Re: Some thoughts on spiders . . .



There is (and has been for quite some time) considerable debate over envenomation by Tegenaria agrestis. BTW, if you’re reading something that refers to hobo spiders as the “aggressive” house spider, you can be fairly certain that the author does not know what they’re talking about. The root of the word refers to agriculture, not aggression. Hobo spiders were once a species found only in the countryside, but are gradually becoming urbanized. Even so, there is no hard evidence indicating that this is a species of concern. There is plenty of unwarranted hysteria surrounding spiders without adding to the mythology. Anyone interested should check out Rod Crawford’s website on spider myths.

I have handled many thousands of spiders (used to raise them, including tarantulas & black widows) and have been bitten only once – while pulling weeds. Most house spiders are never even seen until mating season, but trust me – you’d miss them if they were gone. You have no idea how many thousands of biting,annoying,food invading,clothing/carpet/fabric-destroying bugs they save you from all year long.