West Seattle Crime Watch: Notes from Admiral to Westwood

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

IN CASE YOU WONDERED: Thanks to Guy for tipping us to a large police presence today at noontime at the former Life Care Center (47th/Admiral)/future Aegis Living site. The last officer leaving told us they were checking out an alarm – but they found no one, and no signs of break-in. Since it’s a big campus, there was a big initial response.

HOME BREAK-IN: Greg (40th and Hudson; map) says he saw a “smash-and-grab”-type home break-in in his neighborhood this afternoon, and wants people to be on the lookout. He first noticed “2 or 3 guys in a light tan or light goldish colored compact car. They stopped their car in front of my neighbor’s house. One of the guys slowly walked around back of the house. I thought it was odd seeing him walk directly around back, but was wondering if it was a workman assigned to do some kind of work. … Shortly after this I thought I heard a loud sound from the direction of the house, but wasn’t sure if it was some kind of work commencing or what.” Then he noticed at least one other person was still in the car, and its engine was still running. The first person came back to the car “with some object like a box or a stereo receiver of some type,” and they left. He still wasn’t certain something was wrong, since his neighbor usually is home during the day and it might have been a pre-scheduled delivery – but he found out otherwise when police arrived later. He says, “The crooks seemed to have gotten away with a small safe box of some sort.” The only description information he had was that both suspects were male and African-American – the one who got out of the car was about six feet tall, wearing a dark cap.

CAR BREAK-IN: Lisa reported her husband’s car was broken into in the Target parking lot at Westwood Village early last Saturday.

P.S. We were at tonight’s West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting, featuring new precinct commander Capt. Steve Wilske – no new crime revelations, but watch for our report tomorrow on the discussion centering on how SPD can better collaborate with citizens on neighborhood safety.

5 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Notes from Admiral to Westwood"

  • Eric February 26, 2014 (4:54 am)

    Seems to me, the two guys that broke into the house knew exactly what they were looking for.

  • wsn00b February 26, 2014 (11:55 am)

    A safe box not bolted from the inside into your home is not a safe box. Its just a box.

  • Greg February 26, 2014 (12:54 pm)

    “Seems to me, the two guys that broke into the house knew exactly what they were looking for.”

    I have heard this mentioned by others. I don’t think we can know for sure. Regardless, the main thing is heightening awareness of this style of “smash and grab” robbery. The thieves get in and get out very quickly. This style is becoming very popular, and the only thing that can help fight it is our awareness — and quick response when we see the signs of it occurring in our neighborhood.

  • Eric1 February 26, 2014 (11:32 pm)

    It isn’t so much that they knew the victim but knew where to look. I have never met the victims but I’d bet the safe was in the master bedroom closet. It isn’t rocket science where people keep stuff. Jewelry, cash, blank checks, etc.. A good thief will be in and out in a minute or so (hence the advice not to have an alarm).
    A good “Gun” safe weighs 400+ pounds, is fireproof, and can be had for about $500. Additionally, they are one of the few things you can buy tax free in Seattle. It costs less than a gun, ring, or what a thief will write with a blank check for.

  • ssanchor March 1, 2014 (3:51 pm)

    CAR VANDALISM IN ADMIRAL DISTRICT: I live in the North Admiral district off 44th and Admiral Way, and my car was vandalized sometime between 12am & 9am this morning (March 1). A large rock (large grapefruit size) was thrown at my driver side front window and shattered the entire window. Nothing in my car was touched or gone through as far as I could see, just a large rock sitting on the passenger side floor and a car filled with tiny pieces of glass. I’m not sure if this was an intentional hit on me or if there were others targeted around the area. I called SPD to file a report and an officer came out within an hour. The officer didn’t mention of any other activity happening in the area. Always a good reminder to not leave valuable items in your car, however, if I did I’m not sure it would have been taken since this person only wanted to cause damage to my car, clearly.

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