month : 06/2014 296 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary victim’s request; WSCPC announces next meeting’s in Lincoln Park

Notice anyone suspicious in Heather‘s neighborhood today?

I live on 11th Ave SW in the Highland Park neighborhood. Today our home was broken into between the hours of 1:00-5:00pm. Electronics, jewelry, and cash were stolen. People entered through a basement window. We have reason to believe that this could have been done by more than one person due to the fact that we found two golf clubs in the main floor bedroom that came up from the basement. Wanted to reach out to the community to see if anyone saw anyone in the area. It is worth noting that we did have visitors today so we had multiple vehicles in the driveway and in front of the house, even while we were away. So we want to know if anyone was knocking on doors or “surveying” the neighborhood today so we can also give that info to police.

According to our custom West Seattle list of SPD Tweets by Beat, this happened in the 7900 block of 11th SW (map). While the SPD police-reports map appears to be lagging, Tweets by Beat also lists six other residential-burglary reports as new to the system today – we won’t be able to find out until tomorrow if all of those burglaries really happened today, or if this is just when the reports were approved (if one of these cases involved you, please let us know – 3000 block of SW Bradford, 3100 block of SW Raymond, 8600 block of 46th SW, 9000 block of 35th SW, 4500 block of Glenn Way, and 3600 block of SW Henderson.

P.S. – NEXT WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL MEETING ANNOUNCED: Next Tuesday, the WSCPC meets for the last time until September. And the meeting’s going outdoors for the occasion – 7 pm June 17th, Lincoln Park shelter #1, with SPD Bike Patrol officers in attendance to explain their summer plans. As always, Southwest Precinct leadership will be there too with updates on crime trends and a chance for you to bring up neighborhood concerns. (This map shows you how to find Shelter #1.)

West Seattle Bridge’s 30th anniversary! Celebration starts rolling at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse during Thursday’s WS Art Walk

(Photos courtesy Southwest Seattle Historical Society)
Every West Seattle Art Walk has a multitude of reasons for you to visit local venues and see what – but tomorrow night, there’s an extra reason: The start of a summer-long celebration of the West Seattle Bridge’s 30th anniversary – a reason to talk about the bridge WITHOUT a discussion of traffic trouble! The photos accompanying this preview – and others – went up tonight at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), which will be showing them off as part of the June Art Walk (and beyond).

Hotwire and other local businesses are collaborating with the Southwest Seattle Historical Society for the multi-site, multi-date celebration. Stop by Hotwire Thursday night not only to see the photo exhibit but also to see the new “Bridging the Gap” T-shirt in honor of the anniversary and meet its artist (more info on the SWSHS website) and to check out the “Bridge Blend” coffee beans that Hotwire is launching. Part of the proceeds from T-shirt and coffee sales will benefit SWSHS.

(Added: As Mike points out in comments, today is the 36th anniversary of the ship-vs.-bridge collision that led to construction of the new bridge!)

Read on for other highlighted events celebrating the anniversary over the next month and a half or so:

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Ready to get moving with the West Seattle Big Band in Fauntleroy on Friday?

June 11, 2014 7:19 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

(Vocalist Sarah Ackers, scheduled to sing with the WSBB this Friday)
Friday will be a swinging night in Fauntleroy – and you’re invited to be part of it. In case you haven’t seen the “Swing Into Summer” dance listing in the WSB Calendar yet, here’s a preview shared by Judy Pickens:

Swing dances (Charleston, Lindy Hop, Jitterbug, etc.) are what enlivened the nation during the Roaring Twenties and carried it through World War II and Korea. Now they’re enjoying a comeback for the fun of it as well as for the exercise. The West Seattle Big Band, Fauntleroy Community Association, and Fauntleroy Church are sponsoring a “Swing Into Summer” dance on Friday, June 13, 7 pm in The Hall at Fauntleroy. If you don’t know swing, check out the primer at You’ll see that knowing just two or three steps will get you on the floor, then come a half hour before the dance to practice with an instructor.

Choose dance clothes that are easy to move in – roomy slacks and shirt for the men and a comfortable dress for the women (add pretty underwear under that dress if you expect to twirl every which way!). Build your outfit from the shoes up – leather soles and a snug style that you won’t dance out of.

Tickets are $15 at or at the door. Reserve free childcare at and plan to purchase refreshments at the dance.

