West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
Two more West Seattle Crime Watch reports tonight:
SHOPLIFT TURNED ROBBERY: Thanks to the people who texted/tweeted to ask about a big police response plus a fire engine at Admiral Safeway a few hours ago. The police were all gone by the time we got there but we’ve since obtained some information from Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams. He says a loss-prevention officer tried to stop a shoplifting suspect who fought, punched, and kicked the officer, which turned it into a robbery. The suspect was arrested, with the help of citizens who held him down until police arrived and made the arrest. Lt. Williams says the loss-prevention officer’s injuries were minor.
12-FOOT-LONG, 100-POUND ‘SHIPMENT’ STOLEN: From the inbox, a reader report about a theft that would have been very noticeable if you happened to witness the stolen item being carried:
My partner and I had a shipment in front of our townhouse on 5950 California Ave. SW. … 12 feet long and 100 pounds.. This is of no commercial value to anyone else except that we tracked it all the way from Florida and it’s going to delay … two weeks on a very special birthday present. … I just don’t believe will be able to install this custom shade for friend that has some mobility issues so we made a shade that’s remote control from his smart phone. … We’re friends with everyone in the neighborhood and when (the thief/thieves) realize it’s of no value to them and that it’s not anything special other than a woven sheet of fabric for outside use – again it’s 12′ and would require two very conspicuous people between midnight and 5 AM walking around alleyways between Juneau and Raymond and Thriftway…
Seen it? Let police know.
More spring-like weather is forecast for tomorrow (remember, it’s still technically winter for another two weeks) – so you might be interested to know, if you hadn’t noticed already, that Alki Kayak Tours is open for the season at Seacrest (1660 Harbor SW). Proprietor Greg Whittaker (who shared, and is in, the photo) says AKT is starting its 11th year, with rentals for getting out on the water or rolling/riding along the beach. As the season gets going, they’re open noon-sunset on Fridays, 10 am-sunset on Saturdays/Sundays. (And of course, with the time change tonight, sunset will be later starting tomorrow.)
(Added 2:34 pm: Photo texted from Spokane)
1:34 PM: It’s halftime in Spokane at the boys’ 1B basketball tournament, and Seattle Lutheran is up by one over Shorewood Christian, 30-29. That’s a turnaround from the end of the 1st, when the Lions were up 16-10 over the Saints. Thanks to the folks who are over there with the teams and texting updates!
2:02 PM UPDATE: Three quarters now in the books and SLHS maintains a one-point lead over SCHS, 45-44.
2:24 PM UPDATE: Final score 61-53, Seattle Lutheran over Shorewood Christian. Saints get third place at state, Lions get fifth.
Two reader reports start off today’s West Seattle Crime Watch roundup:
Isaac and Andrea sent that photo of a bicycle they would like you to keep an eye out for:
Last night, Friday the 6th, someone broke into our detached garage and made off with one of our bicycles. It is a distinctive bike: it is a red Diamond Back with white lettering with a black Kona fork. It is a hybrid style bike with two bar grips that I added onto the handlebars. Also has one splashguard on the rear tire. Serial no. DAP12/E003705. We have called the police and will be filing a report ASAP. This was directly across from Highland Park Playfield on 12th & Cloverdale. Please keep your eyes open. This bike has a lot of sentimental value to us and we would love to see it returned.
BUSINESS BURGLARY: Michael von Kempf, proprietor of Ultrafab Computers in Fauntleroy, e-mailed to say his shop at 45th and Wildwood was broken into recently, with the burglar(s) stealing four laptops belonging to customers. He adds, “As a one-man show, I service a large number of West Seattle residents and businesses. This break-in has come at a very bad time.” (We’ve followed up to ask if there are any identifying features that people might look for.)
iPHONE STOLEN? In the WSB Forums, there’s a post about an iPhone found in Arbor Heights, and the finder suspects it was stolen. Check it out here.
SIDE NOTE: SPD had another SeaStat crime-trends briefing this past week. Only one of the slides had Southwest Precinct info of note, sixth page in the slide deck, looking at robberies citywide – January/February in this area (West Seattle/South Park) was double what it was last year, 25 compared to 12. In the first week of March, though, the rate has dropped back down – two are on the map for the past week.
