day : 14/02/2019 9 results

BASKETBALL: Both West Seattle HS teams play Friday, after boys’ win tonight

February 14, 2019 10:26 pm
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That’s one of the photos tweeted by the West Seattle High School Athletics Department tonight, right after the boys’ basketball team won its snow-delayed first postseason game of the year – 48-42 vs., and at, Roosevelt HS. The WSHS boys (15-6) play Mercer Island at 8:15 pm Friday at Sammamish HS (100 140th Ave SE, Bellevue).

Also tomorrow, the WSHS girls (15-4) play their first game of the postseason, vs. Holy Names Academy, 4 pm at Chief Sealth International HS (2600 SW Thistle).

Both teams are now in district play; with all the snow-closure days, the Metro League canceled its tournaments, sending the regular season’s top finishers into district play, which determines who qualifies for state.

WEST SEATTLE SNOW AFTERMATH: New city plan for missed trash/recycling/etc. pickups

(WSB photo: Waste Management truck southwest of Morgan Junction late Wednesday afternoon)

5:54 PM: The city has announced new plans for residents who have missed trash, recycling, and yard waste because of the storm. Here’s the full announcement:

Following the historic series of winter storms that hit the Seattle region over the past 11 days, Mayor Jenny A. Durkan and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) announced they will provide a $10 billing credit to residential customers who had two or more missed garbage collections due to inclement weather. The credit will be issued within two regular billing cycles for impacted customers, which are primarily customers with Monday service. In addition, any customers who have experienced delays in solid waste collection can put out additional bags of garbage, recycling or yard waste free of charge.

“Our foremost goal as a City is to deliver on essential services like garbage, water and power. Our City departments have been working around the clock during this historic weather event clearing our streets, repairing power lines and bringing our most vulnerable neighbors inside,” said Mayor Jenny Durkan. “We thank Seattle residents for their patience in this time, which is why we are providing a credit to our customers for their missed service.”

The series of winter storms that the Seattle region caused an 11-day stretch of weather has adjusted and delayed the collection of garbage, recycling, and compost for 150,000 residential households and 6,000 multi-family accounts. At every safe weather opportunity, drivers collected waste from as many customers as possible, including critical locations like hospitals, multi-family buildings and high-volume commercial customers.

“We thank our customers for their understanding during the unprecedented weather we have experienced over the past several weeks. We are committed to catching up completely on our collections as soon as possible and anticipate we will be back on a normal schedule next week,” said General Manager Mami Hara. “I especially want to thank our crews who have been navigating difficult roads and standing by for any windows of clear weather to collect our residents’ solid waste.”

The improved weather through the weekend will allow additional pickups to service customers who have been significantly delayed in solid waste pickup. Crews are prioritizing pickup for as many Monday customers as possible by deploying additional resources. Monday, Thursday, and Friday customers who have not received service are asked to put their bins and bags out to the curb beginning Friday, February 15 for pickup Friday or Saturday. Seattle Department of Transportation has also deployed their crews to assist SPU contractors by plowing streets where they encounter difficulties. Seattle Parks and Seattle Housing Authority will also assist Seattle Public Utilities as they work to resume normal pickups.

While Seattle Public Utilities will be working to pick up residential garbage, Seattle Public Utilities will also provide garbage drop-off sites on Saturday from 10 am-3 pm in the following four locations at no charge:

West Seattle Stadium-35th Ave SW & SW Snoqualmie St.
[not in West Seattle but FYI]
Lower Woodland – 50th and Whitman
Magnuson – 65th street lot, Parking Lot E
Interbay – 17th Ave. W. And W. Barrett Street

8:30 PM: The online version of this announcement ends with two more paragraphs – reaffirming a free period at the transfer stations through this weekend, and offering contact info if you are due a credit and don’t get it.

9:31 PM: As noted below in comments, we’ll seek some clarifications tomorrow. Pending that, we’ve already received one from SPU spokesperson Sabrina Register: “I want to stress that the pickup tomorrow is for garbage only, not recycling or compost. Extra crews will work hard tomorrow to get missed Monday customers but they may not be able to get all of them due to the number missed and/or continued challenging road conditions on certain streets.”

ADDED FRIDAY MORNING: Another SPU note about what’s happening today and tomorrow:

“I want to clarify that crews will be picking up garbage only, for Monday customers.

Thursday customers, who will be picked up today because of the one-day delay, should also set out their recycling and food/yard waste and crews will make every effort to pick up all solid waste from these customers.

Friday customers will get picked up tomorrow (Saturday). They should also set out garbage, recycling and food and yard waste and crews will make every effort to pick up all solid waste for Friday customers on Saturday.

