West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
(1949 earthquake damage near Harbor/Spokane; photo from the Seattle Municipal Archives)
Thanks to Mark Jaroslaw for pointing out that today marked exactly 70 years since Puget Sound’s biggest earthquake of the 20th century. The 7.1-magnitude South Sound quake at 11:55 am April 13, 1949, led to the deaths of eight people. Two were students – at schools in Tacoma in Castle Rock. Here in West Seattle, damage at a school was among the most notable in the city, mentioned with other nearby damage in the HistoryLink.org summary of the quake: “… At Lafayette Elementary School in West Seattle, the large brick gable over the main entrance collapsed. Three bridges crossing the Duwamish River were jammed shut due to shifting earth. …” The school damage – to a building that was predecessor to the current Lafayette – is featured in this post by historian Paul Dorpat. But because – like the 2001 quake – it was centered in the South Sound, that’s where it hit hardest; The Olympian published a story today featuring quake survivors’ memories.
SO, ARE YOU READY? The anniversary is another reminder that you need to be prepared for the next big quake. If you need some inspiration, next month you’ll find it at the West Seattle Bee Festival – an Urban Survival Skills Fair presented by West Seattle Be Prepared is part of the plan for the festival, 10 am-2 pm on Saturday, May 18th, at High Point Commons Park.
Three West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports tonight:
RECOGNIZE THAT BIKE WHEEL? Val‘s yard is where that bicycle turned up this morning – dumped and likely stolen. Val sent the photo of the wheel and says that’s distinctive enough that the rightful owner should recognize it and be able to describe the rest of the bike; if it’s yours, contact us and we’ll connect you.
SLASHED TIRE: This photo and report are from Hilari:
Just wanted to let you know that one of our tires was slashed between 4/5 and 4/7 on 14th and Kenyon in Highland Park. We were on vacation, and our neighbors noticed and sent us a picture. We assumed a flat, but when we took it to the dealer, they said it had been slashed. We filed a police report online.
THE CASE OF THE STOLEN PET FOOD: Paul tells the tale (tail?):
At around 4 a.m. on April 13, two thieves stole 245 lbs. of goods off the porch of a home in West Seattle.
“I wish I could have watched the faces of the two cat burglars as they opened up the boxes with their stolen treasure,” said Marti, who lives at the home. “It was cat and dog food. To the early morning intruders: Bon Appetit.”
Marti continued, “The cat and dog food was intended for pets of homeless and low-income people. A clinic is held twice a month at the Union Gospel Mission in Pioneer Square, (Doney-Coe Pet Clinic) that distributes the pet food. Volunteer veterinarians also administer free vaccinations and treats cats and dogs for injuries.”
Reminder – if you have community crime/safety concerns to bring directly to local police, your monthly chance to do that is coming up this Tuesday, April 16th – the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting at the Southwest Precinct, 7 pm, all welcome.
Thanks to David for the photo and alert about that beached pallet on Alki. He writes, “Thought you might want to know a very large, approximately 4×6 ft pallet is along our shoreline … I especially wanted to reach out and let the swimming community know about this. It’s a hidden hazard to many, regardless; I estimate it weighs just under 200 lbs.” This gives us a reason to remind you about something we learned about while covering the creosote removal from Fauntleroy two months ago – the MyCoast app, which even has a specific reporting category “large marine debris.”
Another big event just four weeks away – your annual chance to enjoy an elegant evening helping the West Seattle Food Bank battle hunger. Instruments of Change is coming up the night of Saturday, May 11th. Here’s the official announcement:
The West Seattle Food Bank invite you to join them at their 12th annual Instruments of Change Dinner/Auction, Saturday evening, May 11th, at The Seattle Design Center from 6:00 – 10:00 pm.
This fun evening spent with your neighbors includes a hosted happy hour, specialty cocktails by both Peel & Press and The Bridge, and a silent auction. Guests will then enjoy a delicious dinner by Tuxedo & Tennis Shoes Catering, a dessert dash, a program including the Instrument of Change Award presentation, live auction, and Funds for Food. $125/guest ticket or $1250 for a table of 10. To purchase tickets, be a sponsor, or donate funds, go to: westseattlefoodbank.ejoinme.org/IOC.
The West Seattle Food Bank plays an important role in the future of our West Seattle community. Thanks to sponsors like Nucor, First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, Viscon Cellars, Aegis Living, and others, all of the proceeds from Instruments of Change, their biggest fundraiser of the year, will go to supporting the numerous food programs and services they provide to the 11,500 individuals they serve in our community.
