West Seattle snow: Sunday morning-midday updates


{map image removed – outdated now – thanks again to Alice Enevoldsen for tirelessly updating Google Maps based on WSB’ers’ road reports)

Snow can be fun, too, as that photo of Jackson Colby, shared by dad Mark, reminds us. And after many long hours of windblown snow, today will be interesting, in ways both fun and not-so-fun. We’re opening this post early, to start with earlybirds sharing info about road conditions and other discoveries. A few reminders: The West Seattle Farmers’ Market is canceled for today, according to word we got from organizers a few days ago. There’s still a tentative plan for Santa photos and other Hometown Holidays cheer to be on in The Junction noon-4 pm as scheduled; if that changes, we will let you know here. Got a closure, cancellation, road report, something else to share? Please post it as a comment here till we restart our “live updates.”

9:07 AM UPDATE: Official Sea-Tac update says it’s open BUT many airlines have cancellations. Just got word from Seattle Public Library management that only five branches are open in the city today – one is the West Seattle (Admiral) branch, which will open at noon. Jessie from Skylark Club and Cafe (WSB sponsor) e-mailed, “Skylark is postponing brunch for a few hours. Hopefully that gives everyone the chance to get in, and the weather will clear up a bit. We are aiming to open at 11:30am.” Metro update:

Once again due to the weather and dangerous driving conditions, King County Metro Transit will be operating approximately half of its normal bus service for Sunday, Dec. 21.

Please check the Metro Online website before you leave home to see if your bus route is operating and if it is on snow routing; and note that travel conditions can change quickly so the list of disrupted service may be revised at any time due to weather and road conditions.

Heavy snowfall in the past 24 hours, particularly in the Seattle area, has closed roads and made travel difficult. In order to safely transport as many passengers as possible, Metro is focusing on providing bus service on cleared highways and arterial roads, and to major transit centers and park-and-ride lots that normally have Sunday service.

As of early Sunday morning, Metro plans to offer its Seahawks shuttle service to Qwest Field from Eastgate Park-and-Ride in Bellevue, Northgate Park-and-Ride in North Seattle, and the South Kirkland Park-and-Ride.

These shuttles will begin service at approximately 11 a.m. Fans should expect crowded conditions on the shuttles, and should give themselves plenty of time to get to the game because the buses may be delayed by road and traffic conditions. Another transit provider handles service from the Federal Way and Kent park-and-ride lots, and does expect to provide shuttle service from those locations today.

For regular Metro service on Sunday, passengers should be prepared to board buses at major transit centers, flat arterials, or at the top or bottom of hills. Please dress warmly, wear appropriate footwear, and be prepared to wait. The buses that are running could be significantly delayed by road and traffic conditions.

At 35th and Othello, this photo (thank you to whoever sent it – we have only a number, not a name) was headed “(Fire) Station 37 digs out”:

9:21 AM UPDATE: Robin Ennis-Cantwell from Barnes and Noble at Westwood Village writes, “Just want to let you know that several members of our staff walked in this morning so we (opened) at 9:00 a.m. for all our neighborhood Christmas shoppers. Please be safe and careful if you are driving or walking to our store!” This morning’s SDOT update via Twitter:

City working on Seattle streets with 21 plows/sanders. 3 trucks are dedicated solely to the West Seattle Bridge and Alaskan Way Viaduct.

Photo of “the top” of Avalon Way, from Babs:

9:36 AM UPDATE: The Admiral Theater IS STILL GOING AHEAD WITH FREE SHOWING OF “A CHRISTMAS STORY” – the movie’s at 11 am, the theater’s doors will likely open around 10:45. Another update from SDOT:

Primary/secondary roads around Qwest Field are passable – largely hard packed snow but drivable. Crews continue to work area for game.

Leighellen e-mails with word that THE 10:30 HOPE LUTHERAN SERVICE IS STILL ON. Update from Seattle Parks:

Some Seattle Parks and Recreation facilities are open today until 4 p.m., including Delridge, Hiawatha, Rainier Beach, Rainier and South Park community centers; Ballard, Helene Madison, Rainier Beach and Southwest pools; and Amy Yee Tennis Center. All regularly scheduled programming has been canceled, but drop-in use of these facilities is available. Public golf courses, including Jackson Park, Interbay, West Seattle and Jefferson Park are closed for golf, but are open for sledding.

Reminder: All the city/state traffic cams with particular West Seattle relevance are on the WSB Traffic page, including the two at Fauntleroy/Alaska and 35th/Fauntleroy, which has been looking at the bridge approach during the storm instead of its usual view back up 35th. Please send road pix if/when you go out – editor@westseattleblog.com (other snow pix welcome too!) – we just got one in from Barton looking toward Westwood Village – Sara shot this from 22nd/Barton looking west toward the shopping center:

9:53 AM UPDATE: Josh at West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor) says BOTH WEST SEATTLE Y’S WILL BE CLOSED TODAY. Public service reminder from co-publisher Patrick, who just shoveled half a foot of snow off our walkways: “As a veteran of the ’96 storm, KNOW WHERE YOUR STORM DRAINS ARE and go clear them” — whenever this starts melting, we could wind up with “ponding” if the drains are blocked with snow/ice.

Lora Lewis at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) says they’re open, till 5 pm today, and here’s the proof:

More Junction photos from Ian (who writes the excellent site Conversation Marketing, one of 100 West Seattle-based sites whose latest entries appear on the WSB Blogs page), just back from a walk along California SW:

Alaska looking east from 42nd SW:

And California at Dakota:

Ian’s entire photo set from this morning is here. Meantime, a WSB housekeeping note – we have shortened the front page a bit in hopes of making it a bit easier to load – usually we have the 27 newest posts because we file about 12 news updates a day and that gets people through 2 days’ worth – but since each post during the weather crisis here is running mega-long with tons of photos, etc., and we’re only filing a few “other news” stories, the page is now 10 posts long, till normalcy resumes (a day or two?). You can still see everything else by clicking “next page” at the very bottom of the home page, or using other means of navigation – see our “WSB Categories” list in the right sidebar – each of those “categories” brings you the archive, newest to oldest, of all the WSB stories labeled with those categories, going all the way back to the site’s start three years ago.

10:33 AM UPDATE: Cliff Mass just published his postmortem on yesterday and look ahead. More precipitation’s on the way, but even he says it’s a question whether it’ll be snow, rain, or freezing rain. Read his update here. Meantime, let’s all dream of summer barbecues:

That came in from a cell phone so didn’t get a name, but thanks! Also, a reminder from Liz V – we have been out to tend our birdbath and we’ve seen the “early robins” she mentions:

Those of us who keep the bird/hummingbird feeders filled need to know that these guys also need fresh water to stay warm. (Apparently, they need it to fluff their feathers even in the frigid weather!) My fountain froze over long ago, so I’ve been going out every few hours to pour hot water into it. They’ve also whistled up their friends and are flocking (!) to it. The early returning robins also need it to survive.

