Crime 6760 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: 6 incidents, 3 reminders

West Seattle Crime Watch incidents to report, plus related reminders:

STREET ROBBERY SEARCH: The search is happening right now near Delridge/Juneau – a woman told police that she was “jumped” a short time ago and robbed by a female attacker who was on a northbound bus with her and followed her off in that area. She’s getting medical treatment for injuries; the robber is described, so far as we’ve heard via scanner, as black, with black/brown braided hair, pink sweatshirt, whitewashed skinny jeans. If you have any info, call 911.

INDECENT EXPOSURE VIA PHOTO: Via e-mail – this happened Monday: “My teenage daughter was on the 128 in the early evening, going down 16th, and a man seated next to her, late 20s-early 30s, Caucasian, dark hair, dark rectangular glasses, exposed her to an explicit, full-frontal nude photograph of himself. She told us when she got home and we contacted the police and filed a report.”

Relevant to that, and recent incidents:

STUDENT SAFETY INFO: One week from tonight, the Madison Middle School PTSA is presenting a student-safety program during its PTSA meeting – 7 pm March 18th – with police, Parks, and school reps; full details on the PTSA website. (45th/Spokane)

STOLEN CAR: Maria‘s car was last seen Saturday night near 42nd/Graham. It’s a 1991 red/maroon Honda Accord, plate ALM0283. Maria says, “The car is pretty run down, but I have had it for almost ten years and is my daily commuter!” She’s reported it to police; please let them know if you see it. (And remember that sometimes plates are swapped or removed, so if you see what looks like an abandoned red/maroon Accord, even without that #, could be it.)

EITHER OF THESE CARS YOURS? Mindi noticed two cars Monday night near California/Spokane, both with broken windows. Police told her reports had to be filed by the victims; she knocked on nearby doors to look for the cars’ owners but couldn’t find anyone. Here’s hoping the damage has been reported by now; if not, and if you have a car parked there (red Ford, gray Subaru), check it out. (Photos of the cars also were tweeted – here and here.)

CARS PROWLED IN ARBOR HEIGHTS, HOUSE VANDALIZED: Twice in the past five days, near 42nd/100th, nothing stolen, happened around 6 in the morning. Someone also broke a window on a nearby house, though there’s no sign of entry beyond that.

PACKAGE THEFT: Just out of the inbox, “3800 block of 20th Ave SW – UPS package delivered Tuesday 03/10/2015 at 3:20 pm and by 6 pm was gone.”

TAX-SEASON SCAM REMINDERS: First – This WSB Forums post is a reminder that scam calls are still being made. Second – We have also obtained two police reports from February – one in which an Admiral woman was bilked for almost $5,000 because of an elaborate series of realistic-sounding demands from callers who said they were from the IRS and SPD. The demands included wiring money and purchasing reloadable cash cards. Meantime, the second case involved a surprise check for almost $10,000 received by a Genesee couple, supposedly a tax refund check – but the couple had not filed their taxes yet and were expecting to owe money, not to get any back. The issuing bank said they sent the check because there was a problem with electronic-funds transfer. The victim told police they were trying to sort it out with SPD. Here’s the IRS’s official page about all the different kinds of fraud and scams to watch out for, especially at this time of year.

ONE MORE REMINDER … Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole returns to West Seattle tonight to “continue the conversation,” 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of WS (Oregon/California). We expect to hear more about what’s next for Southwest Precinct leadership after this morning’s announcement that Capt. Steve Wilske is now headed downtown as an assistant chief (updated WSB coverage here).

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: New SPD info in Westwood robbery/Morgan arrests

(WSB photo from Monday afternoon)
11:09 AM: We asked Seattle Police this morning for the full followup report on the Monday afternoon Westwood robbery/Morgan arrests case (original WSB report here). They’ve just published the details to SPD Blotter:

Police arrested five teens Monday in West Seattle for attacking a 55-year-old grocery store clerk, after he confronted them about an earlier shoplifting incident.

The victim had been working at the Westwood QFC earlier in the day, when he witnessed the group of teens stealing shrimp, hot dogs and barbecue sauce from the store. After leaving work, around 4 PM, the man found himself standing next to the same group of suspects at a bus stop near the 2800 block of SW. Barton St. There, the man confronted the teens about the theft, and warned them not to come back to the store.

