Community Power Works (CPW), the City of Seattle’s home-energy-upgrade program, is now available in West Seattle, and sponsoring WSB to get the word out. Here’s the info the program wants to share: Community Power Works is a federally funded initiative aiming to facilitate weatherization of more than 2,000 homes and small businesses before June of 2013. Home upgrades increase health and comfort, and offer opportunities to “live your values,” such as decreasing energy consumption and reducing your carbon footprint.
For homeowners, Community Power Works provides the opportunity for a $95 whole-home energy assessment (normally $400), and consultation with CPW’s home-energy experts to prioritize work based on the needs of the home and homeowner. Energy experts also advise on rebates and incentives available for the project, valued at $2,000 for over 20% energy savings per household. After bid selection, a CPW pre-approved contractor conducts the work, and it is quality-checked at no charge when complete. CPW also provides affordable financing if needed, and bundles all applicable utility rebates and incentives. For more information and to sign up for the program, visit or call 206.449.1170.
We thank Community Power Works for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.