West Seattle politics 2181 results

SURVEY: Councilmember Saka seeking D-1 opinions on proposed transportation levy

When the mayor introduced his transportation-levy proposal Thursday (WSB coverage here), that opened a three-week period for feedback to further shape it before he formally sends it to the City Council. The councilmember who will lead the council’s review, District 1’s Rob Saka, is asking for your opinions too, in a survey. It’s short, asking you to rank 10 potential spending areas in the order you’d want to see them prioritized – and also asking if you have a priority you don’t see on the list. Here’s where to find Councilmember Saka’s survey.

VIDEO: Mayor unveils proposed transportation levy: $1.35 billion over eight years. Now, your turn to sculpt it

(Added: Seattle Channel video)

3:33 PM: Mayor Bruce Harrell has just debuted the first draft of his proposed transportation-levy renewal. The current Levy to Move Seattle is expiring after nine years and $930 million, covering 30 percent of the city’s transportation budget; the new levy would run for the next eight years, raising $1.35 billion. Harrell was clear that this is “the start of a discussion” – as with the expiring levy, this one will likely go through some changes before a final version is sent to the November ballot. The summary of the levy says, “The proposed levy would cost the median Seattle homeowner about $36 per month, approximately $12 more per month than the current levy.” (A current “median home” is considered to be valued at $866,000.)

Here’s the full draft proposal. It includes a few West Seattle specifics as example projects the levy could/would fund:

Fauntleroy Way SW — Paving to keep roadway functional during light rail station construction and support future improvements.

35th Ave SW: SW Morgan St to SW Alaska St — Street reconstruction with a corridor safety analysis and evaluation of transit improvements. Includes sidewalk repair, crossing improvements, and evaluation of bike routes.

Olson Pl SW / 1st Ave S: 2nd Ave SW to SW Cloverdale St — Street reconstruction with a widened sidewalk or trail and treatments to keep vehicles from skidding on wet pavement.

As mentioned in the Fauntleroy description above, some of this would synergize with the upcoming Sound Transit light-rail expansion to West Seattle (which is projected to open just as this new levy expires at the end of 2032), including “connections” for the West Seattle Junction station, and ST’s interim CEO Goran Sparrman (who is also a former SDOT director) spoke at the unveiling. (added) The 35th SW project is also notable, as the corridor went through rechannelization and other changes south of Morgan in the 2010s before the idea of an overhaul north of Morgan was shelved in 2018 (with some spot changes then made, such as the Graham crossing and the Camp Long light).

WHAT’S NEXT: You have three weeks – until April 26 – to offer feedback to shape the final levy proposal the mayor sends to the City Council in May; go here to do that. The final version of the levy is expected to go to voters this November.

ADDED 5:48 PM: District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka, who chairs the Transportation Committee and will lead the council review of the levy proposal, sent this statement:

This Transportation Levy is a once-in-a-decade chance to build a safer, better connected and more reliable Seattle.

Over my first 100 days in office, I have helped fill potholes with road maintenance crews, walked along city streets in desperate need of sidewalks, and surveyed the state of Seattle’s bridges. At every turn, I saw SDOT employees hard at work with limited resources doing everything they can with to keep our city safe. Now, it’s time for us elected leaders to step up and make sure they have everything they need to do their jobs better, faster, and more effectively.

I appreciate Mayor Harrell’s work on this framework for the levy and see we are in alignment on many key issues. The Council has a lot of hard work ahead of it to review and improve upon this proposal. I am ready and eager to lead that collaborative effort.

Does the draft ‘One Seattle Plan’ envision enough housing? That question takes centerstage at West Seattle open house

(WSB photos. Above, One Seattle Plan project manager Michael Hubner addresses attendees)

By Sean Golonka
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

About 80 West Seattle residents and others came together at Chief Sealth International High School tonight for an open house on the draft One Seattle Plan — a wide-ranging update to the city’s Comprehensive Plan for growth and development that several attendees expressed concerns over as insufficient to address the city’s dire housing needs.

“I feel like it’s been underwhelming,” said John Doherty, a 28-year-old software engineer who lives in West Seattle. “We need more growth in the city.”

Doherty and others attending the open house, the fourth of eight the city has planned to gather feedback on the once-in-a-decade update to its Comprehensive Plan, echoed a concern shared throughout Seattle neighborhoods: that the city is in a housing crisis, and more must be built to meet the needs of its residents.

Michael Hubner, project manager for the One Seattle Plan with the Office of Planning and Community Development, highlighted the stakes of the plan as city officials embark on an effort to reshape Seattle’s growth over the next 20 years.

