CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Teenager charged in two West Seattle carjackings, one local 7-11 robbery, more

Two weeks ago, we reported briefly on a warrant arrest on 12th SW just north of Roxbury, adding later that police said they’d arrested a 16-year-old wanted for carjackings and armed robberies.

(Security-camera images that police believe shows suspect – we have obscured what was his partly visible face)

Tonight we have details on the charges filed against the suspect – which involve five incidents in October, including two carjackings and one 7-11 robbery in West Seattle, all of which we had reported here. The charging documents detail the painstaking work by which SPD detectives tracked down the 16-year-old, including cross-referencing cell-phone records and matching part of a word on the back of a hoodie seen through a car window on surveillance video.

The teenager is charged as a juvenile, so we are not identifying him by name. In all these incidents, there were accomplices, but we don’t know whether any of the others have been arrested yet; this suspect was arrested at his home. He is charged with five counts of first-degree robbery, three counts of auto theft, and one count of unlawful gun possession, all felonies. He has no previous record so far as we have found.

The crime spree detailed in the charging papers spans October 12th through 28th. It begins with a carjacking in an apartment garage in the Central District just after midnight on the 12th; the victim told police a white vehicle (later found to be a Hyundai Tucson) tailgated his blue Audi into the garage, where three people attacked him, two pushing him down, one pulling a gun, taking everything from his pockets, and driving away in his car. This all took barely 2 1/2 minutes, according to security video.

The second carjacking in which he is charged happened here, at Harbor and California, around 2:40 am on October 17th (here’s our original report). The victim was in her parked car on a conference call with clients in Asia, when three people approached both sides of her car, demanding her keys and asking if she wanted to die, subsequently pulling her out, throwing her to the ground, and taking off with her beige Mercedes, which also contained a laptop, tablet, phones, purse, and other items. As we reported originally, the papers say they were tracked to Roxbury Safeway but not pursued when they fled from police. Many of the victim’s belongings were discarded near a gas pump there. Before 8 am, her Mercedes was found abandoned in Auburn. Video from that morning showed these robbers were accompanied by a car matching the Audi stolen five days earlier. It also showed a suspect in a jacket/hoodie with PLEASURES written across the back – matching an image from the Audi theft.

Three days later, also on the West Seattle waterfront in the early morning (just before 1 am October 20th), a man was carjacked while sitting in his black BMW in the 1000 block of Harbor (our original report had it as the 1100 block of Alki, per police at the time). The charging papers say three men pulled up behind him, started yelling, and one hit his car window with a rifle before demanding he get out. They took his keys, car, and phone; the latter was found tossed out on the Admiral Way hill. Meantime, the stolen blue Audi crashed on the West Seattle Bridge; witnesses say its occupants got out, got into the stolen BMW, and sped off.

Investigators linked the three incidents and started requesting cell phone data for six related locations in hopes of cross-referencing to find at least one phone present at all those locations, possibly leading them to a suspect. They got a warrant for that data on October 25th. Then on October 28th, another crime – four robbers held up a Shell station in the 7200 block of East Marginal Way at 1:19 am. Half an hour later, the California/Charlestown 7-11 was robbed (here’s our original report, which also mentions the East Marginal link), with the loot described as including less than $100 cash, vape products, and a bag of chips. They got away in a white van. A Renton 7-11 was held up half an hour after that. Then around 10:30 am, the van – a Kia Sedona stolen in High Point – turned up in Des Moines.

A week and a half later, on November 8th, after analysis led them to one phone present at five of the six locations, investigators got another warrant. They traced the phone to a 53-year-old man who turned out to be the suspect’s father. Given all the images they had of the robbers, they researched whether he had a teenage boy in the house – and indeed he did. They got a DOL photo of the suspect and started surveillance to determine who had possession of the phone. Getting live alerts on the phone’s location, they determined it was the 16-year-old suspect. Further surveillance also showed him in apparel items that matched to some of the security images from the robberies – including one in Kent (they found out Kent PD was working on a similar case). Then on November 21st, with SWAT, they arrested the suspect.

