day : 22/06/2024 7 results

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Awaiting a show from Corona Borealis, as explained at Alice Enevoldsen’s summer-solstice-plus-one sunset watch

June 22, 2024 10:11 pm
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 |   Skies Over West Seattle | West Seattle news

The sunset was the big draw, but another star got some attention at Alice Enevoldsen‘s one-day-delayed summer-solstice sunset watch Friday night, attended by more than 40 people at Solstice Park.

(Our report is delayed too, after breaking news overnight and early today.) Alice of course explained the solar system positioning that the solstices and equinoxes represent, with the help of young assistants, this time J.J. and Decker:

And Alice – an educator and volunteer NASA Solar System Ambassador who has led these events for 15+ years – answered questions, including whether any celestial phenomena were imminent. Besides the annual summer meteor showers, here’s something to watch for: A nova from the constellation Corona Borealis. Yes, that’s correct, Corona Borealis, not to be confused with the aurora borealis.

As explained in this report, one of its stars is about to have an explosion known as a nova, something it does every 80 years or so, though exactly how soon, nobody knows. Alice advises loading a planetarium app on your phone to help you know where to look once it happens – which may be before her next sunset watch, on fall-equinox evening, 6:30 pm Sunday, September 22.

YOUTH SPORTS: Tournament time for West Seattle Little League, and one district championship already

June 22, 2024 6:19 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

West Seattle Little League‘s regular season is over, and now it’s All-Star competition time. One team – the 12s softball All-Stars – already has a championship. WSLL’s Jackie Borg sent the photo and this update today:

West Seattle Little League is off to a hot start in the District 7 tournament!

West Seattle Little League (WSLL) is sending three baseball teams – one for each division, 10s, 11s, and 12s -and three softball teams – a 10s, 12s, and Juniors (13-14-year-olds) team – to compete in the WA District 7 Little League All-Stars Tournaments.

The 12s softball team was a force with 3 solid wins to take the District 7 Championship and are state-bound!

WSLL is excited to host the 12s and 11’s baseball All-Stars division tournament games at Bar-S (6464 SW Admiral Way). The first games will be a thrilling start to the tournament this weekend, with WSLL 12s vs. Rainier District Little League. The Bar-S Snack Shack will be serving up classic baseball treats and snacks. We warmly invite the West Seattle community to join us at Bar-S and be a part of the cheering crowd, showing our teams the support they deserve!

Around town, you can catch the other WSLL All-Stars teams in play:
-June 28: 11s All-Star baseball tournament begins at Bar-S
-June 28: 10s All-Star baseball district tournament begins at South Highline National LL fields in Normandy Park
-June 29: 10s All-Star softball tournament begins at Rainier Playfields

We will update the website,, with standings as often as possible. You can also check out the rosters for all teams.

You can find tournament info here.

UPDATE: Crash at Harbor/Fairmount

4:40 PM: SPD and SFD are on the scene of a crash at Harbor Avenue SW and Fairmount Avenue, and police are asking for traffic-control help. Officers have described it to dispatch as three cars, two of them parked, and a driver under investigation for possible DUI. No serious injuries reported.

5:05 PM: That driver has been taken into custody. Meantime, at least two cars are being towed, so the scene might clear before too much longer.

WEEKEND SCENE: Seattle Radio Field Day 2024 – visitors welcome!

June 22, 2024 3:10 pm
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 |   Puget Ridge | West Seattle news

Chloe Bolduc is one of the amateur-radio operators you can meet if you stop by the north lot/field at South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) sometime before midday Sunday, during this year’s Seattle Radio Field Day. She’s working on a project to communicate with the International Space Station, in connection with the Pacific Science Center. Every radio operator – aka “ham”- at Field Day has a story, and they’re all gathered for what might be described as an annual combination of preparedness exercise, open house, mini-convention, and reunion, part of a nationwide 24-hour-plus event.

You can watch and listen as the local operators make contact with others hundreds or thousands of miles away, and you can even take a turn getting on the air.

Even if you’ve been in past years, every year brings something new – like Chloe’s project. Read more about Field Day here; this year’s event involves four clubs teaming up, including the West Seattle Amateur Radio Club.

