West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
Before the night ends, a quick look ahead to a peak week for the West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays (with WSB among the community co-sponsors)
COAT DRIVE, WITH COCOA: Set aside new or gently used coats and/or hats and/or gloves between now and Sunday and bring them to the West Seattle Farmers’ Market for this giving opportunity:
Just look for the West Seattle Kiwanis tent at the south end of the market, California/Alaska, 10 am-2 pm. And while you’re there …
SANTA BUS ENCORE! Missed the Santa Bus hosted by Quail Park Memory Care of West Seattle (WSB sponsor) last Sunday? Or, had so much fun you want to do it again? Also 10 am-2 pm this Sunday, also at the south end of the market, another round of free rides!
And before then:
HOLIDAY ART WALK: 5 pm “until late” on Thursday (December 13th), this is a fun night to browse and buy art, and enjoy food and drink specials. The official West Seattle Art Walk website has the previews.
MURAL UNVEILING: At 6 pm Thursday, be at the breezeway (west side of California SW between Puerto Vallarta and Northwest Art and Frame) for the unveiling of the community-created Summer Fest mural!
Artist Stacey Sterling will be there.
SHOP LATE THURSDAY: Also Thursday night – second-to-last Shop Late Thursday – here’s a preview of which businesses to visit! The Silver Belles will be caroling 6-8 pm, so keep an eye (and ear) out for them, too.
CASPAR BABYPANTS: Saturday night (December 15) at 6:30 pm, Verity Credit Union (WSB sponsor) presents the family-rock powerhouse at Easy Street Records (California/Alaska), free admission.
Check the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide for even more holiday happenings!
7:02 PM: As previewed here Monday, the Washington State Ferries Triangle Route Task Force meets tomorrow with one hot topic on the agenda – the first major revision to the route’s schedule in years. And on the eve of that meeting, WSF has released a revised version of the proposed schedule change:
(You can also see that here in PDF.) WSF also has just released this summary of comments previously received, and says it’s taking comments on the new revision for one week, through December 18th. Tomorrow’s meeting is at Fauntleroy Church‘s Fellowship Hall (9140 California SW), 4:30-7 pm.
9:33 PM: We asked WSF spokesperson Hadley Rodero for the quick-take version of what’s different:
WSF has made significant adjustments to the schedule to respond to what we heard. Such as:
o Adding a direct sailing from Vashon to Fauntleroy in the evening to avoid layover sailings that would have sent Vashon customers to Southworth on their way to Fauntleroy.
o Adding another morning sailing from Southworth to Fauntleroy during the morning commute period.
o Adding one 4:10 p.m. direct sailing from Fauntleroy to Southworth during the evening commute.
We’ve also asked Steve Stockett, a leader of the Vashon advocacy for a “pendulum” approach, for his thoughts; he’s analyzing the new version.
ADDED 7:53 AM: Stockett’s analysis of the new revision begins:
In trying to advantage Southworth even more while swatting at some symptoms that Vashon and Southworth folks, including me, have pointed out as absurdities in their previous schedule they have made it even worse.
They honestly just don’t understand the concepts of clearing the dock at Fauntleroy via an all stops (Pendulum Schedule). Your can’t have 16 direct Southworth stops, add 5 boats to Southworth and cut runs to Vashon and then do more dual loading during rush hour too. The reason Pendulum results in more, better spaced runs for everyone at every dock is because you are co-loading every boat and thus they leave fuller and have adequate time between boats at each dock to fully load. You can’t mix the 2 concepts.
They have actually reduced average dwell time by an extra couple of minutes at rush at Fauntleroy and added a direct boat for Southworth. They will average 30 or more empty space on every rush hour boat with people spilling on to Fauntleroy – even worse then now. It is so messed up I cannot coherently explain all the problems.
He wants to see the changes put on hold and “a transparent collaborative workshop (to) fix this.”
When The Kenney (WSB sponsor) first announced its “new and different” expansion plan two years ago, the rental properties it owns to the southwest of its campus were envisioned for redevelopment as an apartment building. Now apparently that idea’s been scrapped, as the sites, which currently hold 15 units (three triplexes, one fourplex and one duplex), are on the market for $5.2 million, under the umbrella “The Kenney Assemblage.” The retirement complex appears to still be pursuing plans to build new townhouse units to the east of the land that’s up for sale, as they’re being marketed prominently on The Kenney’s website and have been going through the permit process since last spring. It’s now been seven years since The Kenney, under different management, scrapped a $150 million redevelopment plan.
2:47 PM: Ever since King County announced that the West Seattle Water Taxi would add service when the Alaskan Way Viaduct shuts down for the tunnel transition, we’ve been asking about schedule specifics. Today – with exactly one month to go until the AWV is closed forever on January 11th – the schedule is out. It was released along with other transit-related announcements at a media briefing at Seacrest, led by County Executive Dow Constantine and Mayor Jenny Durkan. We were only able to drop in briefly after getting sidetracked by breaking news, but we did get the info you need to know:
Scroll through that document (or here in PDF) to see the new Water Taxi schedule, which will continue not only through the three-week Highway 99 closure, but all the way until the WT’s seven-days-a-week spring/summer schedule begins in late March. It also includes the expanded Route 773 and 775 shuttle schedules. Also, there’s word a new on-demand app-based ride service will start serving parts of West Seattle, Ride2:
(Ride2 van on display at today’s briefing
The new mobile app Ride2 Transit will make it possible for commuters to hail an on-demand van to and from two locations in West Seattle – the Water Taxi dock at Seacrest Park and the Alaska Junction – that will provide first- and last-mile transit.
