day : 11/03/2007 3 results

Got power?

Haven’t seen it this windy in a while. Weather Service says Alki Point has gusts up to 43 mph. How are things where you are?

Tunes from Delridge

Another blustery-day webfind: guy in Delridge touting his band Swampdweller’s new CD out @ Easy Street. (UPDATE: Two links removed after reader reports of virus trouble. If you have a Mac — ours didn’t have any trouble with the links — and you want to check them out, just go to Google Blog Search and look for Swampdweller.)

Pointlessness at the Polls, T minus 2 days

-No ballot dropoff today; just tomorrow and Tuesday, 7 am-8 pm, High Point Community Center and assorted non-WS locations.

-Times editorial: Yes on replacement-a-duct.

-Small online vote with seven options: Surface/transit wins.

-If seven options aren’t enough, how about a “tube”?

-A non-local blog calling itself Designing Public Consensus takes a look at all this.