West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday
Good crowd for the events at three Fauntleroy venues this afternoon. Our videographer stopped by to catch a song from the West Seattle Big Band. (Note the audio mix is a little odd because we’re just using the camera mike; a high-quality external mike is next on the shopping list!)
It’s been a busy year for the WSBB, seen at other big events including the Hi-Yu Concert in the Park and Alki Statue of Liberty unveiling.
Days after WSB readers helped bring Max back home, are you ready to help reunite another lost cat with its owner? At right, you see Flint the cat, whose owners write:
We were having our roof replaced this week and our cat got spooked and ran away from home. We’ve waited 4 days for him and have done the normal walking the neighborhoods, putting up posters and such. Now we’re asking for additional eyes to help us.
Flint is a grey and white male cat – 3yo. He’s gray with a white chest and white paws – very distinctive. He is microchipped. He is on regular medicine and is need of treatment. Please help us find him.
Flint disappeared at 26th & Holden (map below). You can reach his owners at 206-355-8965.
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Took a little longer than the family that runs the restaurant expected, but the fire repairs and remodeling are complete and tonight, the sign in the window of the Beach Drive bistro reads “OPEN,” and La Rustica is serving customers once more.
In case you don’t catch it in the comments on our original report, WSB reader Bonnie just posted:
I just returned from the Fauntleroy Fall Festival and was told that they have decided NOT to host the tent city. There was a meeting this morning where it was decided.
That’s all we can tell you – still haven’t heard anything from the church.
The oft-quoted Bible line (Luke 13:26) could certainly apply to members of West Seattle Christian Church, who were out doing community work today instead of attending services (which were canceled for the occasion). As pastor Dan Jacobs blogged, “We’ll be serving our community as a show of love and the reality of our faith.” He told WSB some of the projects for the day included graffiti removal behind the Junction post office, landscape cleanup in Junction parking areas along 44th, serving breakfast to local fire stations, assembling AIDS caregiver support kits to be shipped to Africa and cold-weather supplies for city homeless shelters, and projects at Schmitz Park Elementary.
Last night, we mentioned the 34th District Democrats are supporting West Seattle’s State Rep. Joe McDermott for the appointment to succeed ex-State Sen. Erik Poulsen, and we mentioned there’s a big slate of candidates who would in turn be pursuing McDermott’s House job. This afternoon, one major name is off that slate: 34th DD chair Ivan Weiss. He explains why in this statement on the 34th DD website, in which he throws his support to Sharon Nelson, chief of staff to West Seattle’s King County Councilmember Dow Constantine. She (like Weiss) is from the less urban part of the 34th District, Vashon Island.
Seattle Police say they have nothing to report from overnight, as in, nobody arrested as of this morning. No official identification of the victim yet from the King County Medical Examiner. (Our original coverage with photos is here; late-night update including this year’s other WS killings, here.)
The Viaduct is closed again today, 6 am-3 pm southbound, 6 am-4 pm northbound. Right about the time it reopens, Seahawks fans will be converging on Qwest Field for the night game vs. the Saints, which is also occasion for a special bonus Sunday set of Water Taxi runs, 3-9:30 pm (otherwise, the WT continues its M-F commute-only runs till the season ends 11/2). And the WT’s Sunday appearance gives us an excuse to post this beautiful photo from WSB reader DQ:
This big bright banner on the side of the Corner Inn (Fauntleroy/Cali) says it all:
Events are planned at The Hall at Fauntleroy, Fauntleroy Church (full lineup in last Sunday’s bulletin), and Fauntleroy YMCA. Many great local performers are participating, including the West Seattle Big Band (4-6 pm @ The Hall).
Thanks to Junction Neighborhood Organization president Erica Karlovits for sending notes from what was discussed at the second-ever JuNO meeting this week. Two items have been covered here — the Design Review Board meeting for 4502 42nd (at which, as mentioned in our report, Erica advocated for Junction neighbors’ interests) and the Water Taxi’s future — but that’s just part of what they talked about, and some of it may be of interest even if you don’t live in the Junction vicinity:Read More
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