WSB Forum members have been discussing the caring-for-birds challenge too. Just in from Susan Melrose at the (WSB sponsor) West Seattle Junction Association – SANTA PHOTOS ARE ON AT CUPCAKE ROYALE, NOON TO 3:30 PM. There will NOT be a booth by KeyBank with wreath sales or prize drawings, but she WILL draw the final winner(s) in the $5,000 giveaway and notify them by phone. Again, the Santa photos are by donation, and that $ goes to three great West Seattle nonprofits (WestSide Baby, West Seattle Food Bank, West Seattle Helpline), so if you can get there safely, go see Santa! We hope to be able to take a Junction trip ourselves in a couple hours.

If you don’t regularly check the WSB Forums – they’re worth a look in times like these – just found somebody, for example, hoping to find some help getting to work (read the post here). The Forums are always a place for West Seattleites helping West Seattleites (as well as spirited conversation too).

10:58 AM UPDATE: More from Lora at Hotwire – photo of California SW looking south from her shop (which is at Genesee on the north edge of The Junction):

And Lora’s photo looking NORTH on Cali:

Also from The Junction, Ama-Ama Oyster Bar and Grill (WSB sponsor) is open for brunch.

11:11 AM UPDATE: Thanks to the cell-phoner who sent this photo of Thriftway digging out in Morgan Junction (we caught a photo of this guy a couple days ago – apparently he also clears some areas of his neighborhood up near central 35th SW):

Renee sent the following photo saying “Fire chief Michael wanted you to know how much snow we got in the Junction area” (closer inspection reveals 7″):

11:20 AM UPDATE: Shannon sends word from Fauntleroy that Endolyne Joe’s and The Original Bakery are open. Pix in a moment. Meantime, lightly snowing again in Upper Fauntleroy, and on Twitter, County Exec Ron Sims sends word: “King County Operations Center: Another band of snow expected around 2:00 pm today. Expected to bring a trace – 2″ within our area.” Also from Twitter, word that Chelan Cafe is open. Now, those pix from Shannon:

Lincoln Park view looking northeast:

And the curve looking east just before Fauntleroy Church and YMCA (both WSB sponsors; reminder, the Y is closed today, both WS branches):

Today we hope to make more headway on our ongoing list of West Seattle Christmas Eve/Day church services on the Holidays page (if you have knowledge of what’s up with your church, please e-mail editor@westseattleblog.com). Meanwhile, though our Farmers’ Market is closed (with the exception apparently of ONE intrepid vendor, Seabreeze Farm, which decided to show up anyway), Ballard went ahead with its Farmers’ Market, per our friends at MyBallard.com.

11:47 AM UPDATE: Word from Tibbetts UMC church that the Blue Christmas service for tonight is canceled. Meantime, Jim e-mails from the Othello hill at 40th:

We found you last week, and love the information that is being shared. Check out the pictures. The wind that blew last night is evident from the cornice hanging over our deck, and check out the difference in snow depth on the rail. Now, the snow has started falling again. I haven’t driven since Saturday the 13th. The mrs., Lisa, took us for a spin on Wednesday, but we’re not going anywhere again
for a while.

We can identify. Jim’s pic:

11:57 AM: Via Twitter, tithonium sent word that Chelan Cafe (3527 Chelan SW; here’s a map) is open (as mentioned earlier and added to quick notes atop this post) and also this pic:

Now it’s SERIOUSLY snowing here at WSB HQ – fluffier flakes than the fine stuff last night, no doubt since it’s warmer. Also just out of the inbox, Paul sent this long road report – the comments are full of road reports (and they may soon be outdated if this new snow lasts long) but wanted to share it up here too since it was via e-mail:

Sun 10-11am.

General info – roads are passable and people are getting around. Not a lot of traffic.
Main roads generally well sanded, but not much plowing, so lots of snow on road in
many places.
Lots of snow in median and on the sides, so everything is pretty much one lane each
Intersections can be tricky if you have to make a turn thru all the snow.
Things do not appear to be icey, slipperyness (is that a word?) is more a function
of lots of soft, generally sanded snow. Pictures submitted earlier by others will
give you a good idea what things look like.

We took the AWD Subaru – new all season tires, chains not on, but have them.

Barton St east, cross 35th to Westwood Village – okay – pretty quiet at WW Village.
Barton has been pretty heavily sanded and has had a fair amount of traffic.
The 54 bus has been getting up and down Barton pretty well since 8 or 9 am.
We did see 2 come up within 10 minutes of each other, so there may have been some
delays earlier this morning. I did not go down to the Ferry doc to see how things
are, but since buses and cars are coming up okay, I am guessing it’s fine.

Cut over to Roxbury and went all the way east down the Olsen Place hill across the
overpass and turned around in South Park. Once you clear 16th or so, it drops into
one driveable lane each way, with a fair amount of snow on the road. Quite a bit
of unplowed snow on the hill still Saw one minivan having difficulty starting back
up the hill. If you take it easy and either have AWD drive, or FW with chains, you
should be okay.

Came back up and then took Delridge north to under the West Seattle Bridge.
Quite a bit of traffic – speed about 20 mph. Some folks are being very cautious.
No problem though, It is all flat. The Home Depot appeared open, but not doing
much business.

Avalon up to 35th. Qyite a bit of unplowed snow on the upside, but with AWD and
new tires, it was no problem. Downhill side appeared to have been plowed and very heavily sanded, so going down Avalon should be a piece of cake.

35th South to Barton St. One driveable lane each way. Still lots of snow on the road. Start out slowly from the lights if going up hill – don’t get those tires spinning.

Many side roads look deep, lightly travelled and I am sure are loads of fun, especially the hilly ones. But if you can get out to the main roads you should do okay. I see it is lightly snowing again….so you all be careful out there.

12:17 PM UPDATE: We will keep the morning post going till 1 pm – thinking Seahawks game time is a good time for switchover! Meantime, per a request in comments, we checked on Santa status at Westwood Village. Robin at Barnes and Noble kindly walked over to check for us. Short answer – YES! So Santa is in at Westwood till 4 pm, Cupcake Royale in The Junction at 3:30 pm. What a guy. Speaking of Westwood, Shell sent a recent photo:

Maybe they need the Thriftway snowscooper (shown earlier in this post). Up near the 35th/Myrtle reservoir and water towers, Scott C caught this “hardy soul” cross-country skiing:

12:30 PM UPDATE: From Tamsen near 38th/Morgan – again, remember your feathered friends:

And the SW Morgan hill, looking west/downhill from 38th within the past hour:

A closer look:

12:50 PM UPDATE: Hope it doesn’t hang the site – let me know if it does – but we added a Sea-Tac Airport cam to the right sidebar since so many people have to TRY to get there. It’s right below the bridge cam. Latest live image. Also, some pix just in from Thayer at 35th/Roxbury. First, Roxbury looking east:

And 35th looking north:

Thanks again SO VERY MUCH to everyone who’s been sending pix, sharing info in comments and via e-mail and Twitter and Facebook, and calling when no other means of communication works (206-293-6302) …

1:03 PM UPDATE: About to start the afternoon update, with a long city update. Short story, though, MONDAY TRASH SERVICE IS LIKELY TO BE POSTPONED. For those of us on Monday pickup, that’s two consecutive weeks … more shortly.