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‘Creating a Safer Seattle’: First in a series of forums with mayor, chiefs Thursday

The question is often asked: What are city leaders actually doing to improve public safety? Mayor Bruce Harrell has announced a series of community forums to try to answer that question. The first is tomorrow night (Thursday, March 14), 6-7:30 pm. In-person attendance at the downtown library is already maxed out but it’ll be streamed live via Seattle Channel (with a recording available afterward). The mayor will talk with moderator Enrique Cerna, and a panel discussion featuring other leaders including the city’s three public-safety chiefs – CARE Chief Amy Smith, Fire Chief Harold Scoggins, Police Chief Adrian Diaz – will follow. Next month, forums are promised in all five SPD precinct areas, so that means there’ll be one in West Seattle/South Park, though specific dates and locations haven’t yet been announced. The forums are described as “open discussion(s) about community safety challenges, accomplishments, and opportunities.”

From police to PFLAG, plus City Councilmember Rob Saka and more, @ Admiral Neighborhood Association’s March meeting

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

A wide-ranging Admiral Neighborhood Association agenda drew about 30 people to Admiral Church last night; the meeting was facilitated by ANA president Joanie Jacobs.

Here’s how it unfolded, in the order in which this all happened:

SEATTLE POLICE: The Southwest-area Community Liaison Officer German Barreto spoke first. Trends from the past month in the Admiral area: Burglaries are up, thefts are up “but not that much,” motor-vehicle thefts have gone down. Eight so far this year. The seven other types of thefts included mail and packages. Assaults included “a dispute between coworkers at McDonald’s.” Eight burglaries included businesses and homes. No catalytic-converter thefts lately, he said in response to a question – “those have been going down.” In Q&A, one attendee asked about number of officers on patrol at any given time. Second watch (11 am-9 pm) is the busiest, he said, with 10 to 12 officers, but overall it fluctuates, and they have to “augment” with other officers on OT to at least hit minimums. He said they “go from call to call to call” because of the staffing levels, rather than having time to proactively patrol. Another Q: What’s the current state of traffic enforcement? Barreto notes that since there’s really no Traffic Unit due to staffing levels, that doesn’t happen much. Q: Are any detectives located in West Seattle? Reply: No, they’re centralized on the other side of the bay, as are the remaining specialty units such as Homicide and Robbery. In response to a question from president Jacobs, Officer Barreto reiterated, don’t EVER bother calling the non-emergency line – whenever you have someting to report, just call 911.

CITY COUNCILMEMBER ROB SAKA: Two months into his term, District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka is making the rounds of community meetings, and this was his first appearance at ANA.

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ELECTION 2024: First round of presidential-primary results

Shortly after tonight’s 8 pm voting deadline, King County Elections released the first round of results in the presidential primary:

Joseph R. Biden Jr. – 195,549 – 84.21%
Uncommitted Delegates – 23,574 – 10.15%
Dean Phillips – 5,698 – 2.45%
Marianne Williamson – 4,713 – 2.03%
Write-in – 2,693 – 1.16%

Donald J. Trump – 54,171 – 61.01%
Nikki Haley – 29,810 – 33.57%
Ron DeSantis – 1,979 – 2.23%
Chris Christie – 1,272 – 1.43%
Vivek Ramaswamy – 943 – 1.06%
Write-in – 671 – 0.70%

The ballots in tonight’s count represent a 23% turnout so far; here are the latest ballot-return stats. To see the statewide results, go here.

P.S. Here’s our report on the first night’s results four years ago.

ELECTION 2024: Presidential primary voting deadline Tuesday

If you plan to vote in our state’s presidential primary, tomorrow (Tuesday, March 12) is the deadline. As with other elections, you either need to ensure your ballot has a USPS postmark no later than tomorrow, or put it in a King County Elections dropbox by 8 pm Tuesday (West Seattle has three, plus there’s one each in White Center and South Park). If you haven’t voted in a Washington state presidential primary before, note that it’s unique in one factor: You have to declare a party, and then vote on that party’s section of the ballot, for your vote to count. (Your party choice will remain on the record for 60 days.) And yes, as has been pointed out previously, the ballot contains some candidates who’ve withdrawn – each party had to finalize its list by January 9 as part of the ballot-printing process. These and other questions are addressed in the FAQ on the Washington Secretary of State website. It even includes past presidential-primary turnout stats (49 percent four years ago) and current ballot-return stats (23 percent as of last Friday).