Unlike adult court, juvenile court usually schedules arraignments shortly after charges are filed. Online court records show the suspect appeared before Chief Juvenile Judge Melinda Young last Wednesday and pleaded not guilty. The judge ordered him to remain in detention, declaring him a “threat to community safety,” but said “the court will consider release once there is more structure in place.” His next hearing is December 14th.

83 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Teenager charged in two West Seattle carjackings, one local 7-11 robbery, more"

  • Skeptic December 5, 2023 (12:25 am)

    Great news!  This is solid police work by the SPD.  To have this one person responsible for so many scary and dangerous crimes off the streets is fantastic.  Let’s hope the DA can put them in prison for at least 15 or 20 years.

    • TthisCommunityHates December 5, 2023 (2:56 am)

      Why would you want a kid to spend more than their current age in prison? It is a glaringly obvious truth that rehabilitation works incredibly well on young people. why shutter someone away so that they become a bigger problem in a decade or two? “out of sight, out of mind” is all too often y’all’s solution to every nuanced social issue. not even considering how that would misguided your own goals: catch them all. you know what a plea is? if this is organized crime, and this kid was recruited, locking up a single goon for decades will get you nowhere closer to dismantling whatever is organizing these kids. maybe you can look past your shorth-sighted call to violence (which incarceration is) towards a kid and see the greater picture?

      • oerthehillz December 5, 2023 (9:53 am)

        I’m thinking a good hard long look at their probable future by means of incarceration is about as good as rehabilitation gets for people like this. Not sure what kind of “rehab” you’re thinking instead of consequences, but for most, it’s too late at this age. Protecting our citizens should be the “big picture.” This kid missed rehab opportunities at a much younger age than this.

        • ThisCommunityHates December 7, 2023 (3:38 am)

          except your just plain wrong? too often reactionaries like yourself fail to do any research to back up what you feel: you want violence done to those you think deserve it. Look up “The Future of Youth Justice: A Community-Based Alternative to the Youth Prison Model” if you want an extensive, fact-based look at how incarceration is not rehabilitation and that “it’s too late at this age” is such a revolting, nonsensical statement. You’re calling for throwing people (in this case a child) away. Remember to that y’all will reap what you sow: this kid isn’t going to be locked up forever and will likely come back to this community. Do you want them to just pick up where they left off, but now with less options in life and more traumatized? That sounds 100x worst than even just attempting an alternative to incarceration…

        • Dennis Bush December 21, 2023 (12:40 pm)

          People like this? The article I am reading is talking about one very confused teenage. Subconsciously stereotyping, seems like it too late for you also! 

      • John December 5, 2023 (9:57 am)

        Because if we let all the kids off with a slap on the wrist, we get the current situation we have where kids think they can carjack random people 4x a day, commit crime sprees without any repercussions, literally every day. What they need is firm parenting, and when parents cant do it at home, the streets cant but the jail will.

      • MW December 5, 2023 (10:01 am)

        ThisCommunityHates as all “communities” do…so it just depends on what we do with it. You’re right about incarceration being violence & I completely feel there’s recruitment written all over this. But it is what is. He did what he did. Over and over again. Doesn’t matter who started it, he must pay for his violent choices. He’s old enough to know better, but too young to understand exactly what he’s gambling. Given mostly freedom & free will, this is what he did so far. Time to pay for the crime. I hate all the hate here too btw. Keep your chin up 👆 

        • Alki resident December 5, 2023 (2:23 pm)

          What he did was violent plain and simple. He’s changed so many people’s lives and that’ll stick with them forever. This “ kid” needs to be in prison. He knew better and did it anyway. He was under the impression nothing would happen to him once caught. 

