West Seattle weather 2024 results

West Seattle snow aftermath: Emerging from the snow cave …

Tamsen in Morgan Junction, one of so many fine folks who’ve shared photos and info during Snowmare ’08, just sent this one, explaining, “I’m going to leave the house when my garden gnome can be seen.” (If it keeps raining like this … maybe tomorrow? Sunday?)

West Seattle snow aftermath: Trash (etc.) service update

(WSB’er photo from during Snowmare ’08 – sorry we don’t still have the name for the credit!)
Just in from Seattle Public Utilities, with trash piling up around the city:

Special Saturday and Sunday pickup is being scheduled, conditions permitting, for the city’s residential garbage, recycling, food and yard waste customers, Seattle Public Utilities said today.

Due to continued inclement conditions, today’s customers (Friday, Dec. 26) are scheduled to be collected tomorrow (Saturday, Dec. 27) and Thursday customers (Dec. 25) will be collected on Sunday, Dec. 28.

Thursday and Friday customers are advised to leave their garbage at the curb through Sunday. Collection contractors will inspect neighborhood routes throughout the weekend for service opportunities. Customers scheduled for Monday through Wednesday pickup should set out their materials on their normal appointed days, next week. There will be no additional charge for setting out extra garbage.

Despite inclement conditions, the city’s collections contractors have been running limited commercial routes around the clock this week, providing service to urgent commercial accounts where containers are accessible. Contractors are running 40 commercial trucks today to serve locations on major arterials and utilizing extra staff to access snow blocked containers. Approximately 40 percent of Seattle’s business accounts have been collected this week.

“We are eager to resume residential services as soon as possible, but safety with our large trucks is our first priority,” said Hans Van Dusen, Solid Waste Contracts Manager for Seattle Public Utilities. “Warmer weather is forecast for this weekend and next week, and we expect that will make it safer to send big trucks back into Seattle’s neighborhoods.”

Customers whose collections have been delayed by a week can set out double their normal amount of garbage at no additional charge. When setting out extra waste, customers are encouraged to place perishable food items in their collection containers and set bagged non-perishable items next to the containers.

Customers who have had their collections missed can also take their waste to Seattle’s Recycling and Disposal stations, where it will be accepted at no charge. Seattle’s Recycling and Disposal stations will be closed on New Year’s Day, January 1.

We’re still doublechecking on whether this means that, if you were missed last time, you set out trash AND recycling AND yard waste – stand by. 10:21 AM UPDATE: Glad we asked. Andy Ryan at SPU says they’re FOCUSING ON RECYCLING AND TRASH – SO JUST PUT THOSE TWO OUT. And remember, SPU told us they’ll be “liberal” in allotment for extra pickup because of missed service, so don’t get panicky about just putting out “exactly” two bags or whatever. 2:37 PM UPDATE: Answering a question posed by WSB’ers, Brett Stav from SPU says the “no charge” time period at the transfer station will extend THROUGH NEXT WEEK – but bring proof you are a Seattle customer, preferably your bill.

West Seattle snow aftermath: Friday morning-afternoon updates

Just in case subfreezing temperatures overnight really do make this a problematic commute — for those who don’t get a 4-day weekend — this is the start of a morning post for you to share bus/road info (etc.).

7:06 AM UPDATE: Checking the hourly temperatures from overnight, doesn’t look like it got below freezing after all — good news if you have to drive this morning. Metro bus riders, remember the reminder two days ago about the “partial holiday schedule”; the list of routes with changes this morning shows runs that are suspended because of that schedule OR “adverse weather.” Here’s the Metro list, most recently updated just before 7.

7:33 AM UPDATE: Haven’t received an official city update re: the trash situation yet, but an update directly from Allied/Republic, which serves some areas, says “no residential routes” in Seattle today.

8:02 AM UPDATE: Live TV picture from alongside The Viaduct shows traffic moving well.

8:43 AM UPDATE: Side-street plow sighting! Pam from Nerd’s Eye View is in Gatewood and just exclaimed via Twitter: “OH MY GOD! Our street is being PLOWED! FREEDOM, SWEET FREEDOM!” And as if to underscore the sense of freedom that’s on the horizon, the sunrise put on a bit of a show this morning, as shown in this photo from MargL in Arbor Heights:

9:07 AM UPDATE: Remember your friendly local West Seattle retailers have some after-Christmas sales going too. Just got an update from the Swee Swee Paperie e-mail list (Junction, east of Cupcake Royale) — 65% off “all holiday cards, paper, and accoutrement.”

9:37 AM UPDATE: Reminder that some things ARE getting back to some semblance of normalcy, post-holiday, post-snowfall. King County says all its offices are open as usual. Seattle Public Library branches will all be open noon-6 pm today per the SPL website. And we are working on more “non-snow news” for later in the day, since a few things have been stacking up … we’ll even have an edition of the West Seattle Weekend Lineup (our every-Friday list of what’s happening Fri-Sat-Sun) later this morning (didn’t publish it last week since almost EVERYTHING was canceled).

10:03 AM UPDATE: New city update on the trash situation – we will post it separately so it doesn’t get lost here.

10:42 AM UPDATE: Somebody cue the “Hallelujah Chorus” – Creighton sends this photo of Charlestown Hill (a few blocks west of California) getting cleared:

11:02 AM UPDATE: We may see some wet snow later, per Cliff Mass, but he insists the warmer air is still on the way. If you want to see what warmer air looks like … the neighborhood-news site Seal Beach Daily in Southern California just posted this photo via Twitter.

1:43 PM UPDATE: Remember to go look for your storm drain(s) on the street if you haven’t already … puddling is happening in our vicinity.

3:16 PM NOTE: This will stay open as a thread for you to discuss buses, roads, whatever’s on your mind … but just wanted to note that we are generally publishing new major updates SEPARATELY (such as a “flood response” announcement that just came in from the city, and the trash item earlier), so check the top of the main page for new news instead of this part of this post. We’ll continue reading the comments as we do for the whole site, of course, so that if there’s anything we can help with (pursuing info), we will do our best.

It’s not entirely over yet: Friday’s weather, buses, etc.

December 25, 2008 10:32 pm
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Driving around today, seeing asphalt again, we realized a bit of complacency might sneak in – but, especially if you have to go back to work tomorrow, be aware that it could be another dicey morning, because the mercury’s going sub-freezing tonight, and some of that slush could ice over. In addition, more snow showers are possible, especially morning-midday – here’s Cliff Mass’s take on it; here’s what the National Weather Service says. Two other notes: Remember that, as Metro reminded us yesterday, buses will be on a “partial holiday schedule” AS WELL AS “adverse weather” reroutes — so you will still want to check this page. And we’ll see in the morning if city garbage pickup gets back in gear — because of the holiday, homes with Thursday pickup were scheduled for Friday pickup this week, but trucks have gotten to few if any homes in the city for the past week, so we’ll be awaiting a status check in the morning. Since tomorrow might still be tough going in the morning, we’ll publish a “Friday morning updates” post in case commuters need a handy place to share and get info.

West Seattle’s snowy Christmas 2008: More photos

Tonight’s sunset. That hedge-mounted flag, by the way, has been raised each morning and lowered each night by one of our neighbors since right after 9/11 (maybe one or two exceptions). Now, from earlier – Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) proprietor Lora Lewis and daughter smilingly serving a steady stream of coffee customers (including us) this morning:

Jenifer sent this photo of her dog in “Christmas collar … enjoying the last of the snow”:

Here’s a snow dog courtesy of Amy – sculpted by Jim – unfortunately, Amy reports, the canine-esque creation has sagged out of its former glory since this photo was taken:

And a rare sight – a snow CAT – Luka, caught snowgazing by Kerry Lusignan:

Kerry also sent a nice shot of her High Point neighborhood from earlier this week:

Last but by no means least, Erika shared the Riverview Playfield “snowball” scene on Tuesday night, but we managed to miss it in the WSB inbox till now. It’s not “Casey at the Bat,” but more like “Frosty at the Bat”:

And here’s good news … the word “snow” does not appear in the latest forecast at all after tonight; see for yourself here.

West Seattle Christmas 2008: Some restaurants that are open

This is not necessarily a comprehensive report but we’re just back from a trip to Hotwire, followed by an expedition up the rest of California to Admiral, then back down Admiral to Alki/Harbor, up Avalon, up Fauntleroy, back home. Here’s what we saw open, in case you are wondering about restaurants: Ho-Win Chinese Restaurant (California/Juneau; its menu is even online), Be’s Restaurant (Junction, California just south of Oregon), Pepperdock on Alki, Redline Music/Sports (35th just south of Avalon). Again, this is not necessarily comprehensive, but what we could tell from our driving tour. It’s been snowing/sleeting on and off for most of the hour and a half we’ve been out. Best moment: Hearing the Junction church bells at noon after leaving Hotwire. Roads: All the majors have at least one lane open each way, and those big medians of dirty snow. Only stretch we traveled that still had some slush in the main lane — Harbor Ave between the Duwamish Head turn and The Bridge. ADDED NOTES: We’re checking websites for any definitive sign of dinnertime open or closure, beyond what we observed. So far: Endolyne Joe’s in Fauntleroy, closed all day/night. JaK’s Grill, closed all day/night. Spring Hill (per phone recording), closed tonight. We also got a note via Facebook that Abbondanza is definitely closed tonight.

West Seattle snow: Christmas Eve miscellany

Back at the keyboard after keeping a looser eye on things the last several hours — so far as we know, all’s relatively well; some photos have come in and we’ll be adding them here shortly while catching up. First of all, from MargL in Arbor Heights:

She explains: “After our snowman fell over we took advantage of the (hopefully) last opportunities for fort building. Didn’t quite get to igloo stage but the snow was soggy and packable which made for quick additions, like the stairs so the 2-year-old could ‘storm her castle’ with ease.” Next – If you heard footsteps on the roof, the latest video posted by NORAD Tracks Santa will explain:

(Including Smith Tower is a nice touch; we have fond memories of our ABCNEWS.com days there at the turn of the millennium.) Next: there’s no love like snow love: Here are Veronica and Jeff, next to what he drew in the snow on Alki earlier this week, “just for me,” she e-mailed:

You may already have heard of those two, who caught a P-I photographer’s eye with the huge snowman they built in front of Veronica’s home on Fauntleroy Way between Lincoln Park and the ferry terminal; copyright keeps us from posting that photo here, but she sent us a different photo to use:

And we conclude this post with a sighting by Creighton, who prefaces: “Went up the Junction for a few last minute things, around 5pm today, and on my way a jogger bounded skillfully around the massive melt puddles at 45th and Oregon! As this walk to the Junction was my only workout in several weeks I was impressed at his dedication. West Seattle HS cross country runner? Santa’s helper late for work?”

Thanks SO much to everyone who has shared photos, stories, information during these challenging, snowy days. We hope to hear from you again even in less-momentous times – something you saw, heard, wondered about, want to know more about, since WSB is truly 24/7, we invite you to contact us any time – here are the many ways to do that.

West Seattle snow and ice: Wednesday 12/24 updates

(scroll/refresh for latest WSB updates and WSB’er comments – WSB Traffic cams page HERE – links/open-closed list HERE)

We got that photo on Monday, set it aside, and can’t find who to credit. Regardless of how you feel about the snow, it just says “Christmas Eve” to us. So – good morning! If you have early info to share or questions to ask, this is the place. Live updates from the multiple sources we monitor will resume around 5:30. Till then, here’s our list of links/open/closed (and remember, Metro’s put out a service advisory for not just today, but the holiday schedule that follows).

6:29 AM UPDATE: As Sage K was first to note in comments, it’s been snowing about two hours. So if we’re supposed to get up to four inches out of this, that means it’ll be doing so for some hours to come. The early-morning forecast has the “winter weather advisory” in effect till 4 pm. How much snow? Via Facebook, Talani at Stor-More Self Storage (WSB sponsor) says 2″. On TV, someone just said WSDOT has picked up half a ton of broken (or otherwise lost) chains from local freeways. Scott K sent proof of snow-clearing on California SW (past the long-closed Chuck and Sally’s) around 1 am:

7:05 AM UPDATE: Reminder that bridge cams and other West Seattle-relevant road cams are on the WSB Traffic page.

Snow report from co-publisher Patrick‘s first shoveling of the WSB HQ walkway (and we’re 300-plus feet elevation if you’re keeping track): “Wet, pliable, mushy, there’s some holes in the snow, which means there’s some rain mixed in out there.” Not the same as the dry stuff we had during those VERY cold days. Meanwhile, here’s a heartwarming (and bonechilling) story of what happened while you slept: Kevin writes in the WSB Forums about neighbors digging out a stuck bus south of Morgan Junction overnight.

7:41 AM UPDATE: Reports in the comments and via Facebook suggest bus-catching is working relatively well this morning. Thanks to everyone who continues to share stories so your West Seattle neighbors will get first alert when it’s not. Quick update just in from SDOT via Twitter: “SDOT plowing inbound commute roads in Seattle. Arterials are plowed with passable road conditions. Motorists should go slow.” (Twitter is limited to 140 characters per message, if you didn’t already know that.) Weather update – Some commenters report it’s raining. You can hear that toward the start and end of this clip from California/Thistle within the past half-hour:

When it’s light – if you’re home – please remember to check your downspouts and storm drains, to avoid a whole new round of trouble (flooding, puddling, worse) once The Big Melt is in full swing.

