Brown water in Seaview again

Two days in a row for brown water reports from Seaview. Tuesday morning we heard about it from B; this past hour we heard about it from Suzanne. She called the Seattle Public Utilities 24/7 line – 206-386-1800 – and was told that it’s hydrant testing yet again. If brown water happens at your home/business, call to report it even if you think that’s what’s happening; sometimes it’s first word of another problem, like a line break.

3 Replies to "Brown water in Seaview again"

  • Brown water concerned July 12, 2023 (7:15 pm)

    How do we report it? 

    • WSB July 12, 2023 (9:08 pm)

      The number is in the story above – 206-386-1800.

  • Suzanne July 12, 2023 (8:35 pm)

    I talked with an SPU employee in the field who told me that our water would probably not be clear until sometime tomorrow.

    He recommended not drinking the water, not using it to clean veggies/fruit, or to brush our teeth. He advised us to use our supplemental emergency water to do all of these things until our tap water runs clear again.

    He advised not to run water to try to clear it, saying that doing this will only stir up more sediment, making it worse. 

    Also, we had this problem just a few months ago so were surprised that it happened again so soon, as hydrant testing takes place ~annually. When I asked about this, the SPU person said that they work off a grid. For those of us on the edge of one grid, they can soon experience a repeat of brown water when the next grid over is tested.

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