In response, a 19-year-old female in the group doused the victim in pepper spray, sending him tumbling to the ground. The rest of the teens punched and kicked the man as he lay on the concrete, and a 17-year-old male grabbed the victim’s iPhone before the group boarded a Metro bus.

Officers were able to track down the bus a short distance away and arrest the group of teens, who are all between 14 and 19 years old. Police booked three of the teens into the Youth Services Center, while the two others were booked into King County Jail.

The “short distance away,” as you know from our Monday report, was north of Morgan Junction.

1:14 PM: We’ve received the report from SPD. One key point that will answer some commenters’ questions: After the attack, the report says, “all involved parties fled south through Roxhill Park” – so apparently they did not immediately board bus(es).

Update: Arrest, search in Morgan Junction after Westwood robbery

4:31 PM: Police are just north of Morgan Junction looking for the second of two suspects in an apparent shoplift/robbery. It happened at the Westwood QFC, we’re told, and the robbers got away by bus. One is in custody, one being sought.

4:41 PM: Still piecing together information from scanner plus what police told us at the arrest scene by the northbound California/Fauntleroy RapidRide stop alongside Cal-Mor Circle (photo above). The robbery is reported to have involved pepper-spraying, which has become an all-too-familiar MO in cases like this.

TUESDAY MORNING NOTE: As we also posted in a comment, there’s a followup now – read it here. Toplines: SPD says 5 suspects were arrested, and explains that the robbery happened hours after the shoplifting, and happened at the bus stop itself, not the store (though that was the shoplifting location).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Woman knocked down, robbed; car damaged, abandoned

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports this morning:

WOMAN ATTACKED, ROBBED: A 20-year-old woman was hit from behind and knocked to the ground during a strong-arm robbery at 14th/Henderson (map) around 9:40 last night. We just obtained the police report and it added that detail to what a reader told us in e-mail, saying the victim “was attacked by two young female assailants. They stole her phone and wallet, using a knife to cut the backpack off her back while kicking her in the face and chest.” We asked how she’s doing: “She is cut up and bruised but otherwise unhurt.” No descriptions in either report.

ABANDONED CAR: From North Delridge, this photo of a suspected stolen car, abandoned at 26th and Graham (map), door hanging open, rear window broken out:

The resident who sent the photo says she has contacted police.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Shoplifting-turned-robbery suspect arrested at Admiral Safeway; plus, 12-foot-long ‘shipment’ stolen

Two more West Seattle Crime Watch reports tonight:

SHOPLIFT TURNED ROBBERY: Thanks to the people who texted/tweeted to ask about a big police response plus a fire engine at Admiral Safeway a few hours ago. The police were all gone by the time we got there but we’ve since obtained some information from Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams. He says a loss-prevention officer tried to stop a shoplifting suspect who fought, punched, and kicked the officer, which turned it into a robbery. The suspect was arrested, with the help of citizens who held him down until police arrived and made the arrest. Lt. Williams says the loss-prevention officer’s injuries were minor.

12-FOOT-LONG, 100-POUND ‘SHIPMENT’ STOLEN: From the inbox, a reader report about a theft that would have been very noticeable if you happened to witness the stolen item being carried:

My partner and I had a shipment in front of our townhouse on 5950 California Ave. SW. … 12 feet long and 100 pounds.. This is of no commercial value to anyone else except that we tracked it all the way from Florida and it’s going to delay … two weeks on a very special birthday present. … I just don’t believe will be able to install this custom shade for friend that has some mobility issues so we made a shade that’s remote control from his smart phone. … We’re friends with everyone in the neighborhood and when (the thief/thieves) realize it’s of no value to them and that it’s not anything special other than a woven sheet of fabric for outside use – again it’s 12′ and would require two very conspicuous people between midnight and 5 AM walking around alleyways between Juneau and Raymond and Thriftway…

Seen it? Let police know.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglars take bicycle, computers

Two reader reports start off today’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup:

Isaac and Andrea sent that photo of a bicycle they would like you to keep an eye out for:

Last night, Friday the 6th, someone broke into our detached garage and made off with one of our bicycles. It is a distinctive bike: it is a red Diamond Back with white lettering with a black Kona fork. It is a hybrid style bike with two bar grips that I added onto the handlebars. Also has one splashguard on the rear tire. Serial no. DAP12/E003705. We have called the police and will be filing a report ASAP. This was directly across from Highland Park Playfield on 12th & Cloverdale. Please keep your eyes open. This bike has a lot of sentimental value to us and we would love to see it returned.

