West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
Haven’t voted yet? You’re far from alone. Here are three things you might find helpful to know about last-minute … last-day! .. voting:
BY U.S. POSTAL SERVICE MAIL: We asked USPS regional spokesperson Ernie Swanson what voters need to know about :
If ballots are put into the mail early Tuesday (preferably by noon) they should get that day’s postmark. (Also), voters need to pay attention to the times on collection boxes for pick-ups. Ballots can be handed across the counter at postal retail units.
We drove up to the outdoor boxes at both West Seattle post offices to check the last pickup times. Junction (4410 California SW): 5 pm. Westwood Village (2721 SW Trenton): 6 pm.
BY KING COUNTY ELECTIONS DROPBOX: Remember, West Seattle has two now, and they’re ready for your ballot until 8 pm Tuesday. Sharp! They’re in The Junction (south side of SW Alaska between California and 44th) and in High Point (south side of SW Raymond, east of 35th, next to the library). Both have specially designated very-short-term parking for ballot dropoff. If you’re in south West Seattle, the dropbox on the east side of the White Center Library (1409 SW 107th) might be closer. If you are taking your ballot to work off-peninsula and want to know where to drop it off at lunchtime or at some other point before 8 pm, here’s the full countywide list.
CAN’T FIND YOUR BALLOT OR DIDN’T GET ONE? Here’s how to fix that!
P.S. Election Night parties will be part of our daily highlight list Tuesday morning – if your establishment or organization is having something public, please let us know ASAP!
We photographed the West Seattle High School girls’ soccer team at Hiawatha tonight right after a practice session with more at stake than usual – tomorrow (Tuesday), they travel south to face Gig Harbor High School in the opening round of the state 3A tournament! Team captains Emma Foulk and Ally Veenhuizen talked with WSB’s Patrick Sand:
If you can get to Gig Harbor, the team could use all the cheering they can get as they face the tournament’s #1 seed. Game time for head coach Todd Veenhuizen‘s Wildcats is 7 pm at Roy Anderson Field, 14105 Purdy Dr. NW in Gig Harbor (map).
We received e-mail asking us to look into the status of a situation north of The Junction that’s been the topic of a discussion in the WSB Forums and was also the subject of a letter sent home to Holy Rosary School families – a man reported to be harassing/threatening people in the area. We asked Southwest Precinct operations commander Lt. Steve Strand for an update. He says police are well aware of the situation and that the man “suffers from mental health issues and has family that lives close by.” Long ago, he was “trespassed” – ordered to stay away from, or face charges – from the school and church property, but he “was recently out there yelling profanities and causing fear in the area. The school took precautions and warned the students, parents, and staff about the situation.” Last week, the man was arrested for criminal trespass. He was referred to the Crisis Solutions Center, Lt. Strand says, but, he adds, the man “walked away prior to treatment. He has not been seen back in the area. We went out to the school earlier today and they have not seen or heard from him.”
Usually we point lost/found non-pet listings to their own special WSB section – but we’ll showcase the occasional unusual lost/found item on the front page, like this one. Erin from Brace Point e-mailed: “We lost a buoy and wondering if you could post this picture … contact 206-932-0326 if someone finds it.”
The Experimac store in north Morgan Junction, local franchise of a national chain, has closed after a year and a half. The note on the door announcing the shutdown says customers with warranties should contact the warranty company directly. (Thanks to the folks next door at West Seattle Coworking [WSB sponsor] for the tip.)
While the City Council has been reviewing, and proposing changes to, the mayor’s budget plan, we’ve noted some West Seattle possibilities. Wednesday, we’ll know which if any of them made it into the council’s “balancing package” to be presented by Councilmember Sally Bagshaw, who’s leading the budget process this year. West Seattle/South Park Councilmember Lisa Herbold provided progress reports in her newest weekly update.
(Colman Pool, photographed last year by Long Bach Nguyen)
Among them are 10 she labels as District 1 priorities that were introduced last week, including a few we’ve mentioned here – such as 35th SW paving, the Highland Park Way/Holden roundabout, and extra operating days for Colman Pool (now proposed as 4 extra weekends). If you feel strongly about any of these proposals – or anything else that’s under consideration in the budget (or that you feel should be) – now’s a good time to send feedback via council@seattle.gov. The budget changes in the next week-plus will be fast and furious, with a final vote the Monday before Thanksgiving.
Just got word from Donna Sandstrom of The Whale Trail that orcas are in the area again – last reported passing Bainbridge Island’s Eagle Harbor, southbound. She’ll be at Constellation Park south of Alki Point if you are looking for expert guidance in looking for them from shore.
(WSB photo from 2015 Grand Parade)
Got a kid, kindergartener through 8th grader, who might be interested in what it’s like to be on a cheer squad? Get a preview with the upcoming West Seattle High School Mini Cheer Camp! Today is your optimal day to register – the announcement explains why:
The WSHS Cheerleaders will be holding a Mini Cheer Camp Saturday, November 17, 2018 in the West Seattle High School Gym from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.
