West Seattle Weather Watch: Wind advisory; power outages

9:56 AM: If you’re reading this in West Seattle (as opposed to, say, an off-peninsula workplace), you might have noticed a big blast of wind a few minutes ago – we’re under an official “wind advisory” right now, so not surprising we just got word of a power outage in Arbor Heights. At the moment, the Seattle City Light map shows two outages in West Seattle – one in Arbor Heights blamed on a tree – thanks to Zachary for the tip – and a smaller one in east Genesee.) The advisory is in effect till 2 pm and says we may see gusts up to 50 mph.

3:15 PM UPDATE: The advisory expired, and none are in effect for our area right now, but the wild weather has continued, including brief bursts of hail (punctuated by sunshine!).

2 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Wind advisory; power outages"

  • Machel Spence March 2, 2011 (10:22 am)

    Yup…I was just in the woods this morning and had to leave pretty quick when the wind started up (loose branches falling from the trees is not the safest thing to be around in the woods!) It started up out of nowhere too it seemed. m-

  • Trileigh March 2, 2011 (12:49 pm)

    I went out into the woods a little while ago, and I’m not usually nervous in the forest, but that wind made me decide to walk a little further inland from the bluff! Looked like the eagles were enjoying it, though. (It’s still howling out there as I write.)

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