149 Replies to "West Seattle snow: Sunday morning-midday updates"

  • littlebrowndog December 21, 2008 (6:20 am)

    I posted this at 3:45 this morning in the overnight comments but wanted to put it here because I thought people might find the description of the bus driver’s experience interesting:

    “I just let my 3 dogs out in our 6 inches of new snow. The 20″ tall Lab happily bounded out and did her business. The 15″ tall Sheltie stood in the snow on the porch and looked disdainfully at her and wouldn’t budge. The 6 month old Sheltie puppy (about 14 inches tall) leaped off the steps, took a header, bounded to the middle of the yard, and then sat down and got stuck. He sat there for 3-4 minutes until I went out and rescued him. I can see that I am going to have to shovel some paths in the yard once daylight arrives.

    On another subject—a friend emailed me last night. Her son drives for Metro. He says that during the worst of the storms of the past couple of days management appeared overwhelmed. His route was somewhere from the east side to downtown. He made 4 trips across 520 during his shift on the worst day, picking up some people who had been waiting 2 hours, but was left to make up his own route on the east side based upon what he figured might be passable. He said that people were very kind to drivers with stuck buses, bringing them food and warm drinks and allowing them to use bathrooms. One driver was given a 6-pack of beer! One driver returned to base with several bags of groceries. He had gotten stuck near a Metropolitan Market (don’t know if it was ours or a different one) and people kept giving him bags of groceries.”

  • La December 21, 2008 (6:35 am)

    littlebrowndog, your post made me smile on every level. Thank you!

  • JayDee December 21, 2008 (6:46 am)

    Well, I just measured approximately 6 inches of new snow in upper Alki.

    More disturbing was the icy crust on the top of it. This would appear to indicate the freezing rain/sleet is falling. I won’t be going outside to verify.

    I don’t suspect my Sunday paper is coming today, but the power is on (so far). Snow is an interesting diversion from the usual weather, but I will welcome a return to rain.

  • La December 21, 2008 (6:51 am)

    I had to put the hummingbird feeder in its usual spot so I staggered through 6 inches of snow topped by a crisp and crunchy crust. Suppose I’ll try it with boots instead of slippers in the future.

  • Megen December 21, 2008 (6:53 am)

    The boss wants me to check in with her in two hours to see if I can make it to work.. I dont think thats going to happen since I work near Bellevue.

  • littlebrowndog December 21, 2008 (6:56 am)

    The puppy was desperate to get out to do his business so I went out and shoveled a bit of the yard. There’s about an eighth of an inch of icy crust plus right now there is a very fine icy rain coming down.

  • Alice December 21, 2008 (6:56 am)

    Megen – you live near the 35th/Alaska hill, right?

    What’s it look like?

  • Mags December 21, 2008 (7:06 am)

    My cat was extremely unhappy, ran out and came back in. I think when their bellies get cold and wet they get very cranky! I have a snow shelf that comes about a foot out from my roof over my front door (flat roof, wind whipping all night) probably take another door to go outside as I’m sure it would pick the exact moment that I go out to fall on me.

    Good news, I can see the stadium for the first time in a while. I got up to see the sunrise, but too much fog or whatever to see much, but can at least see Harbor Island and a little beyond.

  • Alice December 21, 2008 (7:18 am)

    Good morning!

    Here’s the requested Sunday map conglomerating your comments on road quality!

    Please share your experiences with the roads out there, and remember to include both cross streets, so I can get your streets right!
    … and if you don’t have to, don’t drive.


  • Darren December 21, 2008 (7:32 am)

    Went outside to get the paper and there is a very thick crust of ice on top of the snow. We had 5″ of new snow here in Arbor Heights. It’s very slick out on the road. I just heard on KING 5 News and Rich Marriott said that people should wait till about 11a-12p to go driving anywhere. It’s supposed to change to rain today and tomorrow.

  • Mollsworth December 21, 2008 (7:33 am)

    Trudged a half mile at 6am through that wonderful icy crust to attempt a drive, in my little tin box, to work…I knew it was futile, but had to try for myself. After 20 minutes of undressing my car I hopped in, she started purring, but couldn’t move an inch.
    Delridge/Holden area is frozen solid, but they did manage to plow Holden overnight, though still technically ‘closed’.
    Now am cozy on the couch with two puppies on my chest between me and the computer screen.
    Be safe today everyone!!!

  • GenHillOne December 21, 2008 (7:37 am)

    I just went outside to be greeted by two of our neighborhood racoons. They aren’t big guys and we have been able to see both their tracks and “belly marks” during the snow. This morning, they broke through the 1/4″ glaze on one side of our house, but can see that after our meeting, they headed off across the street and their tracks stopped – so thicker ice out there that supported their weight. I don’t remember ever seeing this combination of powder, drifts, and ice before around here. Icicles hanging off of street lights too. Interesting. *end of highly scientific racoon weather analysis*

  • Veronica December 21, 2008 (7:38 am)

    Hey everyone,
    Has anyone tried the bridge yet? I am late for my Church job up in Shoreline and I have no idea if it would even be thinkable for me to try and venture out in my minivan :) Any ideas? I would be driving on Fauntleroy and taking the bridge to Northbound I-5…Thanks!

  • Larry December 21, 2008 (7:42 am)

    Here are some photos taken at about 7am. Around the fauntleroy, Avalon, 35th area. The plows are out and not much else. Thankfuly Lisa at Starbucks was serving coffee!


  • Larry December 21, 2008 (7:44 am)

    yes the snow is like Creme Brulee.:)

  • Mags December 21, 2008 (7:46 am)

    I can see the city for the first time in a long time..yay!

  • Darren December 21, 2008 (7:47 am)

    Veronica, I just heard on KING 5 News for everyone to call their churches to see if they are even going to be open today, before going.

  • Lisa December 21, 2008 (7:47 am)

    I’m so glad to see that there are several others who are keeping on top of making sure there is ‘nectar’ in their hummingbird feeders that doesn’t resemble a margarita… or a popsicle!

    The little guy I’ve dubbed ‘Chirp’ is always waiting for me at 6:30 am when I put out the first feeder of the day. He has zero fear of me and actually let me stroke his tail feathers while feeding earlier this week :)

    Kudos to everyone who is doing triple duty to make sure these precious and amazing little creatures make it through this ‘winterlude’!!!

  • Gina December 21, 2008 (7:49 am)

    Phi, the Times delivery guy made it! Thick coat of ice on the plastic bag covering the paper.

    The spiderwebs outside have coatings of ice, and there is a swinging icicle hanging from one.

  • Karen December 21, 2008 (7:49 am)

    Fauntleroy Church will be having worship at approximately the normal time.