GRADUATION: South Seattle College’s Class of 2024 celebrates 900 degrees, certificates

June 22, 2024 1:39 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Another group of graduates is starting their next chapter today – the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) Class of 2024, part of last night’s shared Seattle Colleges ceremony. Here’s the SSC announcement:

South Seattle College celebrated the Class of 2024 on the evening of June 21 with a commencement ceremony at T-Mobile Park. The ceremony brought together graduates from South Seattle College, Seattle Central College, and North Seattle College – all part of the Seattle Colleges District. 

679 graduates from SSC were recognized for their achievement of earning a degree or certificate. 

(Photos courtesy South Seattle College)

SSC Acting President Sayumi Irey addressed graduates at the event, saying, “You are resilient, you are determined, you are amazing and here you are: a college graduate more than ready to write your next chapter and make your mark. Congratulations!”

Owen Heit was selected as SSC’s 2024 commencement speaker and graduated with an associate degree in pre-nursing with goals to serve as a pioneer for change in the health-care industry.

“Whether it is the exceptional professors, the eager staff seeking out passionate students, or the diverse and dedicated student body, there are many moving parts at South Seattle College that have brought us students to this day …” Heit said. “So, to every student here today preparing to cross this stage, congratulations on completing this crucial milestone in your life.”

81 SSC graduates were part of Seattle Promise, a college tuition and success program launched by Seattle Colleges, Seattle Public Schools and the City of Seattle that funds free tuition up to two years at any of the Seattle Colleges for all graduating seniors attending Seattle public high schools.

South’s 679 graduates collectively earned over 900 degrees and certificates (many students graduate with multiple certificates). Awards include bachelor of applied science degrees for those furthering their expertise and earning potential, college transfer degrees for those planning to attend a four-year university as their next step, career training degrees and certificates for those seeking immediate employment, and high school completion awards.

Of Seattle Colleges graduates this year, 40 percent are first-generation college students.

Summer classes at SSC start Monday – registration is still open.

UPDATE: 2 people shot at Duwamish Head, 1 man dead

(Photo sent by resident; victim was found just west of what’s shown; car belonged to a passerby)

6:58 AM: Police are investigating a deadly shooting on Harbor Avenue. They say people called 911 just before 4 am to report hearing gunshots in the 1000 block. They arrived and found a man lying in the road, dead from a gunshot wound. Police say another victim turned up in Renton and was taken to Harborview Medical Center in stable condition. Gunfire also hit a nearby residence but nobody was hurt.

(Added: Photo sent by resident whose home was hit)

Police say “multiple suspects” fled the scene but have not released any descriptive information; if you know anything about the shooting, SPD’s tip line is 206-233-5000. Harbor Avenue remains blocked at the scene.

7:42 AM: The victim’s body has not yet been removed. It’s toward the west end of the diagonal-parking area on Duwamish Head (a gathering space that nearby residents have long been asking the city to remove or reconfigure to parallel parking). The area is taped off but our photographer notes there’s a large number of casing markers – both near the victim’s body, and further east toward Don Armeni Boat Ramp.

(Added: WSB photos, long-lens)

(Also note: The white car in the top photo is no longer at the scene so it was likely not related.) We can’t get close enough to investigators to ask any questions but note that the area isn’t likely to be reopened any time soon.

Some context: This is the second homicide in West Seattle this year, first since the shooting death of 15-year-old Mobarak Adam at Southwest Center/Pool five months ago, the first one on Harbor Avenue since 49-year-old Peyman Shojaei was shot to death 13 months ago. (Both of those cases remain unsolved.)

10:17 AM: Police have just told dispatch that the street is reopening. Meantime, we listened to an hour and a half of recorded police radio starting with the original dispatch, and the only information to add is that – whether from a witness or residential security camera – police did get some plate numbers for vehicles potentially involved. We’ll update if and when more information becomes available; the victim’s identity is not likely to be made public any sooner than the next King County Medical Examiner’s Office daily update on Monday afternoon. SFD, which couldn’t do much at the scene because the victim was dead before they arrived, tells us he was “estimated” to have been 25 years old.

