Pets 653 results

More West Seattle weekend scenes: Sunshine-mania edition

It’s been ALL about the sunshine this weekend. From the hummingbird that JayDee caught in action at a feeder … to the Admiral tree in full bloom, photographed by Eric Bell from

…to West Seattle as seen from West Point (Magnolia/Discovery Park) by Chas Redmond, via iPhone:

and finally, indoors but in a bit of sun: Wes shared this scene:

Wes explains, “This is Cooper, a 4-year-old Brittney, and Maximillion, a 6-month-old Irish Setter who is Cooper’s new best friend.” For all those who love to nap on Sunday afternoons when possible, that pic seemed to say it all. (Thanks for the photos! Breaking news or just cool pix, share ’em any time)

West Seattle scene: Westcrest Off-Leash Area, transformed

Thanks to WSB’er “westseattledood” for the Friday afternoon photo and report on West Seattle’s only off-leash area.

Cyndi, dog wrangler and owner of Petite Posse dog walking service, shared the shade with her exclusive pack of small dogs at Westcrest Dog Park. This bucolic patch of wood chips, about 50 yards in length, now includes two benches providing observation points toward the sloped embankment adjacent to the West Seattle Reservoir Park project. Hand removal, without any machinery, of yards of dense invasives revealed a prime location for sighting rabbits scurrying from burrows in the remaining berry brush on the slope. Sounds of chatty wrens co-exist with barking dogs, neighbors’ roosters, Boeing planes and the earth movers still grading the reservoir project. What was once an overgrown, impassable thatch of blackberries and invasives has been transformed by dedicated volunteers with a vision and time to give.

Haven’t been to Westcrest before? Here’s a map.

Another West Seattle cover dog for CityDog Magazine: Murphy

For the second year in a row, West Seattle’s pooch population has produced the Cover Dog Model Search winner for CityDog Magazine (headquartered in West Seattle). CDM’s Brandie Ahlgren sent this sneak peek at the cover with wheaten terrier Murphy, who went to the finals (as noted here in September) after winning the photo shoot held at West Seattle Thriftway. Brandie says the winter issue with Murphy on the cover (photographed by J. Nichole Smith of dane + dane studios will be on sale this Friday, and adds, “This issue also includes ALL of the dogs from the cover dog model search — close to 500 in all! CityDog is sold in West Seattle at Barnes & Noble, Pet Elements and Mud Bay.” (Here’s 2009 cover dog Cohen.)

Anybody missing two poodles? They’re still on the run

This one’s gotten big enough it’s moved off the Pets page (like Bridge Dog a while back) … We’ve received multiple reports of two small poodles, one light-colored, one dark-colored, that have been on the run on and around 35th SW, from High Point to The Triangle, for the past several hours. This WSB Forums post from less than half an hour ago says one has now been hurt as they continue dodging traffic. We know some folks have tried to catch them but been unable to; sharing this news here on the main page both to warn you to be careful while driving 35th and to say, if you know someone looking for them, that’s where to search. Hope there’s a happy ending.

West Seattle scene: The “fishing” cat, again

This cat has meme potential. We caught a photo of him/her outside Alki’s Spud Fish and Chips two weeks ago; just now, someone sent us this sighting via cameraphone. Smart kitty!

West Seattle weekend scenes: At the beaches

Three beachside scenes to share as the weekend ends – First, thanks to Colby for sharing the rainbow sighted at Lincoln Park, by Colman Pool. Next, while strolling Alki this afternoon, we spotted what appeared to be a wise and patient cat:

And a bit further south along Alki, the signs are up for the future pho restaurant we first told you about in October:

(We’ll check soon on the cafe’s progress toward opening.)

From the WSB Pets page: Searching for a deaf Dalmatian

In the past day, we’ve added a few more lost pets to the WSB Pets page (there as a West Seattle-specific resource if you’ve ever lost or found a pet) – and right now there’s a frantic search under way for a deaf Dalmatian, missing in Westwood – photo and contact number here. TUESDAY UPDATE, 2:38 PM: Rupert’s just been found.

West Seattle holiday help: Pet Giving Tree’s final tally

That’s Jessica at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) with the last stack of donations to the Pet Giving Tree that’s been up for a few weeks to help West Seattle Food Bank clients take care of their furry companions – you can barely see the tree itself! Teri Ensley from Furry Faces Foundation says they’re making one last run to the food bank “and wanted to let everyone know how generous they have been.” She adds:

Including today’s delivery, the Grand total for people’s cats and dogs is:

220 lbs dry food
69 cans of food
17 toys
74 lbs of litter
12 bags/boxes of treats
1 big beautiful dog bed
1 adorable pink dog bed set with matching accessories.

