. They’re on vacation through May 31st, back on June 1st “to reply to emails and prepare for June 2nd re-opening.” Starting that day, the store will open its doors to shoppers and book traders/donors without requiring appointments, 5 customers in the store at a time. They’ll also continue offering online shopping and curbside pickup (which the store has offered for more than 14 months).

WEST SEATTLE TUESDAY: Low-low tide,lunar eclipse, more…

May 25, 2021 8:59 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Alki photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)

Here’s what’s happening on your Tuesday:

CITY COUNCIL: Still meeting online, with two committee meetings today. Police accountability is on the agenda for the 9:30 am meeting of the Public Safety and Human Services Committee; three bills affecting tenants and landlords are on the agenda for the 2 pm meeting of the Sustainability and Renters’ Rights Committee.

WASHINGTON STATE FERRIES MEETING: 11 am online, the first of two meetings for updates on, and community Q&A about, the ferry system. Go here to register to get the viewing link.

LOW-LOW TIDE: Today’s the first of six days with extra-low low tides – 10:44 am, -2.3 feet.

DEMONSTRATION: Organizer Scott‘s twice-weekly announcement:

Black Lives Matter sign waving

Tuesday, May 25, 4 to 6 pm, corner of 16th SW and SW Holden

Thursday, May 27, 4 to 6 pm, corner of 16th SW and SW Holden

Come build awareness & stimulate actions to tear down the systems that have oppressed Black lives for over 400 years on this continent. Hold signs, meet neighbors and stand for racial justice. Scott at Puget Ridge Cohousing, endorsed by Hate-Free Delridge. Signs available.

LUNAR ECLIPSE: If you’re up at 4 am Wednesday – and if the sky clears – you can see a total lunar eclipse. Thanks to West Seattle skywatcher Alice Enevoldsen for the tip; along with the link she shared, here are the basics from


6:03 AM: Good morning. Cloudy again today, but the holiday weekend forecast is looking ever-better – near 80!


Delridge projectHere’s this week’s plan, with work closing the west side of the intersection closure at Delridge/Barton/Henderson:

One change, though – overnight paving just south of the West Seattle Bridge is postponed until drier weather.

SW Yancy – This drainage/utility work east of Avalon has about two more weeks to go.


Regular schedules today. (Watch @kcmetrobus for word of any bus cancellations, @wsferries for any major WSF changes.) The West Seattle Water Taxi will run on a reduced schedule Memorial Day – see it here.


429th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here are the views of other bridges and routes:

Low Bridge: 20th week for automated enforcement cameras; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends, when the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available for some categories of drivers.)

Here’s a low-bridge view:

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

And the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

For the South Park Bridge (map), here’s the nearest camera:

Are bridges opening for boats or barges? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.

See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.

Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.