(WSB photo from 2012 parade)
Just under four weeks until the Fourth of July; if you were wondering – a few have asked – yes, the Kids’ Parade in Admiral is on! That’s the word from Jackie Clough, who took over parade coordination last year along with Allyson Schreck. They’re organizing it again this year and will have more details soon. It’s also on the agenda for next Tuesday night’s monthly meeting of the Admiral Neighborhood Association (7 pm June 10th at The Sanctuary), whose parade support each year including selling treats during the post-parade games at Hamilton Viewpoint Park. If you’re new to the area, this is West Seattle’s only 4th of July parade, and it’s a low-key, no-floats stroll through North Admiral neighborhoods, with kids, pets, bikes, scooters, strollers, wagons, decorations, costumes – here’s our coverage from last year (including video). So again, whether you want to be a participant or spectator, go ahead and mark your calendar for Friday, July 4th, 10 am start, 44th/Sunset.
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