DISTRICT 1 COMMUNITY NETWORK: City Councilmember Rob Saka talks about public safety; Alki Point ‘Healthy Street’ opponents explain access concerns

By Sean Golonka
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

West Seattle community members questioned District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka over his and the city’s efforts to address public safety and transportation at tonight’s meeting of the District 1 Community Network, an umbrella group of representatives from various local organizations around the area.

The group also discussed the ongoing city effort to finalize the transformation of a portion of road along Alki Point as a “Healthy Street,” one of a network of local roads – closed to through traffic – where residents are encouraged to walk, roll, bike, and play in the roadway with the help of “Street Closed” signs.

Here is a breakdown of the D1CN meeting, with about two dozen people in attendance at High Point Neighborhood House and facilitated by Deb Barker of the Morgan Community Association.

QUESTIONS FOR COUNCILMEMBER SAKA: In an opening speech, District 1’s recently elected councilmember reiterated a common mantra of his to be the “king of potholes,” adding that his number one focus is public safety. His priorities in that area include staffing — he was one of several city council candidates last year who supported Mayor Bruce Harrell’s hopes of hiring 500 new officers over five years.

In response to one attendee who asked about the city’s progress with boosting its police force, Saka noted that the city council’s Public Safety Committee would receive more information about that subject, including the latest data on officer staffing levels, during its next meeting on Tuesday (March 12).

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VIDEO: ‘State of the Bridges’ briefing, with one major missing piece

(Video is coded to start with State of Bridges briefing; if it doesn’t, go to 1 hour, 38 minutes into the meeting)
SDOT‘s “State of the Bridges” briefing – another reason we went downtown for the Seattle City Council’s Transportation Committee meeting on Tuesday (besides this) – was an informational overview rather than a bridge-by-bridge update, and it was somewhat rushed because the preceding item, a discussion of the Seattle Transportation Plan, had run long.

And one critical component was missing – the bridge-asset management plan called for in the bridge audit requested by the former committee chair Alex Pedersen during the West Seattle Bridge closure. Pedersen noted in a post before leaving office in December that it’s troubling the new transportation levy proposal is being developed without this “foundational document”:

SDOT is still behind on completing its Bridge Asset Management Plan and yet asset management plans should be foundational documents driving (the investment) for the next transportation capital package, as the 9-year, $930 million “Move Seattle” levy expires at the end of 2024.

Pedersen’s observation was made three months ago, and the plan’s not done yet, though the next levy proposal is expected to be made public this spring. The bridge asset plan’s current status was listed as “pending/drafting” in Tuesday’s briefing led by SDOT’s chief infrastructure engineer Elizabeth Sheldon, who said this is what it will include.

The list of “assets” is long: Sheldon’s briefing (see the full slide deck here) noted that the city’s portfolio of roadway structures includes 135 bridges and almost 500 stairways. The city also operates the South Park Bridge, though King County owns it. She also said that Seattle bridges are an average of 60 years old, while the national average bridge age is 47. Only a third of Seattle bridges are in good condition, and changing that, she said, would cost a lot.

No specific numbers, but Councilmember Dan Strauss suggested it sounded dire enough that the city perhaps should consider a levy just to address its bridges. Those currently considered to be in “fair” condition, he said, represented a “watch list,” recalling that “the West Seattle Bridge moved from fair to poor in the span of a week.”

For his part, committee chair and District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka said bridges are “near and dear” to him and that he appreciates “geeking out” on this type of information. He added that he has a field visit to the West Seattle low bridge scheduled toward the end of the month.

FOLLOWUP: West Seattle Bridge columns tribal-art project returning to City Council committee

(Image from last December’s council-committee agenda, incorporating Google Maps photo)

Three months ago, outgoing City Councilmembers shelved consideration of a plan to pay the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe and Suquamish Tribe $133,000 for murals on up to 15 columns under the West Seattle Bridge – a mile from the Duwamish Tribe‘s Longhouse, funded with money left over in the bridge-repair project. In response to community concerns, then-Councilmember Lisa Herbold elicited SDOT acknowledgment that there had been no outreach to the Duwamish Tribe regarding the prospective pillar art, and a Transportation Committee vote was delayed at her request. According to the agenda published this afternoon, the proposal returns this Tuesday (March 5) to the committee, now chaired by Herbold’s District 1 successor, Councilmember Rob Saka. (The committee’s previous chair, Alex Pedersen, like Herbold, chose not to run for re-election last year.) Three of the committee’s other four members are new to the council as well.