7:59 AM UPDATE: “Wintry mix” is our description for what’s happening out there. On the forecast beat, Cliff Mass says this morning that it still appears more rain is in store as a “stronger system” moves in this afternoon. Airport update from TV – “No weather related problems” but parking is tough to come by. Meantime, if temperatures drop again tonight, the issue will be the same as last night – you can get there in the morning but can you get home in the evening? This e-mail just in from Tamsen (e-mail us any time at editor@westseattleblog.com):

I just checked your site and don’t see many reports about the commute this am. But, I am going to wait awhile before trying to go into work because last night I couldn’t get out of downtown Seattle. Three 21 buses passed us up at Seneca and 1st ave from 5:00pm – 7:00pm. Two cabs said they wouldn’t go to WS and then finally one cab driver said he’d take us. Four of us piled into the cab and he took us as far as 35th and Morgon. So, if I go in to work it will depend on if this changes to rain so I can hope to get back home.

8:16 AM UPDATE: The Velvet Bulldog sends a photo of Caffe Ladro barista Leslie making snowmen because customers were few and far between this morning:

8:30 AM UPDATE: As already discussed in comments, there’s a new problem at Sea-Tac – de-icer got into a ventilation system. It’s happening on board a plane at gate N-17, per KIRO. KING says eye irritation is the major problem.

8:35 AM UPDATE: A report from the airport – NOT regarding that problem, but in case you’re wondering what it’s like at the airport in general (NOTE THE PARKING RESERVATION PROBLEM), Brian just sent this:

On plane now, waiting an hour for deicer truck. I’m sure other flights are delayed too. All parking is gone at airport, MasterPark and Thrifty. We had a reservation at Thrifty and they denied it. We literally got one of the last 5 spaces at the airport.

On the bright side, security was fast and friendly.

Bus update from orcmid on Twitter: “08:00 MT #55 and #54 depart Alaska Junction for downtown, seem on schedule.” On TV, Bellevue has switched from rain back to big fluffy snowflakes, in case you have to head that way. But driving is VERY slick – co-publisher P just reported somebody going sideways downhill on Thistle.

8:42 AM UPDATE: The official word from the city on residential trash pickup. None, AGAIN, today:

Residential garbage, recycling, food and yard waste
collection has been delayed in Seattle today, Wednesday, Dec. 24, due to
dangerous road conditions. Wednesday residential customers will be
collected next Wednesday Dec. 31.

The city*s collections contractors have been running limited commercial
routes around the clock this week, providing service urgent commercial
accounts where containers are accessible. Service priorities include
hospitals, health facilities, grocers and other accounts with severe
capacity constraints.

*The collections crews are working around the clock to reach priority hospitals, health facilities, grocers and other urgent accounts with limited capacity,* according to Hans Van Dusen, solid waste contracts manager for Seattle Public Utilities.

*They have about 35 trucks out today in Seattle with full chains and double crews to reach the vital accounts. However, snow accumulation is still hampering access to streets, alleys and many commercial containers.*

Residential collections were suspended Thursday Dec. 18, through today, Wednesday Dec. 24, due to snow fall and road conditions. Limited commercial routes have been run Monday through Wednesday this week reaching approximately 30 percent of the businesses accounts in the city. Contractors are continually inspecting all neighborhoods throughout the day for service opportunities.

Due to the Christmas holiday on Dec. 25, Thursday and Friday customers will be delayed one day. Thursday customers will be collected Friday, Dec. 26, and Friday customers will be collected Saturday, Dec. 27.

Customers whose collections have been delayed by a week can set out double their normal amount of garbage at no additional charge. When setting out extra waste, customers are encouraged to place perishable food items in their collection containers and set bagged non-perishable items next to the containers. Customers who have had their collections missed two weeks in a row can also take their waste to Seattle*s Recycling and Disposal Stations, where it will be accepted at no charge.

Seattle’s recycling and disposal stations, at South Park and Wallingford, are open today, but will be closed on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, and New Year*s Day, January 1.

And remember that if you are among those of us who have been missed for TWO weeks, the city says that’s TRIPLE pickup next week. Here’s hoping this is all gone by then.

8:45 AM UPDATE: Alaska Flight 528 from Sea-Tac to Burbank was the flight involved in the deicer mishap, says Alaska spokesperson on Channel 5. Plane’s been “evacuated.”

8:52 AM UPDATE: If you’re Ballard-bound, beware of a big bus mishap causing traffic trouble there, per our pals at MyBallard.com.

9:13 AM UPDATE: Signs of life in The Junction — Lora at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor, and planning to be open Christmas morning at 8 am) says it’s raining and people are “starting to walk around” – she sends pix, starting with this look south on California SW from outside her coffeehouse:

And looking north (that’s the California/Genesee stoplight in the background):

And a road update from Talani at Stor-More (via Facebook, where you can “friend” us at WS Blog): “”Update on Avalon…cars seem to be traveling without too many problems in a lot of slush, as we have mixed rain at this hour…snow is still piled up in the center lane on Avalon…”

9:27 AM UPDATE: A side conversation on Twitter re: clearing your storm drain led to a reminder from Hopey about a link that might help if you’re looking for yours – we reported it here on WSB almost two years ago as a “cool tool” for researching your home’s history – look up your Side Sewer Card here (the “back” has a list of some of the neighborhood names back in the day).

9:55 AM UPDATE: Words of wisdom from whomever’s sending out the WSDOT Twitter updates: “Be prepared for winter driving conditions, slush is only fun in Slurpees.” Another weather note: It’s getting a bit breezy out there. And yes, it’s yucky everywhere – via Twitter tip, here’s a YouTube link to video of stuck and abandoned cars at 24th/Aloha on Capitol Hill.

If you need to get to a city Neighborhood Services Center to pay a bill or handle something else today, Delridge NSC coordinator Ron Angeles has sent an update on planned hours today – his is open till 6 pm (except for lunch break 1-2 pm), the one in The Junction is closed.

10:40 AM UPDATE: Just got some bus updates and advice from West Seattleite “orcmid” via Twitter: “The 08:09 MT #54 to downtown from Alaska Junction took viaduct and Seneca to 3rd avenue (but not s topping at Seneca) … MT #14 toward Summit from 4th & PIke could not get up to Broadway around 9:20, passengers had to walk … With Metro buses on reroutes and variations of snow routes, always ask drivers about your destination. … At a rerouted destination, ask driver where to find return bus and what markings might be. May not match nos. at stop.” In the “more practical advice” department, the city of Burien has just sent a news release about roofs and the load caused by water-laden snow – it’s not really city-specific so you might want to read it.

10:51 AM FREE CHRISTMAS TREE BULLETIN — Just got a phone call (206-293-6302, call us 24-7) that Holy Rosary Tree Lot behind Admiral Safeway is GIVING AWAY THE REST OF ITS TREES starting at noon.

11:24 AM UPDATE: Co-publisher Patrick went out on a road-scouting mission and reports that in general, California SW is “bare and wet” – it’s the side roads that are still trouble, with big piles o’snow. Photos should be back shortly. CANCELLATION UPDATE – Just got word that Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation has canceled tonight’s service. We have a running list of previously scheduled Christmas Eve services on the Holidays page; we’ll be checking to see if anybody else has changes/cancellations.

11:51 AM UPDATE: From scootinoldskool via Twitter: “California Ave STILL has a Jersey barrier made of snow… except where there’s a traffic island made of snow.” Meantime, we’re uploading our pix now. Main roads passable but LOTS of people out there. … And in fact, our photos show that “Jersey barrier” – from The Junction, first:

North from The Junction (that’s JF Henry on the left):

SDOT communications director Rick Sheridan is doing a phone interview on TV right now and said they’re aggressively working on secondary roads. Meantime, one more photo from the recent WSB scouting trip – Morgan Junction:

12:36 PM UPDATE: Lari sent this photo of the traffic backup in the Admiral Junction area (eastbound on Admiral, she said it was backed up to at least 49th SW):

12:47 PM UPDATE: Karen sends this photo of a Seattle Public Utilities crew doing some work at Delridge/Myrtle:

We’ve said it before but gotta say it again – GO MAKE SURE YOUR DOWNSPOUTS AND STORM DRAINS ARE CLEAR now that the melt is on – we don’t want to have to be doing flood-crisis coverage next! Also, take care of your neighborhood birds – we just cleared our bird bath – they’re thirsty! Check out this great shot Darren sent from Arbor Heights:

One more note – we’ve checked with West Seattle grocery stores regarding what time they close tonight, since it’s Christmas Eve after all – Metropolitan Market, QFC, Thriftway all say 6 pm — all West Seattle Safeways are closing at 7 pm.

2:31 PM UPDATE: As discussed in comments, the mayor had a media availability within the past half-hour. We didn’t get notice in time to change direction and get over to 7th/Dearborn from White Center (Pho 54, open till 6) in time. Here’s hoping a tv station turns around the “raw” (unedited) video before long. We’ll link any other accounts we find of it, too. HA.org calls the salt/no-salt controversy “Frozenwatergate” and a commenter mentions a new (albeit misspelled) Facebook group.

Weather note: Rhonda Porter (WSB sponsor) just tweeted that Alki just had a 44 mph wind gust – it’s raining fairly steadily out there too – other parts of the city reported flickers early today so be forewarned.

2:50 PM UPDATE: KING account of mayor’s news conference – he gave the response a “B.” 684-3000 is now a city hotline for problems relating to city services — 684-3000, for frozen pipes, flooding, power outages, etc., and it will be answered tomorrow too, 9 am-5 pm, 24/7 otherwise.

3:15 PM UPDATE: On our way back from White Center, brought back a photo of 35th, looking north after turning from Roxbury:

Here’s the link to raw video of the mayor’s news conference. Looks like the Q and A is a separate link (we’re still watching the first one). (Watching it: Hizzoner said he too was “frustrated” but also said that once in a while “Mother Nature will challenge us.” He promised a review, “did you have the tools you needed to do the best possible job? what if we were to get hit by this or something similar in the future? … We’re not Buffalo or Cleveland where we have hundreds of pieces of equipment to deal with this … Those Midwest cities are flat and that means additional flexibility. … (Today) we’ve brought on a private contractor with a road grader and additional pieces of equipment.”)

Several power outages are reported in other parts of the city; here’s the latest list.

3:37 PM UPDATE: The Holy Rosary “Christmas tree giveaway” (mentioned earlier) is over – they’ve closed the lot.

3:55 PM UPDATE: More pix just in – Robert sent this from The Junction’s latest traffic jam:

And Alki slush from Orin O’Neill:

Got a little shopping yet to do? Just got this from WSB sponsor Click! Design That Fits, via Twitter: “Customers still coming in, so we’re still open, past closing time of 3pm. But call before heading down to make sure we’re still here-328-9252”

4:10 PM UPDATE: Another Alki Ave angle from Orin, looking west this time, past the bathhouse:

Here’s the newest forecast — still possibly some snow showers ahead. But in general, it’s still mostly melty out there, as evidenced by the “listing snowman” photographed in Gatewood by Jill Schmieder from Altena Photography:

West Seattle snow and ice: City’s official no-salt explanation

(Monday photo, courtesy of Creighton)
With the uproar today over the city not using salt on roads, after this Times article (which we and sixty-skabillion other sites have linked to in the past 20 hours or so), we asked Rick Sheridan at SDOT if there is an official city statement, just to get their side of the story. Here’s what he e-mailed back:

The City of Seattle has not used salt as its principal de-icer since the mid 1990s. Instead we use a chemical de-icer that is effective, more environmentally friendly and less damaging to vehicles and roads. Salt, when it runs off from roadway surfaces, is harmful to vegetation, waterways and wildlife. Fresh water habitat, which shelters fish such as salmon, is especially impacted. The other significant problem is the corrosive impact of salt on metal and other man-made materials. It corrodes cars, city equipment, roadways, and our many bridges and viaducts. So the use of salt comes with a very heavy price tag.

The City of Seattle uses a de-icer, Geomelt C, that provides similar benefits without all of salt’s problems. It has worked effectively in all of Seattle’s recent winter storms, to include the big storm of 1996. The City of Portland and the Oregon Department of Transportation use the same approach. Our de-icer helped clear primary arterials citywide, such as Fauntleroy Way SW and the West Seattle Bridge, and is now part of our efforts on secondary arterials throughout the city.

On a slightly related note, we also asked for a little more info on this grader, which we didn’t recall hearing about or seeing before today (photo’s from California/Thistle at mid-afternoon):

Here’s its backstory:

The road grader is from SDOT’s vehicle fleet. SDOT purchased it within the last
year for grading projects, and snow and ice removal. It typically serves in the northern part of Seattle on Aurora Avenue, a long straight roadway, and is utilized when we have significant accumulations of snow and ice. Given needs elsewhere in the city, SDOT deployed it to Elliott Avenue, downtown and West Seattle. It is great for straight roads and hills (due to its traction). The grader is one of many vehicles we have working on snow and ice clearing in Seattle.