  • Cami December 21, 2008 (7:53 am)

    Only says 25 on our outdoor thermometer at Alki. Same here, snow with a layer of ice. Check out the bridge cam on the right. Seems like all that wind blew snow and ice all over the camera!

  • BatKeva December 21, 2008 (7:55 am)

    I just went out to take a look at 35th. It’s not horrible, but looks to be a little slick. There are ruts in both directions, but it appears that it’s been a while since a plow or sand truck came through. The paper was being delivered on the other side of the road, and the driver said the hills were a little scary. I did see a few other cars heading towards Alaska, all taking it slow. I did see a bus go by as well. I’m not sure about coming up hill, but it’s passable if you go slowly and are careful.

    Here’s a pic from my crappy camera phone: http://tinyurl.com/6uxnhk

    The icy crust on the snow was poking through my rubber rainboots. Ouch!

  • GenHillOne December 21, 2008 (7:56 am)

    Parka Boy coming over bridge right now with van cam.

  • Kayleigh December 21, 2008 (7:56 am)

    Parka Boy reporting from the WSEA Bridge! It’s open.

  • MrJT December 21, 2008 (7:58 am)

    Danger Jim is in the house !

  • Dan December 21, 2008 (8:01 am)

    My wife trudged down our hill through the ice encrusted snow and caught the 21 south from 35th & Avalon to Our Lady of Guadalupe at 35th & Myrtle. The bus was able to make it up the big hills but the driver can’t stop to pick up passengers on the hills, so be prepared to get off at the bottom or top and walk. Fr. Jack is at the church and there will be mass, even it’s only for a small group. The parking lots were cleared last night but the winds, snow and ice since then have taken a toll. Cheers for a great bus driver, Fr. Jack and my wife for making the journey so she could lead in the singing!

  • Margo on ALki December 21, 2008 (8:02 am)

    Would love to hear if anyone has been able to get up Avalon coming from Alki/Harbor Avenue. The plows have been down here on Alki. I would love to take Avalon to get up to California Avenue. Any thoughts? Thanks!

  • Alice December 21, 2008 (8:05 am)


    open and drivable, or open, but you should probably stay home?


  • p December 21, 2008 (8:05 am)

    Trainwreck Jim Foreman is reporting from 35th and Fauntleroy right now.

  • homedk December 21, 2008 (8:08 am)

    Alice: we can see a small portion of 35th near the Camp Long entrance. From here, it looks like traffic on 35th is moving nicely.

    Several vehicles just went northbound toward the hill…

  • Darren December 21, 2008 (8:09 am)

    Jim Foreman from KING 5 is at the corner of Fauntleroy and Avalon, by the Starbucks and they were helping a pick up get unstuck. It’s very slick. My morning paper didn’t make it here yet. I went out but wasn’t here.

  • GenHillOne December 21, 2008 (8:13 am)

    Sorry, Alice, I have yet to see a vehicle so I can’t really tell. The tracks that ARE out there are really big and deep in the powder – like a good-sized truck with snow tires, no sign of chain marks.

  • Brenda December 21, 2008 (8:17 am)

    There is very little traffic on Fauntleroy by Lincoln Park, most traffic is southbound…headed for Ferry? We saw trucks sanding Fauntleroy last night about 9 pm. I got up in the middle of the night and saw huge icicles hanging from all the street lights. This must have been when the freezing rain was falling. When I got up they had all fallen.

  • Lardog December 21, 2008 (8:18 am)

    Has anyone come up Admiral yet fom lower Beach Drive? What’s it like for a front wheel drive–no studs or chains. Thank you!

  • Brenda December 21, 2008 (8:20 am)

    Another note…the pedestrians I have seen are walking in the sanded traffic lane! It must be too difficult to walk in the six inches of snow with a frozen crust on the top.

  • Jai December 21, 2008 (8:22 am)

    Anyone see buses out and about? Particularly the 56? Trying to figure out the best way to get to the final home game of the Mike Holmgren era.

  • toddinwestwood December 21, 2008 (8:23 am)

    Looks like Roxbury has been plowed with the big yellow six wheeled road grader (grater?). They were plowing all night long east and westbound. Traffic moving at least.

    Where is the entrance and the sledding area at the Golf course? I say we meet there at noon.

  • Arbor Heights Mom December 21, 2008 (8:27 am)

    Anybody have a good furnace repair person (Amana Gas furnace)? Our furnace seems to stop working in very cold weather. It’s about 8 years old. I read the post about the hair dryer, which works to get it up a few degrees but then it just keeps falling. At 54 currently, would love a weekend repair person who could get here if anyone has a recc.

  • Larry December 21, 2008 (8:31 am)

    you might try a space heater in the area to keep it warm.

  • miws December 21, 2008 (8:32 am)

    I saw Parka Boy’s report too. He is no longer the Rodney Dangerfield of TV reporting! He’s finally got some respect!


    Not only is he being chauferred around in a nice, warm comfy news van, he apparently won’t be actually reporting from outside of the van, because as he was giving the play-by-play description of what we were seeing as his camera man/driver was snow shoveling around the wheels of, and pushing, the Toyota pickup they were rescuing, Jim said “…you might wonder why I’m not out there helping? Well, I don’t have the shoes for it!”


    Seriously though, Jim said all kinds of nice things about his cow-orker, and that he’s just that kind of guy, with a heart of gold.



  • p December 21, 2008 (8:33 am)

    Washington Energy comes to mind. So does bryant heating and cooling.

  • Amy December 21, 2008 (8:33 am)

    Anyone else heard the fire truck sirens this night/early morning? They went on for hours, at least that’s what it seemed to me, trying to sleep. Anyone know what went on?

  • nuni December 21, 2008 (8:34 am)

    King 5, how about reporting on 35th instead of California???!!?

  • p December 21, 2008 (8:35 am)

    Alice Jim is showing California and Mass, can’t tell which way he is traveling, oh, wait, he is coming to admiral, it looks pretty good.

  • nuni December 21, 2008 (8:38 am)

    Oh yeah by the way, King 5 is driving live down Admiral towards the bridge, it’s sanded and plowed.

  • miws December 21, 2008 (8:41 am)


    Jim just said that he put his snow boots on.


    They just cruised southbound on California through North Admiral, and turned eastbound onto Admiral.


    Dang! I was hoping they’d cruise the length of California, and I’d be able to see them from my front window in the Morgan Junction, and wave at them and see my neighborhood on TV!



  • JH December 21, 2008 (8:44 am)

    I’m glad I can get the Parka Boy updates here, since both my TVs decided to quit working yesterday!

  • FabulousEm December 21, 2008 (8:48 am)

    Oh, how I hate “Disaster Jim” Foreman. They looked like they were really flying down the Admiral Hill toward the bridge. My little beagle just went outside to the creme brulee snow and was not happy about crashing through the layer of ice. It looked hard to navigate. Thinking of walking to Westwood for coffee…..

  • JT December 21, 2008 (8:48 am)

    #21 went down 35th about 8:15.

  • Gatewood Hill December 21, 2008 (8:53 am)

    how far south did you see the #21?