      • lockthemup December 5, 2023 (10:51 am)

        Next time you or anyone you care about is violently assaulted with threats of DEATH and have a weapon pointed at them then you can go and talk about rehabilitation. These are criminals who have zero fear of consequences. No doubt there are ringleaders but these so called “children” are violently terrorizing our streets and it seems each and every time they are sent back home to be monitored they are back out on the streets often increasing their violent crimes. Misguided is petty acts that we used to hear about regarding youth i.e. under age drinking, graffiti. THESE are NOT misguided short sighted acts. These are life altering violent acts that will follow the victims of these crimes for the rest of their life. Get out of here with your lame call for rehabilitation. These thugs do not deserve one ounce of compassion or leniency. Perhaps when we start locking them up for well beyond their current age their peers will perhaps start thinking twice before embarking on a life of violence and crime.  

        • ThisCommunityHates December 7, 2023 (3:52 am)

          i love this argument. it’s the same kind when people advocate for a change to a particular neighborhood and there’ll be commenters saying “well, you wouldn’t be so happy if it happened to your neighborhood!” missing the fact that who they’re replying to lives in that neighborhood. yes, I have been the victim of violent crime 2 times in my life. and yet, i still maintain that continuing a circle of violence will do nothing, and there will be future victims. if you truly cared for preventing people from becoming victims, you would want a solution that breaks the cycle; but everyone is more concerned with retribution than solutions. we have decades of data showing incarceration fixes nothing. it doesn’t lower recidivism, it has no impact on violent crime rates, and is an overall drain on the economy (except for profiteers). the only things that do work are community support and rehabilitation. i’m focused on preventing more victims; y’all are focused on getting your pound of flesh.

      • Michael December 5, 2023 (11:00 am)

        And why not if you have a problem get a sign and march!!

      • East Coast Cynic December 5, 2023 (11:26 am)

        How about doing something along the lines of what they used to do in the so-called old days:  When he gets to the age of eighteen after a couple of years of imprisonment, offer him the option of further imprisonment for his crimes or enlistment in the military?  Potential character development opportunity to be derived for this person who won’t be a problem for the community if he makes a choice to get out from rotting in prison or the juvenile system.

        • WS Guy December 5, 2023 (1:35 pm)

          In those days military service was harsh and brutal, with severe punishment for misbehavior.  Todays coddled military is not suitable to act as your proxy prison.

          • Actual veteran and mother December 5, 2023 (2:50 pm)

            As a veteran I disagree with your argument and agree that military service would do this hooligan some good. Trust me, being in the military you are not free but he would learn discipline, honor, integrity, respect and maybe even useful skills. 

          • WS Res December 5, 2023 (3:32 pm)

            Wow, way to insult our brave soldiers, WS Guy. Why do you hate our country?

      • flimflam December 5, 2023 (11:48 am)

        Oh please. Read the comment below from the victim. These “kids” don’t need leniency, that’s what has most likely emboldened them to do some messed up stuff like they did.

      • Andros December 5, 2023 (12:32 pm)

        Absolutely they should be put away for at least 10-15. That was armed robbery. I’m ready to switch my voting patterns if we don’t start taking care of crime in this town. Enough babying. 

      • NOCAP December 5, 2023 (1:48 pm)

        “Hey man, if you’re gonna do this, better to do it as a teenager. My cousin/brother/friend only got a slap on the wrist.”Permissive policies breed violent crime. 

      • Roddy3 December 5, 2023 (8:42 pm)

        @thiscommunityhates”It is a glaringly obvious truth that rehabilitation works incredibly well on young people. “PROVE IT

        • ThisCommunityHates December 7, 2023 (3:40 am)

          see my reply to “OerTheHillz” for 1 of many sources. now your turn: prove incarceration is the best method to prevent recidivism. or do you operate on a different metric for measuring the effectiveness of a carceral system like how violent it is to who it incarcerates?