It was seen today on SW Thistle and SW Holden (both hilly and straight).

West Seattle snow and ice: Tuesday night (& overnight) updates

(WSB Traffic cams page HERE – links/open-closed list HERE)

WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli sent that photo from the 41st/Edmunds truck nightmare that unfolded within the past hour or so. As we wrote near the end of afternoon coverage, AVOID THAT AREA – “sheet of ice.” Just a block away, at 41st/Alaska, Christopher reports, “Alaska is wet but intersections are a mess of slush and ice.” See for yourself:

If you are just checking in for the first time in a few hours, by the way, you may find some helpful commuting/shopping information in the post/comments we just closed – see it here. One shopping note from e-mail: WSB sponsor Click! Design That Fits is open till 7 tonight in the Admiral District, and tomorrow till about 3.

6:33 PM UPDATE: And there’s news from north West Seattle, from Jackie:

To add to all the other difficulties we’re undergoing, water has been shut off on SW Lander below Admiral (map) since mid-afternoon – there’s a break or some other problem opposite SW Campbell Place. The upside is that the city had to clear at least one car’s width of snow from the road so that the repair trucks could get to the problem area!

And scanner now has word that Edmunds/California eastbound (map) is blocked. Not sure if this is a new problem, or being shut down because of the aforementioned hill woes. Just avoid the area.

6:56 PM UPDATE: Heartening news from Mary at Twilight, re: the followup we published earlier today on their decision to try to turn the art theft (yesterday’s original story here) into something good: A commenter asked when Twilight will be open tomorrow, and she answered quickly, “I will be here 11-3 with jingle bells on! I may try to get here earlier, but call first 933.2444. Thanks for all the support! we filled a box with toys today! We are still collecting for the West Seattle Food Bank too.” Twilight is on SW Alaska just west of Easy Street. Meantime, for those of you awaiting UPS deliveries – a truck just showed up on California south of Thistle (map) a moment ago, so they’re still out there. And if you’d like a look at Admiral/California, RealLowVibe‘s Twitter stream included the link to this recent photo. And shortly afterward – a snowplow appears, in this pic. ** Listening to city crews on the scanner – 42nd/Oregon (map) also “ice-packed.”

7:11 PM UPDATE: From Genesee Hill, Creighton sends word (and picture) of a postal truck’s woes at 49th/Genesee (map): “Poor guy is trying his best to get up the street, after delivering a package about half way up the hill, but his chains aren’t enough. He’s just sliding around. With the help of some generous neighbors they’re about to attempt a push.”

8:08 PM UPDATE: Scott C sends this link to the latest radar animation with the alert: “It’s coming.” And from Christopher, video of the stuck-truck trouble he covered earlier on the back side of Jefferson Square:

Happy ending! (But how about those SPARKS?)

8:27 PM UPDATE: Scanner says there’s a vehicle blocking northbound traffic on Delridge at Orchard. Also, as we just wrote in comments, our request to SDOT for the official city statement on the no-salt controversy (and for some more info on the grader that appeared today) has been answered, and we just published it here.

8:59 PM UPDATE: Update from Creighton on the postal truck on Genesee Hill (see above):

Mini saga over just now: The neighbor’s efforts to push such a large truck uphill proved futile. A USPS tow truck was called in and hooked a cable to the front of the stuck postal truck to spin it 180 degrees downhill. Wondering whose packages didn’t get delivered (albeit with valiant effort!) tonight?

And Ingrid in Sunrise Heights tells the tale of the commute from hell, getting home from downtown:

I arrived at a bus stop at 2nd and Columbia at about 6pm tonight, and there was a woman there who¹d been waiting since 3:30! We watched several full buses go by ­- apparently, Metro wasn¹t running articulated buses tonight. Several of us ended up waiting at the bar, Contour, and rushing out to find each bus full, only to go back inside. I eventually got a ride from my partner. I had no idea it could be so hard to get home!

9:20 PM UPDATE: Sage K has more on the Delridge/Orchard (intersection by Arco/Home Depot/etc.) problem mentioned above:

“Just came home and there is a gas tanker truck stuck in the northbound lane of Delridge at Orchard. It was attempting to turn into the Shell station there. They are attempting to dig it out and have people directing traffic around it. Don’t know how long it will be there.

9:54 PM UPDATE: The county has updated its list of closures. Newspaper columnists are starting to sound the horn for marching on City Hall; there’s one thing we’re reminded of, reading the comments that follow this P-I column — We haven’t seen much of Hizzoner since things got ugly. Back on Saturday, he led a “briefing” at 5 pm, then another one at 7 pm (without saying much, as we noted toward the start of our Saturday night coverage), and since we are on the media-advisory list, we knew about those, but we haven’t seen anything since. Same thing happened during the days of powerlessness after the December 2006 windstorm — not even an “I feel your pain” type tour. If we were him, we’d have a news conference on the steps of the house that, as Gina pointed out in afternoon comments, is on a street as unplowed as many of ours, and just say, hey, we know you’re ticked off, we’re trying to do better day by day and we’ll figure out what to do better next time. Honesty helps too. /soapbox

10:12 PM UPDATE: And here is yet another example of the problem – another video clip from WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli showing the crazy road conditions in The Junction – West Seattle’s “downtown”:

Listening to the scanner for the nth hour, the drinking-game phrase can now switch from “sheet of ice” to “kids throwing snowballs at cars.” Police somewhere out there being dispatched to just such a call, again.

10:24 PM UPDATE: Our friends at Beacon Hill Blog reported, via Twitter, they just got a package delivered by UPS – after 9 pm. So if you’re waiting, there’s still hope.

MIDNIGHT: This thread stays up overnight – like Tuesday, our morning post will open at 4 am, and we’ll be on live-update watch by 5:30-ish. Going to go update the links/open/close post now, since there’s a fair amount of info available about what’s planned Wednesday (as in, today).

12:15 AM UPDATE: The Times has posted the followup to what we’re sure was the smash hit story of their site on Tuesday — the saltlessness shocker — today, why (some) environmentalists say “huh? sand is worse!”

12:33 AM UPDATE: As for Cliff Mass‘s latest post (Tuesday night), he doesn’t seem to know what’s going to happen with the weather today either.

1:10 AM NOTE: Not West Seattle, but — 3 am is when our favorite Christmas website, NORAD Tracks Santa, goes live. If you’re wide awake and looking to get in the holiday mood, you’ll find it here.

West Seattle snow and ice: Tuesday morning/afternoon updates


(Monday photo from Alki by David Hutchinson)
Good morning! Thank you again in advance for using the comment section (and/or e-mail, or phone 206-293-6302 when you’re away from computer or handheld) to share road conditions, bus observations, and anything else to help your fellow West Seattleites get around more safely and successfully this morning – regional weather star Cliff Mass warns “(this) morning may be a real problem with perhaps more troublesome conditions than (yesterday) morning in some locations.” As usual, we’ll be sharing info, official advisories, observations, photos, etc. Reminder that our list of infolinks (Metro status list etc.) and open/closed notes can be found here.

5:50 AM UPDATE: From Jim McCabe, at Sea-Tac, in comments: “The airport looks like a gigantic homeless shelter, with people sleeping in every corner.” Metro status list is being updated.

6:05 AM UPDATE: Radio report says there are still some flight cancellations at Sea-Tac; some flights are leaving, but the crowd is still there because there’s not much standby room to get passengers onto flights that have long been fully booked. Meantime, if you missed it at the end of last night’s coverage, here’s the Times story about why the city doesn’t salt roads.

6:36 AM UPDATE: Road report via Facebook from Talani at Stor-More Self-Storage (Avalon/Yancy; WSB sponsor):

Looking Down Avalon…cars are trying it and making it…many going very slow…many still driving with chains…on the bridge in the distance we see both cars and busses going over Avalon

Still awaiting many of the morning’s “official” updates, such as Seattle Public Utilities‘ official call on whether they’re even going to try pickup today (including potentially some of the Monday homes that were missed yesterday for the 2nd straight Monday; see our story from last night).

6:56 AM UPDATE: Summarizing what people are sharing in the comments section so far – sounds like Metro bus service through/from West Seattle is more reliable this morning, in general. The city has recirculated the overview news release we published yesterday afternoon; one highlight worth mentioning again in case it affects you or someone you know, “Seattle City Light has suspended disconnection notices through January 9, 2009. Any customer needing assistance in making payments on their City Light bill should contact the Call Center as soon as possible to make arrangements. Customers can call (206) 684-3000 Monday – Friday to talk with a representative.” Also – We’re monitoring citywide traffic reports via radio, scanner, and Web, no major problems so far.

7:07 AM UPDATE: JayDee just texted from his bus – “56 at seven (am) running, whew.” More evidence the bus service is doing better. The arterials mentioned so far in comments sound better too; the corner nearest us (California/Thistle) also has the sound of faster driving this morning – going out in a bit for a photo.

7:35 AM UPDATE: Another text from JayDee – 56 still going well but “of course (standing room only) since California.” Another public-service reminder: If you haven’t cleared your storm drains and checked your downspouts – more melting is likely today – it’s an important thing to do. Especially given the likelihood of more stormy weather on the way, one way or another – just noticed that Cliff Mass actually filed a significant update fairly late last night, not only with his thoughts about more snow on the way, but also his opinions on the snow-removal issue. He concludes:

I am no economist…but image if the city had 3x more snowplows and could keep the roads in far better shape. What is that worth? Tomorrow the UW is closing for a second day. Image the cost of that in lost productivity…certainly tens or hundreds of thousands of productivity lost. What about the loss of business to retail? Any reasonable analysis should reveal that better snow removal capabilities would be a extraordinary investment.

8:21 AM UPDATE: Seeing some snow-related items popping up in the West Seattle CL items that you can find on our “More” page any time (first half of the page is regional news coverage mentioning West Seattle or The Viaduct; second half is the latest 50 CL posts tagged West Seattle; both are automated feeds so they’re continuously updated (see ’em here). More reading suggestions – we published a few non-snow stories last night and added to the “amazing snow creations” post, so scroll further down the home page if you get bored!

8:50 AM UPDATE: Radio reports about downtown hills say some are still shut down, like Cherry (very steep near City Hall). Otherwise, traffic volumes are down regionally. Photo traffic’s slow this morning so we have a few more to share from Monday – Creighton sent this one:

And Paul sent this one, an example of bright color amid the white snow and gray sky:

9 AM UPDATE: Report from outside – “it’s trying to snow” and “on the sidewalk, where it’s been cleared, it’s icy, where it hasn’t, it’s packed snow.” The snow that’s trying to fall is VERY light, though. The forecast has a “winter storm watch” in effect starting late tonight. Meantime, word via radio, Greyhound has suspended service for the third straight day.


West Seattle snow: Quick links and who’s closed/open

Updated 12:46 am Wednesday – retimestamped again to keep it below the main post – (this list was first created Sunday). We will keep updating as info becomes available:


WSB Traffic page with city, state, county cams specifically from, or relevant to, WS
Metro bus route cancellation/reroute status
Real-time bus updates (not necessarily for all)
King County Road Alerts
WSDOT cameras and traffic alerts
Washington State Ferries service bulletins
Sound Transit service alerts (buses, Sounder)

Seattle Public Utilities couldn’t pick up trash Tuesday, will assess Wednesday feasibility today
Puget Sound Energy service alerts

The latest update is on the Parks Department home page with Wednesday plans

Seattle Public Library system home page (all branches are CLOSED today and Christmas Day)

FAA airport-status page (which will show you what’s up with other airports nationwide)
Sea-Tac real-time flight info

King County running list of closures etc.
City of Seattle collection of links and news releases

Amtrak service alerts and advisories
Greyhound service advisories

National Weather Service – Seattle
Cliff Mass’ Weather Blog

WHAT’S OPEN/CLOSED WEDNESDAY (in categories not mentioned above)
Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) CLOSED till Saturday
From the West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor):

Wednesday, 12/24
Both YMCA Facilities Closed

Thursday, 12/25
Both YMCA Facilities Closed – Merry Christmas!

Friday, 12/26
Both YMCA Facilities Open at Normal Times

Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) open till 3 pm
Twilight Art in The Junction open till 3 pm and collecting new unwrapped toys for Treehouse
University of Washington closed

Real-time Twitter updates tagged as storm coverage – from all over the Seattle area!
Live 911 dispatch log (Seattle fire/medic only, NOT police, NOT sheriff/county fire units)

Particular links you’d like to see us add? Open/closed status to report (businesses, organizations, events, whatever)? Please leave a comment and/or e-mail us – editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!

West Seattle snow: Late-night motorized mayhem?

Once again this very-early morning, we’re hearing on the scanner that police are being called out to deal with allegedly rowdy sledders and snowmobilers on Charlestown hill (a few blocks west of California SW). That reminded us that the above photos had come in on Monday with the following beef:

OK, so maybe I am getting a bit older these days but having six 4-wheel ATV’s and a snowmobile tearing up Alki at 11:45 pm is a bit much… Loud and obnoxious, will we have to wait until one of them hits a pole or worse yet a person out enjoying the snow for a walk? I get using one to run up to Safeway or the Met, but does Alki Beach have to turn into an obstacle race course if it snows?

