From the Land o’ Land Use

February 23, 2007 9:25 pm
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 |   Development | Gatewood | West Seattle religion

Interesting tidbits in the city’s latest sheaf of Land Use Permits/Applications:

-Part of the “greater than the sum of its parts” townhome project across from Gatewood Baptist Church needs an environmental review. We non-experts are guessing that’s why the sudden sign went up. But is it enough for the upset neighbors?

-Speaking of GBC, its new home (formerly Calvary Lutheran) has spawned two applications (here and here); both appear related to its auxiliary child-care enterprise.

-A bit to the north, sign installation appears to be next for the ex-Doxa home of Mars Hill-West Seattle.

Return of the West Seattle weekend event roundup!

So much going on this weekend (and slightly beyond), we couldn’t resist. Full list ‘n’ links on the next click.Read More

Restaurant reports

-Ryan, owner of the forthcoming Garlic Jim’s in The Junction, says the grand opening next month will now kick off with an 11 am ribboncutting on March 19 featuring WS-residing City Council member Tom Rasmussen. Ryan also notes he’s still looking for drivers (with tips, he says, they could earn $18-ish an hour).

-Not even a week after its closure, the ex-Guadalajara Hacienda is already sadly signless:


In news about that OTHER vote …

… we got our ballots today; did you? Half your WSB team has taken its stand: No And Hell No (even Susan Paynter is going that way). What DO we support, you ask? Retrofit. If you want to review other campaigns, try No Elevated, or No Tunnel, or No New Viaduct, among others (like the too-young-to-vote view).

In the Elite Eight, without being seven feet tall

And only YOU can get us into the Final Four. That seemingly endless blog popularity poll at Metroblogging Seattle has just moved to the next round (recap, it’s pretending to be like the NCAA basketball tournament, brackets and all) and YOU HELPED US GET THERE! But we need your vote again. Please go here and vote for WSB. Today, tomorrow, every day for a week. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We’ll give you the trophy. (Or is there one?)

Sounds too good to be true

February 22, 2007 7:26 am
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle online

Maybe this is how all car salesperson “help wanted” ads read. But the “no experience” part could probably be subtitled, “especially not if you have HB on your resume.”

Plug in to a free movie tonight

February 22, 2007 7:05 am
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 |   Environment | Transportation | WS culture/arts

On the heels of yesterday’s biodiesel-mania, this seems to fit into a bit of a theme. Tonight at Camp Long, you can check out a free screening (donations welcome) of “Who Killed the Electric Car?”, with guests on hand from FlexCar, GreenCar, and the Seattle EV Association.

Mayor cancels but meeting’s still on

February 21, 2007 5:46 pm
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 |   West Seattle politics | WS breaking news

Late word from the Fauntleroy Community Association – Mayor Nickels won’t be able to appear at the community meeting in Fauntleroy a week from tomorrow, but THE MEETING IS STILL ON — with a very good (and powerful) surrogate — his righthand guy — Deputy Mayor Tim Ceis. Apparently the mayor has a sudden date to go to the nation’s capital to testify before an environmental committee in Congress.

Priming the pump

February 21, 2007 1:56 pm
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 |   Environment | West Seattle news

The Times reports on this morning’s biodiesel-mania at Admiral Safeway. A member of the WSB posse managed to pop by for a photo. That’s Hizzoner on the right, amid the throng.)


Lost stuffed animal

We just learned a blogger trick: look for unusual local Craigslist ads to spotlight. We could resist almost everything … except this. (Hope someone finds it!) AFTERNOON UPDATE: Re-checked the ad, it’s now bannered “it’s been found.” Was it a WSB reader? We may never know.

New place for WS drivers to veg out

Look for hubbub around the Admiral Safeway gas station sometime today. The P-I says a “news conference” is planned, with no less than Hizzoner on the guest list, to show off the station’s new biodiesel (fuel from veg oil) offering. We noticed it on the sign yesterday:


Charlestown fight gets a tv spotlight

February 21, 2007 12:05 am
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 |   Charlestown Cafe | Development | West Seattle news

Check it out. And remember, if you are interested in helping — or at least monitoring — the campaign to save the Charlestown Cafe, you can join the Our Town/West Seattle group.

