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TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Post-holiday Friday watch

December 27, 2019 7:00 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

7 AM: Good morning! No incidents or alerts reported in our area so far.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Post-holiday Thursday watch

December 26, 2019 7:06 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

7:06 AM: Good morning! Foggy and icy conditions reported on this post-holiday morning. One incident: A crash response has blocked all lanes of southbound 99 at the West Seattle Bridge.

7:48 AM: Still blocked, WSDOT says.

8:26 AM: Cleared.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Christmas Eve Tuesday watch

December 24, 2019 6:58 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:58 AM: Good morning! No incidents/alerts so far on this almost-holiday morning.

UPDATE: Wires down on Sylvan Way

6:36 PM: Just west of Home Depot, a crash on Sylvan Way has taken down wires and left a utility pole leaning. We can’t get close enough for a photo because police are detouring traffic, but avoid the area for a while.

7:16 PM: Thanks for the text – we’re told the scene has cleared.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Christmas Eve-eve Monday watch

December 23, 2019 7:24 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

7:24 AM: Good morning! No incidents/alerts in our area so far.

UPDATE: Crash on westbound West Seattle Bridge

December 21, 2019 2:27 pm
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2:27 PM: Thanks for the tip: SPD and SFD are arriving at a crash toward the west end of the West Seattle Bridge. At least one vehicle is reported to have hit the jersey barrier. Injuries are said to be minor.

3:01 PM: SDOT reports the scene has cleared.


(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:57 AM: Good morning After heavy rain overnight, lots of reports of roadway ponding.

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL: Two-week winter break starts after today – 1-hour early dismissal.

CLOSURE POSTPONED: No 35th/Alaska closure this weekend – SDOT is tentatively planning it for next weekend (UPDATE: first weekend of January) instead.

LAST DAY: Today is the final day of the Ride2 shuttle service


(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

8:01 AM: Good morning Late start but we have reminders:

BUS STOP REOPENING: Metro says the northbound bus stop on 35th SW just south of Avalon will reopen today.

WEEKEND CLOSURE: SDOT plans to close 35th/Alaska again this weekend, starting 7 pm Friday.

LAST DAYS: And a reminder that Friday is the final day of the Ride2 shuttle service

9:55 AM: A “large white tarp” is reported to be causing a hazard on the Delridge onramp to the bridge.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Crash on westbound bridge

December 18, 2019 6:38 pm
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Thanks for the tips. If you’re just about to head this way via the high bridge, be aware that a crash is blocking one westbound lane, midspan. Police are on scene; no SFD dispatch, so apparently no serious injuries.


(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

7:13 AM: Good morning No incidents or alerts so far.

REMINDER: SDOT plans to close 35th/Alaska again this weekend, starting 7 pm Friday.


(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:58 AM: Good morning. No current incidents or alerts for our area.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Fauntleroy crash north of ferry terminal

December 16, 2019 2:41 pm
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2:41 PM: Thanks to the caller who wanted to give people a heads-up – police and SFD have responded to a crash north of the ferry terminal on Fauntleroy. Two drivers involved, the caller says, and it’s causing some congestion. We are headed down to look.

3:02 PM: Both travel lanes are clear. Just a bit of a looky-loo slowdown because of police lights on both sides of Fauntleroy.


December 16, 2019 6:59 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:59 AM: Good morning. No incidents right now but a few notes:

35TH/ALASKA: The intersection reopened Sunday evening after weekend work and is scheduled to be closed again next weekend (starting Friday night, December 20th).

35TH/BARTON: The new left-turn signals were activated over the weekend.

FERRY ALERT: A downsizing on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run – the 90-car Sealth is replacing the 124-car Kitsap this week.

TRAFFIC ALERT: 35th/Alaska intersection reopens early

Just went over to check again on the 35th/Alaska intersection closure – and found it had ended early. S 35th is open again along the entire stretch that had been restricted because of the closure. SDOT plans to close the intersection again next weekend, so watch for updates on that as the projected Friday (December 20th) start time gets closer.

TRAFFIC ALERT: First 35th/Alaska weekend closure – with big detour – begins

The first of at least two weekend-long 35th/Alaska intersection closures – as part of the Avalon/35th repaving-and-more project – is under way. With SDOT warning of a long detour, we checked out the perimeter tonight. Above, eastbound SW Alaska is blocked at 36th. Below, no turns from Avalon to 35th, either direction:

And if you are heading north on 35th, no photo, but there is indeed a big barricade and traffic-control officer there too, restricting use to “local access.” This is all an attempt to stave off major side-street cut-through driving. The SDOT detour map is here, in PDF.) If you are riding the bus, the info on Route 21 – including a shuttle bus – is here, in PDF. This is all scheduled to last until “early Monday,” but we will keep watch on Sunday in case of an early reopening. The next closure is set for next weekend.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday watch; 35th/Alaska closure reminder

December 13, 2019 7:15 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

7:15 AM: Good morning. No incidents or alerts for our area so far.

