West Seattle, Washington
24 Monday
Just received by text:
Very brown water 6000 block of 44th Ave. Southwest.
Nothing on the Seattle Public Utilities water-trouble map; they have just reported it to SPU at 206-386-1800 (which you ALWAYS should do if your water is discolored), and report that the utility promised a call back.
Any of this look familiar? Suzanne sent the photo and report:
Found: Many clothing items belonging to (probably) teen girl, neatly packed in white plastic bag. The photo shows just a few of the many items in the bag.
Bag was on the ground in an alley in the Seaview neighborhood. All of the items were neatly folded as if packed for moving. Items were damp from rain so the bag has been outside for at least a week. I’ve put them in my garage for safekeeping for now. Really hoping they find their way back to their rightful person.
If it’s yours, email us and we’ll connect you.
5 PM: Thanks for the tip! Seattle Public Utilities crews are working on a water-main break at 49th/Morgan. The SPU water-outage map says it started around 4:15 pm and that about 26 homes are affected.
UPDATE: SPU says water was restored just after 6 pm.
Two days in a row for brown water reports from Seaview. Tuesday morning we heard about it from B; this past hour we heard about it from Suzanne. She called the Seattle Public Utilities 24/7 line – 206-386-1800 – and was told that it’s hydrant testing yet again. If brown water happens at your home/business, call to report it even if you think that’s what’s happening; sometimes it’s first word of another problem, like a line break.
Thanks for the photo. We’ve received several reports of brown water today, this time in Seaview – the photo is from a home near 45th/Seaview. No official word on the cause but lately it’s mostly been from hydrant testing stirring up the sediment, aka rust, in water lines. But please be sure to report it to SPU – 206-386-1800, 24/7.
(Saturday morning photo from Gary)
Early Saturday, after numerous texts, we reported on what turned out to be a Washington State Patrol aircraft circling in multiple areas of West Seattle. We also showed its flight path, looping over other areas of the county before coming here. Commenters added word of WSP on the ground in Seaview (and, as shown above, a photo). Today a WSP news release explains it all (West Seattle is the second case):
Just after 1:00 am yesterday morning, May 27, 2023, Washington State Patrol (WSP) troopers were involved in two incidents in which drivers fled from attempted traffic stops.
Eluding #1 – A Pontiac G8 fled from an attempted traffic stop NB SR 167 near 212th in Kent. WSP aircraft followed as the vehicle took the exit to 180th where it got caught up in traffic allowing the ground units to contact the vehicle. The driver was arrested for Felony Eluding and the 17 year old passenger was arrested for illegal possession of a handgun.
Eluding #2 – This occurred in nearly the same location – NB SR 167 approaching I-405 – when two Infiniti sedans were observed at a high rate and fled from an attempted traffic stop. WSP aircraft was able to locate one of the vehicles and began following the vehicle and communicating to the ground units on the direction of travel. The Infiniti continued NB on I-405 to WB I-90, at times turning all lights off and driving in an extremely reckless manner even though there was NO pursuit. WSP aircraft followed the vehicle all the way to SB I-5, then the West Seattle Freeway into West Seattle, where the car was abandoned in an alley. Ground units were guided to the area and were able to place the driver and passenger that fled on foot into custody.
These two incidents display the use of the Aviation Section of the Washington State Patrol as paramount to holding suspects accountable that choose to flee from law enforcement. This creates the safest way possible to reach the goal of safety for all and create a deterrent for this illegal and unsafe behavior. The communication and coordination between the aircraft, WSP District 2/King County ground units and local law enforcement partners allows for this accountability and WILL continue.
We’ll be following up on the people arrested in West Seattle.
“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more!” No – you’re in Seaview. These Christmas lights and decorations are inspired by the 1939 classic movie “The Wizard of Oz“! The photos and report are from Bethany:
Have to share the Oz inspired day and night decorations on this Seaview house – east side of 49th between Raymond and Graham. Details like the Dorothy dress plaid ribbon, poppies, “… please knock” door sign and crashed balloon make me smile every time I go by.
Thank you to these neighbors who know there really is no place like our emerald city for the holidays!