      • "kid" = violent criminal December 6, 2023 (5:18 pm)

        Ttch: Why are you hating on the victims and minimizing the violent crimes this “kid” intentionally committed? This “kid” needs to pay restitution for rehabilitation to all the victims and their families, while serving a long sentence as an adult 1st. Then possibly he can understand how rehabilitation works and why. He’s a violent criminal…not a victim. 

    • Mike December 5, 2023 (5:42 am)

      Why is he not charged as an adult? Where’s the ATF, this is easily multiple firearms violations and an investigation into how this guy illegally obtained all these firearms should be investigated by the feds.

    • Brian December 5, 2023 (7:17 am)

      It’s wild how so many people pair up the word “hope” with the idea of putting someone in jail for two or three decades. Really cool stuff. 

    • Derek December 5, 2023 (8:54 am)

      Being excited to put kids in a cage for years is weird man. There’s no good solution here, we need to fix root causes.

      • He’s a criminal December 5, 2023 (2:34 pm)

        Root cause? Being a jerk, having crap parents, having no empathy, trying to impress other jerks. He’s not stealing food, he’s joy-riding and crashing cars. Scared for kids walking home from school with these criminals cruising around looking for a victim. Criminals need to be taken out of society. Go ahead and advocate for changes in our jails but don’t cry for this kid losing his freedom for a little while. 

      • Roddy3 December 5, 2023 (8:47 pm)

        Derek, never gonna fix root causes, man. It’s way past time for a different approach.

      • 1994 December 5, 2023 (9:36 pm)

        “The judge ordered him to remain in detention, declaring him a “threat to community safety,” but said “the court will consider release once there is more structure in place.” He will probably get an ankle bracelet, maybe that is what more structure looks like to the judge. He can easily remove that. He may end up at Echo Glen where he may attempt to bust out….or go to Green Hill till he is 21.  Then he will be released….a few years in the juvie system is what he has earned.

    • whataboutthecreedence December 5, 2023 (9:03 am)

      I don’t have high hopes there.

    • Gooby December 5, 2023 (9:20 am)

      He’s only a teenager. Is prison really the answer? Surely we can send him to a diversion program where he learns not to do this again without jail or other serious consequences that ruin his life. 

  • Jay December 5, 2023 (1:30 am)

    How terrifying to be carjacked! I hope his daddy is proud of his spawn. This young criminal is a danger to the community. Hope he doesn’t just get a slap on the wrist.

  • Kevin December 5, 2023 (6:05 am)

    Is there any possibility that the charges against the individual in this case can be elevated from juvenile court to adult court where the consequences of conviction are much more serious? Also, is SPD trying to locate the accomplices in this series of crimes? Many thanks to SPD for their great work on this case!

  • Mel December 5, 2023 (6:08 am)

    WSB- can we keep an eye on what happens with sentencing here? 15-20 years? I wish. Juveniles around here tend to have very light sentences. 

  • Grateful December 5, 2023 (7:09 am)


  • Jeepney December 5, 2023 (7:21 am)

    Solid police work by SPD indeed.  Now we need the court system to do some solid work as well.

  • RT December 5, 2023 (7:40 am)

    Glad to read this and hope they also get the accomplices.  Based on the description  of the carjackings which included physical assault I hope that goes in to consideration of appropriate “structure” for this juvenile…who should not get a pass to be back on the street.  

  • Alki Jack December 5, 2023 (7:42 am)

    He should be tried as an adult not as a juvenile and transferred to the King County Jail. These are very serious crimes committed with dangerous weapons. Thank You SPD

  • WSDAD December 5, 2023 (7:44 am)

    Go SPD. Thats awesome. I was wondering if they were using cellphone data tracking (stingray.) Hopefully they can catch the other guys using this technology and put them behind bars. Also big shout out to WSB for its great reporting. Be safe out there. 