BUSINESS BURGLARY: Michael von Kempf, proprietor of Ultrafab Computers in Fauntleroy, e-mailed to say his shop at 45th and Wildwood was broken into recently, with the burglar(s) stealing four laptops belonging to customers. He adds, “As a one-man show, I service a large number of West Seattle residents and businesses. This break-in has come at a very bad time.” (We’ve followed up to ask if there are any identifying features that people might look for.)


iPHONE STOLEN? In the WSB Forums, there’s a post about an iPhone found in Arbor Heights, and the finder suspects it was stolen. Check it out here.

SIDE NOTE: SPD had another SeaStat crime-trends briefing this past week. Only one of the slides had Southwest Precinct info of note, sixth page in the slide deck, looking at robberies citywide – January/February in this area (West Seattle/South Park) was double what it was last year, 25 compared to 12. In the first week of March, though, the rate has dropped back down – two are on the map for the past week.

REMINDER: Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole returns to West Seattle on Wednesday to “continue the conversation” – details here.

Crime Watch: Safety alert after student approached; car prowl

Two Crime Watch notes this afternoon:

STUDENT APPROACHED: This happened in South Park, but the student attends Pathfinder K-8 in West Seattle, and the alert is being circulated among parents in both communities, so we were asked to share it:

My 14 year old daughter was approached by a man on Trenton Street while she walked to her school bus stop this morning. This guy obviously had no good intentions! My daughter describes him as Hispanic, thin with dark hair. His car was a gray 4-door sedan of an older (1990s) model. She believes that he was using or on some sort of substance.

His intent was to get her into his car!!! She avoided his questions, got to her bus stop and called the police. She has since given a statement to police (at her school) and her school has been made aware of what happened this morning.

I want to be clear: My daughter felt threatened by this man and that he was very intent on getting her alone. Please help keep an eye out for this person and help keep our kids safe!!!

Via Twitter, the police log indicates this was near 10th Avenue S./S. Trenton (here’s a map).

CAR PROWL: Two car prowls are on the police log so far this morning. One was reported in the 7300 block of Delridge Way, and we learned of the other one in this reader report from David:

My car was broken into in the Gatewood area just west of 35th sometime between 1100 PM and 0700 AM. A window was broken and some items removed. It has been reported to the police.

SPD shared car-prowl-prevention/deterrence advice a month ago; we published it then but it bears sharing again:

West Seattle Crime Watch: 15th/Roxbury search explained

(UPDATED 4:09 PM with information from suspect’s bail hearing)

10:31 AM: Just published to SPD Blotter by Jonah Spangenthal-Lee:

A 26-year-old felon tried to stash a stolen gun in the diaper aisle of a drug store Monday evening after opening fire on a West Seattle street.

Police received reports of gunfire just before 5pm near 12th Avenue SW and SW Roxbury Street, where witnesses said a man — accompanied by two young women, one of whom was pushing an infant in a stroller — had fired a shot into the air and fled into a Walgreens several blocks away.

A team of officers entered the store and followed the suspect down the aisles until they cornered him and took him into custody.

When police searched the man, they found he wasn’t carrying a gun. Officers began scouring aisles of the store, and found a handgun stashed behind a shelf full of diapers.

Officers seized the weapon—which was reported stolen—and booked the man into the King County Jail for a weapons violation, possession of stolen property, and a warrant for auto theft.

Police interviewed the man’s companions — his girlfriend, their child, and his girlfriend’s sister — and released them from the scene.

P.S. We were asked about the 15th/Roxbury search hours later via Facebook but didn’t get the details until this appeared. Best way to reach us instantly 24/7 is 206-293-6302, text or voice, if you have a breaking-news tip or question (consider adding WSB to your phone list – thanks!).

4:09 PM: The suspect’s bail was set this afternoon at $30,000, according to the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. We’ve looked up his record; the auto-theft-related warrant dates back to a case last October, in which he is accused of breaking into a house in the 9400 block of 9th SW, finding car keys in the house, and stealing the car. He was spotted a few hours later in South Seattle, where he allegedly fled from police, crashed the car, and took off running. Police found him hiding in the bushes near I-5. Police reports from that case and the new one list him as living in the North SeaTac area. His next court appearance is set for Thursday.