  • Christy December 21, 2008 (8:55 am)

    made it to work today. Trickiest part was getting out to Fauntleroy. The bridge was not too bad – plowed and sanded. I came down first past the stadium – curbside lane is well plowed and drivable. People are already parking and heading into Sluggers to get ready for the game!

  • Lindsey December 21, 2008 (8:57 am)

    I’m supposed to go to work in the UW area in about an hour. Has anyone been that way??

  • Mags December 21, 2008 (9:01 am)

    Still no newspaper (first time Alejandro has ever been late but maybe not able to get papers from dispatch), hubby walking to 9:30 mass at Holy Rosary, I’m staying home to bake and then wandering out later today. Looks like maybe one or two cars have been in my neighbordhood on 39th between Charlestown and Andover. Have seen a few cars braving 38th and going down the incline.

  • Arbor Heights Mom December 21, 2008 (9:02 am)

    thank you for the reccos!

  • Babs December 21, 2008 (9:04 am)

    Avalon is plowed and looks fine to drive on if you must…be careful out there! Its one for the record books….

  • Irukandji December 21, 2008 (9:07 am)

    Go Jackson! Great to see and hear about happy kids and dogs.

  • Jai December 21, 2008 (9:08 am)

    Thanks, JT. I’m going to hope the 9:22 56 shows up! Preferably within 30 mins of its scheduled time.

  • p December 21, 2008 (9:08 am)

    Lindsey-I just checked with my coworker and she said she bussed to the U area from Beacon Hill and it was pretty easy. But she walked downtown and then took metro up. KING 5 is showing downtown and various roads and they are reporting to drive with care but roads are open. Seattle has been working extra hard because of the game today at 1.

  • pam December 21, 2008 (9:09 am)

    Holden between 35th and California is open, passable but not plowed. Please be careful though, people are walking in the street and kids are sledding – go slow slow slow, okay?

  • Darren December 21, 2008 (9:10 am)

    Jim Foreman is now in downtown Seattle. The roads look sanded and they did see some pavement.

  • beth December 21, 2008 (9:11 am)

    My husband has been stuck at Seatac since 2:30am. No cabs willing to go to WS and I can’t get my car out.

  • Mags December 21, 2008 (9:14 am)

    Beth, is the 560 running? He might be able to get a bus? Or take a bus from Sea-Tac to downtown and then to WS..Burien park and ride and the 128? Or is the airporter running to downtown? Some options..

  • 16th & Trenton December 21, 2008 (9:21 am)

    arbor heights mom:

    try reed wright heating. they are probably busy, but the guys there will try to talk you through figuring out what is wrong. good folks.


  • JenV December 21, 2008 (9:22 am)

    I love that I don’t even need to look out the window, just need to come here. Larry, you’re in my neck of the woods! Thanks for the pics. After a brief glance out the door – with 2″ of snow piled up to it…I think I will stay in for now.

  • ToddinWestwood December 21, 2008 (9:24 am)

    Hey Beth, the Sound Transit bus 560 goes from Seatac via burien then thru White Center, down Barton, then to the Junction.


  • WSB December 21, 2008 (9:26 am)

    Alice’s latest map (thank you AGAIN, Alice, you rock) is embedded at the top of this post now for future finding if you don’t have it open in a separate window. Also a line there with toplines on open/closed reports about businesses etc. – have some coming in now, in the narrative above. Thank you again to everyone for all the info-sharing and camaraderie. Our walkway’s under something resembling HALF A FOOT – TR

  • Megen December 21, 2008 (9:28 am)


    Yup I do live near the hill on 35th and Avalon/Alaska. I haven’t seen an overwhelming amount of vehicles. Most of them I have seen are going down the hill. Haven’t heard any crashes so I am guessing if you take it nice and slow down the hill you should be OK. Its still snow covered though. Coming up the hill I have seen less vehicles than going down. I have seen a couple of cars, but they have mostly been SUVs/trucks. Haven’t seen a plow either. Will post when I see one! :)

  • Janet December 21, 2008 (9:39 am)

    NOT the 560! Just now I checked the alert page: http://metro.kingcounty.gov/up/rr/adverseweather.html. Here’s what it says on the 560: “This bus is not on its normal routing. It does not travel between Burien Transit Center and West Seattle.”

  • Janet December 21, 2008 (9:44 am)

    Uh-oh. My Alaska Airlines flight at 10 am was canceled yesterday. Now my re-booked 2 pm flight is canceled. Website shows “NO available flights from SEA to San Jose on 12/21/08” and the 1-800 number has been giving me the busy signal since 9 am. But I am SO HAPPY that I’m still home and not sitting at the airport!!!

  • Cathy December 21, 2008 (9:45 am)

    Newspaper was delivered at 8:30 (31st Ave in Arbor Heights) but it was left down on the parking strip rather than tossed up to the yard. I happened to be gawking out the window when it was delivered, otherwise I would not have thought to look down there for it. Folks with houses on a slope might want to check down by the street for their papers.

  • p December 21, 2008 (9:46 am)

    Another option is the 174 which runs into downtown, and the 194 I believe. Then possibly transfer to a west seattle route that could be running by you.

  • CMP December 21, 2008 (9:50 am)

    I’ve seen two 54’s going north on California by Rite Aid and a 128 heading south, but that was at least an hour ago. Can’t tell if they’re on schedule since it’s Sunday but at least they’re running. I normally hear them rumbling by pretty easily but with the snow, it’s difficult to tell now.

  • biankat December 21, 2008 (9:50 am)

    I’m a metro rider virgin and can’t figure out the metro’s website. What are bus route suggestions to Qwest Field and the best place to catch the bus? We’d prefer not driving all the way downtown, but can deal with driving to a bus stop locale.

  • p December 21, 2008 (9:58 am)

    biankat, where are you? 21 on 35th ave sw works

  • biankat December 21, 2008 (10:03 am)

    thanks..we’re at the far south end of 35th. the 21 normally runs past us, but it appears it’s not in service now. we also want to avoid transferring routes.

  • Mary December 21, 2008 (10:06 am)

    Does anyone know the conditions on Thistle Street, between 35th and Delridge?

    I don’t know that my car will make it up the short hill from our house eastwards to 35th to head out our usual way to the bridge. I was able to get around this past week by taking Thistle west to Delridge, Delridge to Roxbury, then Roxbury to 35th. I suppose if Thistle is passable, perhaps that route would work again?

    Otherwise … what are the other possibilities based on today’s road conditions?

    Once down to Delridge, is it better to go to the bridge (lower bridge preferred over upper, I presume)? I’ve heard Highland Park Driver is not recommended … Or should I go down Roxbury hill towards South Park to get out of West Seattle? Take 17th to Ambaum to Burien and get on freeways from there?