Nothing in the agenda materials for Tuesday’s meeting indicates anything has changed since the December committee meeting at which the vote was postponed. In response to concerns about not involving the Duwamish Tribe in this project, SDOT reps mentioned at the December meeting that the Duwamish would be involved in a different art project closer to the Longhouse. They had few details to offer when we followed up at the time; that project has since been revealed to involve a stretch of sidewalk. Here’s an image the tribe included in an email to its members regarding a planning event for the sidewalk project:

Tuesday’s committee meeting is at 9:30 am at City Hall; it’ll include public comment, in person and remote, and the agenda explains how to participate. Other scheduled topics include an update on the newly released Seattle Transportation Plan and a State of the Bridges” briefing.

ELECTION 2024: Your ballot’s on the way. But maybe not the one you got email about

February 22, 2024 4:08 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

A reader texted us this morning to report getting email saying their ballot had been sent – for the “February 13 special election.”

Aside from the fact that February 13 was nine days ago, our area wasn’t involved in the special election. So we checked with King County Elections, to see if perhaps that was meant to be an alert of ballot-mailing for the upcoming March 12 presidential primary. KCE spokesperson Courtney Hudak confirmed that: “We’ve heard from voters who received email alerts that erroneously included information from the February Election. The team has since sent an updated email alert with the correct date, which, as you say, was supposed to be for the March Presidential Primary! Ballots have been mailed for (that)! Voters should receive their ballots by Monday. If they have not received their ballot by then, they should give us a call at 206.296.8683.”

Also of note – your ballot will include some candidates who have withdrawn from the race since qualifying for the ballot. The KCE website explains why: “The list of eligible candidates was provided by the State Democratic and Republican Parties on January 9. After that date, there was no opportunity to withdraw a name from the ballot.”

34th District Democrats hear from statewide candidates, advocates for Gazans @ February 2024 meeting

By Sean Golonka
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

Local members with the 34th District Democrats, the West Seattle area’s largest political organization, received a wide-ranging presentation on Gaza during the group’s online-only monthly meeting on Wednesday night, through a conversation that focused heavily on the Israel-Hamas conflict’s effects on families in Gaza.

Several candidates for statewide office — including Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal and Treasurer Mike Pellicciotti, Democrats who are both seeking re-election — also made appearances at the meeting, a sign the election season is getting underway, with the primary election set for August 6.

Focus on Gaza

Rachel Glass, the 34th DDs’ first vice-chair, said the conversation was motivated by an “urgent need for dialogue and education” to understand the complexities of the ongoing conflict, and the pre-meeting program featured two local community activists with longtime ties to Palestinians.

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VIDEO: City Councilmember Rob Saka puts his ‘King of Potholes’ nickname into action

(WSB photos/video)

If you’re going to be The King of Potholes, you might as well go get a firsthand look at your kingdom. That’s what District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka did this morning, joining an SDOT “Pothole Rangers crew at work in South Park and West Seattle. We heard him mention the plan during yesterday’s meeting of the Transportation Committee, which he chairs, so we contacted his staff and arranged to meet up at his first stop.

In this case, the Pothole Rangers had a fairly deep rut to deal with immediately south of the city transfer station in west South Park – an industrial area heavily traveled by trucks. Saka put on a hard hat and vest and joined the crew.

The rain stopped just in time, but SDOT’s crew told us they work in every kind of weather except snow/ice. So first task was to dry out this pothole best as they could.

Then came the application of “tack,” to which the asphalt fill would adhere. And finally the asphalt itself, with which the councilmember assisted:

Here’s the “after” view, and how the process concluded:

As recently noted here, SDOT crews – which are based regionally, including one assigned to West Seattle – filled more than 25,000 potholes around the city last year. And there’s always more waiting to be filled – here’s a screengrab from the map of reported-and-waiting potholes:

(Go here for options on how to report one.) Saka told us this is just the first visit he plans to make to a variety of frontline crews – he’ll be visiting bridge-maintenance workers too. He also reiterated that he’s well aware the underlying cause of potholes needs to be addressed too – streets in desperate need of repaving. The next transportation levy is expected to address that, though Saka said he hasn’t been involved yet in specific project lists, so he doesn’t know whether, for example, SW Roxbury (which was supposed to be repaved with Levy to Move Seattle money, then got shelved) will be addressed.