K-8th grade kids will have a great time learning fun cheers and making crafts with the Westside cheerleaders. Campers will receive a T-shirt and official team hair bow, picture of themselves with the cheerleaders, AND will perform as an honorary West Seattle Cheerleader at an upcoming home basketball game!
8th Graders Welcomed. Get help for our 2019-2020 Try-Outs
The cost of this camp is $60. Registration paperwork and payment are due by November 5, 2018 to be guaranteed a T-shirt the day of camp. Space is limited, so register early to ensure your spot.
Contact Nadine Nguyen at wshsminicheercamp@gmail.com (for registration/questions).
Thanks to Eddie for the photo – local artist Desmond Hansen is creating a mural at Canna Culture, which is about to celebrate its grand opening at 5435 California SW. Canna Culture is sibling to Canna West Seattle (WSB sponsor), originally located in that storefront; when we reported on Canna WS’s move across the street to 5440 California SW, we noted that proprietor Maryam Mirnateghi planned to reopen the original storefront with cannabis-related merchandise, and now it’s ready to go. Here’s the announcement of Saturday’s grand opening:
Canna West Seattle – a retail cannabis store that serves cannabis enthusiasts, newcomers, tourists, and those seeking the benefits of CBD – is celebrating the grand opening of its Canna Culture shop, located across the street from its retail cannabis store, at 5435 California Avenue SW.
The ‘Founding Celebration’ takes place on Saturday, November 10, from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. The event is open to the public and features food from local vendors, a live painting session, complimentary tarot card readings, high-end cannabis culture prizes, product demonstrations, CBD education, and the opportunity to be part of the Canna community.
“I’m a longtime West Seattle resident and this community means so much to me,” says Canna West Seattle owner Maryam Mirnateghi. “My vision here was simple. I wanted to create a brand synonymous with trust, which is why we are extending it to include our lifestyle boutique, Canna Culture. It is also why we are always hyper-focused on hiring, nurturing and educating a powerful team that can properly advise all of our customers.”
Canna West Seattle was recently recognized by Dope Magazine for owning the state of Washington’s ‘Best Cannabis Store Staff’, ‘Best Male Budtender,’ Amir Nazem, and ‘Best Female Budtender,’ Ariana Ramirez. The Canna Culture shop is designed to provide supplemental cannabis-related products to cannabis users. Items like topical creams, natural cosmetics, wellness supplements, hemp clothing, candles, date night accoutrements are destined to pique the interest of seasoned cannabis users and newcomers alike. Canna Culture will also feature high-quality glass and artwork crafted by local makers and artisans.
Who is invited to the celebration? Anyone (21+) in Seattle looking for an eventful and educational afternoon hosted by the award-winning staff from Canna West Seattle, and sponsored by Zeeks Pizza.
The “live painting” mentioned in the announcement will include Hansen completing the mural, weather permitting, as well as, we’re told, “Chris Kelleher (one of our staff members– that also happens to be a well-known live artist) doing a live painting … this will be a more detailed canvas painting that will be featured in the shop.”
(Sunday evening sunset photo by Eugene Lee)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE: If you can donate blood, the Bloodmobile is at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) today, 10:30 am-4:30 pm by the clock tower. More info here. (6000 16th SW)
LIBRARY LAB – CODING WITH COLOR: Stop by the Delridge Library 4-7 pm for this activity! “Program an Ozobot Bit by drawing lines and color segments. Make your own maze or game and put the Ozobot to work!” (5423 Delridge Way SW)
OPEN HOUSE AT A CHILD BECOMES PRESCHOOL: 6:30-8 pm, come find out more about A Child Becomes (WSB sponsor):
Drop by at any time during the Open House to visit our classrooms, talk with our teachers and the school’s director. We can answer your questions about our curriculum and our admissions process. Children are welcome!
Educating preschoolers in three classrooms:
Caterpillar: ages 2 ½ – 3
Butterfly: ages 3 – 4
Sunbeam: ages 4 – 5Enter our school from behind the Admiral UCC church and through the play yard.
(4320 SW Hill)
WEST SEATTLE QUILTERS: 7 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, all welcome to come talk about quilting and join in community projects. (4217 SW Oregon)
(Sunday evening sunset photo by David Hutchinson)
LOOK AHEAD … via our complete calendar, which is updated often, so if you have something to add, westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Even though we’re just two months into this school year, it’ll be time for decisions soon about next school year. For eighth-graders and their families looking ahead to high school next year, here’s an invitation:
This Thursday night (November 8th), 6:30-8 pm, Chief Sealth International High School invites prospective students and their families to visit. This “showcase” night is a chance to meet the staff and learn about the programs. The school’s at 2600 SW Thistle.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7:06 AM: Good morning. No incidents or transit alerts so far in/from West Seattle.