(2018 WSCGSD photo courtesy Andy – you never know what you’ll find someone selling!)
Four weeks from today, most shoppers and sellers will be recovering from the 15th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (presented by WSB) – Saturday, May 11th. Official sale hours: 9 am-3 pm but some start early and/or end late (their map listings will include that info if applicable). More than 100 sales all over the peninsula, big and small, are registered already; a week and a half remains to get your sale onto the map/list if you’re planning to be part of it. Here’s where to start – registration will be open until April 25th. If you want to have a sale but don’t have a yard/garage/other space for it, as mentioned here earlier this week, we’ve heard so far from one participating site that’s offering spaces for rent – that info’s here.
2:52 PM: Thanks for the tip: Avoid 35th SW and SW Morgan for a while – a crash involving at least 4 vehicles has blocked part of 35th just south of Morgan. We’ve just checked out the scene – no serious injuries so no SFD callout.
2:58 PM: The cause is under investigation; police are directing traffic through the scene, and tow trucks are reported to be on the way. Added photos from the scene, which is somewhat spread out.
(WSB photos by Jason Grotelueschen)
11:57 AM: Record Store Day is an international event but you have to wonder if any other music store drew a crowd like the one lined up outside Easy Street Records in The Junction before it opened at 7 am today. Proprietor Matt Vaughan made good on his promise of free bacon for earlybird customers:
Here’s a wider view of the line:
At the door, a guest greeter – Jeff Ament, bassist for Pearl Jam. The Seattle-based band is this year’s Record Store Day Ambassador.
Jeff brought doughnuts “but clearly didn’t bring enough” and told WSB’s Jason Grotelueschen, “I wouldn’t be here without records. … Listening to records gave me something to dream about in the small town I grew up in (Big Sandy, Montana).” He lauds Easy Street as “a hub of the community.” RSD continues on into the evening at Easy Street, including a free in-store, all-ages performance by Hibou at 4 pm.
ADDED SUNDAY: Video from Hibou’s show:
This time next Saturday, things will be hopping. It’s the big day for pre-Easter egg hunts. You’ll find the times and places on our updated Easter/Passover/More page – which also has listings for local religious services and events in the week ahead. You can browse the list here. And if you have something to add – a service, an egg hunt, even an Easter brunch – there’s still time to add it, so please send us the info ASAP at westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
(Photo by Marc Milrod – sculpture by Lezlie Jane, “Luna Girls on Alki“)
Welcome to the weekend! From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
RECORD STORE DAY @ EASY STREET: It’s practically a holiday! Easy Street Records opens at 7 am, promising “free coffee and bacon” for shoppers. Here’s what else awaits you. (California/Alaska)
RUN! Free group run with West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor), which is where you’ll want to meet up by 8 am to be part of it. (2743 California SW)
GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE: If you can donate blood – there’s a mobile drive on the SW Barton side of Westwood Village today, 9:30 am-3:30 pm (closed 11:30 am-12:30 pm for a break) – info here.
FREE TAX HELP: The deadline’s almost here – 10 am-2 pm, free volunteer help is available at the West Seattle Food Bank if you qualify – read this last-minute reminder first. (35th SW/SW Morgan)
BENEFIT BARBECUE: First of the season, scheduled to start at 11 am at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), with proceeds benefiting the West Seattle Food Bank. (4201 SW Morgan) 11:34 AM NOTE: Canceled – stormy weather. They’ll try again in two weeks.
WEST SEATTLE NURSERY OPEN HOUSE: 11 am-2 pm, treats and demonstrations during the spring open house at West Seattle Nursery. (5275 California SW)
1606 CALIFORNIA PROJECT MEETING: 12:45-1:45 pm, drop by the West Seattle (Admiral) Library to meet the project team and share early-stage comments. (2306 42nd SW)
10TH ANNIVERSARY FILM SCREENINGS: See three films at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse, celebrating its 10th anniversary, 4:30 pm – details here. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
THE WELL SAID: Duo performs at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. No cover. All ages. (5612 California SW)
The Seattle Jewish Theater Company presents “My Name is Asher Lev.” A young Jewish prodigy faces a difficult choice between art and faith. Adapted by Aaron Posner from the novel by Chaim Potok, directed by Shana Bestock, and produced by Art Feinglass.
More info in our calendar listing. (7904 35th SW)
‘THREE TALL WOMEN’: Second-to-last chance to see the Twelfth Night Productions presentation of this Edward Albee play, 7:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
NIGHTLIFE … is part of what else you’ll find on our complete calendar!