VIDEO: Mayor Harrell’s third State of the City speech

Just one scripted shoutout to West Seattle in Mayor Bruce Harrell‘s State of the City speech today – in the context of the planned Sound Transit light-rail extension. Other topics in his speech, delivered at the Museum of History and Industry in South Lake Union, were familiar and timeless, public safety chief among them – he hailed some ongoing changes, like the creation of the CARE Department (with 911 and a crisis-response team), and said – as we’d heard last week – that Seattle’s Park Rangers will soon be working citywide. He also promised to convene a public-safety forum next month to hear from community members. And he said that when he proposes the next transportation levy, it will focus on “the basics” – repaving, bridge maintenance, signage and striping, potholes (District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka got a shoutout there), etc. And he acknowledged that the pressure is on, since he can pretty much count on support from the mostly-new City Council: “There is a new level of expectations.” On homelessness, he hit the points made in the media briefing we covered last week. Read the speech here (or watch the video above).

P.S. Set your calendar – the mayor said the next citywide Day of Service is set for May 18th.

About the Trump-merch tent in The Triangle

Several readers texted Sunday to ask about the story behind that tent set up in the triangle at Fauntleroy/Oregon known as Fauntleroy Place Park. We weren’t able to go over and talk with its operators yesterday, so we looked late this morning to see if they were back. The park was empty when we went by just after 11 am, but then a reader texted just before sunset that it was there, so we went back. There we found Ben, who told us he’s the “helper” – that the owner was off taking a break. Ben said they are here because it’s a “liberal area” – that they travel up and down the West Coast setting up their tent in liberal areas because that’s where they feel their message, support for former President Donald Trump, needs to get out. He wasn’t sure how long they planned to stay – they might be back tomorrow, or might not. He also said they didn’t have a vendor permit, which is generally required for selling in parks.

Talk with your city councilmember: District 1’s Rob Saka launching ‘office hours’

(WSB photo, City Council chambers, last month)

When we talked with District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka the day he was sworn in, he promised to open a district office. No word of the location for that yet, but he’s launching “office hours” next week – regular times where constituents can make appointments to talk with him in the district, rather than having to go downtown. According to Saka’s weekly newsletter, his first office-hours dates are February 23 and March 6, at the Southwest Customer Service Center (same building as the pool and Teen Life Center, 2801 SW Thistle). According to the signup form for the first date, hours will be 11 am-1 pm, at least for starters, and he’s booking 20-minute windows, either in person or via videoconferencing. He’s also planning South Park office hours, starting March 23 at the Duwamish River Community Hub.

Fewer tents, faster responses, and what else the city says its homelessness response is accomplishing

(WSB photo: Deputy Mayor Tiffany Washington, right, with Office of Housing director Maiko Winkler-Chin)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

In advance of Mayor Bruce Harrell‘s mid-term State of the City address next week, his administration says its homelessness response is making progress.

To elaborate on that, the mayor’s office invited reporters to a City Hall briefing today. The mayor wasn’t there – he was out planting trees – but Deputy Mayor Tiffany Washington, whose portfolio includes the homelessness response, presented updates and answered questions. Video recording wasn’t allowed. We were there; here’s what we heard.

A key point: The city has developed a database that allows them to track actions, statuses, and results. Before the database, Washington said, it was all tracked by hand, and not very well at that. Building the database took up much of this administration’s first year, she added. Among the toplines they’re touting are these stats from the Unified Care Team, the multi-department city task force that handles encampments (not to be confused with the crisis-response CARE Team):

Another major change: Washington says they no longer remove encampments based on who’s complaining the loudest. That wasn’t fair, she said, since the loudest usually meant those who had the luxury of the most time on their hands to complain. Now they have criteria. That was part of the briefing, to review how they evaluate encampments for removal, or at least cleaning. For one, the assignation of points:

But, she said, it’s not just a scoring system:

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ELECTION 2024: Here’s how the King Conservation District Supervisor vote turned out

February 14, 2024 1:03 pm
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We reported multiple times in recent weeks on the King Conservation District Supervisor vote, an almost-countywide election that’s conducted mostly online for an agency that doesn’t get a ton of attention. Voting ended last night and preliminary results are out: Incumbent Brittney Bush Bollay has 4,187 votes, 44 percent; Erik Goheen has 3,676 votes, 39 percent; Aaron Ellig has 1,564 votes, 17 percent. But even compared to the low turnout in our recent local elections, this turnout remains tiny: Those votes add up to three-quarters of a percentage point of the 1.3 million registered voters eligible to participate. This isn’t the final count; voters had the option to print and mail paper ballots, and those will be counted and added as long as they’re received by February 22nd.

P.S. Next election is the statewide presidential primary on March 12.