West Seattle road work: Admiral Way Bridge project ahead

Early warning from SDOT – this starts next Monday:

The westbound, right lane of the Admiral Way Bridge [over Fairmount Ravine] will be closed from June 16 to June 26 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. Crews from the Seattle Department of Transportation will be using their U-bit truck (under-bridge construction truck) to make repairs to the underside of the bridge. Pedestrian access will be maintained.

The U-bit truck will be parked on the bridge deck. The truck has an arm that can bend over the side and under the bridge. There is a cab on the end of the arm to carry one or two persons, allowing them to work on the underside of the bridge.

4 miles of highway closure, 5+ hours of gridlock: ‘This can’t happen again’

(What happened on SB 99 after vehicles flooded onto it after it reopened Tuesday night)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

When the Seattle Police Department’s Traffic Collision Investigation Squad is called in to investigate a crash that has killed or critically injured someone, SPD closes the road, often for a block or so in each direction.

But when TCIS investigated the two-car Tuesday afternoon crash at East Marginal/Nevada (map) that left a man with life-threatening injuries, trapped in his car, cut out of it by firefighters, southbound Highway 99 was closed all the way north to the Battery Street Tunnel – four miles away – and it stayed that way until almost 7:30 pm, as chronicled here.

As discussed in the ensuing 115+ WSB comments, among other places, five-plus hours of gridlock followed. One comment we heard in person: “It was like Snowpocalypse without the snow.”

Many have asked: Why couldn’t traffic have been allowed on southbound 99 as far as the West Seattle Bridge/Harbor Island exits, still about half a mile short of the crash scene?

We started seeking the answer first thing this morning. We also talked to one elected official who says that, separate from the crash, the traffic snarl was “preventable.”

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Viaduct closures, tunnel travails, and more: State transportation boss Lynn Peterson @ West Seattle Transportation Coalition

(WSB video of the entire WSTC appearance by WSDOT’s Secretary Lynn Peterson and Todd Trepanier)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The West Seattle Transportation Coalition usually has something topical to discuss at its monthly meetings, with no shortage of transportation-related challenges lately.

For example, last night, the southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct had been closed for five hours because of a crash investigation when the WSTC meeting began. Coincidentally, the long-scheduled guest was the woman in charge of the Viaduct and other state highways – Transportation Secretary Lynn Peterson.

In her second year on the job, she offered lots of background information and big-picture observations, but the discussion invariably turned its most intense focus on the Viaduct Replacement Project and the present/future of the stalled tunneling work. In Q&A, she also addressed other topics such as whether any Fauntleroy-bound ferries would be diverted downtown, since much of the vehicle traffic heads that way anyway.

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35th Avenue SW safety: No more left turns from Graham, soon

(December 2013 WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)
After James St. Clair was hit and killed walking across 35th at Graham in the High Point area last December, longstanding concerns about 35th were aired again – and in February, the city announced a road-safety project. Today, SDOT sends word of a change ahead even before the safety project officially begins this fall:

SDOT is moving forward with operational changes at the intersection of 35th Avenue Southwest and Southwest Graham Street [map] this month. Residents living nearby will receive the attached postcard later this week in regard to this work.

SDOT will be installing “right turn only” signs on Graham Street at the junction with 35th. This operational change will improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers. Once the signs are installed, drivers going from Graham to 35th will be limited to right turns only.

The signs will be installed before the end of June and additional changes to this
intersection will be considered through the 35th Avenue Southwest Road Safety Project which will kick off in October.

35th/Graham also was the site of the collision that killed Susanne Scaringi in fall 2006.

Five today/tonight highlights for your West Seattle Wednesday – and adorable baby-woodpecker photos

Thanks to Trileigh Tucker for the three photos – above and below – of young pileated woodpeckers and their dad “in a West Seattle tree.” Speaking of nature/wildlife, that’s where we begin today’s list of highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

EXPLORE THE BEACH AT LOW TIDE: The lowest tide of the summer is coming up in a few days – and beach naturalists will be out at Constellation and Lincoln Parks starting today. With today’s low tide at a good-for-exploring -1.8 feet right as we publish this, they’re out until 1 pm.

