WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire investigation; SWAT arrest followups

In West Seattle Crime Watch:

GUNFIRE INVESTIGATION: Police received several early-morning reports of possible gunfire in Puget Ridge and Highland Park. One was confirmed, reported around quarter till 4 am: At two locations in the 5400 block of 18th SW, officers found what they told dispatch totaled 10 shell casings. No injuries or property damage reported. They didn’t get a description of any person or vehicle involved, but if you have any video or other evidence, the case number is 23-179214.

SWAT ARREST FOLLOWUPS: On Sunday night, we reported on two SWAT standoffs that unfolded concurrently at two locations less than a mile apart, at residences on the 3600 block of Beach Drive SW and at Marine/Lander. Suspects were arrested in both and booked into King County Jail. Today, SPD released additional details on the Beach Drive incident, in which police say the 40-year-old suspect brandished a gun when harassing a neighbor over noise. (Police seized the gun and included a photo in their SPD Blotter post.) The suspect remains in jail in lieu of $1,000 bail. Meantime, the 44-year-old Marine/Lander suspect – accused of, per a police summary, “a domestic disturbance where the suspect threatened the victim with a handgun” – is out of jail after posting bond on $5,000 bail.

18 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire investigation; SWAT arrest followups"

  • neighbor June 27, 2023 (4:18 pm)

    People who claim to own guns for self defense contradict that when they use their guns to try to settle a dispute. That’s not self defense, people. And in my opinion, misusing a firearm in that manner should revoke their permit to have them, at least temporarily.

    • WW Resident June 27, 2023 (5:54 pm)

      You do realize that a domestic violence conviction results in being disqualified from owning a gun

      • Ts June 28, 2023 (1:16 am)

        Is that still true? Or is still just being challenged?

        • WW Resident June 28, 2023 (6:23 am)

          Yes that’s still true. A misdemeanor domestic violence conviction or any felony conviction disqualifies the person from having a gun. They can later petition to have their rights reinstated, but it’s not easy and anyone with more than one felony, pretty improbable

    • Niko June 27, 2023 (6:51 pm)

      Innocent until proven guilty and you don’t need a license / permit for a firearm unless you’re carrying it concealed. There’s a very small portion of the population that are irresponsible with legally obtained firearms. You don’t know the full details of the case

    • Fibonacci June 27, 2023 (8:04 pm)

      You do realize that you don’t need a permit to own a gun in this state (yet). Just a permit to conceal carry.,..

  • Beachcomber June 27, 2023 (4:21 pm)

    Thanks for the follow ups! It’s really hard to understand why the Beach Drive resident would not just comply with the police and instead choose to stay barricaded for hours! Also: I wonder how this person can go back to live in the same location after pulling something like this….

    • Oh Seattle June 27, 2023 (6:28 pm)

      Maybe that’s why they haven’t posted the $1,000 bail yet.  You’d think someone who lives on Beach Drive would be able to afford that amount.

  • M June 27, 2023 (5:35 pm)

    We heard what seemed like gunfire (loud enough to wake us up) near 15th and Thistle. This time matches what we experienced. Did anyone else hear it this far south?

    • Thistle June 27, 2023 (7:33 pm)

      Yeah, we’re at 18th and Thistle. Woke me up. Counted 15 quick shots in a row. I imagine it was a separate incident, it’s hard to imagine it was that loud/clear sounding if it happened in the 5400 blocks.

  • anonyme June 27, 2023 (6:00 pm)

    Once again the courts prove how little they value the safety of victims of domestic violence.  Threatening someone with a gun requires far more intervention than a few days in jail (if that) and a pathetically low bond.  There should be an automatic hold/cooling off period, mandatory DV counseling, seizure of all weapons, and a ban on owning any weapons for a significant period of time.  For a start, anyway.

    • The thruth June 27, 2023 (10:35 pm)

      Since 2014 if some has a DV protective order against someone the named person is supposed to have their guns removed from them until found innocent. If found guilty they lose their right to possess a fife arm. It is also currently one of the few crimes you actually get booked and help for. Now, if law enforcement follows up or not is a totally debatable topic.

  • tini June 27, 2023 (9:12 pm)

    Was woken up around 3:45am by several gun shots at 18th & Dawson.

  • Anonymous June 27, 2023 (10:01 pm)

    I was woken up by the sound of 15 gun shots around 3:45am. Sounded like it was just north of 16th Ave SW & Holden. Reported it to the police

    • JS in WS June 28, 2023 (5:39 pm)

      I wasn’t woken by gunfire, but I did wake up on Tuesday morning to find a stray bullet lodged in the top of my gas fireplace/table that sits on my back deck. We’re on the 9400 block of 13th Ave SW between Cambridge & Roxbury. Police were called and an SPD officer did come out, took pictures, and filed a report. It’s very unfortunate that Seattle has turned into such a lawless city! WS born and raised and have lived on the peninsula for 47 years, I have never seen it this violent! We need CHANGE and we need it NOW!!! STOP THE VIOLENCE, END THE LAWLESSNESS!!! Peace & Love Please!!!

      • Ice June 29, 2023 (7:00 pm)

        I think you’re just more aware now. You realize crime per capita in Seattle peaked in the 90s, right?

  • TJ June 27, 2023 (10:50 pm)

    I don’t understand the low bail amounts in these cases. Both of these individuals threatened someone with a gun and then barricaded themselves for hours, wasting everyone’s time and resources. Then their bail is so low that they could conceivably leave the same day, as one did. They don’t need to be released so quickly where they can do the same thing again tomorrow.

  • Another Neighbor June 28, 2023 (9:18 am)

    I heard one shot at 1:58 am that night. We’re located near the STEM school. I usually call them in but didn’t on that one.

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