ELECTION 2024: King Conservation District Supervisor online voting ends tonight

February 13, 2024 2:51 pm
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 |   Environment | West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

One last reminder about the election for King Conservation District Supervisor – a position you’ve probably heard little, if anything, about, but which helps decide how millions of public dollars are spent. Voting is all done online and ends at 8 pm tonight. As explained in last month’s election announcement:

KCD is a special-purpose district committed to helping people engage in stewardship and conservation of natural resources, serving over two million people in 34 cities and unincorporated King County (excluding the cities of Enumclaw, Federal Way, Milton, Pacific, and Skykomish that are not member jurisdictions). KCD assists private residents with forestry management, streamside and shoreline enhancement, farm conservation planning, and other environmental efforts. It works with cities and community organizations to support community gardens, urban forest canopy, and local food systems. KCD is funded primarily by a per-parcel rates and charges fee paid by residents of the district.

An all-volunteer, five-member Board of Supervisors is responsible for overseeing KCD operations, budget, and policy. Voters elect three supervisors and the Washington State Conservation Commission appoints two supervisors. Supervisors serve three-year terms.

Three candidates are contending for the one seat on this ballot – Brittney Bush Bollay, Aaron Ellig, and Erik Goheen. Last week we published their responses to eight questions posed via email by the Duwamish Alive! Coalition. Again, you have until 8 tonight to vote.

VIDEO: Conversation with Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda, after her city-to-county move

After six years on the Seattle City Council, North Delridge resident Teresa Mosqueda moved to the King County Council last month. Following her November election win with 55 percent of the vote, she took office last month in the District 8 seat vacated by Joe McDermott after 13 years. As shown on this map, her district stretches far beyond West Seattle, also encompassing much of downtown, as well as Georgetown, South Park, Tukwila, Burien, White Center and the rest of unincorporated North Highline, plus Vashon and Maury Islands. As she had said during the campaign – announced almost exactly a year ago – her big focuses are on health and housing, but there’s a lot more to pay attention to. We sat down with Councilmember Mosqueda for a half-hour video-recorded chat at the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse this past Thursday. The unedited video is above; below, key points from our conversation.

We asked what the transition’s been like. She had words of praise for the county staff having to bridge such geographic and political diversity. She’s already been back to a variety of places around the district and is scheduling community meetings. “What I’m hearing in these meetings is what I heard in the campaign,” she says – concerns related to her signature issues. But economic challenges are a major concern, and she says she’s talking with businesses and workers about how to support what they’re doing. The county itself is facing a budget crunch, which Mosqueda points out could shut down public-health clinics on which tens of thousands of people rely for health care, she says, so she’s been lobbying for state action that would enable a tax-collecting boost by the county (but this Seattle Times story the day after our chat suggests it’s not happening), and talking to the feds too.

Also on the topic of health, she’s been elected as chair of the Seattle-King County Board of Health, and says a current priority is addressing the “shadow pandemic – isolation, depression, behavioral health, substance-use issues.” She also chairs the council’s Health and Human Services Committee. One major task ahead is the implementation plan for the Crisis Care Centers Levy that voters approved last year, meant to combat the lack of places to take people to get the care they need. Before the brick-and-mortar facilities are opened, she said, there’ll be a “mobile response.” The levy also funds “workforce training … so that [more] people are able to provide services” early on. She says the implementation plan should be complete by the end of the second quarter.

On housing, a major topic we tackled was the King County Comprehensive Plan update, which is currently before the council – “really important decisions that will be made for the unincorporated areas … more walkable, livable neighborhoods,” Mosqueda summarized it. She says it could lead to more affordability and, just to pick one unincorporated area of note, a “new vision” for downtown White Center; she recounted a conversation with a local doctor who hopes that’s what will happen. She says the review of the comprehensive plan has just begun, so she’s joining at an opportune time. She hopes to hear from community members about their thoughts about the next 10 years, too (the period the plan update is to cover).

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CITY COUNCIL: Here’s what we learned at first Transportation Committee meeting chaired by D-1 Councilmember Rob Saka

The new-era City Council‘s first committee meeting happened this past week, when the Transportation Committee – chaired by District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka – convened on Tuesday morning. Before the meeting moved into public comment and presentations, Saka said his focuses will be on “preserving and maintaining our infrastructure, with a heavy focus on bridges and streets, in hopes, he said, no other community has to go through anything like the 2 1/2-year West Seattle Bridge closure. He said his other priorities will be the “safety and comfort of pedestrians,” improved transit-rider experience, climate-related issues (particularly increased electrification of transportation), equity, and the size/scope of the next transportation-funding measure.