11:07 PM: No word of an arrest yet but a few notes. First, a commenter below said District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka visited the scene around 10:30 am; he tweeted about an hour after that, “Shocked and dismayed over shooting death on Harbor Ave. … I will listen to community and plan on taking action with the Mayor and other depts to address this reoccurring, senseless violence.” Then about a half-hour ago in three more tweets, Saka said he’d spoken with a resident whose window was shot at as well as with two deputy mayors, adding, “I am committed to working with our partners in taking bold action to address this serious public safety concern affecting Alki and moreover, our entire city!” Saka is vice-chair of the council’s Public Safety Committee. Meantime, tonight just south and uphill from the murder scene, police went to Hamilton Viewpoint Park in the 7 pm hour after a report that shell casings were found there, “possibly related to this morning’s shooting,” according to the dispatch; officers collected three casings.

The list for summer’s first West Seattle Saturday

(Photo by David Hutchinson)

Here are your Saturday highlights, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

(added) ALKI BEACH PRIDE DINE-OUT BENEFIT: Arthur’s in North Admiral is open 9 am to 9 pm today and just sent us this announcement of today’s all-day dine-out benefit for Alki Beach Pride:

Dine OUT for Alki Beach Pride (today) at Arthur’s in North Admiral, West Seattle. Stop by for brunch and snag a cocktail, happy hour for an afternoon on the patio, or dine late with dinner and a bottle of wine. Arthur’s will donate 20% of sales for the day to Alki Beach Pride to help produce their 10-year anniversary! All sales, from gift cards to takeout, will help Arthur’s donation be that much stronger, so join family and friends to help our community celebrate with pride.

Reservations: or 206.829.8235
Order Takeout: 206.829.8235
Gift Cards:

PICKLEBALL TOURNAMENT AT NCSWAC: FYI – big pickleball tournament at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle) all day, the second annual “Rally on the Rock,” with more than 160 players expected.

WEST SEATTLE RUNNER’S FREE GROUP RUN: The store is where you and other runners will meet up for the weekly free group run at 8 am. (2743 California SW)

FREE! HEAVILY MEDITATED: Arrive by 8:50 am for community meditation at Move2Center (3618 SW Alaska). Free event every Saturday but please RSVP.

JUNCTION PRIDE FLAGS: They’ll be flying today, with volunteer help putting them up at 9 am and taking them down at 4 pm – sign up here.

DELRIDGE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, the market’s fourth season offers produce, plants, condiments, prepared food, more. (9421 18th SW)

WALKING FOR WELL-BEING: Join others on a walk in Lincoln Park (meet at 47th/Fauntleroy), 10 am.

SSC GARDEN CENTER: Student-grown plants await you at the north end of the South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus, 10 am-3 pm.

(canceled because of illness) STORYTIME AT THE BEE GARDEN: 10:30 am at the West Seattle Bee Garden (Lanham/Graham), Seattle Public Library librarians will lead storytime.

MORNING MUSIC: 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform. Info about Marco’s music is here.

FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am in West Seattle, registration required – see full details in our calendar listing.

DRAG BRUNCH: Seatings start at 10:45 am for Pride Month drag brunch at Box Bar (5401 California SW) – check to see if any reservations remain; the link’s in our calendar listing.

FAMILY READING TIME: Every Saturday at 11 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).

FIELD DAY: Starting at 11 am today, for the ensuing 24+ hours, local amateur-radio operators will be gathered in the north lot at South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) for an annual event that’s part preparedness exercise, part open house, part education, part celebration, and you’re invited to stop by any time – see them in action and get on the air yourself! More info in our calendar listing.

HIGHLAND PARK SPRAYPARK: Spraypark season continues – open 11 am-8 pm, free, every day, whatever the weather. (1100 SW Cloverdale)

LOW-LOW TIDE: Low-low tides continue today with -3.1 feet at 11:48 am, and even lower the next three days. Seattle Aquarium beach naturalists are out, too, 9:45 am-1:45 pm today at Lincoln and Constellation Parks.