REMINDER: Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole returns to West Seattle on Wednesday to “continue the conversation” – details here.
(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
SATURDAY NIGHT TOPLINE: The West Seattle High School girls left the Tacoma Dome this morning with the trophy for finishing #6 in state, after a 41-40 loss to Arlington. Below, we’ve added more photos and notes to our as-it-happened report from courtside:
(Video: WSHS pep band with pregame fight song)
8:00 AM: We are back at the Tacoma Dome one last time this morning as the West Seattle High School Wildcats cap off a great season with one last game, tipping off seconds ago to play Arlington for fourth place. We’ll post periodic updates as the game proceeds.
(WSHS’s Emily Fiso)
8:06 AM: After an Emily Fiso three-pointer, it’s 7-5, WSHS in the lead, midway through the first quarter.
8:13 AM: First quarter over – WSHS is leading 14-13.
8:21 AM: Almost midway through the second quarter, Arlington is ahead 18-14.
(WSHS’s Lani Taylor in the foreground, Lexi Ioane in the background)
8:32 AM: And it’s halftime, with WSHS leading 21-18. The bands and cheer squads perform briefly during the 10-minute halftimes; WSHS’s band is playing Adele’s “We Could Have Had It All,” while the Arlington cheer squad stands by on the court waiting for its turn. (2 minutes later) Halftime scoring sheets are in. Fiso accounts for 11 of WSHS’s 21 points, including three 3-pointers.
(WSHS’s Ioane, Charli Elliott, Lydia Giomi)
Rebounds are an even match – 16 for the Wildcats, 17 for the Eagles.
8:51 AM: 3 minutes left in the third quarter, and WSHS retains the lead, 25-21.
8:58 AM: This is it – last quarter of the last game of the season for WSHS, win or lose. They’re going into the fourth quarter ahead 26-24.
(WSHS’s Annalisa Ursino)
9:10 AM: Less than 3 minutes to go and it’s 38 Arlington, 33 West Seattle. The Eagles have been more prolific with the three-pointers.
(Head coach Sonya Elliott talks to her team during the final time out)
9:24 AM: All over. They got to within one – and time ran out.
(Instagram video of the last WSHS basket, scored by Giomi)
Final score, Arlington 41, West Seattle 40. They finish as #6 at state. WSHS band is playing the fight song as the girls leave the court.
9:31 AM: Final stats – Fiso top scorer for WSHS with 16, then Lydia Giomi with 12, Lexi Ioane with 8. Top in rebounds: Giomi 13, Charli Elliott 9.
EVENING POSTGAME NOTES: The Wildcats were the dominant rebounders for most of the game (41 total, six more than Arlington) but conversion was a challenge, making 26 percent of their field-goal attempts; they were cooler from the foul line today than during their Friday victory, 40 percent. The WSHS defense was ferocious and forced outside shots, but as seemed to be too often the case during the postseason, their opponents had more than one good outside shooter, and so they got around the blocked interior – Arlington and WSHS had almost-identical success rates on the threes, 37 percent for the Eagles and 36 percent for the Wildcats, but the difference was in the number of attempts – 24 by Arlington, 11 by West Seattle.
WHAT’S NEXT: The squad that went to state includes four seniors (Elliott, Fiso, Ursino, and Rachel Devore), so this was their swan song. Returnees Giomi, Ioane, Taylor, and healing-from-an-injury Gabby Sarver are juniors; Izzy Turk‘s a sophomore; Kathryn Anawalt, Rosa Grossi, and Rilcy Newsome are freshmen. Next season – which they will start as defending Metro League champions – is just nine months away.
