Transportation reminders: Viaduct & Water Taxi

The Viaduct is closed again today, 6 am-3 pm southbound, 6 am-4 pm northbound. Right about the time it reopens, Seahawks fans will be converging on Qwest Field for the night game vs. the Saints, which is also occasion for a special bonus Sunday set of Water Taxi runs, 3-9:30 pm (otherwise, the WT continues its M-F commute-only runs till the season ends 11/2). And the WT’s Sunday appearance gives us an excuse to post this beautiful photo from WSB reader DQ:


3 Replies to "Transportation reminders: Viaduct & Water Taxi"

  • Jo October 14, 2007 (9:19 am)

    Does anyone know whether the Shuttle runs today during the 3-9:30 Water Taxi runs? Kind of hard to get a clear answer from the Metro site.

  • Dis October 14, 2007 (5:50 pm)

    is that a night picture, or early-morning?

  • dq October 15, 2007 (9:36 am)

    it’s actually at night, we had just taken the 9.30 pm from downtown

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