SHOW YOUR COMMUNITY LOVE: Rainbow flags up for adoption again in The Junction

(WSB photo, June 2020)

Again this year, the West Seattle Junction Association is offering you the opportunity to adopt a rainbow flag – they’ll be flying in The Junction during the weekend of June 26th-27th. Here’s the announcement:

We need love and support more than ever. Show your pride and love for all by adopting a beautiful 3′ x 5′ rainbow flag to fly the weekend of June 26th and 27th. Even though Pride is still up in the air due to the pandemic, we can still show our support for all humankind.

This project was started in 2019, and due to the outpouring of love, the Junction has now adopted this programming into part of the yearly events. In 2021, you’ll be proudly flying your 60 rainbow flags all along California Ave!

It’s an exciting and supportive project and we want you to be a part of the party. The rainbow flag program is a fundraiser for the West Seattle Junction, a nonprofit serving your community.

You can also volunteer to place and remove the rainbow flags in the Junction. You’ll receive a special 6″ x 8″ flag you’ll be placing on the Junction flag that is placed at the (Walk All Ways intersection).

This is the third year for the flag-adoption program. The adoption form includes info on the adoptions/messages sent in so far (including ours).

2 Replies to "SHOW YOUR COMMUNITY LOVE: Rainbow flags up for adoption again in The Junction"

  • David March 30, 2021 (6:47 pm)

    AWESOME program.  Great way for the community to join in.

  • Lisa March 31, 2021 (3:47 am)

    What a great event! Makes me so proud to live in WSea. Thanks for the info WSB. Will look into flag adoption. 

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