From the papers

January 12, 2007 3:33 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics | West Seattle weather

Our state rep goes high-profile in a push for equal rights.

-One of West Seattle’s hilliest streets gets the spotlight in a P-I urban-sledding photo. (We can barely dare to drive down that section of Charlestown just west of Cali in dry times, can’t imagine sledding OR driving on it now!)

New year, new WS businesses

January 11, 2007 6:25 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | WS beverages

-Back in September, we discovered that the former Cat’s Eye Cafe north of Lincoln Park would be transformed into the Four Aims Center. One of its owners — who  mentions having been an original Cat’s Eye owner — just wrote us to say they’re finally in the home stretch with city signoff and so forth, and planning the grand opening Feb. 4.

-Several people have written to make sure we know about a milestone for  something else we caught wind of last year, the new West Seattle microbrewery Schooner Exact (named after the Denny Party’s ship). Its licensing process is just wrapping up and its creations will debut Jan. 20 (a week from this Saturday) at Beveridge Place Pub in Morgan Junction — its founders say everyone’s invited.

Road report

As of mid-afternoon: Bridge in good shape (though the ramp from 99 to the bridge has dicey sides). Fauntleroy, “bare and wet” as they describe it when mountain passes are in OK shape this time of year, though that could mean trouble if it’s still wet when the sun goes down (considering this really will be a COOOOOOLD night — 13 degrees????). The Cali hill through Gatewood & Upper Fauntleroy — snowy, sandy, rugged, gonna be hell going down that tomorrow; if you have to go up it today/tonight, just follow the experts’ advice re: snow and ice driving — TAKE IT REAL SLOW — one wrong move and you’ll join the spinout crowd. Oh, and the side streets? Cringe.

Tonight’s Art Walk scratched

January 11, 2007 12:23 pm
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 |   West Seattle Art Walk | WS culture/arts

The folks @ Divina say they’ve got to call off tonight’s Junction Art Walk, even though they were hoping weather wouldn’t get in its way again (last month, the Art Walk coincided with the 2-inch deluge that preceded The Windstorm To Be Named Later). Not only is the icy weather a problem, today’s power outage got in the way of hors d’oeuvre-making. But, with determined optimism, they’re working on a Youth Art Walk for next month. Dare we hope for calmer weather by then?

Seems the west side is the wild side today

According to this Seattle Times update, not only do we have most of the snow woes, we’ve got a power outage. Again.

If you have to venture out onto the snowy roads

January 11, 2007 3:33 am
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle weather

Remember we have the West Seattle-area city and state traffic cams linked from our WS cams page. If you want to see highway conditions around the rest of the metro area, the state’s cameras are linked here; other Seattle city traffic cams can be found here. For weather conditions, forecast, and radar, this is a good page. Be careful out there!

Buried branches

Even more than the snow on the road, the sidewalk, the parked cars … the snow on branches is one of the loveliest sights. (See photo below; Comcast was doing its slowdown thing again, so it took us a while to upload.) If you’re natives of warmer climes, as we are, this is always still so fresh and new — get out and take a walk — who knows what it’ll look like tomorrow! (Speaking of which, as of 10:05 pm, no word from Seattle Public Schools on whether they’ll call a “snow day” for tomorrow; you can keep checking their home page, though if they haven’t decided by now, they might not make the call till after 4 am or so.)


Winter wonderland, and all that

Most snow we’ve seen up here in a few years. The accumulation on fencetops and so forth looks like about two inches. How about where you are? (We know this is serious — just spotted a snowplow south of M-Junction on Cali Ave.)

Empty again

Alki-based Metroblogging Seattle contributor C Ro posts today that the Casa Feliz Mexican restaurant at the beach appears to have folded. That space has had so much turnover, we can barely remember what was there before — wasn’t there a Cuban restaurant in the space for a while, or was that upstairs?

No snow day

January 10, 2007 7:46 am
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 |   West Seattle schools

If you haven’t already heard, Seattle Public Schools are open for business as usual today, says their website.

Ferry domino effect

We don’t talk much about the Fauntleroy ferry terminal here at WSB, but probably should, given that it brings hundreds if not thousands of people into (or at least through) West Seattle each day. There’s news today — some of its users might have to wait a bit longer for the next week or so because its biggest ferry had to be moved to another route, in a domino effect after a problem with one of the ferries on the Bainbridge route. (And we happened onto an unusual first-person account of how that problem happened.)

