West Seattle sea scene: M2SO Adventure Campers’ cleanup

Thanks to Heidi for sharing the photo and word of what Mountain to Sound Outfitters‘ Adventure Day Campers are up to, out on the water: She says they “haul(ed) in a derelict rope from Puget Sound onto Alki Beach.” The camp, by the way, is for 11- to 15-year-olds.

3 Replies to "West Seattle sea scene: M2SO Adventure Campers' cleanup"

  • Alki Mkay June 25, 2013 (2:09 pm)

    Impressive work, Adventure Campers! That could have done tremendous damage to someone’s prop, or got caught on any number of vessels or critters. Thank you for taking the time to remove that line, enjoy the camp =)

  • KK50 June 25, 2013 (7:04 pm)

    My son is 9. I am so hoping for this camps success so he can attend in 2 years!

  • Vanessa June 25, 2013 (10:50 pm)

    Say, what do you do with some of those treasures? The rope would be cool, after the sun bleaches the stink out of it.

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