That’s the trailer for “Rock ‘n’ Roll Gearhead,” which on Sunday night will become the first movie ever shown at West 5 in The Junction. Also happening in The Junction, opening weekend for “WELL”:

At ArtsWest, Kate Witt and Therese Diekhans star in a play that’s about a play … and about the playwright’s mother … sort of … taking a “riotously funny” turn, per AW. And yet another Junction fete – Saturday’s the 4th birthday bash for Twilight Art Collective, featuring Goldhick/Crystals:

What does G/C do? Follow the links from Twilight. And if you like pancakes, Saturday’s the morning you’ve been waiting for:

That’s the morning you can enjoy a pancake breakfast at Fauntleroy Church to support the Fauntleroy Fall Festival. Those events, plus the food/wine gala “Gifts from the Earth” at SSCC, a chance to help Seacrest become a Wildlife Habitat, school events including open houses and a Chief Sealth-WSHS joint fundraising car wash, a free parliamentary-law workshop (gotta run meetings? this will help), all part of more than FIFTY!!!! events and activities in West Seattle this weekend, ahead:
This week’s WSB West Seattle Weekend Lineup brought to you by
ALL WEEKEND: Movies (and more) at the Admiral Theater
ALL WEEKEND: Southwest Pool is open! Swim-session schedule here
ALL WEEKEND: West Seattle history on display @ Log House Museum at Alki, Thursdays-Sundays, noon-4 pm
FRIDAY-SATURDAY: “La Raza” art exhibit at ArtsWest gallery, noon-7 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Bobcat Bob, live music at C and P Coffee, 6-8 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: CoolMom Family Movie Night at Camp Long Lodge – FREE. All Ages, families. Bring your favorite pillow, a comfy blanket, and a teddy bear and don’t forget to wear your PJs to our first-ever Friday Family Movie Night at Camp Long, sponsored by Join Ms. Frizzle and her class as they journey to a beehive, discover why ants are so strong and industrious, and witness the amazing metamorphosis of the caterpillar. Please register by January 22 by calling (206) 684-7434. Starts at 6 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Family skating at Alki Community Center: “This weekly event at Alki Community Center is suitable for all ages and all abilities! This is a great time to practice your skills and tricks while experiencing a roller-rink atmosphere. You can always look forward to the Limbo, and friendly racing. If you don’t have your own skates, you can borrow a pair of ours!” 6:45-8:45 pm ($3/person)
FRIDAY NIGHT: Comixtravaganza! Come to the South Park Community Center and have fun learning about drawing! This second annual event this year includes a venue in South Park. More info online here. This will be a hands-on comic drawing workshop with local professional comic artist Greg Stump. Greg Stump has been teaching comics and cartooning to students of all ages for more than a decade. Experience comic-making with a pro, plus snacks and dinner! Library events and programs are free and everyone is welcome. This is an all ages event. Registration is not required. Drawing supplies provided for free. Starts at 7 pm; dinner will be provided and served at 9 p.m. For more information please contact: South Park Library 206-615-1688.
FRIDAY NIGHT: Live music at The Bohemian with Barry Pollack playing jazz and classical guitar, 7-10 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Dominoes game night at Red Cup Espresso in The Junction, starting at 7 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: “WELL” at ArtsWest, 7:30 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Celebrated New York pianist Donald Sosin returns for two evenings of madcap musical merry making at Kenyon Hall Friday and Saturday, January 23 and 24 at 8 p.m. Friday, Seattle author Larry Karp (The Ragtime Kid) tells the stories that inspired his latest mystery novel, The King of Ragtime, illuminated by Donald Sosin at the Chickering grand. Mr. Sosin cuts loose in the second half of the program, with a ragbag of top picks from his remarkably eclectic repertoire. General admission on Friday the 23rd is $12 at the door, or $10 with a reservation. Doors open at 7:30. Signed copies of Mr. Karp’s books will be available for purchase at both concerts, as will root beer floats and plenty of hot popcorn. Visit for complete program information,
FRIDAY NIGHT: At Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor): Live music with Zoe Muth, Strange Jerome, Secret Stairs, starts at 9 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Forced Elegance, live music at Redline Music and Sports, 9 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Specs One, Nth and Ronin (CD release) with LoFreq, live music at Easy Street After Hours, $5 cover, 9:30 pm
FRIDAY NIGHT: Vague Precision, live music at Poggie Tavern (info courtesy, 9:30 pm
SATURDAY MORNING: Pancake breakfast to support the Fauntleroy Fall Festival, Fellowship Hall at Fauntleroy Church, 8:30-10:30 am, $5 per person or $17 for a family of four (or more), make your donation at the door. Menu includes Pancakes, sliced ham, fruit, orange juice, coffee, tea and milk
SATURDAY MORNING: 9:00 AM until noon, please join the Alki Wildlife Habitat Project and Alki Kayak Tours for the first stage of our habitat restoration efforts at Seacrest Park (1660 Harbor Avenue SW)! The goal of this project is to certify the park under the National Wildlife Foundation’s Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program. This Sat. we will be removing sod, applying wood chips, pulling invasive plants, and picking up garbage. Bring your work gloves and prepare to get dirty and have fun for a good cause!