WEEKEND CLOSURE REMINDER: The 35th/Alaska intersection is scheduled to close all weekend for work, starting at 7 pm tonight.

RIDE2 SERVICE ENDING: As Metro announced Tuesday, the on-demand shuttle will end service one week from today.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Crash on WB bridge

Thanks for the tips! The pm commute on the West Seattle Bridge is being backed up by a spinout crash on the westbound bridge’s pre-Fauntleroy curve. No serious injuries – no SFD dispatch.


December 11, 2019 7:15 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

7:15 AM: Good morning.

WEEKEND CLOSURE REMINDER: The 35th/Alaska intersection is scheduled to close this weekend for work, starting at 7 pm Friday. And “as soon as today,” SDOT announced yesterday, turning left from NB 35th onto WB Alaska will be off-limits.

RIDE2 SERVICE ENDING: December 20th will be the on-demand shuttle’s last day in West Seattle, Metro announced yesterday.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Preparation for weekend 35th/Alaska closure, with one change ‘as soon as tomorrow’

SDOT is reminding you about this weekend’s scheduled closure of the 35th/Alaska intersection, starting Friday night, and preparations including “closing the left-turn lane for people driving north on 35th Ave SW and turning onto SW Alaska St as soon as tomorrow (December 11).” Details:

35th Ave SW and SW Alaska St:​

To rebuild the concrete roadway, we will be restricting left turns onto SW Alaska St as soon as tomorrow, December 11. To reach SW Alaska St, please proceed north on 35th Ave SW and turn left at SW Avalon Way. Please note that this work is highly weather dependent and is subject to change if weather is wetter or colder than anticipated. Please expect:

No left turns from 35th Ave SW onto SW Alaska St​

This closure will be in place for several weeks​

People driving on SW Alaska St can turn right or left on to 35th Ave SW​

If you are driving north on 35th Ave SW, continue driving north and turn left onto SW Avalon Way, left onto Fauntleroy Way SW, and then a left onto SW Alaska St.​

Upcoming 35th Ave SW and SW Alaska St Weekend Intersection Closures:​

To rebuild the concrete roadway, we will be closing the intersection of 35th Ave SW and SW Alaska St for up to 3 weekends:​

The first intersection closure is this weekend from Friday, December 13 at 7 PM to early on Monday, December 16 to allow us to conduct water utility improvements​

The second intersection closure is scheduled for the weekend of December 20; we will share more information through next week’s email updates and on our website.​

We plan to do this work over the weekend to minimize noise and traffic impacts as much as possible. Please note that this work is highly weather-dependent and is subject to change if weather is wetter or colder than anticipated.​

During these closures, please use the recommended, posted detour (see map below) or alternative forms of transportation, and do not use side streets and residential streets to avoid the closures. You can also expect:​

Coordination with King County Metro on bus stops and routes; check Metro Rider Alerts for the most up-to-date information​

Loud noise, dust and vibrations​

No parking signs at SW Snoqualmie St and 36th Ave SW to accommodate nearby businesses and local traffic​
35th Ave SW to be local access only from SW Edmunds St to SW Morgan St​

If you live on the east side of 35th Ave SW, you will only be able to turn left on to 35th Ave SW, south toward SW Morgan St​

If you live on the west side of 35th Ave SW, you will only be able to turn right on to 35th Ave SW, south towards SW Morgan St​

Uniformed police officers to be present to direct traffic​

If you live off 35th Ave SW between SW Morgan St and SW Alaska St, please be patient as you approach our Uniformed Police Officer at SW Morgan St. Inform them that you live in the area and they will allow local access to continue. We will be detouring all other traffic.​

Zone F (SW Alaska St from 35th Ave SW to 36th Ave SW):​

Tomorrow, we will close the south side of 36th Ave SW at SW Alaska St for a few days to complete water utility upgrades. As soon as next week, we will close the north side of 36th Ave SW at SW Alaska St for a few weeks to complete demolition and rebuilding the road. Please expect:​

loud noise, dust, and vibrations while we complete this work.​
36th Ave SW will be open during the weekend closures of the intersection of 35th Ave SW and SW Alaska St​
Temporary and intermittent driveway and alley closures​
Pedestrian access to all businesses and residence will be maintained​


(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

7:15 AM: Good morning. WSDOT says a crash on the 1st Ave. S. Bridge is blocking 1 NB lane.

FERRY ALERT: A medical emergency has delayed multiple Triangle Route sailings.

