(Bushtit, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
For the rest of your soggy Tuesday, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Holiday Guide::
ANOTHER TOYS FOR TOTS FINALE: Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate (WSB sponsor) is hosting this drive – final day today! Details here on donating new, unwrapped toys, with bins in their office lobby on the 6th floor AND on the building’s ground floor. (4700 42nd SW, Suite 600)
TRUNK SHOW AT CANNA CULTURE: Seattle-based jewelry artist Shannon Koszyk has a trunk show at Canna Culture, 4-7 pm:
Shannon Koszyk’s jewelry pieces are made in her Seattle studio, using only the highest quality materials: semiprecious and precious gemstones, heavy sterling chain, 14k gold, leather, sterling silver, bronze and diamonds. All rings and medals are wax cast using only the finest quality sterling and bronze and all materials are locally sourced. Koszyk’s designs are often referred to as edgy, sexy, dark, and dangerous; with a strong rock ‘n’ roll influence.
(5435 California SW)
FREE TRACK WORKOUT: West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) invites you to join in its weekly free group track-workout run – meet at the shop at 6:15 pm. (2743 California SW)
ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: As previewed here, ANA meets at 6:30 pm, with agenda items including the city’s Department of Neighborhoods director Andrés Mantilla and potential changes to the site of Admiral Congregational Church, where tonight’s meeting will be held. All welcome. (4320 SW Hill)
TIE ONE ON: Fly-tying at Emerald Water Anglers (WSB sponsor) in The Junction, 7 pm:
Guest tier Cole Cook will be tying a world famous Steelhead fly, the Fish Taco. This is an excellent winter Steelhead pattern that has a large profile but is lightweight and easy to cast. If you do not have a few of these in your fly box, YOU NEED SOME!
Register here. (4502 42nd SW)
FAMILY STORY TIME: 7 pm at Delridge Library. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
Got something for the calendar or Holiday Guide? westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
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