A big thanks to Lora, her staff and all of the West Seattle folks that supported Food Bank clients’ pets.

Not too late to get in on more giving around West Seattle. Teri and Furry Faces are joining Animals First Foundation to offer fundraising gift-wrapping service at Beveridge Place Pub, 3-7 pm today (possibly a bit later if they’re busy at 7). And CAPERS in The Junction has its giving tree for the Hickman House domestic-violence shelter up through today (they’re open till 4) – lot of stars still on the tree last time we looked.

Update: West Seattle Nursery “shop cat” Seth is back

From the “happy ending” department — this is just out of the inbox from Galen at West Seattle Nursery, following up on yesterday’s report:

Our cat Seth came back. I just posted on the blog but I wanted to e-mail as well. He was stuck next door in our boss’s basement all day and all night. Mark heard meowing and let him out. We had him chipped this morning. … So happy and glad.

Side reminder: Hope it’s is a service you don’t ever have to use, but anyone who loses or finds a pet is welcome to e-mail so we can help get word out via the Pets page … it’s been of assistance in dozens of happy reunions over the past year-plus. (For other types of lost/found reports, you are welcome to post directly to the WSB Forums.)

Have you seen Seth? West Seattle Nursery “shop cat” vanishes

(photo courtesy West Seattle Nursery)
That’s one of the photos we featured last March with our first in a series of “West Seattle shop cat” stories – that’s Seth from West Seattle Nursery, and we’re not exaggerating when we speculate that thousands of West Seattleites have met him. Galen Guffy from WSN has just sent word that Seth is missing, and asks folks to be on the lookout for him:

Our beloved nursery cat is missing. His name is Seth and he is a huge black, brown and grey tabby cat about 18 lbs and approximately 7 years old.

The last time we saw him was December 20 at about 6 pm. He didn’t come in when we closed, even though we called and called, and he wasn’t here waiting for us when we opened. This is highly unusual as he is always here in the morning waiting to be let in if he stayed out the night before or begging for his breakfast from the opening staff. In all the years we’ve had him he’s never ventured more than a couple blocks away from the nursery. We spent the morning combing our neighborhood looking for him and calling animal control to see if anyone has brought him in.

We are really worried about him and would appreciate it if you could let your readers know and ask them to contact us if they’ve seen him. We would be so very grateful.

The nursery’s number is 206-935-9276. Seth will also be on the WSB Pets page shortly.

West Seattle Holidays: Give the gift of a Giving Tree wish fulfilled

December 12, 2009 1:24 am
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That’s Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) proprietor Lora Lewis with some of the items that have come in for the Pet Giving Tree at Hotwire. Teri Ensley from Furry Faces Foundation says two-thirds of the tree’s 24 tags have been taken, and the presents are now starting to come in – including more than 100 pounds of donated pet food. Teri says, “We took (the) first load of ‘pet gifts’ to White Center Food Bank. Both Rick Jump and Audrey Zemke were there so they helped unload with big smiles on their faces. Since some of the items came in Christmas gift bags, they are going to give them to their clients in the bags–so it truly is a pet gift. The next load of pet gifts will be taken to West Seattle Food Bank. Thanks again to Lora Lewis of Hotwire for coming up with this brilliant giving tree and thanks to everyone that is taking their time and money to help animal companions be able to stay with their people.” This is just one of MANY Giving Trees around West Seattle – and this weekend is PRIME TIME to go see which one still have unclaimed tags, so that you can help make this a merrier Christmas for somebody – go to the West Seattle Holidays page and look for the Giving Trees/Fundraisers list. (Also, re: Furry Faces, note their Wrap It Up wrapping fundraiser at Shadow Land 1-6 pm today!)

Followup: Homecoming may be soon for cemetery crow

If you’ve been following the saga of that distinctive crow rescued by Forest Lawn Cemetery staff before it froze to death the other day, Forest Lawn’s Jeff Jorgenson has been posting updates in comments. Most recent one – looks like a reunion is imminent:

Hello all!! Friday update!

Thanks to someone here on the WSB, the breeder called me from Alabama – Corvid Ranch – just as we were discussing the move to Sarvey. He provided me with the band information and an address that matches up with the cemetery such that there is no question as to who belongs to this crow. I have a call into them and am awaiting their return. So, for the time being, the six month old crow is comfortably resting with private fireplace and blanket until the owner gets home. Thanks again WSBers!!!

