Re: Somking Outside Bars



“It would be better to let the individual establishments decide, pay a tax, and then patrons could decide where to go based on that.”


WHY??? so just pay a tax and you can forgo health regulations??? pay a tax to make the KC health examiner go away??? really? You sure you want to eat the food of an establishment that paid extra fees for them to look the other way?


jamminj, my idea was that a bar could apply for a license to allow smoking in their building. There would be an application fee and the building would need extra ventilation and might have a stricter fire code. It’s not that different than a cigar bar.

That way if you want to smoke in a bar or own a bar that caters to smokers, you can. And if you don’t like working in a smoky bar, you can work in any of the smoke-free establishments since they are going to represent the vast majority.

I don’t understand why that is so unreasonable.