    • WSB December 5, 2023 (12:01 pm)

      The story above is a summary of a very, very long charging document. Here’s the excerpt for anyone interested going into a little more detail about the cell records:

      On November 1, 2023, I received the responsive records from T-Mobile for the search warrant I served on October 25th, 2023. Upon review of those records, I saw that the records included Timing Advance data for all of the unique devices/user identifiers within a 0.25-mile radius of the GPS coordinates at the relevant dates and times. Based on my training and experience, I know that Timing Advance is an internal T-Mobile engineering tool used for network optimization, capacity planning, diagnostics, troubleshooting and other reasons. Timing Advance also enables T-Mobile to estimate the approximate location of any mobile device connected ot their network. They calculate the position based off how long communications to a given cell phone takes to complete, and by timing those communications, they can estimate distance.

      The T-Mobile Timing Advance records described above included a spreadsheet of International Mobile Subscriber Identifiers (IMSI) numbers for each of the six locations. An IMSI numberis a 14-15 digit number which identifies amobile subscriber bytheir SIM card. An IMSI is made up of several parts, including acountry code, anetwork code, and anindividual string of digits identifying each particular card within the mobile network. A service provider uses that number to identify and track customers ontheir network. T-Mobile also provided International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI) numbers for the devices.

      Investigators analyzed the resulting IMSI and IMEI numbers. One device was identified as having been present at five of the locations … Given the time and geographical distances between each of the locations, I developed probable cause to believe that this device was related to the investigation and belonged ot either a witness or a suspect. Thus, I prepared a search warrant and order to T-Mobile requesting real-time location data for the device with the above IMEI and IMSI in an attempt tolocate and identify the current user/possessor. The warrant also requested records for 30 days of historical data for the same purpose and to confirm or refute the device owner’s presence at the initial robbery series. On November 8th, 2023, that search warrant was reviewed and signed by the Honorable King County Superior Court Judge Aimee Sutton.

      • WSDAD December 5, 2023 (1:21 pm)

        Wow, that’s interesting. That can help when they go to court. Thanks for posting.

  • Kravitz December 5, 2023 (7:45 am)

    What a fine specimen of a young man. What sort of parent(s) is so completely oblivious to their son’s actions and whereabouts, that this was going on under their nose for this length of time? It’s sick. Not only could this kid have killed someone either with that weapon or with a speeding stolen vehicle, but his actions could’ve landed him 6 ft. under. Too bad he’s being charged as a juvenile. These are serious adult crimes and the penalty for his actions will likely not cover the damage he’s inflicted on multiple victims. I wish there were a way to start punishing the parents for the actions of their spawn. 

    • April December 5, 2023 (1:58 pm)

      @Kravitz….I agree with everything you said. These criminals need to be locked up no matter the age! And parents do need to start being held accountable as well.

      • Pauline December 6, 2023 (2:45 am)

        Parent accountable for what? Working and providing for not just this horrible individual but for other children in the household. I’m sorry but not all parents have the capacity or privilege out of this capitalist system or media exposure of violence. He dealt with the wrong crowd. His own doing and Probably doesn’t listen to his parent at all lol. 

    • Pauline December 6, 2023 (2:39 am)

      It’s their own doing lol. Not sure why y’all bring up parents. I’m sure they work! this teen is just connected to the wrong crowd! 

  • Lola December 5, 2023 (8:24 am)

    Yousa!  That is a lot of stuff that they are doing.  I am tired of these crimes happening in our neighborhood.  They need to be made an example of to show others that crime does not pay.  Good job SPD and the others who are trying to track down these culprits.  We need to watch out for each other and be hyper aware anymore of your surroundings.  Thank you WSB for your work on getting us this story and all that they are doing in our community.  I can only hope that the Judges do their part and give stiffer penalties to these perps. 