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Is your car still covered in dirt and grime from the recent snow storms? Is it still too cold for you to get out there and wash it off? The West Seattle & Chief Sealth High School Swim Teams are here to save the day! They will be holding a car wash this Saturday, January 24th, from 9 AM to 3 PM at the WSHS parking lot. All donations, that’s right, we are not charging by the car but rather you donate what you can, and it will benefit BOTH of these teams! Your support is greatly appreciated!
SATURDAY ALL DAY (continuing Sunday): Imaging a Sustainable Planet workshop: led by :Lynn Fitz-Hugh and Elizabeth Heath, a West Seattle Mental Health Counselor, from 9 am to 5 pm both days at the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in West Seattle. This exciting workshop allows participants to create a full and compelling image of what our society would look like at peace and sustainably organized. Then through a fascinating “backward history” process, it allows us to see how such a world could come into reality and to identify the specific steps we can take as individuals to help bring about a sustainable planet. Recharge your batteries for the work ahead. Register by contacting Lynn: or 206-417-0422. If you cannot do two days in a row or these January dates, the workshop will be offered thru UW Experimental College with split halves: March 14th and March 21st
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Longfellow-Thistle Street Greenspace work party, 10 am-2 pm (more info here)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: West Duwamish Greenbelt work party, 10 am-2 pm (more info here)
SATURDAY MORNING: North Delridge Neighborhood Council Adopt-A-Street Day: From organizers — As usual we’ll meet at the Delridge Community Center parking lot at 10 to collect bags, reachers, and other supplies. We’re also part of the city’s new Adopt-a-Drain program. That just means we need to clear drains of debris as we work along Delridge. … Please come out. If you can only work for an hour, that’s fine. Whatever time you can give. (In conjunction with Chief Sealth PTSA, with one group meeting at the school; read all about it here)
SATURDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Camp Long presents Port Gamble Ramble: Ages 1 and older. The Pacific Northwest abounds with natural history. This excursion is for people of all ages and interests; we will study the rich geologic past of the Puget Sound on our way out to the historic town of Port Gamble on the Olympic Peninsula. We will have a beautiful ferry ride to the peninsula in our natural gas-powered van. Once in Port Gamble, we will spend some time enjoying a historically significant marine shell collection. We will “see” geologic history in rocks and shells. Bring snacks, a rain jacket, and money for lunch in Port Gamble. Please register by January 23 by calling (206) 684-7434. 10 am-3 pm
SATURDAY MORNING: A Free Public Workshop Presented By POINT OF ORDER PARLIAMENTARY LAW UNIT. The Secretary and Treasurer: Minding Your Minutes, Money, and More. Facilitated by: Robert Dolan, PRP. Everyone welcome. 10:30 am-noon, Southwest Library branch (read more here)
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: 1 pm to 3 pm, West Seattle Montessori OPEN HOUSE
4536 38th Ave SW, (206) 935-0427 *Come learn about our NEW building and location!
*Now Enrolling for the 2009-10 school year.
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: West Seattle’s School Board rep Steve Sundquist available to meet with any member of the public interested in district issues, Delridge Library branch, 1-2:30 pm
SATURDAY AFTERNOON: “The Passage” installation celebrated at Burien Town Square, 455 SW 152nd, 3-6 pm. From organizers (some of whom have West Seattle ties): “A 30′ sculpture of a mother and child, The Passage will be the first artwork installed in the new Burien/ Interim Art Space (B/ IAS). This impressive scuplture is being transported from its current location on the Embarcadero in San Francisco, and will be installed with a community celebration – and you are invited!” Read more about it here.