FAIRMOUNT PARK ELEMENTARY INFO SESSION: Another info session for families considering attending or planning to attend Fairmount Park Elementary when it reopens this summer – 6 pm at Alki Elementary. (3010 59th SW)

RETIREMENT PARTY FOR MS. ROLLINS AND MS. BELFOR: Two longtime teachers at Lafayette Elementary are retiring from that school – Ms. Rollins and Ms. Belfor – and since they’ve worked with thousands of students and families over the years, the school community wants to make sure everyone gets the word – 6:30 to 9 pm at Hiawatha Community Center; more info here. (2700 California SW)

WSHS SPRING CONCERT: 7 pm tonight in the West Seattle High School theater: “Join the West Seattle High School String Orchestra, Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble for our Spring Concert on June 11th. We will feature the music of Mozart, Haydn, Telemann, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Benny Carter, Paul Dukas and Sam Hazo.” (3000 California SW)

34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: Three hot topics are part of the 34th DDs’ agenda at 7 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy. As updated by 34th DDs president Marcee Stone-Vekich:

While only 34th DD members can participate in votes, the meeting is otherwise open to the public. (9131 California SW)

BINGO, KARAOKE, TRIVIA, OPEN MIKE … you have options along all of those lines in the nightlife listings for tonight – check out our calendar!

Congratulations! Rotary Club of West Seattle awards scholarships to six local students

June 11, 2014 9:04 am
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 |   Rotary Club of West Seattle | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
Congratulations to the scholarship winners honored by the Rotary Club of West Seattle at this week’s meeting! Above, the Students of the Year – all graduating seniors chosen from the “Students of the Month” announced throughout the year – from left, Elliott Snodgrass from Chief Sealth International High School, Mariel Smith from West Seattle High School, and Robert Leslie from Seattle Lutheran High School. Next, the three recipients of the Gambriell Scholarship:

From left, they are: Martha Girma from WSHS, Joseph Werlech from Kennedy High School, and Tomas Woldemichael from WSHS. Each spring, the Rotary invites applications for the Gambriell Scholarships; meantime, the selection of Students of the Month is explained here.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday updates; road work

(WS Bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
No problems in or from West Seattle so far.

Road-work notes:

SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT LANE CLOSURE: SDOT says crews will be “closing the eastbound, left lane from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. They will repair deck spalls and seal cracks in the pavement.” (Repair work was also what closed a lane on the SSV on Sunday, and SDOT acknowledged that “notice of this work didn’t make it to all the parties that should have received it,” which is why we didn’t have advance warning.)

LANDSCAPING WORK CONTINUES … under the low bridge, as announced yesterday.

P.S. If you don’t read comments and haven’t seen the discussion as a result – we are following up on the five-hour Highway 99 closure from yesterday. Why it closed isn’t at issue – there was a crash with life-threatening injuries – the question is, why so far north; why couldn’t vehicles have been detoured to West Seattle? SDOT says it was SPD’s responsibility to make that call, so we are inquiring with them and will publish a followup when the answer is in; we’re tweeting the followup process as we go,

West Seattle Crime Watch: Reader spots stolen car; hit-run followup; vandalism…

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes tonight. We start with a story that unfolded over the past hour or so:

In a Monday WSCW roundup, we mentioned two stolen cars that SPD had put the word out about via @getyourcarback – we hadn’t heard at the time from either car’s owner, but since dispatchers broadcast the information and said the vehicles were missing in “William sector” (western West Seattle), we republished the Twitter reports. Later in the day, the blue Civic’s owner, Paul, e-mailed us to say that was his car. Fast forward to about an hour ago, when Barb in Gatewood texted us to say she was catching up tonight on WSB stories and realized that the unfamiliar car that had been in front of her house since yesterday was Paul’s. She called police; they arrived; Paul headed there from his house near Fauntleroy Park, about a mile away. He called as we were writing this, saying it seems to be in OK shape – ransacked, but the baby stroller and car seat were still there, and it runs OK: “I’m shocked that it was stolen, and shocked to have it back.” (And he says: Thanks, Barb!)

We also have a followup tonight in the saga of the stolen car found Monday afternoon when it crashed into a Highland Park fence.

We requested and obtained the police report today. The suspect arrested a few blocks away is just 13 years old; the report starts with the basics reported here Monday, that he was followed and detained by a witness a few blocks away. Police say that after being read his rights, he confessed to stealing the car because he found it with a key in its ignition. He started driving around and eventually was speeding in the 8100 block of 11th SW, then lost control and went up over the sidewalk and planting strip and into the fence and ivy – “threading,” as the report put it, between a fire hydrant and the parked motorcycle belonging to the witness who chased and caught him running away. The report says the suspect was booked into the Youth Services Center for investigation of auto theft, and that police were recommending additional charges of hit-and-run and property damage. We will follow up to find out if the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office formally charges him.