(Photo by Patrick O’Brien, shared via the WSB Flickr group, in honor of tonight’s time change)
Another sunny day! Remember that we “spring forward” tonight – at 2 am (technically, early Sunday) it will be 3 am as Daylight Saving Time arrives. Some of what’s up today/tonight:
WASHINGTON GLOBAL ISSUES NETWORK CONFERENCE: Just in case you wonder what’s up at Chief Sealth International High School on a Saturday, the second day of this first-ever conference has hundreds of students, teachers, and other participants on campus from 8 am to 8 pm – here’s what they’re discussing and learning about. (2600 SW Thistle)
ADMIRAL ADOPT-A-STREET: As previewed here last night, meet up with the Admiral Neighborhood Association outside Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) at 9 am. (42nd/Admiral)
WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS: 9 am-4 pm at the West Seattle High School Gym, it’s the junior/prep-age West Coast championships, as previewed here. No admission charge! (3000 California SW)
MEMORIAL PLANTING EVENT: Forest stewards at Me-Kwa-Mooks Park are hosting a planting event 9 am-noon in memorial of homicide victims and in support of healing from past tragedies in the area. (4503 Beach Drive)
OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE DAY OF SERVICE: You are invited to join more than a hundred volunteers from OLG parish – lots to do for everyone! – in this day with many projects. Easy way to start, per the info we received, “is a drop-in at the Walmesley Center 9:00 am – 2:00 pm to create projects such as bulletin boards, placemats, and cards for the sick and homebound that would be used by the residents of Providence Mount St. Vincent. We will also be making prayer shawls and quilts for those in need in our community.” That’s the big center on the north side of 35th/Myrtle – just drop in to help. You’ll also see “volunteers out planting along Longfellow Creek, helping an elderly neighbor in West Seattle with spring cleaning, assisting St. Mary’s Food Bank with distributing food, sorting items at the Treehouse (charity for foster kids), and coordinating activities for families at a local housing community where the families have transitioned from homelessness.”
VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION AT LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: 11 am-1 pm, the home of West Seattle history is the place to be to find out how you can help by volunteering. Details here, including the different types of volunteer work you can do. (61st/Stevens)
WEST SEATTLE ART NEST GRAND OPENING: 3-6 pm, the new drop-in studio celebrates its grand opening. The team includes Theresa Anderson, who you’ll remember from Young At Art. (4138 California SW)
FAUNTLEROY CHILDREN’S CENTER AUCTION: 5:30 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy, the auction/dinner gala themed “City of Light: An Evening in Paris” benefits the Fauntleroy Children’s Center – details in our listing. (9131 California SW)
SEABOT FUNDRAISING DINNER: 6:30 pm at Seattle Lutheran High School, enjoy a taco dinner and robotics while helping out the school’s team – details on the SLHS website. (41st/Genesee)
WEST SEATTLE MEANINGFUL MOVIES: 6:30 pm doors, 7 pm movie, “*West Seattle Meaningful Movies presents *Pay 2 Play: Democracy’s High Stakes* at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center. (6400 Sylvan Way)
KLEZMERMANIA AT KENYON HALL: 7:30 pm, Kenyon Hall presents “two outstanding bands, the Klezmer Balabustas and Kesselgarden, in an evening of choice Klezmer tunes spanning decades. Klezmer is a musical tradition of the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe. It’s the music of heartfelt emotion, from sorrow to joy, and everything in between.” Full details on the KH website. (7904 35th SW)
THE ESOTERICS IN CONCERT: 8 pm at Holy Rosary Church. From their preview:
BDENIE commemorates the centenary of the premiere of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s “All-night vigil,” which took place in Moscow on March 10th, 1915. Rachmaninoff wrote his 70-minute, 15-movement vigil in January and February of 1915, and it was first performed as a fundraiser for war relief efforts.
Rachmaninoff’s masterpiece proved to be so popular with both critics and the public that it was performed five more times within the month. Rachmaninoff based 10 of his 15 movements on extant chants from various traditional styles, including Greek, Kievan, and the Russian “Znamenny” style. The remaining five movements were entirely of the composer’s own creation, although he admitted their style to be “a conscious counterfeit of the ritual.” For this concert series, The Esoterics has expanded to 48 voices, and will intersperse Rachmaninoff’s movements with phrases of Slavonic chant.
Ticket info is on The Esoterics’ website. (42nd/Genesee)