Nameless no longer

A city press release is out with official names for two West Seattle parks. No surprises, though — the site known as Junction Plaza will be Junction Plaza Park, and the site in the Delridge/Cottage Grove area is Cottage Grove Park.

Beyond chocolate chip cookies

If you want to learn how to really bake, it appears you can do so with the help of the champion chef who runs Bakery Nouveau in The Junction — he’s offering classes, according to BN’s relatively new webpage.

Watch your mailbox

If you’re registered to vote, you might get your viaduct ballot before the week is over. In today’s viaduct news (so far), the guv still says it’s Replacement-A-Duct or nothing — no, wait, she even ruled out “nothing.” And if you want to read all the million-dollar fine print before your ballot arrives, the official “voters’ guide” is now available on the city website.

Just like old times

February 19, 2007 10:06 pm
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 |   West Seattle weather

28 mph wind at Alki Point as of a few minutes ago. Could get a little worse tonight, says the forecast. Put that flashlight by the pillow.

Not sure whether this makes us feel younger or older

February 19, 2007 8:16 pm
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 |   Not WS but we're mentioning it anyway

Tomorrow would have been Kurt Cobain’s 40th birthday.

(Though we categorized this under “Not West Seattle but [etc.]” — he did have a WS link … a fascination with one of West Seattle High School’s movie-star alumna, Frances Farmer, after whom he named a song but apparently not his only child.)

Early warning

High Point-to-Delridge drivers, beware: Cindi from the Morgan Community Association alerts us to more upcoming traffic woes; this excerpt is from the latest Morgan Junction e-mail newsletter, quoting the major construction company on the High Point project:

“SW Morgan / Sylvan Way will most likely be closed for a short period (one to two weeks) during late February/early March. This closure is being planned in conjunction with work taking place on an unrelated development east of High Point. This coordination will minimize the impacts to the neighbors and surrounding area. SW Morgan / Sylvan Way will then be temporarily closed for a longer period (several months) this summer to allow for complete rebuild of the roadway and utilities associated with our project. We will provide notification to local residents and businesses and will have a detour route well-indicated. Every effort will be made to minimize the duration of street closures.”

We’ve been asked before about the deplorable condition of Sylvan Way closer to Delridge; Cindi is checking on whether repairs to that stretch might be included in those summer closures.

This one may hit home

Also from the P-I: a little hand-wringing about the teardown trend — not homes-to-townhomes, which seems to be West Seattle’s most popular flavor, but homes-to-bigger-homes. Our favorite quote in the story (which doesn’t feature WS but still seems relevant) is an explanation of why people are moving from the burbs back to the city:

“It’s the commute,” he said. “If you’re not working at Microsoft, why would you want to live in Issaquah?

(For us, the commute is only one of about 6,955 reasons we don’t want to live in the burbs, but that’s another post.)

Hail to the memories

February 19, 2007 6:32 am
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 |   Holidays | Westwood

Great Presidents Day article in the P-I, set at the retirement home near Westwood Village.

“Walking on Logs,” now rolling on rinks

Just saw bold new T-shirts on the “Walking on Logs” figures alongside the Fauntleroy end of the high bridge — bearing the official Rat City Rollergirls logo. Bet that’s in honor of their season-opener next weekend.

This rocks

February 18, 2007 12:20 pm
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 |   WS miscellaneous

If you see this before 5 pm — a big weekend event that didn’t make it to C Ro’s roundup (linked below) is happening right now — the West Seattle Rock Club’s annual Gemboree, at the Masonic Temple on 40th. Free!

Another history lesson

A list of great/not-so-great moments in Seattle transportation history that’s in the Times today includes this line:

1984 — Scandal-plagued high-level West Seattle Bridge survives referendum and opens.

Had no idea, about the scandal OR the vote — just the freighter crash that accelerated the bridge work. Online, we found a little bit about the scandal (design problems, city employees getting fired over them), but can’t find more about the vote. Old-timers, any enlightenment? (We weren’t here in the eighties.)