Rapist Michael Stanley, once in trouble in Admiral, accused of rape again; sixth time in jail since end of sentence in WS crime

4:37 PM: Almost a year after our last mention of convicted rapist Michael S. Stanley – who first gained fame for fleeing monitoring in Canada and eventually turned up in here – he’s in jail again. And it’s not the first time he’s been arrested since the end of his sentence in relation to his West Seattle crime.

This new arrest wasn’t in West Seattle, but as pointed out by several readers, it’s of note since he turned up here before. Stanley, who’s 49, is jailed right now for investigation of rape and burglary in the Bryn Mawr area northwest of Renton. The King County Sheriff’s Office announced today that Stanley was arrested Friday. We reported last March on the end of his jail time for a harassment conviction that followed his arrest in an Admiral alley in October 2013. When he left jail a year ago, his sex-offender registration listed a Queen Anne address, but today’s KCSO announcement says he was listed as homeless, and had continued to check in as required. The jail register, however, shows this is the sixth time he’s been there in the past year – three times for failing to appear in connection with the harassment case; then a four-month stay related to alleged vehicle theft and possession of stolen property; then two more months, ending just a week ago, in a burglary case involving a nursing home in Des Moines; he was caught there last December with two knives and a stolen employee-ID badge. He pleaded guilty to a reduced charge in late January and got out of jail on February 21st, according to the register.

The original conviction that made Stanley a sex offender was for sexually assaulting an 81-year-old woman. He was due for a bail hearing this afternoon in connection with the new case; we’re checking with the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for an update on that.

4:55 PM: Our partners at The Seattle Times report that charges were “rush-filed” against Stanley today – rape and burglary – and that he’s being held in lieu of $1 million bail.

6:25 PM: We’ve obtained today’s documents from the PAO. Stanley is set for arraignment on March 16th and could face up to 20 years in prison if found guilty of the new charges filed against him.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car prowls, recent robberies, more

In West Seattle Crime Watch, an incident early today and several from reports we’ve recently obtained:

CAR BREAK-IN THIS MORNING: Early today, a car was broken into in the 3800 block of Beach Drive SW, its side and rear windows smashed, and, writes Mary, “a very important work suitcase was stolen. The alarm went off & we saw a white car take off driving.”

That’s not the only recent car prowl in the Beach Drive area. While we didn’t get reader reports on these, we found two more in recently obtained police reports, which are followed by summaries of reports related to other West Seattle incidents of note:

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West Seattle Crime Watch: About the police search on Alki

Thanks to everyone who texted/messaged about a big police response on Alki, centered at 62nd SW/Alki SW. We just arrived and have confirmed with police what one neighbor told us – there was a report of a burglary in progress in an apartment/condo. No one in custody so far; no other details yet.

West Seattle Crime Watch: At least 1 arrest in Westwood Target robbery

(WSB photo taken on northeast corner of 35th/Roxbury)
If you’ve noticed the police activity at Westwood Village and/or the 35th/Roxbury bus stop – here’s what’s happening: Police have arrested at least one suspect in a case of shoplifting-turned-robbery at the Westwood Target. Seattle Police spokesperson Det. Drew Fowler says it was first reported as juveniles stealing liquor from the store, and one “sprayed” a security guard (that’s apparently why Seattle Fire medics were called to the scene). The police search included buses in the area and several possible suspects turned up on one at 35th/Roxbury; while we were talking to Det. Fowler, he confirmed a witness had positively identified at least one suspect. That’s all we know so far; more if and when we get it.

@ West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network: Protecting property

What can you do to try to prevent/deter someone from stealing from you? An informal discussion with SPD was the spotlighted topic as the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network met last night at the Southwest Precinct.

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West Seattle Crime Watch: Looking for hit-run driver

Quick West Seattle Crime Watch reader report tonight – the search for a driver who hit a bicycle rider and took off:

Heading north on 35th SW, just north of SW Findlay at approx. 6:15 am. Driver took off in a black automobile of unknown model & make. Passenger side view mirror torn off during collision into bicycle and rider. If anyone witnessed this incident or has any information about the driver, please contact police.