Scenes from the West Seattle Art Walk, Valentine’s Day edition

February 14, 2019 5:48 pm
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6:15 PM: Click! Design That Fits (4540 California SW; WSB sponsor) shares that photo of artist Ryan McAbery, as the Valentine’s Day West Seattle Art Walk begins. Full info in our daily calendar highlights, including the venue map/list. More Art Walk coverage to come!

7:15 PM: We decided to visit a couple spots south of The Junction – above, that’s Ben Viscon pouring at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor). Since the snow aftermath is still rocking people’s worlds, his scheduled artist and chocolate-maker weren’t there after all, but his award-winning winery has libations for you until 8 pm.

8:49 PM: Out late? Canna West Seattle (5435 California SW; WSB sponsor) has a group show at its Canna Culture shop across the street, including the work you see above.

SCHOOLS: Friday announcements

So far:


Seattle Public Schools – regular hours, regular bus routes Friday
Vashon Island SD – regular hours, regular bus routes Friday

P.S. Short list, with Friday included in mid-winter break for some schools, as well as the entire Highline Public Schools district.

Something to add? Text or voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

West Seattle Crime Watch: 3 notes

Three notes in West Seattle Crime Watch:

CAR PROWLS: Two at one Fauntleroy home, according to this texted report: “Both of my cars were rummaged through in the early morning hours (Feb. 12). Doesn’t appear anything was taken. This was at 45th & Director.”

SUSPECTED PACKAGE THEFT: Another reader wanted to warn North Admiral neighbors about a suspected package thief. They were out shoveling snow when an older white Toyota pickup pulled up, with a “young woman … about 5’5″, long straight brown hair, with jeans tucked into her boots” got out, walked south, returned from the north a few minutes later with a package in hand, “and quickly got into her truck and drove off when she saw me. … I reported it to SPD.
Neighbors be on the lookout.”

Some court-case delays because of the snow, most notably:

RYAN COX SENTENCING RESCHEDULED: As reported here, Ryan J. Cox pleaded guilty last month to second-degree assault for stabbing a man in Gatewood in October 2017. His sentencing was originally set for last Friday, February 8th, but courts closed early because of the snow and he’s now scheduled to be sentenced on February 22nd.

Celebration of Life planned in April for Dennis A. Simonsen, 1942-2019

Friends and family are invited to an April celebration of the life of Dennis A. Simonsen. Here is the remembrance being shared with the community:

In loving memory of Dennis A. Simonsen, 76, recently of Tomah, Wisconsin and longtime resident of West Seattle, who died on Tuesday, February 5, 2019, surrounded by his family, at Mayo Clinic Health System in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Dennis was born on August 16, 1942 to Alvin and Helen (Lingman) Simonsen in Redmond, Oregon. He married Donna (Leiendecker) on September 5, 1970 in Juneau, Alaska, and together they have two children, Daphney Newtson of West Seattle and Devon Simonsen, also of West Seattle. He was also blessed with two grandchildren, Zachary Newtson of Peoria, Illinois, and McKenzy Newtson of West Seattle.

Dennis was a man of deep faith with a huge heart that cared for all those around him. He was a member of Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, the Knights of Columbus in both Washington and Wisconsin, and involved in many volunteer programs, including Friend to Friend, Hospice, ICYE (international youth exchange) Catholic Community Services (Foster care), and helping with Donna’s in-home day care. His outside work included purser for the Alaska Marine Highway, travel agent here in Seattle, and in recent years, medical assisting and kidney dialysis tech.

A prayer service was held on Friday, February 8, 2019 in Tomah, Wisconsin at the Sonnenburg Family Funeral Home. In addition, a celebration of his life will be held on April 27, 2019 at 1 pm at Our Lady of Guadalupe church, and all that knew him are invited to attend.

Dennis is also survived by his sister, Carol (Simonsen) James of Camp Douglas, Wisconsin, as well as many nephews, nieces, great-nephews and great-nieces.