Finally, a case of vandalism in a local parking lot – while a teacher was picking up treats. Keith writes:

My wife’s car was keyed this morning at the Roxbury Safeway down near White Center. So frustrating. She makes only teacher pay and works hard for a living. This happened while picking up cookies for her class as a gift. She wrote on Facebook this morning, ‘My car got keyed this morning at Safeway. I am so sad. But I guess the day can only get better.’

This isn’t big time property damage, but an unnecessary reckless act. She always allows adequate space for other cars around her, this made no sense.

Before we published this, Keith wrote with an addendum, “It isn’t just the car door. They keyed the whole side length of the car from the taillight all down to the front. There was no vehicle either side of her car when she arrived, or left.”

More music! Summer Concerts at Hiawatha 2014 lineup announced

(Babypants is back! WSB photo from CB’s 2012 Hiawatha appearance)
For the second night in a row, we have a summer-music lineup to share with you – this time, the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s free Summer Concerts at Hiawatha, as announced by series organizer Katy Walum:

July 24th – Eclectic Approach

July 31st – Caspar Babypants

August 7 – The Guessing Game

August 14th – Radio Raheem

August 21st – Jessica Lynne

August 28th – Funky 2 Death

The series runs for six Thursday nights, 6:30 pm, on the east lawn at Hiawatha Community Center (along Walnut Avenue south of Lander) – BYO chair/blanket, and a picnic dinner if you feel like it! We’ll have info later on this year’s planned added attractions.

West Seattle power outage: 54 households in Gatewood

7:41 PM: 54 customers (households, since it’s in a residential area) in Gatewood are out of power right now, according to the Seattle City Light outage map (screengrab above). It’s currently estimating restoration around 10:30 tonight, but take note, that’s usually more guesstimate than estimate. The map lists “bird/animal” as the cause.

1:23 AM: City Light’s map shows the outage is over.

West Seattle traffic-alert update: Southbound 99/Viaduct reopens, 5 1/2 hours after crash

(7:24 PM UPDATE: Southbound 99 has reopened)

(Above, SDOT tweet with traffic-cam screen grab shortly after crash happened)
ORIGINAL REPORT, 3:16 PM: Southbound 99 is closed most of the way from downtown southward because of a crash that happened south of West Seattle. With commute time approaching, we’ll be tracking this. The crash was at East Marginal/S. Nevada (map); the detours on SB 99 are just north of the southbound Battery Street Tunnel, and again at Atlantic in the stadium zone (for people who get onto 99 from Western). SFD says three people were hurt – one critically, one seriously, one less seriously. More to come.

ADDED 3:33 PM: The southbound alternate routes will be slow going too – here’s the “live” camera looking at 1st Avenue South in SODO:

Here’s a SODO view of 4th Avenue:

3:44 PM: SPD tweets that this will be a factor throughout the evening commute:

Metro says, “Routes 21 Express, 55, 56, 57, 113, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125 and the RapidRide C Line (are) currently rerouted off of the southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct and not serving the stop on westbound Columbia St at 2nd Av. Use the temporary stop southbound on 3rd Av just north of Columbia St, until further notice.”

4:39 PM: Check the comments for updates from people on buses, etc. One thing also comes to mind if you are pondering an alternate route – If you can get to Beacon Hill, you can get to the West Seattle Bridge that way, too.

5:19 PM: And of course there’s the West Seattle Water Taxi from Pier 50 downtown. After a question via text (206-293-6302 any time), we asked on Twitter, and the county Transportation Department replied that there’s still plenty of room. Meantime, SPD says the closure could go as late as 7 pm.

5:46 PM: Here’s the closest camera to the crash scene:

Also keep in mind that it’s the Mariners vs. the Yankees at Safeco Field at 7 pm tonight, so the south side of downtown was going to be busy even before all this.

6:34 PM: No update yet – as you can see on the camera just above, the crash scene has not yet been cleared.

7:10 PM: It’s almost ready to reopen, says SDOT:

7:24 PM: The cameras show southbound 99 is open again – here for example is the view from the north end of the remaining elevated Viaduct:

Thanks to everyone for sharing information these past few hours!