Here’s the incident number to mention if you contact police with a tip – 15-62400. The person who e-mailed is the bicycle rider’s wife; no major injuries, she says, but he was hurt and had to be seen at urgent care.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Case of the non-starter; stolen car found

Two car crimes start West Seattle Crime Watch today:

NON-STARTER: The photo is from “astounded & fuming“:

I live in the 5600 block of California ave SW and sometime between 6 pm and 8 pm Sunday evening someone broke into my Honda Civic, popped the hood and unbolted my distributor assembly, and stole it out of my car, which was parked in alley parking behind my building. It explains why my car wouldn’t start this morning!

STOLEN CAMARO FOUND: Just as we were about to publish a reader report about a stolen Camaro, we heard scanner traffic suggesting police were getting alerts to its whereabouts via the LoJack system. Shortly thereafter, police found it parked/ditched in High Point, not far from where it had been stolen overnight.

FROM THE ‘IN CASE YOU WONDERED’ FILE: Big but brief police response drew some attention this afternoon at Fauntleroy/35th/Avalon, even a few passes from a TV helicopter. Over before we arrived, so we asked SPD media relations: Officers thought they had spotted the suspect in a robbery outside West Seattle last week. But it wasn’t the person they were looking for.

BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS TOMORROW NIGHT: Next chance to hear from and talk with local police comes as part of tomorrow night’s monthly meeting of the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network. This agenda preview just arrived:

What can you do to help prevent property crimes? Why are thieves taking even inexpensive items from your yard or garage? CPT officer Erin Nicholson will be there to talk about prevention and answer your questions about these types of crimes that you can pass on to your Block Watch Groups.

SW Precinct commander Captain Steve Wilske will provide an update on recent events in West Seattle and South Park. Please join us to review and/or learn tips and techniques that will make your home and property less-desirable targets for criminals.

The meeting’s at 6:30 pm Tuesday at the precinct (Webster/Delridge), all welcome.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police search in Puget Ridge area

February 22, 2015 2:30 am
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Just in case you are wondering about a police search in the Puget Ridge/Highland Park area – it follows two reports that might or might not be related. All we have right now is scanner information – first, dispatchers reported multiple calls from people who thought they heard possible gunshots in the Puget Ridge area (18th/Graham was mentioned). Police headed that way to look for any evidence of gunfire. (So far, we haven’t heard any indication they found it.) Then came word, in the same general area, of a vehicle fleeing police, and shortly thereafter, word of a hit-run crash near 18th/Holden involving a possibly stolen car, with people getting out of the car and fleeing. Police took one into custody and were looking for up to 5 others.

Followup: Arraignment postponed for ex-gym owner Sam Adams

gavel.jpgIn case you’re tracking the charges filed against former gym owner Sam Adams, he was supposed to appear in court this week to answer them, but his arraignment has been postponed. New date, 8:30 am March 12th, King County Courthouse downtown. State Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced two weeks ago today that his office had filed criminal wage theft and fraud charges against Adams in connection with half a million dollars in allegedly unpaid taxes and wages related to his former athletic-club operations. Those included the West Seattle Club, which he bought during the Allstar Fitness bankruptcy proceedings in early 2013 and operated for a year and a half until relinquishing it to the building owner last fall.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen bicycle; prowler warning; plate swap; plus, newest example of how more info helped make a match

Two reader reports start today’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup:

STOLEN BIKE: Sonya hopes you’ll be on the lookout for her bicycle:

Sometime in the evening of 2/17/15 at 10 pm to the morning of 2/18/15, my Ivory Raleigh with a pink stripe and two different tires was stolen from Fauntleroy Way SW and Hudson SW.

It’s been reported to police, so if you see it, please call them (and you can mention it in comments here too, but PLEASE make the call to police first).


Just wanted to give Morgan junction residents a heads up. Around 9 am today there were two white men in all black with hoods and backpacks walking up and down 42nd Ave and Holly St, back and forth peering into cars and yards. Once they ran into a few pedestrians and realized the street wasn’t deserted, they called their third buddy who picked them up in a light blue 1970s Plymouth or Lincoln with a white vinyl roof. They slowly cruised the block once more and then rolled through the Thriftway parking lot. SPD said they’d send an officer to the area, I haven’t seen anyone yet. All three were white, in their 20s. Black pants, black sweatshirts. Car had a dog in the passenger seat too. Wasn’t sure of breed.

