What’s your #1 West Seattle-specific/relevant Q for mayoral candidates?

Home Forums Open Discussion What’s your #1 West Seattle-specific/relevant Q for mayoral candidates?

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    I’m videotaping a question allegedly to be used in an upcoming McGinn/Mallahan forum/debate – and curious if anybody’s got a suggestion. I have an idea or two but you probably have something much better. Shooting this tomorrow morning so ideas welcome tonight!



    We are stuck on the viaduct issue at this house. (live in Highland park, work on upper Queen Anne)



    Well, this has been bugging me, but I don’t know if it is the type of question you have in mind.

    I find it perplexing that the 10-year Neighborhood Planning process precedes the Census Intake by a matter of months. The City is using tweaked 10-year old census tract data to write their Preliminary Reports/Plans for each of our five urban villages. Is it just me, or is this kind of backwards sequencing here? The City avers they want neighborhoods

    to be partners in the process, but how can the neighborhoods really trust it when essentially ten-year old information is being used. I know they have good number and data people at the city, but it just seems counterproductive, to me, to even write preliminary plans with it when the ultimate plans will be completely linked to the 2010 Census. The plans have the potential, if not liklihood, of morphing into something the participating urban villages had not agreed to.

    Perplexes me, but maybe I don’t have proper understanding

    of the process or the sequence. If I don’t, I would welcome explication here. If I DO have a grasp of this, am I making a

    mountain out of a mole hill? I don’t know. But it bugs me.



    Please start with..”Mr. potential Mayor, tell us what you think your job description is” We can tell from there if they know wtf they are getting into (or…wtf, WE are getting into) :) it’s all fun.



    Thanks for the suggestions. We just shot outside Hotwire. I asked three questions but they probably will wind up only using one. Won’t say what they were so the candidates don’t have an unfair advantage :) since while the questions (from us, Capitol Hill Seattle, Rainier Valley Post and Central District News) are being video’d now, the debate’s not till Oct. 21st and the candidates get to answer “live.”



    I can’t wait for this debate!



    I can wait — :-) Proud as I am that the 34 LD dems didn’t drink the “big bidness koolaid”, I’m also one of the “Jeez, we wanted to send Greg a message not away” brigade and we are legend.

    Will start another thread someday for that discussion — unless someone else already has.

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