We’re continuing to show notable lights nightly – tips, with or without photos, are welcome at westseattleblog@gmail.com. See what we’ve showcased so far by scrolling through this WSB archive.
A block in Seaview could easily be renamed Pondview. This is why:
That’s the 3,200-gallon pond that occupies much of the front yard at Jeff and Melinda Pond‘s house.
Yes, Pond is their surname as well as their passion. The pond is a neighborhood attraction, created more than a decade ago. It’s home to these colorful koi.
The koi are not alone in the pond – it’s home to more than a dozen frogs, too (all of whom were in hiding during our recent visit). The pond held dozens of goldfish, too, but Jeff said almost a hundred goldfish were recently removed and rehomed. So the koi are currently rulers of the pond:
They are popular. Jeff and Melinda say it goes beyond passerby curiosity – day-care groups make regular visits, and enjoy story time by the pond – Little Free Libraries are just outside the fence to encourage story time for everyone:
Wildlife visit too. Bald eagles, great blue herons, a barred owl, and raccoons have all been seen. But so far nobody’s managed to pull off a major raid. The particulars of keeping koi are fascinating – we asked what happens in winter; Jeff says the fish – which can live for half a century – basically go into hibernation.
Do they have names? Mostly no, though their daughter has named a few, including “Mr. Fishy.” They have a smaller “sick tank” if any of the fish get ill and have to be separated from the others. But mostly, the pond is a peaceful refuge for Jeff, who works for Boeing and says his time at work can be “chaotic.”
The neighborhood is an extra-special place for Melinda, who grew up next door. Now they’re raising a family – and fish. And since the pond has attracted so much interest, they’ve set up this social-media page where you can get updates and ask questions. You’ll also be pointed to that page if you use the QR code that’s on a sign out front. You’re welcome to visit in person too – viewing from outside the fence – on 44th SW between Findlay and Juneau – just look for the flags!
5:06 PM: Suzanne reports her water “suddenly turned brown” just after 4 pm and wanted to be sure others in the area were aware. She called it in to Seattle Public Utilities‘ 24/7 line – 206-386-1800 – and they’re investigating, but anyone else experiencing this should call it in too.
5:33 PM: Suzanne got a reply from SPU – they’re attributing it to hydrant testing. That stirs up “sediment” in the lines (mostly rust).
(Pine Siskin, photographed in 2019 by Mark Wangerin)
One year ago, we reported on concerns about a salmonella outbreak at bird feeders, particularly affecting Pine Siskins. Today we’ve received a reader report suggesting that feeder-keepers keep watch for this again. Sent by Lex:
Our family regrets to report a likely outbreak of salmonella within our local bird population of Seaview in West Seattle.
A dying Pine Siskin was found motionless on our backyard feeder in Seaview.
His feathers were very puffed up and it did not move while other birds came and went. After 10 minutes though it ate seed from our feeder despite being clearly sick and having not the slightest fear of us.
To keep the other birds (and neighbors!) safe, we used gloves and a mask to move the bird into a box with a small towel and some more birdseed where the poor thing died a few hours later.
Apparently, Pine Siskins are often the first to be infected with Salmonella.
As to prevent any spread like in 2021, we would like to encourage our West Seattle neighbors to:
-Look out for unusual bird behavior (unafraid, ruffled feathers)
-Report this incident to WA Dept. Wildlife via 360-902-2415
-Feeders cleaned w/ 10% bleach solution x2 weekly (if not temporarily removing feeders altogether)
-Reviewing Seattle Audubon’s salmonella information page has been helpful to us!Fingers crossed this is an isolated incident and everyone stays safe!
From the WSB inbox:
MAILBOX PROWLER: The video is from Ryan, who explains: “Sharing video of attempted porch pirates operating pretty brazenly on 48th in Seaview. Sent in to SPD but sharing for awareness.”
ABANDONED CAR: Kate says two stolen cars have been dumped in front of her house and wonders if this is the third:
She says, “This Honda Accord is haphazardly parked on the 3200 block of 44th Ave SW. It’s been here a couple weeks and doesn’t belong to any of the neighbors we’ve talked to. Also looks like the front end is damaged.”
