SPRING RECYCLE ROUNDUP: Some changes this time around

img_6608(WSB file photo from past Recycle Roundup)

Exactly one month from today, Fauntleroy Church hosts the spring Recycle Roundup, a free drive-up/ride-up/walk-up dropoff event for a wide variety of recyclables. But this time around, the company that partners with the church, 1 Green Planet, has made some changes to what it’s accepting, so you’ll want to take a close look at the new list if you’ve been saving up items to drop off. In particular, notes Judy Pickens, “Books are now on the list, for instance, but freezers and refrigerators are not any longer.” The hours are the same – 9 am-3 pm, Sunday, April 22nd, in the lot at 9140 California SW.

11 Replies to "SPRING RECYCLE ROUNDUP: Some changes this time around"

  • Toni Reineke March 22, 2018 (12:59 pm)

    To those who would “donate” books, please try donating to the Friends of Seattle Public Library book sale. Just take them to any branch library to see if they’re interested.

     And if they are not accepted, there are a bunch of Little Free Libraries that would be happy to get donations!


  • sean March 22, 2018 (2:38 pm)

    What about styrofoam?  Ya’ll take styrofoam packaging? 

    • WSB March 22, 2018 (2:56 pm)

      Please read the list linked in the story. If it’s on the list, yes.

  • Judy Pickens March 22, 2018 (4:29 pm)

    We cannot take Styrofoam.  The “Green Ideas” handout we offer to everyone during each roundup has advice on how to recycle or otherwise move along things that 1 Green Planet cannot take.  Here’s what it suggests:

    bubble wrap, plastic wrap for recycling
    V & G Styro Recycle
    (now in Kent). Find details at http://www.styrorecycle.com.

  • Kara March 22, 2018 (5:55 pm)

    I sure wish there was somewhere closer than Kent to recycle styrofoam. If we had a place to collect it, I believe that you can pay Styro Recycle to pick it up. It just doesn’t make sense for individual families. Anyone out there have ideas on how we could recycle styrofoam as a community or know of a place closer than Kent to recycle styrofoam?

    • KM March 22, 2018 (10:31 pm)

      I agree, Kara. For us, we have a place where we can stash our styrofoam until we have errands in that area–we don’t get much of it at all nowadays either, most everywhere I purchase wine is sending paper packaging, either recyclable or compostable. I know that’s not the case for everyone though.

      Maybe talk to some neighbors about taking turns doing a trip down there? I’m not on NextDoor, but that might be a place to get some interest. Good luck!

  • KBear March 22, 2018 (9:06 pm)

    The Recology Store in Burien takes styrofoam. (They’re next to Trader Joe’s.) There’s a modest fee if you’re outside of their service area for curbside waste collection, but it’s only a few dollars. They also sell some great products that are made from recycled materials and/or will help you reduce your waste stream. If you have styrofoam peanuts, try the UPS Store. They usually accept them for free.

  • Joyce March 23, 2018 (12:09 am)

    How about plasma and flat screen televisions? The list just says no CRT televisions

  • Judy Pickens March 23, 2018 (6:47 am)


    CRT televisions
    & monitors for recycling
    Free at Burien Goodwill
    (1031 SW 128th) through E-Cycle Washington. Manufacturers pay into this state program.

  • FauntleePhil March 25, 2018 (1:47 pm)

    How bout water filters? (pur, brita, etc)

  • Judy March 26, 2018 (10:02 am)

    If you don’t find what you have to recycle on either the DO or DON’T list, call 1 Green Planet at 425-996-3513 and ask.

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