His presence in our lives will be missed, but we are assured that his love for his family and the fond memories we shared will continue on within us.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to editor@westseattleblog.com)

From saving the orcas to city priorities @ Southwest District Council

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Between the first two waves of snow, the Southwest District Council held its February meeting. We were there, and just getting a chance to finish the report now that (what we hope is) the last wave of snow is melting. Two major guests at the February 6th meeting: Donna Sandstrom of The Whale Trail and City Councilmember Lisa Herbold:

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West Seattle Art Walk, special Valentine’s Day edition, and what else is up for your Thursday

(Steller’s Jay in the snow, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

Moving back toward “normal” today, we are also resuming our daily calendar highlights. Just in time for this big monthly event:

WEST SEATTLE ART WALK, VALENTINE EDITION: Not just art venues and food/beverage specials, but also a “passport” event with prizes this time around – explained on the WSAW website. Here’s the venue map/list:

WSB sponsors that are among the participants:
Canna West Seattle (5435 California SW) – group show
Click! Design That Fits (4540 California SW) – artist Ryan McAbery
Verity Credit Union (4505 California SW) – artist Sandrina Reyes
Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW) – artist Amy Stone plus Intrigue chocolate-truffle samples
Welcome Road Winery (3804 California SW)

Also today/tonight (with much more on our calendar):

VALENTINE’S VOLUNTEERING: As previewed here late last night, WestSide Baby would love some help catching up from snow closures. 11 am-8 pm volunteer-a-thon. (10004 14th SW)

COUNCILMEMBER AT CHAMBER LUNCH: Today’s West Seattle Chamber of Commerce lunch is headlined by City Councilmember Lisa Herbold, scheduled to talk about HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability as it gets closer to a vote. Fee for lunch; check with the Chamber to see if there’s space. At The Kenney (WSB sponsor), 11:30 am. (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)

VALENTINE’S POP-UP: Need something for your Valentine? Stop by VAIN (WSB sponsor) 5 pm-8 pm:

Floral popup PLUS 25 percent off jewelry. (4513 California SW)

WORDS, WRITERS, WEST SEATTLE: Betsy Bell is this month’s featured author, 6 pm at Southwest Library. (9010 35th SW)

POSTSEASON BASKETBALL: The interrupted-by-snow postseason finally begins. The West Seattle High School boys have a must-win game vs. Roosevelt at 7 pm. (1410 NE 66th)

OPEN MIC: 7-9 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), all genres welcome. (5612 California SW)

MIA DAY & FRIENDS, LIVE IN-STORE: Free and all ages at Easy Street Records, 7 pm: “Easy Street’s very own Mia Day will be in for a special Valentine’s Day in-store performance.” (California/Alaska)

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT/WEATHER/ETC.: Thursday AM/early PM updates

(SCHOOLS: Here’s the Thursday listTRASH/RECYCLING/ETC.: Pickup today for Wed. customers)

6:13 AM: Good morning. The good news is that the temperature’s now above freezing. But still … beware out there. Also note there’s at least one change on our schools list – South Seattle College is now opening all its campuses at 10 am.

METRO: Some buses still rerouted; more details here
METRO ROUTE 37 – No service today
METRO ROUTE 50: Rerouted off Delridge Way SW, SW Genesee, & Avalon Way
METRO ROUTE 55No 6:31 am, 6:48 am, 7:30 am, 8:34 am trips
METRO ROUTE 56No 6:43 am, 7:33 am, 8:41 am trips
METRO ROUTE 57No 7:20 am trip
METRO ROUTE 113No 7:34 am trip
METRO ROUTE 116 No 6:33 am, 7:13 am, 8:00 am trips
WATER TAXI: West Seattle route on 2-boat schedule
RIDE2: (update) Resumes normal WS service today
TRAFFIC CAMS PAGE: Our compilation of local cameras
SDOT WINTER RESPONSE MAP: See which streets city crews have treated
SDOT CITYWIDE CAMS ETC. PAGE: Year-round “travelers” map with cams/more.

6:42 AM: No incidents but you’ll need to take extra care to help keep it that way. In a comment, for example, Sarah reports, “It’s REALLY slippery still on a couple of segments of the SW Dakota St. hill from 42nd down to 35th. Even in the lowest gear for engine braking.”

7:28 AM: Via Twitter, Andy reports on bicycling conditions: “It is super icy out there. Bike paths aren’t fully cleared and side roads are spotty at best. That was the diciest ride I’ve ever had. Had to walk in a few spots.” … The high bridge looks almost back to the normal jam of this time of day. Note that the snow has set back the new NB Highway 99 exit ramp, as we reported Wednesday afternoon.

7:53 AM: While we have the full list of announced local Metro cancellations/changes above, in comments and tweets, some riders are noting unannounced changes, including some 50 and 125 runs.

8:33 AM: Still incident-free – side-street slush/ice reports and spot bus woes are the morning’s main problems so far. Remember that most schools are starting late this morning, so you wlll see students, staff, and families on the move later than usual.

10:37 AM: From Seattle Parks, “Community Centers and pools are open normal hours today, and will resume lessons and scheduled programs.”

10:54 AM: From the scanner, report of “wires down” at 21st SW/SW Dakota.