“Banded” crow rescued at Forest Lawn – but whose crow is it?

This one’s a little too unusual to just go on the WSB Pets page with all the other lost/found critters … Jeff Jorgenson at Forest Lawn Cemetery (east edge of High Point) shared that photo, explaining, “I think it is an African pied crow. It is banded and has clipped wings and is very friendly and loves to hang out on shoulders. We found it this morning next to the flagpole nearly frozen. It’s pretty certain that it wouldn’t have made it through the night.” If you have any idea whose crow this is, 206-932-0050 is Jeff’s office number.

Today/tonight in West Seattle: 3 ways to help, 1 way to celebrate

TWO FUNDRAISERS FOR OFFICERS’ FAMILIES: It’s the 2nd of two days for the Papa John’s Pizza “profits to the Lakewood officers’ families” fundraiser – as reported here last night (with help from many commenters), the response was massive. There’s another way to enjoy yummy food and know you’re helping the officers’ families: Pasta dinner for a $10 donation at both West Seattle Merrill Gardens (WSB sponsor) locations, 5-7 tonight – details here.

ANIMALS FIRST FOUNDATION FUN @ FEEDBACK: Fundraiser tonight at the Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) on behalf of Animals First Foundation – 7 pm, $10 donation gets you snacks, games, and a chance to hear from local animal advocates including West Seattle’s own Teri Ensley of Furry Faces Foundation.

34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS’ HOLIDAY PARTY: No business, just celebration, says the 34th DDs’ website, capping a year in which one of their own longtime members ascended to the County Executive’s office. 6 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy. It’s a potluck, so don’t come empty-handed. P.S. Congratulations to the 34th DDs’ webmaster Bill Schrier, who’s also City of Seattle Chief Information Officer, and in that capacity has just landed on the Computerworld Top 100 list of Premier IT Leaders

For more holiday haps – the West Seattle Holidays page is chock-full (just three days till the Christmas Ship‘s big West Seattle weekend, and four days till the next Hometown Holidays Sunday in The Junction!) – and for other events, including a Stand for Children recruitment event in WS tonight, see the WSB West Seattle Events page.

Seattle Cat Sitter: Welcoming a new WSB sponsor

Today we’re welcoming our newest WSB sponsor, Seattle Cat Sitter. Sasha Goodwin lives in West Seattle and that’s where she started her business, offering in-home cat-sitting services to keep your cat happy and healthy while you are away. She’s offering a special discount as Seattle Cat Sitter joins the WSB sponsor team – 10 percent off for first-time clients. Sasha says she’s proud to be part of the West Seattle business community, and she’s also a West Seattle volunteer, helping out at Next To Nature in The Junction, with cats that are there from Friends of the Animals, looking for their forever homes. Seattle Cat Sitter is licensed, bonded and insured, and in addition to cat-sitting, Sasha also offers other services: She can run holiday errands and deliver cakes, flowers, etc., for special occasions. Call Sasha at (206) 409-6040, e-mail, or check the Seattle Cat Sitter website at

We thank Seattle Cat Sitter for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our sponsor team, and info on joining, all here.

Followup: Still looking for a new home for the holidays

After last weekend’s Morgan Junction Pet Adoption Stroll, somebody asked if all the pets looking for their forever homes found them. Not entirely … here we have Snoops from Saving Great Animals, whom Cheryl explains “was rescued off death row at the last minute, there solely due to over-crowding in a high-kill shelter. He is now ready for a loving forever home! Snoops is between 1-2 years old and weighs about 70 lbs and is a striking mix of shepherd and St. Bernard. He is tall and thick and healthy. He is GREAT with EVERYONE, and loves men, women, and children!!! He’s a little on the happy, spastic/rambunctious side, so he probably wouldn’t be suited for small kids without close supervision or until he learns to be careful moving around them.” She adds, “He is updated on his shots, micro-chipped and is going to be neutered this week.” There is an adoption fee; for more info, you can contact Cheryl at

Can you help Rob avoid a rabies shot?

Out of the WSB inbox – a request for help, from Rob:

I was hoping that you could help me in our search for the owner of a dog that was on leash outside Prost on California Ave on Monday, November 16th at around 5:45 pm. At about this time, I was bitten on the face by this dog and ended up in the emergency room with severe lacerations to my upper and lower lips.

