7904 35th SW
West Seattle
Stronger than Medicine
A film by Tony Grob.
Produced by Seattle Center Foundation & Gigantic Planet.Description: This is a story of leadership and community showing up for the common good. For a variety of reasons, many across our communities cannot access the healthcare they need. Responding to this call, over one-hundred civic agencies, non-profits, private businesses, healthcare organizations, and thousands of people came together for four days each year from 2014-2018. Working together, side-by-side, they did the important work of providing for the immediate healthcare needs of twenty thousand community members. The experience left everyone who participated transformed, connected, and with a restored belief in humanity and what can be accomplished when we all work together with respect for everyone.
The movie will be followed by a question and answer session with two Volunteers from the Clinic. They both served as part of last year’s Leadership team. This screening is made possible due to the generosity of Kenyon Hall.
***Kenyon Hall concession stand will be open for business—(including the notorious root beer float!)