WEEKEND CLOSURE REMINDER: Remember – the 35th/Alaska intersection is scheduled to close this weekend for work, starting at 7 pm Friday.

7:28 AM: The 1st Ave. S. Bridge crash is cleared.

9:05 AM: Just dispatched, response for a crash on NB I-5 at the exit to I-90.


December 9, 2019 6:59 am
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(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:59 AM: Good morning. So far, no alerts or incidents.

BRIDGE OPEN/CLOSED LINK WORKING AGAIN: The @SDOTBridges Twitter link we use above for “bridge open or closed?” info is working again; it was down for a week and a half.

WEEKEND CLOSURE REMINDER: We’ll be reminding you daily this week that the 35th/Alaska intersection is scheduled to close this weekend for work, starting at 7 pm Friday.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday watch; weekend alerts

(SDOT MAP with travel times/ Is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE/ West Seattle-relevant traffic cams HERE)

6:59 AM: Good morning. So far, no alerts or incidents right now. One note:

LOW-BRIDGE INFO: You might have noticed the “open or closed?” Twitter feed hasn’t updated in a week-plus. SDOT says they’re working on it. (Meantime, we’ve switched the link above to the SOOT map, which has “bridges up/down” modes you can check.)

Two weekend alerts:

OVERNIGHT TONIGHT: The southbound Highway 99 tunnel will be closed 10 pm tonight until 8 am Saturday.

SATURDAY: Saturday, starting around 11 am,SW Alaska will be closed between California SW and 42nd SW for the West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays Tree Lighting (6 pm) and Night Market (3-7 pm).

AVALON/35TH PROJECT: 2 closures ahead – 1 major

The latest SDOT update regarding the Avalon/35th repaving-and-more project not only includes the 36th/Alaska south-side closure mentioned last week, but also upcoming closures of the entire 35th/Alaska intersection:

To rebuild the concrete roadway, we will be closing the intersection of 35th Ave SW and SW Alaska St for up to 3 weekends. These will be weekend closures to minimize noise and traffic impacts as much as possible. During these closures, DO NOT use side streets and residential streets to avoid the closures! Use the recommended detour or use alternative forms of transportation.

The first closure is planned for Friday, December 13 at 7 PM to early on Monday, December 16
-This closure will allow us to conduct water utility improvements
-This work is highly weather dependent and subject to change
-We will coordinate with King County Metro on bus stops and routes. Check Metro Rider Alerts for the most up-to-date information.
-Please expect loud noise, dust and vibrations
-No parking signs on 37th Ave SW to accommodate Metro buses and detour traffic
-35th Ave SW will be local access only from SW Edmunds St to SW Morgan St
-If you live on the east side of 35th Ave SW, you will only be able to turn left on to 35th Ave SW, south toward SW Morgan St
-If you live on the west side of 35th Ave SW, you will only be able to turn right on to 35th Ave SW, south toward SW Morgan St
-This work will take up to 3 weekends

Our second intersection closure is tentatively scheduled for the weekend of December 20. We will share more information once it is confirmed.

-Uniformed police officers will be present to direct traffic
-Please visit our website for more information
-Please follow posted detour routes, see map below [updated]

During the intersection closures, DO NOT cut through side streets and residential neighborhoods to avoid the closures! Respect your neighbors’ sense of safety and access.

When the intersection of 35th Ave SW and SW Alaska St is closed, the following detours will be in place:

-If you are traveling northbound on 35th Ave SW towards the West Seattle Bridge, you will turn left onto SW Morgan St, right onto 42nd Ave SW, and then right onto Fauntleroy Way SW
-If you are traveling southbound from the West Seattle Bridge, you will take Fauntleroy Way SW, turn left onto 42nd Ave SW, left onto SW Morgan St and then right on 35th Ave SW
-If you live off 35th Ave SW between SW Morgan St and SW Alaska St:
-There will be a local access only closure at 35th Ave SW and SW Morgan St
-All other northbound traffic will be detoured at SW Morgan St

Please be patient with the Uniformed Police Office as they speak to each individual car to pass through. Expect long delays.

-Any local access northbound traffic on 35th Ave SW will have to turn around at SW Edmunds St
-You will not be able to access SW Edmunds St from 35th Ave SW
-Please follow posted detour routes

Zone F (SW Alaska St from 35th Ave SW to 36th Ave SW):

As soon as next week, we will close the south side of 36th Ave SW at SW Alaska St for a few weeks to install new water utilities. Please expect loud noise, dust, and vibrations while we complete this work. 36th Ave SW will be open during the weekend closures of the intersection of 35th Ave SW and SW Alaska St.

As we begin work on SW Alaska St, please follow King County Metro’s Rider Alerts to stay up to date on bus stop changes.