From recent police reports:

SUPERMARKET ROBBERY: As precinct Capt. Steve Wilske explained at this week’s WS Crime Prevention Council meeting, many incidents classified as robberies start as shoplifting. What happened last Saturday night at the Jefferson Square Safeway is one of them. A cashier told police a man walked past her with a bottle of vodka. She asked, “Are you going to pay for that?” He replied, profanely, that he didn’t have to. Another man then walked by with a 20-ounce Coke and claimed he’d already paid; the cashier knew he didn’t since she was the only one open. Finally, a third man tried to buy a bottle of vodka with a credit card that wasn’t working, possibly as a distraction. The store manager went out into the parking lot and while writing down the suspects’ plate, he told police, one of the three men got out, asked him, “Is there a f—ing problem?” and then said, “You’re going to die tonight,” before telling one of the other men in the car, “Get the gun.” The manager went back into the store and called 911. The three men are described in the report as black, 18-21 years old, 5’3″, 5’5″, and 5’7″, slender, and their car was a 2007 silver Toyota Camry.

BURGLARY NEAR LINCOLN PARK: Sometime between 10 am and 8 pm last Sunday, a house in the 7500 block of Fauntleroy Way SW was burglarized. The report says items taken included a TV, computer, and drum set; police noted that “every room in the house” and “every closet, dresser and cabinet” had been looked into by the burglar(s).

LICENSE-PLATE THEFT: This can be so subtle, it’s not noticed, so check your plates every so often. Last Friday in the 2300 block of Alki SW, a parking-enforcement officer called a patrol officer after finding a maroon BMW with plates that checked to a VW van owned by someone nearby (on Bonair). The BMW’s owner lived in the same area and didn’t know his plates had been stolen and replaced with the stolen plates. The police report concluded, “It appears someone stole the other plates to put on the BMW so they could take the BMW plates without the (owner) noticing.”

CAR STOLEN, THEN FOUND: A 1996 Honda Accord was stolen from the 6500 block of California SW in Morgan Junction last Friday night. It turned up in Tukwila on Monday night.

RACKS TAKEN: In the 4500 block of SW Hemlock, east of Lincoln Park, someone stole racks from a car in a driveway the night of February 9th/10th, a Yakima rack system including three bike mounts.

FOLLOWUP ON STOLEN-ITEMS REPORT IN LAST ROUNDUP: We’re getting more police reports with full narrative info these days via public-disclosure reports, with the help of an automated program written by Tim Clemans, who has been working with SPD on ways to get more information out to more people, faster. Here’s an example of how more information can make a difference: If you read this recent roundup, you might recall we mentioned a box of stolen items found in Gatewood, including a bowling trophy with a name on it. WSB commenter HelperMonkey was at the bowling alley a few hours after reading that item, happened to look up at the screen for the alley next to her group, and saw what looked to be the same name. She went over, found the man, showed him the story on her phone, and asked if it was him. It was. (Keep in mind, we published only the first and last letters of his six-letter surname.) We hope he has his items (which had been taken by SPD to put into evidence) back now, or will soon. What made the difference here was the name we got from the official report – looking back in our archives, we think this reader report involved the same items.

The same method of obtaining more reports which otherwise have NOT been routinely available also led to the much-discussed recent story about tax-time scam calls. Not a new scam, but there was a reason to warn people about it again, once we obtained a police report about someone who actually had been victimized.

We’re still only able to access a fraction of local police reports, so reader reports matter *massively* in terms of continuing to get the word out. And while we know some reports are shared on neighborhood-specific, non-public lists, it also helps to get that kind of information out more widely because criminals seldom restrict themselves to one particular neighborhood – what happens in Admiral might be important for Arbor Heights to know, etc. Send info to any time. Thanks!

West Seattle Crime Watch followup: Local stats at citywide briefing

Last night at the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting – as reported here afterward – SPD Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Steve Wilske noted that burglary and auto theft are down in this area. Above, one of the slides shown at today’s every-other-week SeaStat crime-stats briefing at SPD HQ shows the exact numbers.