Included are pictures of the result of these folks. Unfortunate result of what should have been another beautiful scene from that master artist in the sky… Instead we have dirt kicked up from the doughnuts and loud racing last and previous nights. I doubt this activity is legal, these folks are going way too fast for my comfort level having my car parked on Alki Ave and friends/neighbors out and about.

Sincerely, Concerned at Alki

West Seattle snow: More amazing creations

(we’ve added a few more! scroll down)

We’ve been spotlighting some of the most amazing creations we’ve received photos of – the ice sculpture with the fish and the Alki “waterfront condo” – and now, thanks to Stephen Hughes-Jelen in High Point, the snow fort. He says it’s at the “current dead end of High Point Drive.” Also, SR sent us a neighbor’s “Snow Jesus,” photographed on 34th between Barton and Roxbury:

ADDED LATER MONDAY NIGHT: A 12-foot-tall “snow angel,” by Brian, 20th between Thistle and Cloverdale (map):

ADDED VERY EARLY TUESDAY: Gavin Ho with his rendition of R2D2:

Another Alki igloo shot (forgive us for losing the photographer’s name) – not sure if this is the same one we showed on Monday, but it has the perfect decor:

ADDED TUESDAY AFTERNOON: Patty sent this and says James from West Seattle Fence “can’t build fences (right now) but can build a snowman” … 52nd/Genesee.

West Seattle snow: Monday afternoon-evening (etc.) updates

(scroll/refresh for ongoing updates; see today’s earlier coverage here; for a list of handy links and closed/open reports, CLICK HERE)

There is no cheerier sighting on a day like today than The Snowplow (this one headed south on California to eastbound Thistle a short time ago). Digging, plowing, and some melting seem to be the theme of the afternoon; morning coverage is here – let the afternoon/evening coverage begin.

2:11 PM UPDATE: Some reminders: Links to the latest transit info etc. are in the open/closed/links post that we’re continuing to update elsewhere on the page. Meantime, some afternoon photos – 2 pm on Yancy east of Avalon, via Facebook (where we’re WS Blog) from Talani at Stor-More Self-Storage (WSB sponsor):

2:21 PM UPDATE: This just in: “Trenton was just plowed from Delridge eastbound.”

3:10 PM UPDATE: The latest news release from the city includes this (plus some other info about shelters and fire safety; read the entire release here) info:

City of Seattle departments entered another day of snow response by continuing to plow roads, shelter the vulnerable and ensuring homes and businesses have power. …

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) continues 24-hour operations to plow, de-ice and sand across the city. The department’s focus remains main arterials, bridges and other elevated road structures, streets near hospitals, and bus routes.

SDOT continues to deploy its entire winter response fleet of 27 trucks on the streets. Two of those trucks have been assigned to the downtown core. Crews will move to secondary arterials as soon as conditions allow. Due to an ice-related problem with a track switch, the South Lake Union Seattle Streetcar will remain out of service until further notice.

To date, SDOT crews have used more than 6,000 tons of sand and dispersed more than 12,000 gallons of liquid de-icer. SDOT continues to advise that motorists use caution and avoid driving if possible. If motorists must drive, they are advised to reduce their speeds, transition carefully from side streets to arterials and give snowplows ample room to operate.

City Light: No major outages, disconnects suspended

Seattle City Light currently has no major outages. Over the weekend, the utility responded to a number of small outages. No more than 150 customers were without power at any one time and crews quickly restored power. Most power loss was caused by either cars hitting poles or trees falling into lines as a result of heavy snow on the branches.

The utility has sufficient crews available for any potential outages. The wind is not expected to be an issue, helping to reduce the likelihood of service interruption.

Nickels announced today that Seattle City Light has suspended disconnection notices through January 9, 2009. Any customer needing assistance in making payments on their City Light bill should contact the Call Center as soon as possible to make arrangements. Customers can call (206) 684-3000 Monday – Friday to talk with a representative.

Garbage collection

Seattle Public Utilities will collect additional garbage at no charge when weather permits the movement of heavy trucks in residential neighborhoods. When setting out extra waste, customers are encouraged to place perishable food items in their collection containers and set bagged non-perishable items next to the containers. Customers can dispose of their garbage for free at Seattle’s Recycling and Disposal Stations in South Park and Fremont. Seattle’s recycling and disposal stations are open today.

Single-family residential garbage, recycling, food and yard waste collection has been delayed Monday, Dec. 22, due to dangerous road conditions. City collection contractors will attempt to service today’s missed customers Tuesday or Wednesday, if road conditions improve. Customers missed today should leave their containers out tomorrow. If materials are not collected tomorrow, then customers should bring in their containers until next week.

Due to the Christmas holiday, Thursday and Friday customers will be delayed one day. Thursday customers will be collected Friday, Dec. 26, and Friday customers will be collected Saturday, Dec. 27. …

Keep storm drains clear

People are advised to avoid piling snow on top of storm drains when shoveling sidewalks and driveways. These drains need to be kept clear, so that when the snow melts the runoff has some place to go. As the snow starts to thaw, you can attempt to clear snow from drains when streets are clear of cars.

Protect your pipes

Seattle Public Utilities reminds residents to prepare water pipes for cold weather. Shut off outside faucets, drain the water and protect them by insulating them with rags or foam covers. Pipes in exposed or unheated areas (attics, basements and garages) should be wrapped with tape and insulating materials, available at local hardware stores. Drain and remove all outdoor hoses, and shut off and drain in-ground sprinkler systems.

Residents are also urged to protect indoor sink pipes that are against exterior walls, by opening under-sink cabinet doors, allowing heat to circulate. During severe cold, allow the faucet farthest from your front door to slowly drip cold water. Set your thermostat no lower than 55 degrees Fahrenheit, day or night (even if you are away).

If a water pipe breaks, immediately close the main shut-off valve to stop excessive flooding. If you cannot turn off the main shut-off valve, SPU customers can call (206) 386-1800 and a crew will turn off the water at the meter for a standard service charge.

Scott C adds – tending to your downspouts is vital too:

remind folks to make sure that the exits to their downspouts are clear so that they can drain. I just pushed snow off the roof over our garage and found the downspout was plugged from snow gathering in front of it, and the water melting off the roof was frozen at the end of it. This can end up with the water either breaking the downspout and or the water backing up and going under the roofing into the house. A few minutes can save lots of bucks.

Scott also sent this photo of a lethal-looking icicle coming off his roof:

Also, this just came in from Metro – the morning outlook – mostly boilerplate you’ve read before, but nonetheless, of great interest:

With travel conditions still not stabilized, King County Metro Transit will be offering approximately half of its regular weekday service on Tuesday morning, Dec. 23.

Please check the Metro Online website and click on the “adverse weather” link before you leave home to see if your bus route is operating and if it is on snow routing. Weather forecasts indicate freezing temperatures overnight could result in icy roads for the Tuesday morning commute.

Difficult driving conditions and ten straight days of snow operations are beginning to take their toll on Metro’s bus fleet. The number of buses available for peak service has decreased each day over the past week due to difficulties some coach models experience in the deeper snow or in prolonged icy conditions. There are still many roadways in Metro’s service area that are snow-packed, icy, or closed to travel.

Metro continues to take a cautious approach to providing the safest bus service possible. It is focusing on providing service on cleared highways and arterial roads, and to major transit centers and park-and-ride lots.

Bus passengers should be aware that travel conditions can change quickly, and this list of disrupted service may be revised at any time due to weather and road conditions. In some locations, where roads are impassable for large buses, Metro will be operating chained shuttles.

Passengers should be prepared to board buses at major transit centers, cleared arterials, or at the top or bottom of hills. Please dress warmly, wear appropriate footwear, and be prepared to wait. The buses that are running are expected to be significantly delayed.

This transit plan will continue until weather and road conditions improve, which means almost all bus service will be significantly limited. Metro appreciates everyone’s patience, and reminds customers that safety for passengers and bus drivers is the agency’s No. 1 concern.

Information about bus status is available on Metro’s Ice & Snow page, but conditions are changing rapidly. You can also call the Metro Customer Information Office at (206) 553-3000, but call volumes are high and there may be a wait to talk to a CIO representative. People should closely monitor the latest weather and traffic reports for information about travel conditions.

Worried about your roof as the snow becomes heavy and wet? Here’s some helpful info from the P-I.
3:31 PM UPDATE: Road report from co-publisher Patrick – SW Thistle between Denny Middle School and Delridge is UNPLOWED and NASTY. Delridge – which he traveled from Thistle to Andover – is OK. And if you’re heading south on Delridge toward/through White Center – Full Tilt Ice Cream is open (they’re usually closed Mondays; Justin explains on White Center Now why they’re open today)!

3:55 PM UPDATE: Before the daylight goes away – more photos from Scott C – first, the future park (part of it, anyway) at Myrtle Reservoir:

From there, 35th looking North:

And looking south:

If you can’t quite place Myrtle Reservoir – it’s next to the water towers, close to the highest spot in the cityhere’s a map. Another shot – 35th at Webster, looking south (the northbound lanes look great):

4:01 PM UPDATE: This report just in from Tom:

Just took a walk from our house in Arbor Heights to the Roxbury Safeway. The side streets are terrible – close to a foot of snow on the road. Most of the tracks in the street are being made by the ATVs driving around our neighborhood. And the sidewalks are terrible – I walked in the street most of the way. However, Roxbury itself is fine. The snow’s melting, so the roads are bare with lots of slush on them. Sadly, we’ve got too much snow on our street for any serious melting to happen. Maybe tomorrow.

Here are some of his photos – first, Roxbury looking west (toward 35th a few blocks away):

Closer look at Roxbury and 30th:

And a snowman guarding Roxhill Park:

Reminder that traffic cams of West Seattle relevance — including the bridge, the ramp to I-5, and the ferry dock – can be found on the WSB Traffic page. Meantime, the libraries have just announced their plans for tomorrow:

The Seattle Public Library plans to open the Central Library downtown from noon to 5 p.m. and all 26 branches from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 23.

5:16 PM UPDATE: Mentioned this in comments and also published it in the Twitter box in the right sidebar (the light blue box) but for anyone who missed it there (that’s usually where we put instant word of possible breaking news, among other things) – the fire call was something small inside a house in the 6300 block of 46th SW and the resident reported it out even before the crews arrived.

5:33 PM UPDATE: No proof that it’s weather-related but no proof it’s not – Ballard had a somewhat sizable power outage for a while late today; here’s an update from our friends at MyBallard.com. With ice, snow, heavily laden tree branches still out there, keep those flashlights handy once again, just in case.

6:17 PM UPDATE: By all accounts (particularly in comments), the roads that started to get slushy today are freezing over again – so it may be even more dangerous out there than it was last night/this morning. Meantime, we just posted a separate Crime Watch story that’s going to stay atop the page for a while – the trash update is still in the works. (Bottom line though, if you have Monday delivery, don’t bring it in, they’re going to decide tomorrow morning whether they can make the missed Monday rounds on Tuesday.) We’ll also be updating the open/closed/links post by 8:30 with everything we’ve learned about tomorrow (although everything we know so far already has been posted here in the afternoon updates, or earlier). (Some of that information is already there now.)

9:06 PM UPDATE: The University of Washington has suspended operations again for tomorrow. We’re catching up with some of the West Seattle pix that have come in recently; for starters, via Twitter, RealLowVibe noted the posting of these pix from Alki Ave tonight, captioned “So much for effective plowing and sanding.” There are other nighttime road reports in comments — few of them good. Meantime – if things were normal, we would have been bringing you Christmas lights photos every night from around West Seattle. We got some of them in before Snowpocalypse ’08 (as many have dubbed it). In comments, it’s been suggested that we all plan on lights tours AFTER Christmas, once things are truly drivable again, and we can go for that. In the short run – any photos welcome if you can photograph your own lights or your neighbor’s lights – Johnston sent this closeup of his nicely iced lights:

Ours, on the shrubbery out front, are now sadly buried beneath the snow co-publisher Patrick valiantly cleared from the sidewalk. Also some nice sunset scenes tonight – Jana posted this one on Facebook after a trip to Alki:

9:38 PM UPDATE: The National Weather Service posted its latest “forecast discussion” at midevening. Excerpt:




10:08 PM UPDATE: We’ve published the trash-pickup story atop the home page; no startling revelations except perhaps that they don’t plan to be stingy about what “double” or “triple” pickup means when your trash DOES get picked up. Meanwhile, another closure note for tomorrow – in addition to the UW, which we mentioned last hour, South Seattle Community College (on Puget Ridge in West Seattle, for anybody who didn’t already know that) is closed again tomorrow too.