Here’s the map of the area that Ride2 will serve:
The county says the Ride2 pilot program will start December 17th and last a year. Find out more here. Meantime, today’s new county info also includes this reminder about expanded parking for those who choose to get to the Water Taxi that way:
Harbor Ave SW will have overnight parking restrictions south of Seacrest Park on the southeast (water) side to allow open morning parking for approximately 120 cars.
SW Bronson Way is an unpaved parking area south of Salty’s restaurant which holds about 40 cars.
The Pier 2 parking lot is a secured parking facility holding more than 250 cars. It will be staffed Monday through Friday from 5:45 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Cars will not be accessible outside of these hours. We suggest you park here 20 minutes before sailing time. The shuttle will run the .6 mile route continuously between Pier 2 and Seacrest Park.
Again, the Alaskan Way Viaduct closes forever on January 11th, for about three weeks of work required to “Realign 99” with the new tunnel. Ramps to and from 99 in the stadium zone will close a week before that, on January 4th, and the new NB 99 ramp into downtown won’t open for two to three weeks after the tunnel (as first announced last June), so West Seattleites headed north are facing more like a six-week squeeze.
3:23 PM: Added photos. Also, if you’re interested in the official news release about today’s event, read it here.
12:28 PM: Seattle Police and Fire have a “scenes of violence” response right now at California/Juneau. More shortly.
12:33 PM: Per scanner, a suspect is in custody.
12:38 PM: Police say this started as a robbery. We’re told at the scene that a woman has a head injury but is alert and conscious.
12:40 PM: Per radio communication, the victim was stabbed. This is reported to have happened at the Juneau Street Market, which as reported here was hit by a burglar less than a week ago. Avoid the area for a while, as California is blocked southbound by the emergency response (photo added above).
12:52 PM: The suspect was arrested about a block south, on the other side of California, after what police describe as a “brief foot pursuit.”
12:55 PM: Police on the scene confirm the robbery and attack did happen inside the market, with the aftermath visible from the front door:
Again, avoid California/Juneau for a while. Metro has sent an alert that buses are rerouted.
1:39 PM: The street is open again. Police are still at the market.
4:21 PM: SPD has released a little more info via SPD Blotter. The victim is 71. The suspect is 51. From their writeup:
At approximately 12:20 pm, officers responded to an assault call in progress in the 5900 block of California Avenue SW. The call indicated that a male was assaulting a female inside the store and that the woman was screaming for assistance. A delivery driver and another customer happened to walk into the store while the assault was occurring and pulled the victim to safety. The suspect then retreated to the back of the store and ran out the back door just as officers were arriving.
Officers gave chase and took the 51-year-old suspect into custody several blocks away after deploying a Taser.
The victim’s family has posted comments below and says she “is doing well.”
8:18 PM: We stopped by the market earlier this evening to ask if there’s any community help needed. Not at this point; the owner planned to close early to go visit the victim in the hospital.
(Bushtit, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
For the rest of your soggy Tuesday, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Holiday Guide::
ANOTHER TOYS FOR TOTS FINALE: Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate (WSB sponsor) is hosting this drive – final day today! Details here on donating new, unwrapped toys, with bins in their office lobby on the 6th floor AND on the building’s ground floor. (4700 42nd SW, Suite 600)
TRUNK SHOW AT CANNA CULTURE: Seattle-based jewelry artist Shannon Koszyk has a trunk show at Canna Culture, 4-7 pm:
Shannon Koszyk’s jewelry pieces are made in her Seattle studio, using only the highest quality materials: semiprecious and precious gemstones, heavy sterling chain, 14k gold, leather, sterling silver, bronze and diamonds. All rings and medals are wax cast using only the finest quality sterling and bronze and all materials are locally sourced. Koszyk’s designs are often referred to as edgy, sexy, dark, and dangerous; with a strong rock ‘n’ roll influence.
(5435 California SW)
FREE TRACK WORKOUT: West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) invites you to join in its weekly free group track-workout run – meet at the shop at 6:15 pm. (2743 California SW)
ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: As previewed here, ANA meets at 6:30 pm, with agenda items including the city’s Department of Neighborhoods director Andrés Mantilla and potential changes to the site of Admiral Congregational Church, where tonight’s meeting will be held. All welcome. (4320 SW Hill)
TIE ONE ON: Fly-tying at Emerald Water Anglers (WSB sponsor) in The Junction, 7 pm:
Guest tier Cole Cook will be tying a world famous Steelhead fly, the Fish Taco. This is an excellent winter Steelhead pattern that has a large profile but is lightweight and easy to cast. If you do not have a few of these in your fly box, YOU NEED SOME!
Register here. (4502 42nd SW)
FAMILY STORY TIME: 7 pm at Delridge Library. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
Got something for the calendar or Holiday Guide? westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Queen City Futsal just sent this announcement – with an invitation for you:
Queen City Futsal just finished up its first season and it was a total hit. Some beautiful futsal was played, friendships were formed, community was built, all while having a ton of fun!
Now we’re getting ready for season 2 and we’re just so excited. This second season will be coed again (ages 18+), 3 women/2 men on the court at a time, and the games will be played Sunday evenings at the Salvation Army in West Seattle.
There’s one more week to register and the spots are filling up quickly. We’d love to have more West Seattleites be a part of the league/futsal family. It’s such a great way to meet people, practice skills, and get a workout during the cold winter months.
So come join us! For more info and/or to register go HERE!
Also, here’s a recap video of the first season to get a vibe of the Queen City Futsal fam: QUEEN CITY FUTSAL SEASON 1 RECAP!
If you have any questions, know of any players that might be interested in playing, and/or know of any businesses that might want to sponsor us or be a part of our league, you can email us at queencityfutsalsea@gmail.com.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)
7:11 AM: Good morning. One problem reported as we start the day – a lane blocked on NB 99 at Western.
7:26 AM: All clear, says SDOT.
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