Also from today’s slide deck (which you can see in full here), a closer look at the recent robberies that victimized local students:

Slightly closer look at the two maps – the blue boxes represent incidents, the pink/red ones just show geographical reference points:

As Capt. Wilske said last night, no new incidents have been reported since last week – of course, keep in mind that school was out the first two days of this week – and extra police patrols are continuing TFN.

@ West Seattle Crime Prevention Council: Updates on WS robberies, South Park homicide, more

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The Southwest Precinct‘s commander says extra staffing to protect students – “double the staff on first watch” – will continue “for the foreseeable future.”

That was part of what Capt. Steve Wilske had to say at tonight’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting. Other measures taken to try to stop the string of robbery/grabbing incidents include instant alerts that he is getting in the case of any crime in which the victim is a juvenile. Updates in the meeting included not only the recent incidents but also last weekend’s South Park homicide plus overall local crime trends:

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Followup: How police found the second suspect arrested for recent crimes against students

A brand-new update on SPD Blotter reveals new details of the robbery-case arrest reported here over the weekend after an update was sent to local community-group leaders. Posted this afternoon by SPD Blotter’s Jonah Spangenthal-Lee:

Detectives say a 15-year-old student tried to rob two teens, stole a package from a West Seattle home, and then climbed out of the wreck of a stolen getaway car before rushing back to his high school earlier this month.

Police arrested the teen Friday evening for the string of West Seattle crimes on February 2nd. Around 9 AM, the suspect stepped out of a silver minivan in the 6900 block of 34th Ave SW and began following two 17-year-olds on the street. The suspect repeatedly demanded the pair of victims hand over their cellphones. When the teens refused to give up their phones, the suspect punched both boys in the face. The victims ran away and reported the incident to police.

About four hours after the attack, detectives believe the suspect stole a package of luggage off the porch in the 7100 block of 28th Ave SW, just a few blocks from the scene of the suspect’s attempted robbery. Witnesses described seeing the suspects speeding away from the scene of the theft in a silver minivan. Officers later found the empty minivan crashed into a parked car.

Police impounded the van and contacted the owner, who had reported it stolen. Detectives later searched the van and found cellphones and the luggage stolen from the 7100 block of 28th Avenue.

Detectives were able to tie one of the phones to the 15-year-old, and his 17-year-old victims were able to pick him out of a photo lineup. While police were at the suspect’s school investigating the case, security staff said they had seen the suspect running back onto campus shortly after police had found the crashed minivan nearby.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen bike; five more summaries

In this edition of West Seattle Crime Watch – a reader report and five incidents from recent police reports.

STOLEN BIKE: From Tyler:

Between 6am and 6pm, Monday the 16th, my blue Trek 1500 SLR Road Bike was stolen from a secured garage in my condo complex off California Ave near The Junction.

This bike was the first large purchase I made after saving up at a terrible job back in high school and has immense sentimental value. A police report has been filed. See attached flyer for a picture of me with my bike after STP.

If anyone in WS sees the bike (now with all white handlebars) with anyone but me in control of it, please email

… and contact police.

We’ve also read through a variety of recently obtained police reports, from a streetside-parking hit-and-run arrest, to a phone call that tipped its recipient to identity theft:

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No, it’s NOT the IRS calling. Beware of scam callers like these

With the tax deadline just weeks away, the pace of scam calls is picking up. Two to warn you about:

REPORTED TO POLICE: According to a report filed with Seattle Police, early last Thursday morning, someone in the Admiral area reported getting scammed by a caller claiming to be from the IRS and “coerc(ing) her into purchasing Re-Load It cards and giving (the caller) the number over the phone. The suspect said this was to stop legal action for unpaid back taxes. (The victim) said she realized it was a scam after talking with her adult son. She immediately called the card company but was unable to stop the payment.”

READER REPORT: From Garry in Westwood, who recently found this voicemail via his land-line phone:

“Hello, we have been trying to reach you. This call is officially a final notice from IRS Internal Revenue Service … the reason of this call is to inform you that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against you to get more information about this case file. Please call immediately on our department number 360-362-4719. I repeat 360-362-4719. Thank you.”

I looked up the phone number on the web and it has numerous complaints relating to a variety of scams associated with government agencies and law enforcement, all with a similar “urgent” message. Wanted to pass this on to let others in West Seattle know they might be getting the same type of phone message.

HOW TO REPORT A SCAM, OR VERIFY A CALL: Lots of good info on this IRS webpage.