10:28 PM: Added another “amazing creation” to this post from earlier – a 12-foot snow angel. The flip side of all the snow – how easy it is to get stuck. If you are trying to get out tomorrow after staying home today, heed the advice of Kevin in Arbor Heights, who tells the tale of getting his “car STUCK in my own driveway, on relatively flat ground. I had it free after 5 minutes with a snow shovel. Just shows how little it takes to get stuck. Lots of ice lurking under what looks like fresh snow. I would advise folks to carry a snow shovel in the car if they have one.” Pic:

In case you’re wondering what else is going on out there – we’re taking some time tonight, besides sifting through the photos from today (thank you SO much to everyone who has taken the time to send them and please forgive us if we didn’t post yours), to check some of the usual sources we comb for West Seattle news in non-snowy times, plus working to update the events/holidays calendars (see the top “tab” bar under the sunset header – that’s how you get to other WSB pages) to catch up on more Christmas info. Will add updates here as we get them, of course, and watch the top of the home page for additional non-snow stories we’ll be adding in the next few hours.

11:26 PM UPDATE: Some more loose ends and interesting things to share. Remember the fire call earlier tonight, 6300 block of 46th SW (big dispatch as is SOP for a residential fire call, but it was out before crews arrived)? Kirk and friends happened to be out on a grocery run when several of the emergency vehicles went rushing by, and they uploaded it to YouTube:

11:52 PM UPDATE: Another interesting sight from the inbox – Heidi in Sunrise Heights reports they had to improvise when time came to come up with a sled for their “Little Man”:

Bonnie sent a beautiful photo earlier from Fauntlee Hills:

12:45 AM: Fascinating Times article about why the city doesn’t use salt on the roads.

1:06 AM: Seattle Police are getting called out again to Charlestown hill — “chronic location” as the dispatcher called it, “people drinking, snowmobiling, sledding.”

2:34 AM: Last item before we close this one out, with the morning post opening at 4 (and live updates resuming at 5:30) – from Hutch and company, the tuckered-out snowman:

West Seattle snow: Monday morning/midday updates

(AM coverage is now closed; PM COVERAGE IS HERE; for a list of handy links and closed/open reports, CLICK HERE)

Live updates resuming. Please share road/bus stories for those who can’t stay home.

5:14 AM UPDATE: For bus riders – As of 4 am, as promised, Metro resumed updating its list of which bus routes are and aren’t running. See it here. A new forecast is out as of last hour; the accompanying “discussion” says some snow shower chances continue this morning but promises “DRIER NORTHERLY FLOW SETTING UP OVER WESTERN WASHINGTON TONIGHT.”

5:24 AM UPDATE: Words of warning from Linda Thielke, who should know because she’s coordinating media/public info for Metro and hearing from bus drivers all over: “Please warn everyone that road conditions are bad out there this morning. Even in the Seattle CBD (central business district), there are still snow-covered streets.”

5:36 AM UPDATE: Washington State Ferries says: “Normal service on all routes.” WSF’s service-bulletins list is on our list of links/what’s open/what’s closed (which we are updating for your reference IN ADDITION to including new info in this post as we get it).

5:52 AM UPDATE: Got word that the White Center Food Bank – which serves part of West Seattle too – REALLY needs help. From executive director Rick Jump:

The White Center Food Bank has 300 families scheduled to pick up their holiday baskets on Monday and another 300 scheduled for Tuesday. Our plan is to be open for those with appointments but I will probably need some additional volunteers to make this happen. A few of our loyal volunteers showed up last Friday and we served 144 families (out of the 300 scheduled that day). We will be open from 10am to 6pm. If there is anybody who lives within walking distance of the food bank OR has a 4 wheel drive vehicle and can safely get there we would greatly appreciate the extra help. I will also need help shoveling the sidewalks and part of the parking lot to make it safe for those who show up. Please help spread the word.

The food bank is at 10829 8th SW; here’s a map.

6:17 AM UPDATE: Via Twitter, WSDOT reports, “Road conditions in most areas of the state are compact snow, with ramps and overpasses still trouble spots.” We’re monitoring the scanner as well as TV, online, etc. And we’re watching airport-related news; a Twitter friend who’s at Sea-Tac says, “Departure lanes at Sea-Tac not moving – people getting out and walking to terminal.” Co-publisher Patrick reminds us we should mention this — the city DID NOT EXPECT to be able to pick up trash today (2nd Monday in a row for some of us) — we are checking with SPU to verify, but as of now, not that you can get it out anyway, likely not worth trying.

6:50 AM UPDATE: Our road report – looks like some clearing/compacting at California/Thistle (both arterials) but still very slow going. Thistle coming down the hill toward Cali:

And around the bend, heading north on Cali:

If you’re on an arterial (or other busy road), please send a pic if/when you can, particularly after sunrise – really helps in addition to the anecdotal reports in comments – editor@westseattleblog.com


West Seattle snow: Sunday night (and overnight) updates

(scroll/refresh for the latest updates; AND for a list of handy links and closed/open reports, CLICK HERE)

(photo courtesy Amy, looking east/uphill on Thistle from Delridge)
It’s time to kick off the evening coverage, with a special focus on what we learn about planning for tomorrow – it may be school break, but a lot of folks are going to have to try to get to work tomorrow, so we’ll do what we can to help, with the latest news — including info from YOU, in the comments or via e-mail (editor@westseattleblog.com) – if you’re away from a computer and have something to share, call us 24/7 at 206-293-6302. First update: Some have asked when Metro will put up its information for tomorrow here. Metro’s very helpful and proactive Linda Thielke e-mailed WSB to explain:

We don’t want to update the snow & ice page until about 4 am Monday, because we still have Sunday service out on the road. If we were to put Monday’s service info online tonight, it would really confuse people. Anyone planning to ride Metro on Monday morning should check the site and then check again just before they need to leave home, because road conditions are changing rapidly.

Our Monday live updates will start by 5 am, by the way, to help with the morning commute. But in the meantime, we’re here for many more hours. Also note our new post with quick info-links and also known closures/who’s-open (like who’s delivering pizza tonight); that’s not meant to REPLACE discussion here, but a place to record what comes up here for your quick reference.

7:24 PM UPDATE: Just in from Josh Sutton of the West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor):

MONDAY: West Seattle Y Facility open at normal time

Fauntleroy Y Facility open at normal time

YMCA Licensed Child Care
Programs at Cooper, Concord & Arbor Heights Elementary are closed.
School Age Kids from all licensed Y programs can go to WS Elementary (High Point), open at 9am.
Preschool Kids from all licensed Y programs can go to WS YMCA PSCC, open at 8:30am.

Check website at westseattleymca.org anytime for more updates.

King County has just posted a running list of its open/closed info – here it is; also adding to the aforementioned links page.

7:36 PM UPDATE: More on the power-outage warning we posted at the end of the afternoon coverage – Now WSDOT has noted via Twitter that there’s word of some outages in Kitsap. No Seattle outages noted yet, but again, have your flashlight/etc. ready. This time, it’s not wind, but heavy snow taking out branches/lines, etc.

From Ingrid: “Happy first night of Hanukkah to the West Seattle Jews!” Indeed.

8 PM UPDATE: From Big Red at 29th/Thistle, side by side comparisons of how much snow has fallen in the past several hours – 3:30 pm at left, 7:30 pm at right:

Thinking about escaping to California? L.A.’s expecting a storm too. Tame compared to ours.


West Seattle snow: Christmas seal

This little guy merits its own post. Thanks to Bob for that photo from Lincoln Park. Remember – keep your distance; mom is usually coming back for baby after catching food. (Not sure what the fluorescent thing by its neck is – hope it’s not a sign of trouble.)

West Seattle snow: Sunday afternoon (etc.) updates

(photo courtesy Katie M – send pix to editor@westseattleblog.com)
Find morning/afternoon updates, photos, comments here. Note that we have added a Sea-Tac webcam to the right sidebar for airportgoers. Meantime, we launch the afternoon with a LONG citywide update from the city’s Emergency Ops Center – it’s now posted on the city website (read it here) – note the mention that MONDAY TRASH SERVICE IS LIKELY TO BE POSTPONED – also, Hiawatha Community Center is open till 5; West Seattle (Admiral) Library is open; Southwest Pool is open (though lessons are canceled). And this excerpt re: roads:

City Transportation crews are continuing to clear streets after Saturday night’s storm. SDOT currently has trucks plowing, sanding and de-icing city streets. Three of those trucks are devoted solely to the West Seattle Bridge and the Alaskan Way Viaduct. With more precipitation expected, clearing work will continue throughout the day citywide. The department’s primary focus will be principal arterials, bridges and other elevated road structures, streets near hospitals, and bus routes. Twenty one SDOT workers are cleaning sidewalks outside of hospitals for safe access.


1:14 PM UPDATE: Dasher the reindeer is at Capers. So if you’re going to The Junction, stop in there as well as getting your Santa photo at Cupcake Royale (till 3:30, and as mentioned in morning coverage, Santa is at Westwood Village till 4 pm):

Snowing like CRAZY again – just in time for the football game on TV, of course, so Seattle looks more like Green Bay … fitting for Coach Holmgren’s last game. Meantime – DL Byron from BikeHugger reports phone trouble on 56th SW, getting “all circuits are busy.” We will check with Qwest’s media unit about trouble.

1:27 PM UPDATE: Rey just sent some photos from around our Upper Fauntleroy ‘hood – thanks! First one, the stairs down from Cloverdale toward the Fauntleroy area, looking south:

And the official WSB HQ intersection, California/Thistle (but it’s Rey’s photo), looking north on Cali:

Uphill on Thistle, looking west (and sideways) to California:

Alkichick sends this link to her gallery of Alki photos taken “all week.” Meantime – HEAVY SNOW OUT THERE. From Arbor Heights, Darren sends this photo of 35th SW looking south from 105th:

1:43 PM UPDATE: Another restaurant report – Janie Pelligrini writes to say LA RUSTICA WILL BE OPEN TONIGHT! Vickie says The Bohemian is open for coffee till 3 pm. (We’d reported last night that they canceled brunch for today.) And reiterating, Hotwire is open till 5 pm. We will reinstate the “who’s open” list of quick links atop this post in a minute. Also, just in from JayDee on Alki via text message:

Celtic swell opens at 6; alki cafe open;alki bakery closes at 4; starbucks closes at 4; bamboo bar open until 10; pegasus closed? No note on the door. Cactus open to 9. Urban market is open. A 56 pulled up but cannot tell what the route is. Tully’s open, but hours are dependent on customers coming in.

And Shell just texted that Nail Time on California SW is open. Back to Alki – Alkichick’s pix include this one, probably the only birds we DON’T have to worry about in this weather?

In North Delridge, Jessie at Skylark says brunch continues till 3 pm. OK, there is an alarming headline on the P-I saying SIX MORE INCHES OF SNOW expected by tonight. Checking the forecasts for any verification of that. (…) Here’s the National Weather Service’s late-morning forecast. Up to 2″ today and up to 4″ tonight DO add up to six inches. That requires a cute pet photo before we get back to road conditions – this is Ellen‘s puggle Coco in Gatewood:

Ellen also sent this photo looking north on California all the way toward Morgan Junction and past to The Junction:

And in comments, word that another WSB sponsor, Alki Bike and Board, is renting snowshoes. Not sure where you get a snowmobile, but Bruce sent this photo from 34th SW:

2:18 PM UPDATE: From The Wilchers, a High Point pond panorama:

In comments – word that West Seattle Cellars is open till 5 pm. Meantime, a snow-creation photo – from Anne at Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor), left to right, it’s Logan, Jackson and Della with their newest friend:

We’re just getting some Admiral District photos in – this one from Kim:

This one’s from Lena:

Also from the Admiral District, via Twitter, WSB sponsor Click! Design That Fits sends this update:

Walking in the snow, seeing people ski to the store, feeling like we’re in a European village. Click! is open until 6pm and loving the snow

And if you can’t make it to the store, they have online shopping too. Here’s Lena’s photo looking in that general direction (Click! is by Blockbuster):

And back to Kim’s pix, Admiral Safeway:

2:43 PM UPDATE: Now as the snow intensifies (! new forecast within an hour or so!) – from Lori Ho at 16th/Thistle in Highland Park, Gavin Ho “standing proudly next to his snow fort”:

Another update from Capers in The Junction – last day to bring gifts to the Giving Tree for Hickman House. Remember that when this calms down, our local nonprofits are likely going to need a LOT of extra help – we will gather info as best we can to let everybody know how to pitch in.

2:55 PM UPDATE: JayDee toured Alki, as mentioned earlier (see his report above on who’s open/closed) – here are some of the pix he sent, starting with The Statue and Alki Cafe:

Admiral looking downhill/west from 59th:

And here’s another Alki icon – Whale Tail Park‘s namesake looks more like a beluga than its usual self, today:

Also from Alki, a crosscountry skier (and ferry) snapped by Brian:

Reminder about the WSB Traffic cams page (click the tab atop any WSB page) if anyone calls you from the Seahawks game asking about conditions getting home. Also, SDOT updated via Twitter that it’s now clearing routes away from the stadium to ensure fans’ safe travel home. We’re going out for a quick walk around the block to just shake off glued-to-chair syndrome before nightfall.