  • genessee_valley December 5, 2023 (8:28 am)

    Great work by the police.  My gut tells me I’m going to be let down when sentencing happens if he’s found guilty…

  • mikech December 5, 2023 (8:36 am)

    I am the owner of the stolen Audi. It’s hard to explain how deeply this has affected me. It hurts because there wasn’t much I could have done, even if I had been armed, as I was outnumbered. You don’t expect to be carjacked in your apartment’s secure garage. My car represented years of hard work and savings. However, the impact this incident has had on my life extends far beyond the mere loss of a possession.Here’s some advice: Be careful if you notice people wearing masks and hoodies, especially if they are in a group (or in a car behind you). Drive to the nearest police station or call for help if you think you’re being followed. Avoid visiting gas stations or ATMs after sunset.I’m sharing this because people need to understand how these crimes change lives. It’s not just about losing something you own, it’s about losing your peace of mind. I am grateful to SPD for their quick response and investigation. Yet, this fear compelled me to make a significant decision – I have since moved out of Seattle, and I will not be returning.

    • HW December 5, 2023 (12:59 pm)

      Wishing you healing and joy. It may be a journey but you are resilient and a good person, you’ll get through it.

    • Lola December 5, 2023 (1:10 pm)

      Mikech,  I am so sorry that you had to go thru this.  I have since changed my habits on doing stuff as well as what I will carry with me.  I no longer carry a purse.  I cannot imagine how you must have felt when they came at you.  These punks think that they can do what they want now to anybody it does not matter what age or if you can fight back.  I hope you can recover from this and get back to some sense of normalcy.  

    • Cindy December 5, 2023 (1:53 pm)

      Thank you for your advice, solid suggestions. I am so sorry this happened to you and the others. I can only imagine the impact. I hope you will be able to move past this, no one deserves to go thru something like this. 

    • Carl December 5, 2023 (11:15 pm)

      Sorry you went through such a terrible experience.Seattle was better with you here.  Best of luck to you.

  • R December 5, 2023 (8:36 am)

    I would normally say that a 16 year old deserves some leniency, but this kid has already traumatized and f–ked up several other people’s lives in a short span of time. There is no place in society for someone this destructive. 

  • Great, but December 5, 2023 (8:41 am)

    What worries me is this type of violent, personal crime seems to be increasing in our area. Keep hearing crime is going down but the blog’s coverage is increasing so what is going on? I’m concerned that this is not being studied. Is this a result of inflation? These crimes seems like joy rides, not crimes of subsistence. More like crimes of boredom or bravado. Are these local kids? What’s the big picture? 

    • WSB December 5, 2023 (12:23 pm)

      Unfortunately charging documents don’t answer any of that – except what we’ve already reported, that the suspect and his family are West Seattle residents. In our previous report on two juveniles arrested for purse-snatching (I’m following up to see where their cases stand), it was noted that those two teenagers were West Seattle and White Center residents. More often than not, speaking anecdotally. yes, suspects tend to be local. – TR

  • Westy December 5, 2023 (9:16 am)

    The system is broken and a joke. You do adult crime you get adult time. The judge declared this individual a threat to community safety and in the same breathe said they will consider releasing with more structure in place. Just a slap on the wrist and an insult to the individuals that were terrorized. 

    • Seattlite December 6, 2023 (3:10 pm)

      The family unit of two responsible parents who give their children love, discipline, moral/ethical guidelines to know the difference between right and wrong; good and evil is broken.  This teen criminal already shows his sociopathic tendencies of not having a conscience in stealing from his victims, terrorizing his victims.  Did his parents clue into his criminal behavior or was he smart enough to keep it a secret from his parents?  It is terrifying that a judge would release this criminal  who has no conscience and real most likely reoffend.  

  • Gooby December 5, 2023 (9:18 am)

    How does a teenager have an assault rifle?? Those are illegal now in this state so I can’t imagine how be got that.

  • Lex December 5, 2023 (10:36 am)

    Following. Hope his charges reflect his crimes. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  • WSDUDEMAN December 5, 2023 (10:38 am)

    If we were serious about gun crimes, this person would have the proverbial book thrown at them.Great work SPD. For those calling for leniency against this ‘misunderstood youth’ – these are very serious violent crimes using a deadly weapon. This was not a one-off incident. There was a conscious design made multiple times to engage in this behavior. Think about how you might feel if this happened to you or your family.