It is required that hospitals report all dog bites to King County Health, who called me this morning and told me that if I wasn’t able to locate the dog and the owner, they would recommend that I get a rabies vaccination. The treatment would be painful and I would like to avoid this if at all possible. I need to find the owner to obtain some information that would allow me to avoid any more pain.

Rob’s story continues – read on:Read More

Happening now: Morgan Junction Pet Adoption Stroll

From now till 4 pm, you’ll find adoptable pets at three places along a half-mile of California SW in Morgan Junction. The photo above shows Ted, who we found at The Wash Dog (6400 California); other pets looking for their forever home are at Pet Elements (6701 California) and Stella Ruffington (7003 California). ADDED 3:30 PM: A pic shared by the folks at Stella R’s – this is Butch Cassidy the cat:

Still time to go find a new friend!

Halloween Howl: West Seattle’s canine costume contest

At Hiawatha this afternoon, Halloween Howl wrapped up with those five costumed canines taking home a variety of prizes. And their owners deserved prizes for the fun they had trying to corral all five to sit still long enough! The folks at West Seattle Dawg compiled the full winners’ list:

1st Place Buddy dressed as Mr. T – Mini Poodle
2nd Place Sydney dressed as a Scarecrow – Mixed Breed
3rd Place Jin Jing dressed as Lady Bug – Sharpei
4th Place Daisy dressed as Angel – Golden Retriever
5th Place Seamus Shovelpaws dressed as Pumpkin

While we were there, we got a closer look at Seamus S., who did a great job of posing:

WS Dawg shared a few of their photos, too – including this one featuring Buddy the winner with King County Council Chair/County Executive candidate Dow Constantine, who was on his way out the Hiawatha door just as we arrived:

Local pet-related entrepreneurs showed their wares at the event too – Bette Allen (one of your editor’s channel 13 co-workers long ago and far away) has come up with a handy new way for dog owners to get the scoop:

WS Dawg’s Rex Post says, “We raised over $116 in cash donations and 102 lbs of food donations at the event and will pick up some of the participating locations food donations on Monday to get our grand total. … The event was a great success.”

Voting begins in CityDog Magazine’s Cover Dog Search

Last year’s winner came from West Seattle – will it happen two years in a row? Just got the link from CityDog Magazine via Twitter – voting has begun, among the five finalists (including Murphy, the West Seattle winner, reported here Sept. 21) chosen in the past few months of photo shoots. Cast your vote here. By the way, in addition to Murphy, we have one other pitch for West Seattle votes – WSB’er Jo from Alki says another of the candidates, Scout the three-legged border collie (right), is her “grand-dog” – living with her son and daughter-in-law – and deserves a look. May the best dog win! (Here’s the voting link again.)

West Seattle MaxMobile visit followup: “Baron” finds a home

More dog news: When the Seattle Humane Society‘s big yellow MaxMobile was at West Seattle Thriftway the other day, Michele sent a photo of a German Shepherd named Baron who was there awaiting his “forever home.” Tonight, we got a note confirming he did – Brent wrote in to say thanks for the news about Baron, with the photo above:

Baron (was a name given by the shelter) now going by “Payton” has a new family and a new buddy “Indy,” a 5 year old German Shepherd, and is doing well very well in his new surroundings. Baron is wearing the harness.

Got room to give somebody a new forever home? The MaxMobile calendar shows it’s coming back to West Seattle twice in the next eight days – Pet Pros in Westwood Village next Friday, then Next to Nature in The Junction two days later.

Video: Human, canine volunteers finish up new Westcrest feature

That video shows what you might call a victory howl for the canine volunteers at Westcrest Park Off-Leash Area this morning, as they and human companions finished spreading wood chips at the newly created “special needs” area at West Seattle’s only off-leash park – a section that’s more easily accessible for disabled/elderly users. We first reported earlier this week on Westcrest OLA steward Steve McElhenney‘s effort to make this happen; during this morning’s work party, we asked Steve to tell us more about the volunteer efforts and their result:

If you’re a Westcrest OLA user and want to keep up with other volunteer efforts (among other topics), you can join their Yahoo! mailing list by going here.

Happening now: Adopt a pet at West Seattle Thriftway!

That’s Baron the German Shepherd, a 4-year-old male, one of the pets at West Seattle Thriftway right now, till 3 pm, with the Humane Society’s Maxmobile, looking for their “forever homes.” Michele at Thriftway adds that besides additional dogs, “Also in the truck are adoptable cats. One kitten, a few adolescents and some adults.”