That’s one of many “official” photos taken as what turned out to be a crowd more than 50 strong celebrated Walk This Way Day – part of Walk to School Month – this morning with a stroll from Bar-S Playfield (map) to Alki Elementary (map) — accompanied by Mayor Nickels, in the first of two West Seattle school appearances this morning (the second was at Sanislo Elementary; more on that in our next report). The morning’s events started with the young walkers – and the mayor – learning a chant from Deb Will (a child-safety educator from Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital) representing Safe Kids, which (along with FedEx) offered raffle prizes and stickers to participants:
Nancy Woodland from WestSide Baby, which often partners with Safe Kids (including car-seat safety checks back on Stuff the Bus Day), was there too:

Then, with the crowd continuing to grow in size – including police and fire escorts (with Engine 29 alongside), they were off, led by Allison Carver of the Alki Elementary PTA:
After walking up the south side of Admiral to the crossing-guard-staffed intersection at 59th, the walkers arrived at Alki Elementary, where an outdoor assembly followed.
If you’re an Alki Elementary parent, look for safety info coming home via “kid mail” today, because of today’s activities; there’s a PTA meeting tonight too, 6:30 pm at the school, with a different kind of safety — Internet safety — on the agenda.