3:41 PM UPDATE: Not sure whether technically that’s freezing rain or sleet falling right now, but it’s little tiny ice crystals. Also, we finally get the “creme brulee” description that’s been going around to describe what happened earlier today – if you go out and walk through unshoveled snow, you will come to a layer of ice, 1/4″ to 1/8″ thick, which you can lift out in sharp-edged sheets:

Also, this advisory just in from SDOT:

With yet another wave of snow arriving, the Seattle
Department of Transportation (SDOT) continues to aggressively plow,
de-ice and sand across the city. With additional inches of snow hitting
roadways, the department continues to advise that motorists use caution
and not drive if it can be avoided. If motorists must drive, they are
advised to reduce their speeds, transition carefully from side streets
to arterials and give snowplows ample room to operate.

The department’s focus remains principal arterials, bridges and other
elevated road structures, streets near hospitals, and bus routes. A
particular emphasis has been placed on outbound travel routes from Qwest
Field. SDOT currently has its entire winter response fleet of 27 trucks
plowing, sanding and de-icing city streets. Four of those trucks are
devoted solely to the West Seattle Bridge and the Alaskan Way Viaduct.
Due to icy conditions, the South Lake Union line of the Seattle
Streetcar is no longer in operation.

Also an update from Sea-Tac Airport:

Alaska and Horizon have suspended service due to severe winter weather and deteriorating conditions. Airport is open and other carriers are continuing operations. There is sufficient deicing fluid for the airfield through Monday and SeaTac is sharing with surrounding airports. Aircraft deicing supply trucks are stuck on the east side of the pass. There are a significant number of passengers stranded in the airport. Alaska has instructed all passengers who live in the area to go home and rebook their flights online or by phone.

Sharonn Meeks sent a pic with word that The Mount has had enough snow-clearing to access relatively safely:

Update from the city Parks Department:

Seattle Parks and Recreation’s School Age Care Winter Break Camps at all community
centers will be closed on Monday, Dec. 22, due to weather conditions. A child care hotline is available for additional updates on Winter Break Camp operation. Call 206-684-7123 for Hotline Updates.

Early morning lap swims for Monday, Dec. 22, are closed at Medgar Evers Pool and Southwest Pool, but these facilities will open at their standard operating time. All other pools that normally have early morning lap swims, including Ballard, Evans, Queen Anne and Meadowbrook will be open for this use. Madison and Rainier Beach pools will have normal operating hours.

All other Seattle Parks and Recreation facilities will have normal operating hours on Monday. These include community centers, pools, environmental learning centers, Amy Yee Tennis Center and Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center. Regularly scheduled programming has been canceled, but drop-in use of these facilities is available.

Public golf courses, including Jackson Park, Interbay, West Seattle and Jefferson Park are closed for golf, but are open for sledding.

New forecast posted within the hour – includes the previously mentioned “up to 6″ new” through tonight, then snow showers in almost every daypart through Tuesday night, when “snow likely” is the phrase. Read it here.
In comments, update from Jessie at Skylark, where usually there’s all-ages live music on Sunday nights (and live music SIX nights a week):

Two out of three bands have understandably cancelled tonight, but we are still planning on staying open. If you have cabin fever in the Delridge neighborhood feel free to stop by for hot food and/or warming beverages. We close at 11pm on Sundays and are all ages/full bar with ID. Everyone’s disappointed we didn’t get the expected “slightly warmer weather and rain” reprieve…but bands are all rescheduling for early ‘09 so it’s not so bad.

Just created a separate post for a harbor seal photographed at Lincoln Park. Thanks for all the photos — keep ’em coming, we’re still catching up. Snowing heavily again where we are, by the way. TV reporter at Sea-Tac says Alaska may not get more de-icer till tomorrow (as posted above, they’ve suspended all flights anyway).

4:14 PM UPDATE: Metro’s Linda Thielke is doing a phone interview on TV noting this is the TENTH day of snow operations. We are making a separate post with quick links and other info (closures/changes) that you might want to refer to frequently without scrolling back thru the WSB running coverage – let us know – editor@westseattleblog.com – if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see in such a list. One of them, of course, will be the Metro reroute/canceled/suspended list. Meantime – levity of course is a saving grace (or however that saying goes) – Bridgette posted on Facebook, “Now announcing the opening of the West Seattle ski area … lifts under construction.” Jim and Laurie sent this next photo with the subject line “Pigeon Point Hummer!” and we thought perhaps it would be a big ol’ vehicle munching up a hill – but no – it’s those little guys we’ve been discussing:

4:25 PM UPDATE: Here’s the latest from Metro regarding tomorrow morning:

King County Metro Transit will be operating approximately half of its regular service Monday morning, Dec. 22, because of ongoing difficult travel conditions due to heavy snowfall over the weekend. Also, roads throughout King County are expected to be dangerously icy Monday morning.

Please check the Metro Online website before you leave home to see if your bus route is operating and if it is on snow routing.

As it enters its 10th day of snow operations, Metro plans to operate with a level of service similar to last Friday. On Monday morning, about half of Metro’s and Sound Transit’s bus service in King County will be temporarily suspended due to weather and road conditions. If the roads clear during the day, Metro plans to add more service on the routes in operation.

Metro’s operations have been impacted by the weather throughout King County, but the hilly streets and amount of snowfall inside the city of Seattle have made travel in the city unusually difficult. Also, in many areas travel lanes have been restricted, which is slowing down both buses and general-purpose traffic.

Bus passengers should be aware that travel conditions can change quickly, and this list of disrupted service may be revised at any time due to weather and road conditions. In some locations, where roads are impassable for large buses, Metro will be operating chained shuttles.

In order to safely transport as many passengers as possible, Metro is focusing on providing bus service on cleared highways and arterial roads, and to major transit centers and park-and-ride lots.

Passengers should be prepared to board buses at major transit centers, flat arterials, or at the top or bottom of hills. Please dress warmly, wear appropriate footwear, and be prepared to wait. The buses that are running are expected to be significantly delayed.

This transit plan will continue until weather and road conditions improve, which means almost all bus service will be significantly limited. Metro appreciates everyone’s patience, and reminds customers that safety for passengers and bus drivers is the agency’s No. 1 concern.

Information about bus status is available on Metro’s Ice & Snow page, but conditions are changing rapidly. You can also call the Metro Customer Information Office at (206) 553-3000, but call volumes are high and there may be a wait to talk to a CIO representative. People should closely monitor the latest weather and traffic reports for information about travel conditions.

4:31 PM UPDATE: In comments, Ellen mentioned a festive atmosphere in The Junction. Here’s pictorial proof:

However, she reports, nobody was going to let Santa cut in line for coffee at Cupcake Royale (where Santa photos are over for the day now – thanks to everybody who made it down to The Junction!):

Speaking of Christmas fun, Kate e-mails about walking from High Point to the Admiral District for the free show this morning of “A Christmas Story.” She says “lots of people were out to laugh at Ralphie” and she also sent back sights along the way, including this “snow dragon”:

4:49 PM UPDATE: A reminder from Angelina:

Can you please remind people that it is illegal to go snowmobiling and four-by-ing in parks? We have had people driving through High Point Park and it tears up the ground underneath… Not to mention it is a safety hazard.

5:27 PM UPDATE: Started a separate post to be a standing list of hopefully helpful links. Bernie pointed out that Amtrak isn’t getting much mention but it’s had trouble too – this alert notes its Northwest service was completely canceled today. If you have a suggestion for additional helpful links, we’ll continue to build that list through the night, so please leave a comment.

5:41 PM UPDATE: From Jenny on Genesee Hill – another example of that ice layer we mentioned earlier (the “creme brulee” effect as some have described it):

From Jim and Sharon:

Found Dec. 20 on Pigeon Point: 1 pair cross country skis boots and poles. 935-1532

The WSB Forums are usually a good place for lost/found (and we post lost/found dogs/cats/etc. on our Pets page – e-mail us any time), BUT in these circumstances the front page is where many people are hanging out so we’re noting it here.

5:54 PM UPDATE: From Amy at Delridge/Thistle, a couple photos – starting with this one looking north on Thistle at dusk:

And the Longfellow Creek/Thistle Greenspace P-patch, a view we haven’t seen so far:

Via Twitter, County Executive Ron Sims sends word that Cliff Mass filed a 5 pm weather update. Cliff says this band of snow will move through by mid-evening and that there shouldn’t be anything much behind it, for now. Want to be amused? Check out how excited we got over a bit of a flurry last Christmas.

6:41 PM UPDATE: Will be switching over to an evening post soon. From Twitter, word that Beveridge Place Pub in Morgan Junction “is packed.”

This is important: There is word of some power outages here and there – not in Seattle so far – because of heavy snow taking out branches and then lines. So be sure you know where your outage-related items are. So far, we have heard (not confirmed via official sources) about some trouble in Olympia, north Vashon (via comments), and the Eastside.

Via Twitter, word that the National Weather Service noted record daily snowfall at Sea-Tac today – 3 inches, the most ever on December 21, breaking 2.6 inches on 12/21/67.

7:01 PM: Before we close this post down – one more cute kid pic – The Andersens in Arbor Heights, in fact, e-mailed this with the explanation that it’s one of their “cute kids eating snow.”

The Sunday evening post has now begun – please join us there!

West Seattle snow: Sunday morning-midday updates


{map image removed – outdated now – thanks again to Alice Enevoldsen for tirelessly updating Google Maps based on WSB’ers’ road reports)

Snow can be fun, too, as that photo of Jackson Colby, shared by dad Mark, reminds us. And after many long hours of windblown snow, today will be interesting, in ways both fun and not-so-fun. We’re opening this post early, to start with earlybirds sharing info about road conditions and other discoveries. A few reminders: The West Seattle Farmers’ Market is canceled for today, according to word we got from organizers a few days ago. There’s still a tentative plan for Santa photos and other Hometown Holidays cheer to be on in The Junction noon-4 pm as scheduled; if that changes, we will let you know here. Got a closure, cancellation, road report, something else to share? Please post it as a comment here till we restart our “live updates.”

9:07 AM UPDATE: Official Sea-Tac update says it’s open BUT many airlines have cancellations. Just got word from Seattle Public Library management that only five branches are open in the city today – one is the West Seattle (Admiral) branch, which will open at noon. Jessie from Skylark Club and Cafe (WSB sponsor) e-mailed, “Skylark is postponing brunch for a few hours. Hopefully that gives everyone the chance to get in, and the weather will clear up a bit. We are aiming to open at 11:30am.” Metro update:

Once again due to the weather and dangerous driving conditions, King County Metro Transit will be operating approximately half of its normal bus service for Sunday, Dec. 21.

Please check the Metro Online website before you leave home to see if your bus route is operating and if it is on snow routing; and note that travel conditions can change quickly so the list of disrupted service may be revised at any time due to weather and road conditions.

Heavy snowfall in the past 24 hours, particularly in the Seattle area, has closed roads and made travel difficult. In order to safely transport as many passengers as possible, Metro is focusing on providing bus service on cleared highways and arterial roads, and to major transit centers and park-and-ride lots that normally have Sunday service.

As of early Sunday morning, Metro plans to offer its Seahawks shuttle service to Qwest Field from Eastgate Park-and-Ride in Bellevue, Northgate Park-and-Ride in North Seattle, and the South Kirkland Park-and-Ride.

These shuttles will begin service at approximately 11 a.m. Fans should expect crowded conditions on the shuttles, and should give themselves plenty of time to get to the game because the buses may be delayed by road and traffic conditions. Another transit provider handles service from the Federal Way and Kent park-and-ride lots, and does expect to provide shuttle service from those locations today.

For regular Metro service on Sunday, passengers should be prepared to board buses at major transit centers, flat arterials, or at the top or bottom of hills. Please dress warmly, wear appropriate footwear, and be prepared to wait. The buses that are running could be significantly delayed by road and traffic conditions.

At 35th and Othello, this photo (thank you to whoever sent it – we have only a number, not a name) was headed “(Fire) Station 37 digs out”:

9:21 AM UPDATE: Robin Ennis-Cantwell from Barnes and Noble at Westwood Village writes, “Just want to let you know that several members of our staff walked in this morning so we (opened) at 9:00 a.m. for all our neighborhood Christmas shoppers. Please be safe and careful if you are driving or walking to our store!” This morning’s SDOT update via Twitter:

City working on Seattle streets with 21 plows/sanders. 3 trucks are dedicated solely to the West Seattle Bridge and Alaskan Way Viaduct.

Photo of “the top” of Avalon Way, from Babs:

9:36 AM UPDATE: The Admiral Theater IS STILL GOING AHEAD WITH FREE SHOWING OF “A CHRISTMAS STORY” – the movie’s at 11 am, the theater’s doors will likely open around 10:45. Another update from SDOT:

Primary/secondary roads around Qwest Field are passable – largely hard packed snow but drivable. Crews continue to work area for game.

Leighellen e-mails with word that THE 10:30 HOPE LUTHERAN SERVICE IS STILL ON. Update from Seattle Parks:

Some Seattle Parks and Recreation facilities are open today until 4 p.m., including Delridge, Hiawatha, Rainier Beach, Rainier and South Park community centers; Ballard, Helene Madison, Rainier Beach and Southwest pools; and Amy Yee Tennis Center. All regularly scheduled programming has been canceled, but drop-in use of these facilities is available. Public golf courses, including Jackson Park, Interbay, West Seattle and Jefferson Park are closed for golf, but are open for sledding.

