CELEBRATION: Rev. Sia Puloka’s former co-workers honor ‘ambassador of loving kindness’ with a parade

You might know Rev. Sia Puloka for her work at Seaview United Methodist Church. But she just retired from a 20+-year secular career – and co-workers had a car parade past her church today in her honor.

Sia Puloka worked for the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, in front desk reception, where she was described as the office’s “ambassador of loving kindness.”

Chief deputy prosecutor Daniel Clark described her work in a farewell memo: “Sia’s service to the PAO has been extraordinary. She was hired in the Civil Division in 1996 and transferred to the front desk reception in the Criminal Division in 2006. Many people have done that job – with competence and grace. It is not easy. So many challenging people show up and the volume of work can be overwhelming. Sia took that front-line role and transformed it. She gave comfort to those who visited, strength and caring to her colleagues, and in every way made our office a more compassionate, loving place. And, after work she walked across the street and offered counseling and healing to the inmates in the King County Jail.”

About 30 cars were part of today’s parade past the church (46th/Graham). One of the gifts for her: A file box full of chocolate kisses, as co-workers expressed regret they weren’t able to offer real kisses and hugs in farewell.

She told her former co-workers that the office was like a family to her.

The memo announcing her retirement said that feeling was mutual: “Sia asked about your family members, held both of your hands to wish you well, and gave a hearty ‘RIGHT ON!’ to people passing by.” She got one of those in return today:

Also presented: Flowers and cards. Church members and relatives served her coffee and donuts, too. The farewell memo concluded, “She is a beautiful soul and presence that is going to be deeply missed.”

P.S. One more tribute to Rev. Puloka – an online donation drive to Food Lifeline, in her honor. Anybody can donate – go here.

5 Replies to "CELEBRATION: Rev. Sia Puloka's former co-workers honor 'ambassador of loving kindness' with a parade"

  • Janis Griffiths June 7, 2020 (2:55 am)

    Congratulations on your retirement from the Prosecuting Attorney ‘s Office! I don’t know you from that role but as Pastor of Seaview Methodist Church in Seattle when my husband and I visit our son and his family who live in Seattle. We live in Wales and visit as often as we can. Unfortunately of course we cannot visit now and will not be able to for the foreseeable future. We will miss you all but our memories of you and your welcoming love will sustain us until we meet again. Until then, we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your kindness and we look forward to being with you again.

  • N.A. June 7, 2020 (8:10 am)

    Sia, my dear friend from nursing school many years past.  It is nice to see your picture on WSB.  What a blessing.  Nancy

  • L-M Nacht June 9, 2020 (5:15 pm)

    Congratulations Sia – your welcoming and warm presence will be missed!❤️

  • Don Woodworth June 9, 2020 (7:08 pm)

    Congratulations Sia – On finishing a great career. But keep up your good work.I still remember interviewing with Norm Maleng for a PAO job twenty years ago. I’m pretty sure he hired me because you recognized me on my way out of the office.It’s a pleasure to have been your friend and co-worker these years. Ofa Atu,Don

  • Nancy Balin June 10, 2020 (5:17 pm)

    Sia was… wow, how does anybody sum up what Sia was to the PAO?  For me, she was its heart. I’m sorry for the office that she has retired, but now she can spread her ❤️ even more widely. I love you, Sia!  Nancy

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