  • PDiddy December 5, 2023 (10:46 am)

    They need to amend the laws similar to Europe where perpetrators 16 and older are charged as adults. Teen my butt. This person is extremely violent and I think a 30 year sentence is not out of line to get him off the streets for a very long time.

  • HS December 5, 2023 (10:54 am)

    Thank you for reporting on this and the police work is so impressive. I appreciate your work WSB as it sounds like gathering information on juvenile cases is quite difficult and time consuming. I don’t know what the answer is to gang activity but it’s good to read about the action being taken against them. I will admit to feeling helpless and have been overwhelmed by the crimes I’ve been reading about that are, in my mind, all gang activity – cars stolen & dumped, carjacking, street racing (and people injured as a result like the woman whose car was pushed into the water while she was inside), retail storefront damage & theft with a vehicle, atm theft, murdered persons (man near Chief Sealth, etc), street purse robbery, convenience store robberies, and intimidation of youth (kids walking, groups of boys twice chasing another and attacking him in Junction residential yard). It’s overwhelming.

  • Track them, catch them, convict them December 5, 2023 (11:13 am)

    Time to start keeping an Airtag hidden in the car so it can be tracked. Then maybe police can associate the phone data with the Airtag tracking data. This violence is OUTRAGEOUS, and I commend the SPD for the work they’ve done. The anti-policing pendulum has obviously swung too far and we’re all paying the price for it with fear just leaving the house to get groceries or coffee. Anyone who’s ever been a victim of a crime like this understands how it HAUNTS YOU FOR YEARS.T rack them, catch them, convict them. Here’s how to use the Airtag in your car:

  • snowskier December 5, 2023 (11:29 am)

    A carjacking with a weapon is a very different crime from stealing a parked car in the middle of the night.  It is a personal, traumatic assault on the victim that leaves lasting harm beyond the loss of a material object.  MIKECH, I feel horrible that his happened to you and others.  Thank you SPD for the initial work tracking down this one suspect that will hopefully lead to the capture of the others involved.  I really hope the judge can transfer this case to adult court and these guys can serve some serious time.  As for the parent of this kid, hopefully these is also reason for many civil suits to proceed against him.  You raised the kid, time to take some responsibility for your product.

  • Concerned Neighbor December 5, 2023 (11:43 am)

      Having been life-long WS residents until a couple of years ago, it distresses me greatly to hear about the ongoing criminal activities by minors in WS.  (And other areas, but WS specifically.)  I’m glad the police have some success, but it seems that the system doesn’t punish appropriately as it keeps happening.Here’s a concept;  Why not make the parents accountable too in some way?  Afterall, they are juveniles and the parents should be held accountable until they’re 18.    Fines, community service, or some such thing.  The parents should know where their child is at all times, especially in the wee hours of the morning.  It’s their responsibility to know, and take steps to make sure their child is minding.   Just my thoughts…

  • Derp December 5, 2023 (11:55 am)

    My question again, where are the parents of this gangster wannabe. They should be responsible just like the delinquent should be. Send a message to them,  be a parent to your kids for once in your life. Take responsibility for your kids. And yes, this one needs to spend a lot of time in jail. For everything he has done. How about restitution for the people he did this too 

    • WSB December 5, 2023 (12:07 pm)

      The suspect’s parents were present at his hearing last week, along with a sibling, according to the document with brief minutes from the hearing.

    • AD December 5, 2023 (2:29 pm)

      Washington State is in the process of gutting the child welfare system.  The bar to remove kids from homes that are unsafe and perpetuating intergenerational cycles of abuse, neglect, poverty, and crime has gotten so high someone has to be physically harming their child at the time of contact with the police or CPS for any intervention to occur.  It is no surprise to see an increase in crime among teenagers.  There used to be systems in place to help youth with problematic home circumstances, but the state legislature felt fit to dismantle them.  The State of Washington has failed these kids.