Looking past the next blast

January 9, 2007 5:52 pm
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 |   Development | WS culture/arts

Once the wind stops and the (allegedly looming) snow melts … here are 2 things to look ahead to, maybe even look forward to, this coming Thursday: First and foremost, the folks at Divina confirm the monthly Junction Art Walk is indeed on for Thursday night; starts at Divina at 6 pm – maps of participating businesses and artists will be provided – wraps at West 5 with complimentary champagne. Also on Thursday night, if you’re not in the artsy mood, how about the Design Review Board meeting on the project proposed for the burned-out Schuck’s site at California/Charlestown? (6:30 pm, Southwest Precinct, just south of Home Depot)

Fast change

January 9, 2007 2:27 pm
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 |   West Seattle weather

In just about the past 15 minutes, the weather changed from cloudy and mellow to fierce wind and pelting rain. Haven’t we seen this movie before?

New owners on the move

January 9, 2007 8:29 am
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 |   West Seattle businesses

We got a note wondering about a huge new FOR LEASE sign right behind Safeway @ Jefferson Square. Still haven’t uncovered exactly what’s for lease but we did get a reply from a rep for the center’s new owners, saying there IS open space and reminding us all that the center does have new owners — we don’t remember much local press about it, but Pan Pacific Properties, which bought Jefferson Square two years ago, was purchased a few months back by Kimco Realty, which runs these types of “grocery-anchored” shopping centers around the country (and outside the U.S. as well). Will this mean some change? Keep an eye out. But don’t forget, the center ownership doesn’t actually include the land under Jefferson Square – that’s leased out by Seattle Public Schools.

Fauntle-Rut Way update

January 8, 2007 11:12 pm
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 |   Transportation

23 hours after this ventfest, we spotted a DOT crew literally digging into F-Way right around Fairmount Park. Our unscientific road test tonight revealed some improvement — to a point; once you pass that south-of-FP point, it’s rutsville again. Still. And with flaky fun to come!

Surviving the streets

Next Sunday will mark two months since the 47th/Admiral crash that killed Tatsuo Nakata. A conference next Tuesday at Harborview is planned in hopes of honoring his memory with strides toward pedestrian safety. A site visitor from “Safe Admiral” posted complete details today in a new comment on an old post; we’re mentioning it here to make sure you don’t miss it.

Chop chop chop

After months of watching land-use applications, we’ve noticed they mostly fall in the categories of “build something new,” with the occasional “put antennas on building.” However, a couple hit the city site a few days ago (but dated 12/4, so it’s not windstorm backlash) for a plan to “remove vegetation,” including more than a dozen trees (center of the photo below, just to the left of the street light), on a lot over Beach Drive. The house on the property is on Atlas so one of the applications is for that address; the other application has a Beach address even though that part of the lot is steep slope, inhabited only by the birds. Seems too steep to safely get rid of the trees and brush without a major mudslide threat, but does the city ever say no to these things?


Somebody else finally noticed …

January 7, 2007 10:55 pm
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 |   December 2006 windstorm | West Seattle politics

… that West Seattle’s Most Famous Politician was invisible during our long post-windstorm days of powerlessness. This column in tomorrow’s P-I hits that important point (before meandering off into a viaduct detour).

The holidays are truly over

January 7, 2007 6:00 pm
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 |   Holidays

During lunch today @ Duke’s, suddenly the decorations came down before our eyes (and those of everyone else dining at the time). Strange to have the staff do it at a relatively busy time, instead of before opening or after closing; when they started reaching up between the tables to peel away the light-embedded garlands, we wondered if we would wind up with greenery in our chowder. No moss growing on the next holiday, though; Westwood Village Rite-Aid was unboxing the Valentine’s stuff as of a few nights ago.

Renaming a road

Fauntle-Rut Way. Left side of left lane, southbound, between Junctions. Ouch.

Headed for the eye of the storm(-related outages)

January 7, 2007 8:45 am
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 |   December 2006 windstorm | West Seattle politics | West Seattle weather

West-Seattle-based County Councilguy, Dow Constantine, promised two weeks ago to look into why WS had so much power trouble because of stormy weather. Looks like he’s keeping that promise. In fact, the entire King County Council will hit the road for Fauntleroy in early February. (By then, we fear, we will need an “outage diary” to keep track of everything that’s happened. At this moment, in fact, we are under 3 separate special weather alerts!)