Of the two introductory presentations made by SDOT, the one of widest interest was an explanation of the department itself, led by director Greg Spotts, who noted he’s had the job for 17 months now. Spotts said he’d done some reorganizing of SDOT management to better handle priorities. For example, toward Saka’s top priority, Spotts said Elizabeth Sheldon serves as chief infrastructure engineer. Venu Nemani, previously chief traffic engineer, is chief transportation safety officer. Shortly after arriving, Spotts noted, he’d ordered a “top to bottom” review of Vision Zero – in light of the fact that traffic deaths and serious injuries were not declining – and he said there’ll be an implementation plan in the next several months. (As an aside, he said he does not own a car.) He talked about the Seattle Transportation Plan, pulling together many separate predecessors (bicycle plan, freight plan, transit plan, etc.), and said upcoming documents will include a Bridge Asset Management Plan. He briefly ran through some of what is on SDOT’s schedule for the year ahead, including bridge seismic upgrades (in West Seattle that includes the Delridge/Oregon overpass and the Admiral Way bridges over Fairmount Ravine).

His presentation included many stats – from 500 cameras in the traffic-control center downtown, to 14,000 openings per year for the city-owned movable bridges, including the West Seattle low bridge. (Spotts noted that shipments requiring those openings include a lot of food destined for Alaska.) Another stat of interest: There are about half a million street parking spaces in the city, but “we only charge for about 12,000 of them.”

One more note of West Seattle interest – Spotts briefly mentioned the city’s involvement with Sound Transit for the West Seattle and Ballard extensions. That group, he said, also reports to Sheldon, the chief infrastructure engineer.

The presentation also touched on the SDOT budget and the “83 sources of funding” that feed into it, “more than most city departments.”

Eventually Saka brought it back to his interest in pothole-filling as a symbol of what the city can do for its residents; not only does he want to be “the king of potholes,” but he also declared his fellow committee members “pothole royalty” too, though in a more serious vein, he suggested the “underlying causes” of potholes should be examined and addressed too.

You can watch the meeting in the Seattle Channel video above, and see the “introduction to SDOT” slides here. In addition to chairing the Transportation Committee, Councilmember Saka is vice chair of the Public Safety Committee, which will meet at 9:30 am Tuesday (February 13) for the first time this year; as we previously noted, all three of the city’s public-safety chiefs (CARE’s Amy Smith, SFD’s Harold Scoggins, SPD’s Adrian Diaz) are on the agenda to provide overviews of their departments.

ELECTION 2024: One more week to vote for King Conservation District Supervisor. Having trouble deciding? This might be help

One more week remains for voting in a one-race election that again this year is being conducted entirely online, for King Conservation District Supervisor. Three people are running for one position . The Duwamish Alive! Coalition, a community organization that works on activities such as habitat restoration, sent the candidates eight questions, and in partnership with Duwamish Alive! we are publishing their questions and the candidates’ replies. The candidates are Brittney Bush Bollay, Aaron Ellig, and Erik Goheen (each name is linked to their candidate statement on the KCD website, which is the source of the photos below).

What follows are the eight questions, each one followed by the candidates’ answers in rotating order (as we would do in a “live” candidate forum), unedited, and then a reminder of how to vote:

1. Why do you want to be a KCD board member?

BUSH BOLLAY: I was elected to King Conservation District in 2021, and my love for the organization and the work have only grown over the past three years. I’m excited to serve another term on the Board, helping to support and grow the District. Environmental action and local government both impact every person, every day, and that’s why they’re my twin passions.

ELLIG: My purpose for running for this seat is not politically motivated and I have no financial incentives to gain from any of the programs offered. I enjoy the programs the King Conservation District offers and regularly volunteer at restoration events they offer. I fully believe in improving and advancing existing programs that align with KCD core values of supporting local food, clean water, healthy forests, better soil, and accessible open spaces. My combination of education and practical experience planning and implementing a wide range of environmental restoration projects makes me an ideal candidate to supplement the existing board. I am uniquely qualified to provide science-based solutions for complex issues around conservation of natural resources, sustainable food production, and long-term planning.

GOHEEN: At the request of the farming community. Dairyman Bill Knutsen is retiring and we need farmers on the board. To help build a local, institutional food supply where local food is served in our schools and cafeterias. To help prevent a big fire in King County. Smoke season isn’t normal. We can do better to restore the salmon run here with infrastructure jobs, I’d like to see more of that work getting done. I want to empower local champions of the environment to succeed at their goals and I can make a leadership improvement with regards to the board.