  • East Coast Cynic December 5, 2023 (12:20 pm)

    I’d like the parent of this juvenile to be punished by having to pick up litter along the roads and streets, wearing a sign that says “I’m the father who enabled a convicted juvenile”.

  • Admiral-2009 December 5, 2023 (12:38 pm)

    mikech – thank you for sharing the terrifying experience. 

    There are to many people and Judges that are way too lenient on making perps accountable.  This is the type of crime that demands harsh punishment no matter the age of the perp!

  • Jra December 5, 2023 (1:13 pm)

    As the parent of a kid who was listening to music while looking out at the city and who had a rifle and 2 guns on his face by these criminals, I need them locked up. I can’t feel bad for a 16 year old with an AR15 (or something like that) with he considered killing my son over a joy ride. Parents should be tried as well.

  • Mikephelps December 5, 2023 (1:16 pm)

    I recognize that jacket. He’s one of the ones that rammed into me and attempted to car jack me on 35th back beginning of September 

    • Alki resident December 5, 2023 (9:03 pm)

      It’s important you let police know of this asap. 

  • Christopher B. December 5, 2023 (1:26 pm)

    Very impressive detective work on the part of SPD. And great reporting WSB. Always good news when the police make good progress against people perpetrating crime in our community, especially those that are this prolific. Now let’s hope the justice system doesn’t fail us.

  • SSB December 5, 2023 (1:27 pm)

    Great news and great work by SPD. Hopeful our justice system doesn’t let our communities down by being lenient with what clearly isn’t just a misguided youth. At 16 you are smart enough to know right from wrong and the only message we need to send to all the other would-be young criminals is the consequences are dire if you terrorize an entire community. 

  • drahcir61 December 5, 2023 (1:59 pm)

    Deterrence: the action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences

    An ankle bracelet is pried off within an hour. 
    Home supervision by his parent(s) or adult guardian is useless. 
    Counseling? Yeah right. 

    The “fear of consequences” must be harsh enough to modify his behavior … otherwise this WILL continue & will likely get worse (e.g. someone is killed!).

    • AD December 5, 2023 (7:07 pm)

      The problem with this theory is that teenagers don’t understand consequences the way adults do.  It’s not where they’re at developmentally yet.  This is why there’s a separate system for juvenile offenders–even though they know right from wrong, they can’t process consequences (for the victims either, not just themselves) yet because their brain is not done forming yet.  

      • Roddy3 December 5, 2023 (9:09 pm)

        AD – Keep making excuses…the fact is these kids know right from wrong. I sure did when I was 16. Lock ’em up.

  • Admiral-2009 December 5, 2023 (4:27 pm)

    mikech – thank you for sharing this terrifying experience and hope no one else has to endure a similar situation!

    I really hope the perp is severely punished for this horrific crime.  

  • HP December 5, 2023 (4:28 pm)

    The court will consider release? why? So he can continue his rampage?  What lesson would he learn from this?

  • Russ December 5, 2023 (5:55 pm)

    Cops got the data warrant on Oct 25th and the warrant for the suspect phone on Nov 8th. I’m curious when they got the data and how long it took them to “analyze” it.

    • WSB December 5, 2023 (6:54 pm)

      Data received 11/1.

  • Reader December 5, 2023 (11:17 pm)

    Damn, that’s great detective work! The SPD definitely deserves some praise here for their effort.  They were able to take an extremely violent person off the streets (at least, momentarily).  I also hope they get the accomplices.  My sympathies to each of the victims of these horrible crimes. This was premeditated terror on our community. The thug should be tried as an adult. If not, the parents should be tried – as well as the owner of the gun(s) involved. Additionally, the victims would be right to consider suing the alleged criminal and his family for civil damages.

  • Derrick December 6, 2023 (11:32 am)

    Can we start considering prosecuting the parents of these criminals? Surely there must be some legal recourse to deter parents from ignoring the criminal behavior of their kids. 

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