  • megan December 21, 2008 (10:19 am)

    fwiw, took an early morning trip to airport in AWD Subaru to drop off a friend for a 7am flight. he got no response at all from the cab company (as predicted). lightly raining the whole time, thus spawning the frozen crust of snowy delight everywhere. took a long time to scrape the ice off the car…

    we left 48th/Alaska, went south to Erskine, then went left up through the junction and took direct roads to WSB/Spokane Viaduct – everything was fine, people were generally careful on the snowpack. the only tough transition was from Spokane St Viaduct onto I-5 south ramp which was not plowed or packed down yet. didn’t see anyone in trouble at that point, was back home before 6:30am. his flight took off late – about 8:20 (northwest air to MPLS – I guess they are used to snow and ice!).

  • eigenwijs December 21, 2008 (10:25 am)

    Would appreciate any reports on Fauntleroy down to the ferry, and how things are on the Vashon hill. I really really really want to go to the office tomorrow!

  • AlkiRagdoll December 21, 2008 (10:27 am)

    Arbor Height Mom — I just had my furnace replaced Wednesday by Reed Wright — they are fantastic. Ask for Brian or Rob (Rob lives in Burien)… they walked from Admiral Way to my house on a closed street. 283-1234.

  • Janet December 21, 2008 (10:33 am)

    Update on flying out today: Laughed out LOUD when the automated voice at Alaska Airlines said: your call will be answered in approximately ONE…… HUNDRED….. FORTY…. NINE…. minutes.

  • Darren December 21, 2008 (10:40 am)

    Just saw the first car drive on our road since 6am this morning. SW 105th between 35th and 39th. They weren’t having any problems. I may go out later to see how 35th is in a bit.

  • d. December 21, 2008 (10:40 am)

    …the Metro page says the 54 isn’t running in WS…is this true? Has anyone seen a 54?

  • Deb December 21, 2008 (10:47 am)

    Metro web page says the 54 is not going on the viaduct but down 1st avenue instead…I did not see it saying that it was not operating…

  • cindyb December 21, 2008 (10:47 am)

    Even though the WS Farmer’s Market is cancelled today, at least one vendor, George of SeaBreeze Farm, is planning to be onsite, selling milk, cheese, chicken, lamb and pork. If you are heading to the Junction, George says he will be there today during the regular hours of 10-2 today.

  • d December 21, 2008 (10:48 am)

    To Ms. Alice, the G-mapper Extraordinaire:

    9th Ave SW/8th Ave SW in Highland Park is compacted and passable.

    Patrick of Team WSB: Shoveling around drains and clearing out downspout areas is GREAT advice. I would have forgotten to do that before I leave town. THANK YOU!

    Janet re: Alaska Airlines – UNBELIEVABLE!

  • WSB December 21, 2008 (10:49 am)

    The Metro media-relations person seems to be out there so I will ask if she has any 54 news.

  • zero-to-life in West Seattle December 21, 2008 (10:54 am)

    We just drove up Thistle from Delridge to 28th Ave SW. We have AWD and made it fine, but it is not plowed or sanded. The snow is pretty thick but no visible ice.

  • Morganlf December 21, 2008 (10:58 am)

    Just an FYI. Northwest cancelled our 6pm flight to Minneapolis/St. Paul. Everyone check your flights and make sure they’re still running!

  • p December 21, 2008 (10:58 am)

    I saw a 22 I believe at Roxbury and 35th about 30 minutes ago. For Alice, Holden between 35th and California is not too bad. We have a mazda protege and it did fine. Had to be careful so it did not get high centered though. California and Fauntleroy appear to be plowed but still a bit slick.
    Beth, did your husband find a way in yet?

  • jjj December 21, 2008 (11:00 am)

    not lucky enough to be within walking distance of the junction. oh well, guess I’ll do Santa photos downtown later this week. shopping too while I’m down there :(

  • JH December 21, 2008 (11:04 am)

    Warning to dog owners! I took my dog outside just to take the recycling out, and he went flying down the driveway an excited frenzy. He came back with bloody paws from the ice on top of the snow. I felt terrible…I know, I know, but he was so excited that I couldn’t get him back in time! So beware of cut doggy feet. I apparently left my brain inside the house.

  • d. December 21, 2008 (11:05 am)

    Ama Ama or Jak’s open for brunch in the Junction? …wouldn’t mind a walk down there…a few bloody mary’s some food then a big nap…sounds like a good way to spend the day…

  • cjboffoli December 21, 2008 (11:06 am)

    This JUST popped into my inbox from the Ama Ama owners:

    Don’t worry, Ama’s Open for Brunch today (Sunday) and we’ll be serving brunch till about 4PM!
    Dinner will start around 5PM. So put on your boots and head on up to Ama!

    Ama-Ama Oyster Bar is located at:

    4752 California St. SW
    Seattle, WA 98116
    Phone: 206.937.1514

    For more information (dress code, parking, map, etc.) or to make reservations at
    Ama-Ama Oyster Bar:

  • p December 21, 2008 (11:07 am)

    Tullys in the morgan junction is closed, subway is open, starbucks is also open, just in the morgan junction area. passed those a few minutes ago.

  • WSB December 21, 2008 (11:08 am)

    Will add to the main narrative too. Thanks for supporting WSB sponsors (of which Ama-Ama currently is one) – YOU keep the site’s spirit and info going, they keep the lights on, so to speak. Full list (a few days behind, we’ve had a few changes) is at:

  • p December 21, 2008 (11:10 am)

    a 128 just zoomed past us at fauntleroy and raymond, traveling northbound!

  • lina December 21, 2008 (11:13 am)

    thank you for the doggy paw warning JH- i was thinking of heading out for a romp with my dogs but maybe i will check it out myself first. thanks!

  • 44th & Graham December 21, 2008 (11:14 am)

    Just to confirm, Seabreeze Farms is at the Farmer’s Market this morning.
    Fresh milk, meat, wine and cheese!

  • FriendO'Dingus December 21, 2008 (11:16 am)

    Well, I just got back from a run to downtown. I drive a pick up truck, have no chains, and well used regular ole tires. SW Thistle between 35th Ave SW and Delridge Way is by far the worst. Packed snow, no clear tracks, certainly no asphalt visible. It was slippy and raised areas of snow grabbed at the steering. With great momentum, and no other cars coming I made it up the hills. Delridge Way as hard compacted snow…somewhat slippy, but with steady pace it’s okay. Starting from lights required finesse but definetly doable. West Seattle bridge had two tracks pretty much down to asphalt, and plenty of grit on the road. Same with 99 North. Steady 40 mph was easily possible with no problem maintaining control. Seneca exit was hard compact and somewhat slippy. Slow and steady made it possible. 1st Ave downtown was passable, but not best to get caught on a hill by a traffic light. University Eastbound from 1st (steep hill) was attained, but only with the luck of the lights at 2nd and 3rd being green. Return trip home was pretty much the same. Hope that helps someone. By the way, lots of Seahawks fans out tailgating/cooking near the stadium.

  • Alan Harrison December 21, 2008 (11:16 am)

    All the remaining performances of “Plaid Tidings” — that’s Sunday at 3 & 7:30; Monday at 7:30; and Tuesday at 7:30 — will go on as scheduled. If you have any questions, call the box office at (206) 938-0339.