2. What are your qualifications for this position?

ELLIG: I have a master’s degree in environmental science and am a certified professional wetland scientist (PWS) that specializes in ecological restoration of riparian and aquatic habitats. For the past 10 years, I have worked as a private consultant and public sector biologist as a subject matter expert for wetland and stream restoration. I have been involved in projects big and small and understand the actual effort and costs associated with getting things off the ground. We need a candidate that understands the process of starting with a conceptual idea, permitting, design, and project development. I have proven experience working effectively with local cities and counties as a third-party consultant to ensure projects are code compliant and conducted in environmentally responsible ways. My current position with Sound Transit focuses on environmental mitigation that aims to maximize environmental benefits for communities we operate in.

GOHEEN: B.A. Political Science, Western Washington University. Farm owner/operator the last 7 years. I am a user of KCD services: plant sale customer, conservation planned, conference presenting, riparian planting, pea-patch volunteering, habitat building participant in the programs. Former site and stormwater researcher with Building Code Innovations database. Trained Firefighter Type 2 (wildland) and Eagle Scout, former IAMAW machinist in Alaska salmon industry. My background spans a wide breadth of KCD’s suite of services, programs and policy areas.

BUSH BOLLAY: In addition to my three years of on-the-job experience, including serving as Board Vice Chair and Auditor this year, I have nearly a decade of local and state environmental work to my name. I understand not only the science of conservation and climate change, but the political and economic forces that influence our environmental work in King County. I’ve also spent these years carefully listening to and developing relationships with community members, elected officials, and other conservation partners, which strengthens my work on the Board.

3. What are your priorities if you are elected?

GOHEEN: Vote NO, big westside fire. There are simple and holistic remedies to prevent fires, good science. Smoke season isn’t normal. King County should lead on this work.

Support a local food system. Farms have been swept aside by the KCD at the exact wrong moment. A workforce of young and aspiring farmers, but grants designed to support them aren’t moving the needle.

Clean Water Now. I like the Duwamish River’s wet weather treatment station and there are jobs to be had boosting salmon success in this field. The Duwamish river and the ship canal should be viable habitat, too.

BUSH BOLLAY: My top priorities are:
-Fixing our election process to make it easier for people to vote and to run
-Removing barriers that make it harder for small organizations, new organizations, and people not fluent in English to use our programs
-Finding new partnerships and funding opportunities and cutting red tape so we can do more conservation work, faster
-Protecting farmland by fighting climate change and our farms’ number one enemy, urban sprawl

ELLIG: As a certified professional wetland scientist (PWS), my priorities are supporting and advancing programs that focus on riparian restorations, wetland enhancement, and stream buffer enhancement across the county. The benefits gained from the relatively small investment are huge. This will involve partnering with local agencies, local community organizations, and private land owners through voluntary or subsidized conservation and restoration. Some projects will come to the board through grant applications, but others require outreach and partnership.

4. What would you like to accomplish?

BUSH BOLLAY: In my successful second term I’ll bring more cities into the Conservation District, so we can help more people in a wider area. I’ll bring our farmers and local food vendors a fairer, more effective grant process and greater economic growth. I’ll double and triple down on outreach so more King County residents will be familiar with the Conservation District and our work and will participate in our elections by either running or voting. Finally, I’ll address the number one concern of my constituents and bring our elections to the modern era — first by moving our three elected positions to districts, then to a paper ballot like every other election in Washington State.

ELLIG: The King Conservation District has many wonderful programs and services designed to benefit people and the environment, but many of these are underutilized. Raising awareness of KCD programs by providing public education and technical assistance will be a primary goal of mine. The election should also be more recognized by being on the standard election ballot held in November. This has been an ongoing objective many KCD board members have tried to initiate, and I intend to fully support that effort to receive legislative approval.

GOHEEN: Empower emerging leaders. Building trust with the non-regulatory, voluntary services offered for more meaningful projects. Speeding up Seattle’s clean water plan and infrastructure. Lots of jobs to be had in Clean Water Now. Seeing the local farmers scale up to send fresh food home with 10,000+ food-insecure kids in Seattle Public Schools every week. There are many aspiring farmers, and land to be worked sustainably.

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TUESDAY: New D-1 City Councilmember Rob Saka chairs first Transportation Committee meeting

The new City Council starts committee meetings tomorrow (Tuesday, February 6). First up: The Transportation Committee, chaired by District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka of West Seattle. When his committee meets at 9:30 am, the agenda includes public comment, an “Introduction to SDOT” (here’s the slide deck), and an “Introduction to Term Permits and Street Vacations” (here’s that slide deck). See the agenda for information on how to participate in the public-comment period, in person at City Hall or via phone; if you just want to watch the meeting, it’ll be live via Seattle Channel. You can look ahead to other council-committee meetings by checking this page, which links agendas once they’re available.