West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
They’re known more for washing (and styling) hair than for washing cars, but today the staff of Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) became volunteer vehicle-scrubbers to raise money for Pencil Me In For Kids. When we dropped by the car-wash site outside the West Seattle Eagles‘ HQ in The Junction during the car wash’s final hour, they were already closing in on 30 cars. Speaking of volunteer power, we got an “after” photo from Saturday’s last round of portable-painting at Pathfinder K-8:
Eric Baer reports almost 50 volunteers were on hand, including two teams from Seattle Works (which had declared this a “hot project”). Now on to volunteer neighborhood-issue activism:
Those three are from the Highland Park Action Committee (from left, Jessie, Dina Johnson, Blair Johnson), which maintained a presence at White Center Jubilee Days all weekend as part of its campaign against the two potential city jail sites in southeast West Seattle. (Wondering about the costumes? Blair’s is obvious; Jessie and Dina were going with the WCJD “Pirates” theme.) HPAC’s next meeting is 7 pm tomorrow (Monday) night, Highland Park Improvement Club @ 11th/Holden, where they’ll plot strategy for Saturday morning’s city-organized jail-sites forum @ South Seattle Community College‘s Brockey Center (9 am-noon). Dina also sent photos from an entirely unrelated event – the Mediterranean Fantasy Festival this weekend at Hiawatha:
That’s Habib, dancing solo. Dina shared a few more Medfest photos, which (if you’re viewing this from the home page) are a click away:Read More
Lots of gardening-related news today already (Community Harvest update here; West Seattle Garden Tour report here), but here’s one we wish we didn’t have to report. Maybe it’s a simple case of misunderstanding, rather than outright deliberate theft, but whatever it is, Lincoln Park P-Patch coordinator Michelle wants it to stop – here’s what she e-mailed us:
I was wondering if you would post a note on your blog about the rise in the number of theft incidents from the Lincoln Park P-Patch over the past couple of months. We have had entire vegetable plants stolen from the beds as well as produce prematurely harvested.
With the rising cost of food and fuel, we recognize that everyone is feeling the pinch at the stores lately. That, and the concern over the safety of mass produced food, is why many of us find growing our own vegetables and herbs to be our best option. Quite a bit of sweat and effort goes into growing the gardens, so to have someone come along and pluck until their heart’s content is very discouraging. We want to let the community know that they are more than welcome to wander and admire the variety of flowers and vegetables there, but the produce and plants are not up for grabs. If anyone is interested in gardening a plot of their own, they can find more information at: www.ci.seattle.wa.us/neighborhoods/ppatch/gardening.htm.
We’ve also reported here in recent months about various group gardening efforts that are using volunteer help and sharing the harvest with those who helped do the work (like Longfellow Creek Garden in the Delridge area), so watch for more word of chances to get involved with gardens like those. TUESDAY MORNING P.S.: After this WSB item appeared Sunday night, two citywide media outlets contacted us Monday asking about the story; here’s the KOMO version.
From the other side of the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry run – and a few miles’ drive beyond that – came the winners of both the Float and Overall categories in Saturday’s West Seattle Grand Parade, the Port Orchard Fathoms O’ Fun float (check out the royalty’s dance moves). Our parade coverage continues (previous installments are archived here) with the full list of winners, and more photos, just ahead:Read More
That’s what we overheard as we walked up to this West Seattle Garden Tour stop:
The “Southern St. Communal Garden” stop on the tour (aka “Color Crazy”) involved a group of homes a block west of California (intersection map here) on the hillside over southern Lincoln Park. This mini-subdivision made news last year when the mysterious “West Seattle Art Attack”-er was on the prowl — third photo in this post shows the tile-decorated mail drop out front. The theme resurfaces on one of the garden paths:
We also photographed a pair of young ladies taking advantage of the traffic for an on-the-spot fundraiser: Alex and Alissa were selling lemonade to raise money for Alex’s Explorer West Middle School trip to Rome:
Nine gardens in all (all outlined on the WSGT website) were on this year’s West Seattle Garden Tour, with a portion of the proceeds going to nonprofits including ArtsWest and the Seattle Chinese Garden (which also had tables at the stop we visited); admission also included an hourlong lecture at The Kenney by PlantAmnesty founder Cass Turnbull. The WSGT runs on a whole lot of volunteer power, even as a self-guided tour, so if you couldn’t help out this year, think about pitching in next year – contact info is on the WSGT website.
That’s part of the haul from this year’s first fruit-tree harvest by Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle. If you have a fruit tree whose yield could go to help make sure everyone in our community has good healthy food, yours could be next – harvesting help is needed too. Here’s the latest update from Aviva of Community Harvest (who also sent the photos – thanks!):
Community Harvest of Southwest Seattle, the group that harvests surplus fruit from residential trees, had its first harvest on Friday. Six volunteers met for a few hours in the backyard of a house near Westwood Village. The result: 113 pounds of beautiful ripe cherries to be distributed at the White Center Food Bank on Monday. If you are interested in joining this effort or know of a tree to donate, have a look at their website: www.gleanit.org.
Community Harvest has also published the map for the 1st Annual Edible Garden Tour of West Seattle. It is a very diverse group of gardens, including a condo food jungle, a parking strip farm, permaculture gardens, community gardens, as well as more traditional backyard vegetable patches. Read more and get the addresses on www.gleanit.org/tour.html. Come get inspired August 2, 10 am-2 pm.
HI-YU COMMUNITY BRUNCH: You loved the Concert in the Park (WSB coverage here); you cheered the Junior Court Coronation (WSB coverage here); you saw the Hi-Yu entry in The Parade (part of the contingent shown above); this morning, keep the Hi-Yu Festival party going at the Community Brunch, 9 am-noon @ American Legion Post 160 (36th/Alaska), $6 adults/$3 kids.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET FRESH SHEET: Also in The Junction, it’s Farmers’ Market day. We link to the fresh sheet here every Sunday morning for your pre-shopping convenience. Here’s the latest.
WEST SEATTLE GARDEN TOUR: 9 am-5 pm. Self-guided tour, so go where you want, when you want – with the map you get for the price of admission. Here’s where to find tickets (locations include West Seattle Nursery, which, by the way, has a brand-new website).
And then there are festivals …
JUBILEE DAYS: Thanks to “Trick” for sharing that photo of one of the street-fair-staple (you saw them at West Seattle Summer Fest) nuns, from day 1 of the Jubilee Days street fair in White Center (map and more info here), continuing today.
MEDITERRANEAN FESTIVAL: Hiawatha plays host to belly-dancers and much more for day two of Medfest today, 10 am-8 pm. More info here.
That’s just the start. Click here to go directly to the Sunday section of the West Seattle Weekend Lineup to see what else is up today/tonight – like the Pencil Me In For Kids car wash!
Thanks to Meredith K. Hailey for sharing her West Seattle Grand Parade photos, including that great close-up of one of the dogs that accompanied the Luna Park Cafe contingent (who won second place in the Commercial category) toward the end of the parade. No cats in the parade, but the next best thing — video of Furry Faces Foundation promoting its fall “Catsino” fundraiser:
A few more pet sightings from the parade – including the inanimate kind – just ahead:Read More
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