Reminder: All the city/state traffic cams with particular West Seattle relevance are on the WSB Traffic page, including the two at Fauntleroy/Alaska and 35th/Fauntleroy, which has been looking at the bridge approach during the storm instead of its usual view back up 35th. Please send road pix if/when you go out – editor@westseattleblog.com (other snow pix welcome too!) – we just got one in from Barton looking toward Westwood Village – Sara shot this from 22nd/Barton looking west toward the shopping center:

9:53 AM UPDATE: Josh at West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor) says BOTH WEST SEATTLE Y’S WILL BE CLOSED TODAY. Public service reminder from co-publisher Patrick, who just shoveled half a foot of snow off our walkways: “As a veteran of the ’96 storm, KNOW WHERE YOUR STORM DRAINS ARE and go clear them” — whenever this starts melting, we could wind up with “ponding” if the drains are blocked with snow/ice.

Lora Lewis at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) says they’re open, till 5 pm today, and here’s the proof:

More Junction photos from Ian (who writes the excellent site Conversation Marketing, one of 100 West Seattle-based sites whose latest entries appear on the WSB Blogs page), just back from a walk along California SW:

Alaska looking east from 42nd SW:

And California at Dakota:

Ian’s entire photo set from this morning is here. Meantime, a WSB housekeeping note – we have shortened the front page a bit in hopes of making it a bit easier to load – usually we have the 27 newest posts because we file about 12 news updates a day and that gets people through 2 days’ worth – but since each post during the weather crisis here is running mega-long with tons of photos, etc., and we’re only filing a few “other news” stories, the page is now 10 posts long, till normalcy resumes (a day or two?). You can still see everything else by clicking “next page” at the very bottom of the home page, or using other means of navigation – see our “WSB Categories” list in the right sidebar – each of those “categories” brings you the archive, newest to oldest, of all the WSB stories labeled with those categories, going all the way back to the site’s start three years ago.

10:33 AM UPDATE: Cliff Mass just published his postmortem on yesterday and look ahead. More precipitation’s on the way, but even he says it’s a question whether it’ll be snow, rain, or freezing rain. Read his update here. Meantime, let’s all dream of summer barbecues:

That came in from a cell phone so didn’t get a name, but thanks! Also, a reminder from Liz V – we have been out to tend our birdbath and we’ve seen the “early robins” she mentions:

Those of us who keep the bird/hummingbird feeders filled need to know that these guys also need fresh water to stay warm. (Apparently, they need it to fluff their feathers even in the frigid weather!) My fountain froze over long ago, so I’ve been going out every few hours to pour hot water into it. They’ve also whistled up their friends and are flocking (!) to it. The early returning robins also need it to survive.

WSB Forum members have been discussing the caring-for-birds challenge too. Just in from Susan Melrose at the (WSB sponsor) West Seattle Junction Association – SANTA PHOTOS ARE ON AT CUPCAKE ROYALE, NOON TO 3:30 PM. There will NOT be a booth by KeyBank with wreath sales or prize drawings, but she WILL draw the final winner(s) in the $5,000 giveaway and notify them by phone. Again, the Santa photos are by donation, and that $ goes to three great West Seattle nonprofits (WestSide Baby, West Seattle Food Bank, West Seattle Helpline), so if you can get there safely, go see Santa! We hope to be able to take a Junction trip ourselves in a couple hours.

If you don’t regularly check the WSB Forums – they’re worth a look in times like these – just found somebody, for example, hoping to find some help getting to work (read the post here). The Forums are always a place for West Seattleites helping West Seattleites (as well as spirited conversation too).

10:58 AM UPDATE: More from Lora at Hotwire – photo of California SW looking south from her shop (which is at Genesee on the north edge of The Junction):

And Lora’s photo looking NORTH on Cali:

Also from The Junction, Ama-Ama Oyster Bar and Grill (WSB sponsor) is open for brunch.

11:11 AM UPDATE: Thanks to the cell-phoner who sent this photo of Thriftway digging out in Morgan Junction (we caught a photo of this guy a couple days ago – apparently he also clears some areas of his neighborhood up near central 35th SW):

Renee sent the following photo saying “Fire chief Michael wanted you to know how much snow we got in the Junction area” (closer inspection reveals 7″):

11:20 AM UPDATE: Shannon sends word from Fauntleroy that Endolyne Joe’s and The Original Bakery are open. Pix in a moment. Meantime, lightly snowing again in Upper Fauntleroy, and on Twitter, County Exec Ron Sims sends word: “King County Operations Center: Another band of snow expected around 2:00 pm today. Expected to bring a trace – 2″ within our area.” Also from Twitter, word that Chelan Cafe is open. Now, those pix from Shannon:

Lincoln Park view looking northeast:

And the curve looking east just before Fauntleroy Church and YMCA (both WSB sponsors; reminder, the Y is closed today, both WS branches):

Today we hope to make more headway on our ongoing list of West Seattle Christmas Eve/Day church services on the Holidays page (if you have knowledge of what’s up with your church, please e-mail editor@westseattleblog.com). Meanwhile, though our Farmers’ Market is closed (with the exception apparently of ONE intrepid vendor, Seabreeze Farm, which decided to show up anyway), Ballard went ahead with its Farmers’ Market, per our friends at MyBallard.com.

11:47 AM UPDATE: Word from Tibbetts UMC church that the Blue Christmas service for tonight is canceled. Meantime, Jim e-mails from the Othello hill at 40th:

We found you last week, and love the information that is being shared. Check out the pictures. The wind that blew last night is evident from the cornice hanging over our deck, and check out the difference in snow depth on the rail. Now, the snow has started falling again. I haven’t driven since Saturday the 13th. The mrs., Lisa, took us for a spin on Wednesday, but we’re not going anywhere again
for a while.

We can identify. Jim’s pic:

11:57 AM: Via Twitter, tithonium sent word that Chelan Cafe (3527 Chelan SW; here’s a map) is open (as mentioned earlier and added to quick notes atop this post) and also this pic:

Now it’s SERIOUSLY snowing here at WSB HQ – fluffier flakes than the fine stuff last night, no doubt since it’s warmer. Also just out of the inbox, Paul sent this long road report – the comments are full of road reports (and they may soon be outdated if this new snow lasts long) but wanted to share it up here too since it was via e-mail:

Sun 10-11am.

General info – roads are passable and people are getting around. Not a lot of traffic.
Main roads generally well sanded, but not much plowing, so lots of snow on road in
many places.
Lots of snow in median and on the sides, so everything is pretty much one lane each
Intersections can be tricky if you have to make a turn thru all the snow.
Things do not appear to be icey, slipperyness (is that a word?) is more a function
of lots of soft, generally sanded snow. Pictures submitted earlier by others will
give you a good idea what things look like.

We took the AWD Subaru – new all season tires, chains not on, but have them.

Barton St east, cross 35th to Westwood Village – okay – pretty quiet at WW Village.
Barton has been pretty heavily sanded and has had a fair amount of traffic.
The 54 bus has been getting up and down Barton pretty well since 8 or 9 am.
We did see 2 come up within 10 minutes of each other, so there may have been some
delays earlier this morning. I did not go down to the Ferry doc to see how things
are, but since buses and cars are coming up okay, I am guessing it’s fine.

Cut over to Roxbury and went all the way east down the Olsen Place hill across the
overpass and turned around in South Park. Once you clear 16th or so, it drops into
one driveable lane each way, with a fair amount of snow on the road. Quite a bit
of unplowed snow on the hill still Saw one minivan having difficulty starting back
up the hill. If you take it easy and either have AWD drive, or FW with chains, you
should be okay.

Came back up and then took Delridge north to under the West Seattle Bridge.
Quite a bit of traffic – speed about 20 mph. Some folks are being very cautious.
No problem though, It is all flat. The Home Depot appeared open, but not doing
much business.

Avalon up to 35th. Qyite a bit of unplowed snow on the upside, but with AWD and
new tires, it was no problem. Downhill side appeared to have been plowed and very heavily sanded, so going down Avalon should be a piece of cake.

35th South to Barton St. One driveable lane each way. Still lots of snow on the road. Start out slowly from the lights if going up hill – don’t get those tires spinning.

Many side roads look deep, lightly travelled and I am sure are loads of fun, especially the hilly ones. But if you can get out to the main roads you should do okay. I see it is lightly snowing again….so you all be careful out there.

12:17 PM UPDATE: We will keep the morning post going till 1 pm – thinking Seahawks game time is a good time for switchover! Meantime, per a request in comments, we checked on Santa status at Westwood Village. Robin at Barnes and Noble kindly walked over to check for us. Short answer – YES! So Santa is in at Westwood till 4 pm, Cupcake Royale in The Junction at 3:30 pm. What a guy. Speaking of Westwood, Shell sent a recent photo:

Maybe they need the Thriftway snowscooper (shown earlier in this post). Up near the 35th/Myrtle reservoir and water towers, Scott C caught this “hardy soul” cross-country skiing:

12:30 PM UPDATE: From Tamsen near 38th/Morgan – again, remember your feathered friends:

And the SW Morgan hill, looking west/downhill from 38th within the past hour:

A closer look:

12:50 PM UPDATE: Hope it doesn’t hang the site – let me know if it does – but we added a Sea-Tac Airport cam to the right sidebar since so many people have to TRY to get there. It’s right below the bridge cam. Latest live image. Also, some pix just in from Thayer at 35th/Roxbury. First, Roxbury looking east:

And 35th looking north:

Thanks again SO VERY MUCH to everyone who’s been sending pix, sharing info in comments and via e-mail and Twitter and Facebook, and calling when no other means of communication works (206-293-6302) …

1:03 PM UPDATE: About to start the afternoon update, with a long city update. Short story, though, MONDAY TRASH SERVICE IS LIKELY TO BE POSTPONED. For those of us on Monday pickup, that’s two consecutive weeks … more shortly.

West Seattle snow: Saturday night/overnight updates

(This post is now closed and Sunday morning coverage is under way; go here to see coverage from earlier Saturday – SUNDAY CLOSURES/CHANGES: Farmers’ Market canceled – No church at Westside Unitarian – Admiral Sings Christmas postponed to 12/28 – No mule rides in The Junction BUT as of right now Santa pix ARE still on – POWER OUTAGE SAFETY INFO AND READER TIPS HERE)

(photo by Tom F – that’s John Meer helping out tonight at the Holy Rosary tree lot in Admiral)
Here’s the official evening post – we’ll start with information from the 7 pm briefing expected from the city – stand by for that. Meanwhile, if you know of any additional closures/changes for tomorrow, please let us know. Mayor’s briefing under way – he says Weather Service expects winds 10 pm-1 am. That’s about it for useful info – he reiterated that all 27 of the city’s plow/sand trucks are out and working. Meantime, looks like the wind’s picked up further, at least here in Upper Fauntleroy.

7:24 PM UPDATE: Stuck head out the door (note our warning from the earlier post – the snow is blowing even onto covered porches, BEWARE unexpected slipperiness) – the wind is definitely getting stronger. Not massive trouble level yet but stronger, so now’s the time to make sure you have all that just-in-case-of-outage stuff handy.

7:44 PM UPDATE: From SDOT on Twitter: “Roads leading to Qwest Field will be plowed tomorrow to allow football fans to attend the game.”

8:55 PM UPDATE: Video’s the order of the night. Tried to get the howling wind and blowing snow on cam and the clip didn’t quite convey it. So we’re trying again. Meantime, Manuel W is out and about; he sent this link to a clip he shot in Morgan Junction about an hour and a half ago, just BEFORE the wind started revving up. Meantime, King County’s Emergency Operations Center is open too, according to a news release from the county; mostly the carbon-monoxide reminders yet again, but also a note that they’re plowing unincorporated areas. And this note about buses:

Metro Transit was able to operate much of its Saturday service on snow routing during the day, but began experiencing difficult travel conditions Saturday afternoon and evening. As conditions worsen, Metro may have to further curtail service. Metro anticipates having to significantly cut back Sunday service if road conditions are dangerous in the morning.

Also, an update on Thriftway – they did NOT close early, they’re open till midnight. And a reminder from earlier – the West Seattle Junction Association (WSB sponsor) is still planning to have Santa pix at Cupcake Royale and the holiday-cheer booth at California/Alaska, noon-4 pm tomorrow, UNLESS otherwise announced, though the draft-mule trolley rides are off (they can’t get here from Port Angeles).

If you’re not near a window – it looks like near-whiteout conditions out there. Here’s a taste of the blowing snow from a quick 9 pm walkaround:

9:42 PM UPDATE: Alma just took a walk on Alki and came back with this photo from beneath the seawall:

Listening to the scanner – which we have programmed with various county frequencies as well as city – sounds like the eastside is really having a time of it, with power outages and trees down. Nothing on the city power outage list so far. Wind still howling outside our windows, though.

10:06 PM UPDATE:
Latest forecast posted — calls for “periods of snow” tomorrow — the winds aren’t supposed to get any worse than they are about now, though, but of course, take it all under advisement. Well-known meteorologist Cliff Mass posted an 8:30 pm update with a chart. Reading his site’s comments, there’s a report of a 55 mph gust on Genesee Hill less than an hour ago.


