(Updated 6:07 am) The Thursday announcements are here:
(WSB photo: Gatewood Elementary, late afternoon)
Seattle Public Schools – 2 hours late Thurs., buses on snow routes, no preschool or Head Start.
Highline Public Schools – 2 hours late on Thursday. Alternate bus stops.
Vashon Island SD – 2.5 hours late Thurs. Buses on emergency routes.
Westside School – Open Thurs. at regular times – 8:15 am for Middle School, 8:30 am for Lower School, 8:45 am for Preschool/Pre-K. No buses, no before-care.
Explorer West Middle School – 10 am start Thurs., doors open/study hall 8 am
Holy Rosary – 2 hours late Thurs., no AM preschool or BASE
Holy Family Bilingual School – (update) 9:30 am start Thurs., BASE at 8:30 am
Summit Atlas – 2 hours late Thurs.
South Seattle College – (updated) All campuses opening 10 am
UW – Normal operations Thurs. at Seattle and Tacoma; Bothell decision pending
Fauntleroy Children’s Center – 2 hours late Thurs.
Some schools start prescheduled midwinter break Thursday, including OLG, Hope Lutheran, and Kennedy.
206-293-6302 with additions – text or voice – thank you!