COLMAN POOL: Starting today, the outdoor heated-salt-water pool on the shore at Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), noon-7 pm is open daily – session times are on the Colman Pool webpage.

LINCOLN PARK WADING POOL: Also at Lincoln Park, this is the first day of the season for the only city-run wading pool in West Seattle to operate seven days a week, noon-7 pm, in the central upper part of the park near the north play area.

SOLDER & BUBBLEGUM GRAND OPENING: The new makerspace (featured here) in West Seattle Corporate Center (4025 Delridge Way SW, Suite 140) wants to show you what you can do there – stop by noon-4 pm.

LOG HOUSE MUSEUM OPEN: The home of West Seattle history is open for your visit, noon-4 pm. (61st/Stevens)

VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: The center is open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here. (2236 SW Orchard)

POP-UP ART SHOW: Noon-6 pm, the “Feather in the Wind” multi-artist show continues in the space above Alki Arts (6030 California SW).

LIVE PAINTING: Artist Clara Boline will be creating while you shop at West Seattle Nursery (5275 California SW), noon-3 pm.

VISCON CELLARS TASTING ROOM/WINE BAR: Tasting room open – wine by the glass or bottle – 1-6 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor).

PURRDIE BURRDIE IN THE PARK: 1-5 pm at Roxhill Park (29th/Barton), as previewed here, West Seattle artist/author Danitra Hunter will be presenting free fun activities – and free copies of her children’s book about her character Purrdie Burrdie, too, for the first of four Saturdays at four West Seattle parks.

NORTHWEST WINE ACADEMY TASTING ROOM/WINE BAR: The tasting room/wine bar is open 1-6 pm with student-produced wines and “affordable eats” at the north end of the South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) campus.

ALKI HISTORY WALKING TOUR: Added session after the original time slot sold out – 1 pm, meet at the Log House Museum (61st/Stevens). Register here. (Miss this one? Three more bonus tours – see if there’s room.)

PET PHOTO BOOTH: 4th of July/summer theme! Bring your pet to Mud Bay (2611 California SW), 1-5 pm.

PRIDE PARTY AT OUNCES: 3-7 pm, from tunes to treats, everyone welcome. (3809 Delridge Way SW)

NEPENTHE’S WALK-IN MASSAGE CLINIC: 3-5 pm, show up at Nepenthe (9447 35th SW) with a specific problem to be addressed by massage, and you’ll get a free (gratuities appreciated) trial of their work.

ALSO AT NEPENTHE: Visit the Summer Market, with local vendors, free coffee and tea, and more as described here.

PRIDE STORYTIME: 4:30 pm at West Seattle (Admiral) Library (2306 42nd SW), with Miss Lacey. All ages welcome.

YOUTH SOCCER CLINIC: Junction FC players/coaches lead a clinic for young goalkeepers, 6-8:30 pm at Walt Hundley Playfield (34th/Myrtle), $65. Register here.

LIVE AT THE SKYLARK: Doors at 7, music at 8 for “Festival of Friends Bandmixers Discography Vol.12,” with four groups performing cuts from classic albums. $10 cover (cash only). Details here. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

ALL-AGES OPEN MIC: 7-10 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way)

LIVE AT KENYON HALL: 7:30 pm, The Go Janes ft. Cyd Smith – get your ticket(s) here. (7904 35th SW)

SEE ‘CLYDE’S’ AT ARTSWEST: 7:30 pm performance at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) – “In this 2022 Tony Award®-Nominated Best Play, creating the perfect sandwich is the shared quest of the formerly incarcerated kitchen staff of Clyde’s, a truck-stop cafe.” Find the ticket link and more info in our calendar listing.

BEATS AT THE ROOM: Saturday night, DJs at Revelry Room – 9 pm. Tonight, DJ Topspin. (4547 California SW, alley side)

KARAOKE AT THE PIZZERIA: Saturday nights, you can sing at Talarico’s Pizzeria (4718 California SW), starting at 10 pm.

Planning a happening? If the community’s welcome, your event belongs on our calendar! Please email info to – thank you!