West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
A WSB reader with kids @ Lafayette Elementary across from the store’s south lot forwarded us this e-mail bulletin from the school, complete with handy phone number if anyone wants to call the store’s manager to ask whassup with all this. Full e-mail text, plus a photo of something interesting we spotted in that same lot this morning, after the jump:Read More
Those of us still shunned by Pagliacci, even with the delivery-zone expansion, are just going to have to wait another week to exuberantly try Garlic Jim’s … a commenter left word a few days ago that the grand opening was moved back a week, and GJ proprietor Ryan just confirmed it. New GJ grand-opening date: March 27.
The block of 47th just south of Admiral is blocked off this morning because of road work (possibly related to the “pedestrian improvements“? hard to tell — but they’re digging up the 47th corner pavement just north of Alki Mail & Dispatch in a big way).
-Second-to-last day to drop off your ballot (if you’re mailing it, it has to be postmarked no later than tomorrow). High Point Community Center is the WS dropoff spot, 7 am-8 pm today and tomorrow. (ALMOST as satisfying as non-mail voting.)
-The P-I drops by Diva to sample viaduct-vote opinions.
-Also from the P-I — a puffy overanalysis of what the v-vote debate truly means.
-Another voice for no/no: Will.
-Warning — The viaduct closes March 24-25 for its twice-yearly inspection. But you can sign up now to take a walking tour during the shutdown!