  • Alan Harrison December 21, 2008 (11:18 am)

    “Plaid Tidings” is at ArtsWest, of course!

  • WSB December 21, 2008 (11:19 am)

    Thanks, Alan – Rachel had let us know that so we’d posted it in previous days but will reiterate in the open/closed list at the top of this post – TR

  • iggy December 21, 2008 (11:20 am)

    [not weather related, but does relate to WSB comment on adjusting the home page to load faster.] Last night I was having an awful time getting the front page and the comments to load and to refresh. In general, I’ve noticed since the Internet Explorer security patch installed a few days ago, everything seems slower. A friend has been after me to switch to Mozilla Foxfire. I went ahead and downloaded it, and in less than 10 minutes I was up and running. Everything, including the WSB, in so much faster than IE. Then, this morning, I saw the WSB comment that the home page has been streamlined because people were having problems with slow load times. As an experiment, I switched back to Internet Explorer as my browser. It now loaded/refreshed in acceptable time, but not nearly as fast as the Foxfire. I am not a computer expert, but thought I would pass this on to anyone having problems with slow speeds with Microsoft browser.

  • d. December 21, 2008 (11:25 am)

    …it’s actually Firefox…lol…you could also try Chrome, Google’s new browser, out of beta and lighting fast…IE has been dealing with a zero day security flaw as of late and been having MAJOR problems…

  • Sue December 21, 2008 (11:26 am)

    Heavy snow coming down now at Fauntleroy/Dawson.
    I’m at the point I will sell my soul to make it all stop. LOL!

  • iggy December 21, 2008 (11:26 am)

    Snowing at California and Frontenac (3 blocks south of Morgan). Big, fluffy flakes. Guess this is one of the “passing showers” forecast today by the TV weatherpeople. Looks pretty.

  • west seattle golfer December 21, 2008 (11:28 am)

    Snowing in north Seaview too (49th & Brandon) Big fluffy flakes here as well.

    As pretty as it is, I’m getting tired of it. Can we just go back to rain and (slightly) warmer temps?

  • WSB December 21, 2008 (11:32 am)

    Iggy – I use Firefox exclusively, co-publisher P also uses Safari and Opera. We both have Macs. Junior Member has a laptop PC so when we hear about PC problems we test on that. Please forgive us for any problems with access – we are learning some lessons from this re: tweaks for the future, and also hope to try out the WordPress mobile plugin for easier mobile access in the future too, but don’t want to make big changes like that while we’re in the middle of major coverage – anybody else with tech issues or thoughts please feel free to e-mail editor@westseattleblog.com – TR

  • Alice December 21, 2008 (11:32 am)

    Oops, I fell asleep and my RSS alerts didn’t wake me. I just did all the updates from 8:30 to 11 on the map.

  • JH December 21, 2008 (11:33 am)

    Snowing at 51st/Hanford, thankfully. It’ll cover my dog’s bloody paw prints (see above post-I’m really not talking like I’m from England)!

  • Shell Marr December 21, 2008 (11:39 am)

    It’sssss BBBAAACCKKKKK….we’ve got snow again… on Holden between 35th & Delridge!

  • Alice December 21, 2008 (11:42 am)

    …and there were too many people to thank! So – to everyone who sent in photos or commented – YAY! You make the map possible – and people like p will thank you for helping them figure out their commutes!


  • Big Al (No, Not THAT One) December 21, 2008 (11:43 am)

    Hi Everyone,

    Does anyone out there know whether Santa will be sitting for photos in Westwood village today from noon to 4 as scheduled? It is the last day, but I wasn’t sure whether he’d make it there with all this snow (I assume his reindeer aren’t yet with him to allow him to navigate our snow).


  • WSB December 21, 2008 (11:44 am)

    Junction Santa is in for sure. In case no one else has firsthand knowledge, I will try a few sources including somebody who’s at WV.

  • Darren December 21, 2008 (11:45 am)

    Snowing lightly in Arbor Heights….started right after I got done shoveling the sidewalk.

  • WSB December 21, 2008 (11:46 am)

    Clarified the 54 with Linda at Metro. It is as currently posted on Metro adverse routes site – running, but possibly offschedule, and not using the Viaduct.

  • JayDee December 21, 2008 (11:49 am)

    Now my boss runs his English setter near Ellensburg and he said something about adding super glue to the dog’s pad when rocks cut them.

    I’ve seen flamenco guitar players put it on their fingers to prevent cuts from the wire strings.
    Maybe the dog lovers here know if this will help with ice-cut pads.

  • Kiki December 21, 2008 (11:51 am)

    Anyone near the Delridge Community Center that wants to have a snowball fight?

  • shane December 21, 2008 (11:56 am)

    How weird. Holden between Delridge and 24th is closed. Looks like the plow went up the road and plowed and sanded from about 24th to the park….then stopped!?!? Anyhow, with 4wd I could get around the hood OK. May I give some advice to those not experienced in winter driving? Less is more….go light on the gas. I saw more than one 4WD with all 4 wheels spinning and you could tell the driver had the pedal pinned to the floor. Once you are spinning, more gas wont help :)

  • Forrest December 21, 2008 (11:59 am)

    Any hints to locate a snow shovel? We just moved to Seattle and didn’t bring yard equipment… so we’re stuck in the house. I’ve called True Value (no shovels) and McLendon’s (no answer). Any hints?

  • Jo December 21, 2008 (12:03 pm)

    Snow coming down pretty good at Alki.

  • Aim December 21, 2008 (12:12 pm)

    RE: technical stuff —

    I worked for MS a few years ago and worked on the IE team. I don’t use it unless something absolutely won’t run on one of the three other browsers I have installed. I primarily use Firefox, because I love the adaptability and the huge number of plugins. (If you use FF, and do NOT have SessionSaver, get it. It is one of my favorite tools.)

    If FF won’t load a page (rare!) I will use Opera, Chrome, or IE — in that order. Chrome didn’t impress me, as it was incredibly slow on my machine with just very basic sites. It wasn’t worth it to me, and the few cool features I found are also available in the latest Firefox.

  • WSB December 21, 2008 (12:13 pm)

    Forrest – Drug stores might be an offbeat place to check – they carry garden stuff too and maybe even something bigger (we have this big purple plastic thing that I think is more meant for scooping leaves).

    SANTA BULLETIN – I called Robin at Westwood Village Barnes and Noble, who volunteered to go walk over. She reports “OF COURSE HE’S HERE! He has a sleigh and reindeer, what were you thinking?” So yes, Santa is in at Westwood till 4 pm. Santa is also in at Cupcake Royale in The Junction till 3:30. Adding to main text. This post by the way will stay active till the Seahawks game starts – we’ll switch over then – I’m not much of a football fan but I’m sure many folks out there will be watching TV instead of computer at that time :)

  • Aim December 21, 2008 (12:16 pm)

    Forrest, if you find shovels, report back as to where. We don’t have a shovel of any sort, since we don’t have a yard.