West Seattle snow and ice: Saturday morning/afternoon updates

(This post covered morning/afternoon/early evening; go here for the rest of the night – SATURDAY CLOSURES/CHANGES: Libraries closed at 4, Community centers/pools closed at 4 – Both YMCAs closing at 5 – Kenyon Hall show postponed to 1/3 – SUNDAY CLOSURES/CHANGES: Farmers’ Market canceled – No church at Westside Unitarian – Admiral Sings Christmas postponed to 12/28 – No mule rides in The Junction BUT as of right now Santa pix ARE still on – POWER OUTAGE SAFETY INFO AND READER TIPS HERE)

(latest image from West Seattle Bridge – refresh to update it)
ORIGINALLY POSTED AT 10:31 AM (post itself is retimestamped so it’s at the top of the home page): Had a request to start another post with road info etc. — so here we go. More to come; we’re back on live-update watch. Here’s some info from Seattle Parks:

Seattle Parks and Recreation’s facilities, including community centers, pools, environmental learning centers, Amy Yee Tennis Center and Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center are open until 4 p.m. today, but all regular programming has been canceled.

Public golf courses, including Jackson Park, Interbay, West Seattle and Jefferson Park are closed for golf, but are open for sledding.

Parks cautions visitors to Green Lake Park that while there is ice on the lake, it will not bear weight, and is not safe to walk on.

For more information about the center near you, please call that facility directly.

From Josh at the West Seattle Family YMCA (Triangle and Fauntleroy branches; WSB sponsor): “Both facilites are open, but Youth Basketball games are cancelled this weekend.”

11:11 AM UPDATE: The National Weather Service updated the forecast last hour. Mostly the same – snow not expected before sunset, so far, so you should have the whole day to get shopping and preparations (our “power outage advice/precautions” thread continues here) done. Here’s the NWS forecast discussion (note it pegs Sea-Tac as the northernmost point for the “heaviest snow” – since we’re not too far north of there, brace yourself).

(latest image from Fauntleroy/Alaska looking NE – refresh to update)

11:37 AM UPDATE: Minoru posts a comment from “a looooooong line” at the grocery store, and notes some items are out. If you see a delivery truck at any local supermarket, please advise!

12:53 PM UPDATE: Speaking of long lines – Arlene Carter from The Mount just called (206-293-6302, if you can’t get to e-mail, call us with tips or questions any time, it’s a mobile so we answer 24/7) — she says the line TO GET TO A CASHIER in Westwood Village Target STRETCHES ALL THE WAY DOWN THE STORE TO ELECTRONICS — Arlene says, “I have never seen anything like it in my life.” Via Twitter, Rhonda Porter (WSB sponsor) reports “QFC is a zoo.”

1 PM UPDATE: City of Seattle has posted a new news release (dated 4 pm today! may be why we haven’t received word of it by e-mail yet). Mostly recaps pre-possible-outage reminders and says in part:

“We are concerned about the possibility of some high winds hitting our service area late this afternoon,” (City Light) Superintendent Jorge Carrasco said. “We are holding some crews to be ready for what may hit us later today. Our fleet is chained up and fully equipped in order to respond to possible outages. We are prepared for the storm that will pass through the area later today. Snow is generally not a problem for power delivery, however, severe cold, ice and wind can become a problem for us.”

1:12 PM UPDATE: Hometown Holidays status for SUNDAY AFTERNOON from Susan Melrose at the West Seattle Junction Association:

For starters, the mule trolley rides are off! The commute from Port Angeles and they’re expecting a blizzard. However, the Pathfinder volunteers (wreath selling by KeyBank) couldn’t be more enthusiastic! And (musician) Patrick is eager to spin disks as long as his equipment doesn’t get damaged. We’re considering creating more of a shelter/den where people can come in from the cold and wind for coffee and a quick snuggle with the electric blanket or warm their feet by the heater.

And I just spoke with Mrs. Claus. Santa can’t wait to meet all the children who might walk, sled or ski to the Junction for a last minute visit.

As of now, our plans are to continue to host a cheery Holiday Headquarters in the midst of a snow storm, but if conditions turn to severe, we might back out early or altogether.

That’s tomorrow, noon-4 pm in The Junction (WSB sponsor). Updates as we get them (and thanks for sharing updates on other events – including church services for tomorrow – if any are canceled, let us know – editor@westseattleblog.com).

1:41 PM UPDATE: In comments, it’s pointed out that the snow has started in the South Sound. Sure LOOKS impending-snow-like out the window. Even more ominously, Scott C sent this link to KOMO radar animation (wow!) with the subject line “It’s coming.” Also, a tip from Meredith via Facebook: “If you are planning on stocking up lines at Admiral Safeway are crazy… hint, if you only have a few items, enjoy a latte and buy your few items at the Starbucks register.”

1:54 PM UPDATE: Speaking of Admiral, thanks to Cathy M. Woo for this road report:

From Admiral, up 59th to Genesee Hill is still a sheet of ice. Drivers are coming down 59th SW waaaayyy too fast and sliding into the Admiral Way intersection. Some doing 360’s at the bottom. See attached photo. Closest car has crashed into a fence. Fortunately that’s all it was. And you can see across Admiral where someone missed the right hand turn onto 59th and hit the car parked there.

Also – via Twitter, mcneight reports Les Schwab on 4th (South Seattle) “just got a load of tire chains in from Portland.”


2:37 PM UPDATE: Latest from Skylark Club and Cafe (WSB sponsor):

“Skylark is open until 7 pm tonight. Bands will be rescheduled. We have a few plans in place for Brunch tomorrow, I’ll update our myspace.com/skylarkcafe status with the latest news. Thanks to everyone who has been valiantly braving the threat of icy roads to get here for the last two days…our wonderful and attractive staff and our fabulous and discerning customers. You rock West Seattle.”

Getting more reports from all over West Seattle (and beyond) of Return of the Flakes ’08. Hope it stays light so folks can finish shopping etc. before nightfall. Should have a new forecast in an hour or so to give us some idea of when wind will be added to this – although it’s still expected to be worse in Cascades foothills, Eastside, wind-wise, than here in the central metro area, though 30 mph would be bad enough.

3:16 PM UPDATE: Field report from walk around the block. Snowing harder now. Breezy. Every single little grain is sticking, since it’s so cold. Junction TrueValue out of Ice Melt, says Alice in comments. Hope you don’t have to drive, but if you do, WSDOT tweets this advice: “If stranded tonight, move vehicle out of travel lane and use emergency flashers. Stay in car and if running, keep the tailpipe area clear.” California north from Thistle looked like this a few minutes ago, but there’s no doubt the road surface won’t be visible for long, now that it’s really coming down:

Scott C sends the crowd shot from inside Thriftway at Morgan Junction:

And he notes the slippery dangers of snow getting tracked into Rite-Aid (the one on California):

And just north of Thriftway, looking east to Fauntleroy/Morgan:

Cliff Mass notes on his site that the wind’s not here yet because this hasn’t switched over to easterly yet – that’s running later than expected, though the snow ran a bit early.

Site note: We are now re-timestamping this entry to 11:22 am so that it appears at the top of the home page. The original time, 10:31 am, is now noted at the start of this post’s text.

3:40 PM UPDATE: RealLowVibe tweeted moments ago: “plenty of candles, batteries remain at Admiral Junction Bartell’s, and a delivery guy was bringing in milk and eggs at Met Market.” You can watch citywide reports of the snow via Twitter on the Web here (if you use Twitter, send a storm-related note with the “hashtag” #seatst – for Seattle TwitterStormTeam – and the search will pick it up). Also, a road report from Scott C (who sent various photos above): “Morgan Street going east is open, had NO problems getting up the hill. Morgan Street going west has a road closed sign at 35th in front of U-Haul.”

3:57 PM UPDATE: National Weather Service midafternoon briefing called this storm “life-threatening” in some regions of Western Washington — briefing slides are posted here (highlights – temps warming tomorrow, maybe even into low 40s, but new lowland snow threat tomorrow night!).

4:06 PM UPDATE: Just got a call from Alice – library branches all closed at 4. Community centers, as we reported earlier, all closed early too. Any other reports of closures and changes welcome – editor@westseattleblog.com or 206-293-6302. ALSO – Both YMCA’s closing at 5 tonight – AND CLOSED TOMORROW. Says Josh from the Y, “Stay home and stay warm.” On the STILL HAPPENING side, we have a note that the West Seattle High School girls’ basketball game vs. Vashon at 5 pm IS STILL HAPPENING – Kim suggests “it would be a nice late-afternoon activity for those within walking distance.”

4:23 PM UPDATE: Kari at Westside Unitarian says church is canceled for tomorrow (including the solstice play) but “folks who live close by will be there with hot coffee and good conversation for anyone who wants to show up.” Website’s at www.wsuu.org. Also, from comments: Thriftway closing early, at 7 pm. We will start a list of closures/changes at the very TOP of this post so you can access them any time. No wind trouble yet BUT a reminder that King County Public Health has sent out an important info list, including how to avoid carbon-monoxide poisoning (which killed people in the 2006 power outage), with infosheets in multiple languages – here’s the link again — adding to top of post too.

4:41 PM UPDATE: Snow VERY light right now – just stepped outside for a photo of the road before it’s completely dark – this is Thistle looking east from California, you can assume any previously cleared road is now frosted from the snow that started 2 hours ago:

4:53 PM UPDATE: Just in from the city, which says this briefing will be shown live on Cable Channel 21 (we’ll watch to take notes):

As a winter storm moves in, the City of Seattle has activated its Emergency Operations Center and will provide regular updates on its storm response beginning at 5:00 p.m. today.

At 5:00, Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels will be joined by representatives from the Seattle Department of Transportation and Seattle City Light with the latest information on road conditions and power systems.

A report from WSB’er Olivia downtown: “Snow falling fast downtown. The Seattle symphony 8pm performance of The Messiah still is on, but they will let you exchange tickets for other performances – very nice and understanding. Photo from 3rd and spring.”


West Seattle Weather Watch: “In case of windstorm” essentials


Still suspect that weather warning will turn out to be for naught? Don’t count on it (although this is NOT expected to be among the windiest areas). If you’ve been in West Seattle at least two years, you know what a windstorm can do. Browse back through our coverage of the December 2006 windstorm, archived here; we were just starting to cover neighborhood news at the time, so our coverage then was nothing like what it would be now, but you can still get a sense of just how serious it was. Much of West Seattle was without power for days; more than 3 days at WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy, though we still were lucky, losing no more than a fridge full of food and “Psycho Pleco” the pet fish, while some elsewhere lost their lives. Anyway, that whole ordeal leads us to take the prospect of wind TREMENDOUSLY seriously.

First, the official information from city webpages:

Preparation advice here
(206) 684-3000 to report non-life threatening problems with power, water, sewer or drainage
Food, shelter and other human services: 2-1-1
Falling Trees that are endangering public roadways or power lines: 206-684-8733
Roadway obstructions (SDOT): 206-386-1218
Traffic signal problems (SDOT): 386-1206
Landslides: 206-684-8950
Electrical outage hotline (after 6 pm) (Seattle City Light): 206-684-7400

Live Wire Warning
Keep your distance from any downed line. Anyone seeing a downed line should immediately report it by calling 684-3000.

Darkened Intersections
Treat all darkened intersections as a four way stop and to be cautious of drivers who may not stop.

Apartments without Fire Alarms
Apartment buildings without power for prolonged periods of time will lose their fire alarm systems and should conduct a fire watch to keep residents safe.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Do not bring barbecue or other open flame sources into the home. The smoke from open flame indoors can lead to death or injury from carbon monoxide poisoning. For more information: www.kingcounty.gov/health.


What to do about that fridge full of food, if IT happens? Red Cross tip sheet here (wish we’d had that in 12/06)

Where do you go if the power goes out and you need to warm up? WSB Forum members asked that question; so far, we do not have an official answer, but we can tell you that the city generally points people to community centers. In the 2006 outage, Delridge and Southwest Community Centers were opened as “warming centers.” Generator availability is key – we are hoping to hear from the city about which facilities have them. In the short run, in case information is impossible to come by and you just need to go SOMEWHERE, here’s the city webpage with all community centers – find your nearest one and know where it is.

Charge everything now – and have a backup for if/when that runs out. You can buy battery-powered chargers and hand-crank chargers.

As mentioned above, we lost a fish. We didn’t even think in advance about how he would be affected by loss of his tank’s heater. If you have fish, reptiles, some other kind of not-so-portable pet that requires heat, plan what you’ll do in case of an outage. There’s some fish advice here.

ADDED 11:57 AM: Thanks to Jack for generator advice:

Never back-feed a generator into your house electrical system — this means never build a male-to-male AC cable and feed the generator directly into an AC outlet –this can kill or injure line workers trying to restore power — too late now but have a transfer switch installed so that when you need a generator you can switch your house electrical system off the grid.

Never operate a generator in a building due to fire and CO hazard

Never fuel a running or hot generator — you spill the gas and you have an immediate fire

Got any tips to share, just in case? (Power outage OR “more snow,” since the latter seems to be a sure bet, even if the former is an unknown quantity at this point.)