Got something for Crime Watch? Report it to police, and then let us know – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
9:51 PM: Thanks to everybody who messaged us about that downed tree across 48th SW in Seaview, just before the stretch that leads to/from Lowman Beach. When we went over a little while ago to check it out, police were moving it aside:
One person wondered about the best way to report something like that. If it’s a road hazard, you can always call 911.
ADDED EARLY SUNDAY: Two people have mentioned another tree problem further north on 48th – near Brandon/Findlay – earlier in the evening.
2 PM: Seattle Fire crews are at a house in the 6000 block of 49th SW because of what they described to dispatchers as a “small outdoor gas leak” after a residential line was “severed.” While they await Puget Sound Energy, they’ve evacuated the houses next door as a precaution.
3 PM: The call has closed.
Three reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:
STOLEN RED TRUCK: We have two reports about this theft in Upper Fauntleroy, near 40th/Cloverdale. The red 2002 Ford F-250 HD has a red canopy and black roof rack.
(Added: Photo of truck. Not carrying kayaks or bikes when taken)
Plate B30800H. Call 911 if you see it.
CATALYTIC-CONVERTER THEFTS: In a comment, John reports, “Lost mine yesterday morning at 2:35 at 39th and Graham. A neighbor reported a muffled sawing noise but did not see anybody.” Also yesterday morning in Seaview, a texter reports, “My elderly mother’s Prius had the catalytic converter stolen. Thieves jacked up the car and use a sawz-all. Neighbor saw a group of three men. Too dark for details.” The same block had at least one car prowled, too.
These items are generally too big to be simply “lost” so we’re mentioning them here rather than in our Lost/Found (non-pets) forum board:
T. found that bicycle abandoned on a Fauntleroy sidewalk. Older bicycle with a blown tire. Recognize it? Let us know and we’ll connect you. Meantime, in Seaview, Gwyneth found this:
She says, “It doesn’t seem like it’s in the best of shape but it got dumped on my corner either last night or this morning and in case someone is missing it, it’s sitting on the corner of Raymond and 47th SW.”
Frank sent the photo, explaining that bicycle has been on a planting strip along SW Graham in Seaview near 48th SW since at least Sunday. Nobody in the neighborhood has claimed it, so in case it was stolen and dumped, Frank wanted to get the word out.
Four reader reports:
MORE GATEWOOD GUNFIRE: Late last night, we heard a dispatch for possible gunfire in the 7100 block of California SW. Did not hear any report of what if anything officers found at the time, but we just received this via text:
Shots fired again in Gatewood last night, same alley as the car shooting 3 weeks ago. This time shots were fired directly into our neighbors’ house, through the kitchen and bedroom windows. Police have been notified. Fortunately no one hurt.
BUSINESS BURGLARY: The report and photo are from Mark:
Just popped in the Rite Aid on California Ave south of the Junction, saw a shattered window to right of door. Asked the employee on duty, says around 5 am someone broke in and stole cartons of cigarettes and about 30 or so airplane bottles of liquor. They were caught on camera, though.
Someone tried to steal the kayak rack off my SUV (Friday) night, while it was parked in my driveway in Seaview. Both the rack and the crossbars have locks, but they still managed to break off the end cap and try to slide it off the crossbar. My car was broken into a few months ago in the same location, though there was nothing in it to take. There’s a very bright motion light in the driveway, but doesn’t seem to bother them. They must’ve spent a good deal of time trying to get the rack off.
FROM THE ‘DUMPED/LIKELY STOLEN’ FILE: Recognize these camping chairs?
Texter just spotted them at the California/Fontanelle bus stop.
REMINDER – CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY: Hear from and talk with Southwest Precinct police at 7 pm Tuesday (August 18) during the first West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting in six months. Online, of course – connection info is in our preview.
You might know Rev. Sia Puloka for her work at Seaview United Methodist Church. But she just retired from a 20+-year secular career – and co-workers had a car parade past her church today in her honor.
Sia Puloka worked for the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, in front desk reception, where she was described as the office’s “ambassador of loving kindness.”