Another Delridge mural project, with an invitation for you

Last year, the signal boxes – this year, the retaining wall. The newest newsletter from Youngstown Cultural Arts Center notes that the arrival of summer means a new public-art project involving local youth in the Work Readiness Arts Program, which last year resulted in colorful sea-life designs on otherwise drab and vandal-targeted signal boxes (see video above):

This year, volunteers and students will work with artists Louis Chinn and Tess Gamez to design and paint the 210-foot retaining wall across from the Delridge Skatepark, adding depth, color and art along the busy thoroughfare. The goal is to create a mural that honors the rich history of the Delridge area, and celebrates the bright future being created as a community.

Youngstown has launched an online survey asking for suggested themes and elements for the mural – you can share your ideas here.

From Fabio to Fauntleroy, Arbor Heights to Admiral, 7 8 options for the rest of your West Seattle Tuesday

(Iris, photographed by “old desolate,” shared via WSB Flickr pool)
Last big night of neighborhood meetings before many groups take summer breaks. So go get involved! Three meetings – including one for ALL of West Seattle – are part of our highlights list for the rest of today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

FABIO AT METROPOLITAN MARKET: He’s back! A year and a half after his last visit, model turned nutrition guru Fabio is at Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) in Admiral this afternoon, 3-7 pm. (42nd/41st/Admiral)

SENDOFF FOR ARBOR HEIGHTS ELEMENTARY: Tonight, 6-8 pm, you’re invited to the goodbye party at soon-to-be-demolished-and-replaced Arbor Heights Elementary School, as previewed here. (3701 SW 104th)

STORYTELLING: Storytellers’ workshop and open-microphone event at Chaco Canyon Organic Café, starting at 6 pm – details in our listing. (38th/Alaska)

WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION COALITION: So, what about Bertha? The rest of 99? Washington State Ferries? Other state transportation facilities/projects affecting our area? WSDOT secretary Lynn Peterson is tonight’s guest, as previewed on the WSTC website. 6:30 pm, Neighborhood House’s High Point Center. (6400 Sylvan Way)

ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: 7 pm, The Sanctuary at Admiral. Summer events are in tonight’s spotlight – including the Summer Concerts at Hiawatha plan (presented by ANA, co-sponsored again this year by WSB) and the 4th of July Kids’ Parade (here’s our update from last weekend). All welcome. (42nd/Lander)

FREE COMMUNITY/NEIGHBORHOOD LEGAL CLINIC: Appointments start at 7 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle (WSB sponsor) – see our calendar listing for info on how to make one. (California/Oregon)

FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 7 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy, with the announced agenda for FCA including “discussion of boats at Cove Park, an upcoming community survey, lifetime FCA memberships, the handrail at Fauntleroy School, motorcycle noise, the Fauntleroy Food Fest, abandoned City Light substations, and traffic issues.” (9131 California SW)

P.S. As always, you’ll find even more, including nightlife listings, if you take a quick look at the calendar.

P.P.S., 12:46 PM: Added:

The South Seattle College Culinary Council is excited to announce our inaugural Pop-up Restaurant Fundraiser! All proceeds will go toward improving and benefiting South’s Culinary Program.

The featured guest chef for this special evening will be Executive Chef Brandon LaVielle of Emerald Cove Catering. Brandon is a graduate of the SSCC Culinary Program and has over 10 years of industry experience. Brandon has created an amazing menu featuring fresh and local ingredients. We have also collaborated with the Northwest Wine Academy to offer complimentary tastings from wines they will be presenting at the NWWA Annual Spring Release on June 12-14, 2014. Come join us for an incredible evening of food, wine, and networking benefiting a great cause!

WHEN:​Tuesday, June 10, ​6:30 pm
WHERE:​Alhadeff Grill, ​South Seattle College, ​6000 16th Avenue SW

CAPACITY:​We are limiting the number of guests to the first 30 who RSVP.



‘Stuff the Bus’ early! Donate diapers at HomeStreet Bank now

June 10, 2014 11:04 am
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news

Melodie VanHouten and her team at HomeStreet Bank (WSB sponsor) in The Junction are hosting WestSide Baby‘s “Stuff the Bus” event this summer (Sunday, July 20th) but you don’t have to wait that long to donate diapers for WS Baby – the need is great year-round, and they’re accepting diaper donations at the branch right now. Drop ’em off Mondays-Saturdays at 41st/Alaska.

