And it's on!
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) July 18, 2015
10:47 AM: The West Seattle Grand Parade has begun, with the motorcycle drill teams – Seattle Police and Vancouver (B.C.) Police – on their way from California/Lander. At the Junction end of the route, you’ll see the Kiddie Parade first (leaving California/Genesee at 11 am). California between Admiral and Edmunds is closed until the parade’s over in early afternoon. We’ll have lots of video and photos afterward! (Also some along the way on Twitter at @westseattleblog.)
12:29 PM: At the start of the parade route, in The Admiral District, it’s just wrapped up, after an hour and a half. We have a crew at the Junction end of the route too, so we’ll update you when it ends there. Meantime – as paradegoers walk past us, we’re hearing their reviews. Including, “That was a nice little parade.” And: “I wanna be in the parade next year!” Here are a couple clips we uploaded along the route – the Seafair Pirates:
And the first drill team on the route, the Lady’s Of Elegance and Princesses of Elegance:
This year’s Grand Marshal, King County Executive (and lifelong West Seattleite) Dow Constantine, tweeted this photo as he showed daughter Sabrina how to do the “parade wave”:

Now the road’s fully open here on the north end of the route. But be careful till it’s all over. Now on with the rest of a big day – more parade coverage (photos and video) to come later.
1:14 PM: Our crew in The Junction says the parade is now all over.