Chief deputy prosecutor Daniel Clark described her work in a farewell memo: “Sia’s service to the PAO has been extraordinary. She was hired in the Civil Division in 1996 and transferred to the front desk reception in the Criminal Division in 2006. Many people have done that job – with competence and grace. It is not easy. So many challenging people show up and the volume of work can be overwhelming. Sia took that front-line role and transformed it. She gave comfort to those who visited, strength and caring to her colleagues, and in every way made our office a more compassionate, loving place. And, after work she walked across the street and offered counseling and healing to the inmates in the King County Jail.”
About 30 cars were part of today’s parade past the church (46th/Graham). One of the gifts for her: A file box full of chocolate kisses, as co-workers expressed regret they weren’t able to offer real kisses and hugs in farewell.
She told her former co-workers that the office was like a family to her.
The memo announcing her retirement said that feeling was mutual: “Sia asked about your family members, held both of your hands to wish you well, and gave a hearty ‘RIGHT ON!’ to people passing by.” She got one of those in return today:
Also presented: Flowers and cards. Church members and relatives served her coffee and donuts, too. The farewell memo concluded, “She is a beautiful soul and presence that is going to be deeply missed.”
P.S. One more tribute to Rev. Puloka – an online donation drive to Food Lifeline, in her honor. Anybody can donate – go here.
As the one-year anniversary of its mysterious appearance nears, The West Seattle Turkey is back in the neighborhood where those early sightings happened.
WSB commenter “1994” texted that photo from north Arbor Heights tonight. Earlier, Emily K. photographed it in Upper Fauntleroy, near 36th/Cambridge:
Steve also reported a sighting there, while a texter saw TWST at 36th/Cloverdale: “I have always wanted to see her on a walk and then she appears right outside our yard! So cool!” The day began with Amy‘s sighting in Seaview:
TWST has covered a lot of ground in the past few weeks – south to Fauntleroy, then north to North Admiral, and now all the way south to Arbor Heights. BirdWeb says of the wild turkey, “They typically get around by walking although they can fly and often roost overnight in tall trees.”
Crime’s down but not out.
PACKAGES TAKEN: The video is from Sydney in Fairmount Springs, who reports:
I wanted to share that our Arlo security camera captured a man in broad daylight dressed in a neon vest with a fake scanner stealing two packages off of our front porch when my husband and I were on a walk with our son and dog. This occurred in the Fairmount Springs neighborhood at 41st and Juneau within 4 hours of the packages being delivered. I wanted to share so that our community can be on the lookout for this man and this type of crime. We did file a report with the police as well.
GARDENING THIEVES? Geoff in Seaview sent this report Tuesday:
We just went into our backyard to do some work and discovered that sometime in the past 24 hours someone stole over a yard of bagged topsoil from our backyard.
It must have been quite the operation, but we didn’t see or hear anyone. We’re near the intersection of 46th and Juneau.
The photo and report are from Holly in Seaview:
Someone vandalized our car, slashing all four tires while it was parked at the corner of Findlay and 47th sometime between 1 pm on the 27th and 11 am on the 29th. No other cars in the vicinity were vandalized. We’ve reported the incident to the police, and it would be great if anyone in the neighborhood could provide information in the comments if they noticed anything.
12:21 AM: A Seattle Fire response is on the way to a house near 47th and Graham in Seaview. Updates to come.
12:24 AM: Units arriving confirm it’s a “working fire.”
12:28 AM: One person brought out of the house is being evaluated.
12:30 AM: The fire is reported to be under control.
12:42 AM: One person is being taken to the hospital by private ambulance (which indicates non-life-threatening injuries).
12:54 AM: The scene commander tells us that what caught fire in the house was “rubbish” and damage wasn’t major – lots of smoke, and smoke inhalation is why a man who was inside is being taken to Harborview to be checked out.
1:09 PM: We’ve been answering many texted/emailed questions about the police response near 45th/Brandon in Seaview. Police have been trying to talk a person reportedly in crisis, possibly with access to firearms, into coming out.
2:49 PM: Just eent by again to check after about an hour without scanner access. Scene is clear – streets reopened, no police in view.