Thanks to WSB’er “westseattledood” for the Friday afternoon photo and report on West Seattle’s only off-leash area.
Cyndi, dog wrangler and owner of Petite Posse dog walking service, shared the shade with her exclusive pack of small dogs at Westcrest Dog Park. This bucolic patch of wood chips, about 50 yards in length, now includes two benches providing observation points toward the sloped embankment adjacent to the West Seattle Reservoir Park project. Hand removal, without any machinery, of yards of dense invasives revealed a prime location for sighting rabbits scurrying from burrows in the remaining berry brush on the slope. Sounds of chatty wrens co-exist with barking dogs, neighbors’ roosters, Boeing planes and the earth movers still grading the reservoir project. What was once an overgrown, impassable thatch of blackberries and invasives has been transformed by dedicated volunteers with a vision and time to give.
Haven’t been to Westcrest before? Here’s a map.