P.S. According to the WS Baby online wish list, newborn-size diapers and pullups 3T-4T and 4T-5T are what they need most right now.

Traffic/trail alert: SDOT landscaping work under the bridge

Just in from SDOT:

Crews from the Seattle Department of Transportation will work today through Thursday on seasonal maintenance of landscaping under the Southwest Spokane Street Bridge (the lower, swing bridge to West Seattle) along the bike trail. Bicyclists will be required to dismount and walk through areas where the crews are working.

Tomorrow, June 11, crews plan to close one lane on Klickitat Avenue Southwest which provides access to Harbor Island. The closure will allow landscape crews to work safely in roadway medians.

Memorial service Saturday for Joe Ceccarelli, 1964-2014

Friends and family of Joe Ceccarelli will gather this Saturday to remember him. They’re sharing this announcement to invite all those who knew him to be there:

Joseph A. Ceccarelli, longtime resident of West Seattle, died unexpectedly of pneumonia on May 7, 2014, at the age of 50. Joe had many friends in the community and will be missed. There will be a memorial service at Arbor Heights Community Church (10213 41st Ave SW) on Saturday, June 14th, at 2 pm.

(WSB publishes obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to

2 West Seattle HS musicians receive Newcombe Foundation Instrument Grant

(L-R, Raegan Jarvis, LaVera Shields, WSHS music director Ethan Thomas, Chris Newcombe)
Thanks to Elizabeth Shields for sharing the news (and photo):

Congratulations to West Seattle High School sophomores LaVera Shields and Raegan Jarvis, recipients of the Newcombe Foundation Instrument Grant.

The Newcombe Foundation believes every child should have the ability to learn how to play a musical instrument as a tool to foster creativity and extended learning. Chris Newcombe, founder of the Newcombe Foundation, believes the Instrument Grant allows students to benefit from the many intellectual, social, and educational advantages that a background in the arts can provide for them. LaVera Shields is the recipient of a new trumpet and Raegan Jarvis is the recipient of a new viola. Both girls were very excited and honored to receive the brand-new instruments. They are looking forward to playing their new instruments in the upcoming WSHS Band spring concerts at 7:00 p.m. June 11, 2014.

That’s tomorrow! P.S. Read more about Chris Newcombe (a student himself!) and his foundation here.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday on the move


(WS Bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
So far this morning, the trouble appears to be outside the city – nothing in the way of your in-city commute.

In transportation news, Mike Lindblom at The Seattle Times (WSB partner) follows up on the County Council’s showdown over putting later rounds of Metro cuts on hold. The 5-4 vote delaying or potentially canceling the second through fourth rounds of cuts drew County Executive Dow Constantine‘s first-ever veto almost immediately. Here’s the story. (The deepest West Seattle cuts, deleting four routes, are in the fourth round, originally scheduled for September 2015.)

West Seattle Girls Softball: Cheetahs win 15U championship

Congratulations to the West Seattle Girls’ Softball 15U champs, the Cheetahs, who won the division championship last night at Fairmount Playfield, 8-6 over the Tamales. Above, Cheetahs catcher Caitlin crossing home plate; below, that’s Tamales player Sofia (left) waiting to high-five Jaeley as she comes in.

Cheetahs pitcher Kaley:

And Tamales pitcher Erin:

The WSGS league includes some Vashon Island players, and we’re told a group came over from Vashon to see the game. While the WSGS season, which starts in April, is ending this month, registration will start up again early next year for girls 8 through 15 – keep an eye on (Thanks to Juan Hernandez for the tip about the big game!)

Councilmember Kshama Sawant to visit 34th District Democrats for minimum-wage discussion Wednesday

The City Council approved it, the mayor signed it, but the minimum-wage-raising plan isn’t a done deal yet, with counterproposals aiming at the ballot and at least one opponent aiming for court. It’s the big topic at this Wednesday’s monthly meeting of the 34th District Democrats, with Councilmember Kshama Sawant among the guests. Also on the agenda, another big issue: Gun laws, and whether to endorse the background-check ballot measure, Initiative 594. See the rest of the agenda here; all are welcome at the meeting (though only members can vote), 7 pm Wednesday (June 11th), The Hall at Fauntleroy.