    Alternately, if anyone is in the Highland Park/Westwood area and is willing to lend us a shovel for an hour, we’d be really grateful.

  • JenV December 21, 2008 (12:20 pm)

    the BF was just up at Petco and reported a spectacular fight going on in the middle of the junction, right in front of the Puerto Vallarta.

  • Dustin December 21, 2008 (12:22 pm)

    Dumbass green snowmobiler just raced up SW 107th between Seola Beach Drive and 28th Ave going at least 30 mph. Guy is wearing a helmet…I just wish he had as much concern for other peoples’ safety as he did his own.

  • JH December 21, 2008 (12:25 pm)

    Forrest, where are you? I think I have one in my garage but not sure!

  • PP December 21, 2008 (12:30 pm)

    Kids along 26th SW and 102nd shoveling snow for $5 – anyone want them your way? close of course!
    I hooked ’em up with some hot cocoa to keep the shovels moving!!

  • brittany December 21, 2008 (12:32 pm)

    anyone been to the airport lately? is it even worth trying? friends supposedly flying out this afternoon (hope springs eternal, i suppose…).

  • Erin December 21, 2008 (12:36 pm)

    Hey all! Lovin the updates this morning! JH, I hope the puppy’s paws are feeling better! I need to head to Yakima this week and think it’s a good idea to get chains, just in case. I’ve never had to deal with chains before (I have an SUV w/ 4WD that’s done wonderfully over the past week, but you never know…) Any ideas of places that aren’t sold out? I’d appreciate the help!

    PS- if those kids wanna make it up to the top of upper Fauntleroy, I’d love for them to dig and find my front steps! :-)

  • mar3c December 21, 2008 (12:36 pm)

    jenv: umm, like a brawl, or a snowball fight?

  • AD December 21, 2008 (12:38 pm)

    JenV- Uh oh. I wonder what the fight is over?

    It’s snowing hard again above Alki.

    We have huge snow drifts that I will need to measure in feet.

  • P December 21, 2008 (12:41 pm)

    some loose wire in the street will fix that snowmobile….. glad I am at work today and not listening to them buzzing the hood.

  • rjb December 21, 2008 (12:43 pm)

    What about garbage pickup???

  • JenV December 21, 2008 (12:44 pm)

    he said it was a brawl/beatdown! no snowballs involved. old pickup truck with two young adult males, and 4 guys walking on sidewalk. kid in the truck got quite a beatdown, apparently. he did not know what they were fighting about. thinks the kid in the car instigated the whole thing.

  • WSB December 21, 2008 (12:50 pm)

    RJB – I will put out a call to SPU – no official advisories yet. Will be a bad thing if those of us on Monday pickup get missed again since last week was undoable too … yikes … otherwise the general advice is “if they missed you, put out double next week, plus recycling AND yard waste.”

  • lenamegan December 21, 2008 (12:54 pm)

    Re superglue on dog feet: In the veterinary world we use something very similar to close small cuts and wounds. However the cuts need to be absolutely clean and sterile because if you close it with dirt or bacteria inside you could get a pretty nasty infection. Better to be safe and leave them open.

    Re chains: I ordered my chains from Amazon on Monday and primed them. They were on the porch on Wednesday. Quite excellent!

  • Mary December 21, 2008 (12:54 pm)

    Thanks folks for the updates on Thistle Street. Shortly after I posted, the snow resumed. Darn it! It’s beautiful but I have errands to do and am getting cabin fever …

    Anyone in the 32nd/Thistle neighborhood got kids who want to play in the snow? We have an 11 yr-old boy here but there don’t seem to be any kids around.

    Tracy, next month I hope to have some money to contribute towards this blog. I’m sure others will agree it’s been a lifesaver — and I’d love to do something for Alice with all her wonderful maps!

  • WSB December 21, 2008 (12:58 pm)

    Mary – no worries. Best support for our current business model is to do business with sponsors AND let them know you appreciate their sponsorship of WSB. For all of our sakes, we need a strong business community in WS. Alice, if you have a PayPal account for tips, put up a link! Meantime, question – anyone having trouble with phone service? I got a Twitter message (aka “tweet”) from a WS resident who is having trouble calling out. I can’t verify because all three of our phones are mobile … but I will check Qwest media relations if there seems to be a widespread problem.

  • def December 21, 2008 (1:02 pm)

    > Any hints to locate a snow shovel?
    If you can’t find a shovel, a large dustpan can work in a pinch.
    I have a big plastic heavy-duty Rubbermaid dustpan I use to remove the snow that stacks up on my truck. I’ve seen a big (like 12×18″) metal dustpan at Home Depot that might work for removing snow from a porch or walk. The main problem is the short handle — this wouldn’t be a good choice if you have a bad back.
    Also, if you can’t find an ice scraper for your car windows, hardware stores sell wide disposable plastic putty knives that work pretty well.

  • Darren December 21, 2008 (1:03 pm)

    Alice there are kids sledding down the hill on SW 105th st…from 39th to 35th.

  • KSJ December 21, 2008 (1:04 pm)

    We are a Monday pick-up location and have two weeks worth of garbage – yuck. We are willing to drag it to a main arterial for pick-up tomorrow, I wonder if SPU would consider that sort of thing? I know they won’t be able to back down our narrow alley as usual.

  • WSB December 21, 2008 (1:04 pm)

    About to start the afternoon update with a long city update — one tidbit though:

  • brittany December 21, 2008 (1:07 pm)

    re: snow shovels- find the neighbor with the clearest walkway and see if you can borrow theirs! :)

  • WSB December 21, 2008 (1:08 pm)

    The AFTERNOON THREAD is now in action – please post new reports, questions, discussions there – THANK YOU!!!!!!

  • smshepard December 21, 2008 (1:31 pm)

    SPU … don’t know. We live on an arterial -SW 106th Street but no help with snow removal since the beginning. Sure is pretty but no 133 bus in White Center to UW means no work/no pay.
    What’s the low-down on ’75mph winds’ (Times online update 12:37 Sunday 12-21) to the East of I-5? That’s kind of close.
    Stay warm everyone and bring in more firewood!


  • rjb December 21, 2008 (2:41 pm)

    My recycling and yard waste are also filled to the brim.
    Thanks so much for te update – if you get the official word before tomorrow morning, can you post it?

  • Judd December 21, 2008 (7:15 pm)

    Hey everyone – We just got a place in W. Seattle (near California & Raymond) and were planning to move in this weekend…well, “were” being the key word there. Given the above freezing temps the next couple of days, I was thinking perhaps Tuesday afternoon might be possible…but I wonder whether is best to wait until Friday to let the area thaw out..we’re coming from Redmond so it’s quite a commute for us & the movers.

    Welcome your input from the source! Thanks.

  • WSB December 21, 2008 (7:27 pm)

    Judd – we have now moved over to the evening post (see URL above). Short answer though, I would say WAIT. Tuesday is not likely to be clear yet, given what the forecasts say.

Sorry, comment time is over.