SATURDAY NIGHT: Annual “Gifts from the Earth” gala at South Seattle Community College (full details here), 5 pm wine-tasting, 6:30 pm dinner, tickets still available as of Friday
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at C & P Coffee with Fluffer, 6-8 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Fundraiser for Amanda Knox Defense Fund, Salty’s on Alki, 6:30 pm (more info here)
SATURDAY NIGHT: Celebrate the 4th birthday of Twilight Art Collective! Live performance by Goldhick/Crystals – free! Performing with Dandy Legs Johnson. 4306 SW Alaska in The Junction (just west of Easy Street), 7-11 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at The Bohemian with Larry Knapp on piano, 7-10 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Celebrated New York pianist Donald Sosin returns for madcap musical merry making at Kenyon Hall. On Saturday the 24th, our indefatigable guest pianist accompanies two classic silent comedies, “The Nickel Hopper” (1926), starring Mabel Normand and written by Stan Laurel, and “When the Clouds Roll By” (1919), starring Douglas Fairbanks. General admission on Saturday the 24th is $10 at the door, or $8 with a reservation.* Doors open at 7:30, show at 8. Signed copies of Mr. Karp’s books will be available for purchase, as will root beer floats and plenty of hot popcorn. Visit for complete program information.
SATURDAY NIGHT: “WELL” at ArtsWest, 7:30 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Elvis Invitationals at Club Motor in Sodo, with West Seattleite Bret Wiggins competing, 8 pm (lots more info here)
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) with H Is for Hellgate, The Dead Americans, We Wrote the Book on Connectors, starts at 9 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Live music at Rocksport with Paradox (classic rock), 9 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Servants of the Rich, live music at Poggie Tavern (info courtesy, 9:30 pm
SATURDAY NIGHT: Pocket Change, live music at Talarico’s (info courtesy, 10 pm
SUNDAY: Swing and waltz dance classes continue at Highland Park Improvement Club (read more here)
SUNDAY MIDDAY: Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School Open House, January 25th from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm. 3401 Southwest Myrtle St,, Phone: 206-935-0651. Preschool thru 8th grade. Visit with Teachers, tour the school, find out what makes us special
SUNDAY MIDDAY: Holy Rosary School Open House, 10 am-1 pm. From the school website: “We would like to extend an invitation to you to attend our Open House during Catholic Schools Week on Sunday, January 25, 2009. During the Open House, you can tour the school, and meet parents and staff members. If you would like to be considered for an interview, please contact the School Office. We invite you to come see what makes Holy Rosary School and its almost 100 years of tradition an excellent choice in Catholic Education.”
SUNDAY MIDDAY: West Seattle Farmers’ Market @ The Junction, 10 am-2 pm (remember, it’s year-round!)
SUNDAY MIDDAY: Live music at The Bohemian with Andrew Kennard on piano, 10:30 am-2 pm
SUNDAY MORNING-AFTERNOON: Pharmaca Skin Care Event with Pharmaca Estheticians: Join us for free mini-facials and makeovers using our own Pharmaca brand skincare line and receive a free lip balm just for being pampered! Save 40% when you buy our cleanser, toner, eye cream and moisturizer together. Please call in advance to book your appointment. At Pharmaca (WSB sponsor) in The Junction, 11 am-3 pm.
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Mike Hickey, the West Seattleite who was chosen as the city’s Poet Populist, gives a reading at Seattle Central Library downtown, 2-4 pm (more info here)
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: “WELL” at ArtsWest, 3 pm
SUNDAY EVENING: Live music at C and P Coffee with Michael Green Acoustic Group, 3-5 pm
SUNDAY NIGHT: All-ages live music @ Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) with Rachel Wiegand, Hannah Jean, Katelyn Berreth, starting at 7 pm
SUNDAY NIGHT: 8 pm, movie screening at West 5: Rock and Roll Gearhead- 4 Days with Billy Gibbons is a rare, behind-the-scenes look at legendary blues guitarist Billy F.Gibbons, known worldwide as co-founder of that lil ol band from Texas, ZZ Top. Billy, whose career spans 40 years, was said to be one of Jimi Hendrix’s favorite guitar players. Songs such as La Grange, Tush, and Legs remain staples on rock radio decades after being penned. Billy continues to be a pivotal force in music and hugely respected amongst peers. His recent recording collaborations include artists such as Queens of The Stone Age, Kid Rock, B.B. King, Nickelback and Les Paul. Outside his well-known collection of custom cars and guitars, Billy’s personal life has remained an enigma to many until now. For the first time he allowed his life to be captured through the eyes of Seattle filmmaker Jamie Burton Chamberlin. Rock and Roll Gearhead is the ultimate backstage ticket that documents the release of Billy’s first book, rare studio and radio appearances, his diverse fan base, and the people that surround him.
SUNDAY NIGHT: Shapiro’s Buick, live music at Poggie Tavern (info courtesy, 9 pm
Are we missing anything? Let us know! And between weekends, keep an eye on our continuously updated Events page.