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Junction soon to go Craze-y


Even more is afoot at California/Oregon in The Junction: The mortgage office is gone at the northwest corner, and the storefront window has the makeshift sign you see above … promising Crazé Clothing on the way. Only thing we have found out so far — the business license is in the category the city titles “women’s, juniors, misses suits, skirts, and coats.” P.S. Big thank you to the WSB readers who first spotted this and e-mailed us about it, so we could share the news.

Traffic alert for The Bridge

October 24, 2007 2:56 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

The West Seattle Bridge itself will remain open, but certain on- and off-ramps will be closed at times this Saturday morning because of drainage work. Here’s the full announcement from the city:Read More

59th/Admiral shooting suspect in court

In King County Superior Court this morning, 59th/Admiral shooting suspect Dwayne Myatt-Perez pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. 11:55 AM ADDENDUM: Here’s our full report on the hearing —Read More

More new signage at California/Oregon

Shadowland is not alone in exterior enhancement at The Junction’s northernmost major intersection: This morning, the Senior Center of West Seattle is getting new signage:


Another December ’06 windstorm loose end

The P-I has an article today about an Arbor Heights couple still trying to get their insurance company to pay for the damage done when this happened during last winter’s storm:


Right after last week’s storm, we heard from the couple too, but hadn’t gotten the opportunity to go over and talk with them yet. Since their story’s out elsewhere in the mediasphere now, though, we thought you might want to read the version they sent out, press release-style, last week. Here it is, unedited:Read More

Looking for one very special Viaduct commuter

SCENIC_Alaskan_Way_AWV1.jpgMost of us vent about the traffic; would you be willing to help tell the story of what it’s like to be part of it day in and day out? Local filmmaker David Wheeler is making a documentary about The Viaduct and hoping the subject he’s looking for just might be out there in WSB-land:

Specifically, I need help finding a daily commuter who travels from W. Seattle downtown daily using the viaduct. Would be great if they were a Seattle native and would allow me to film them on their daily commute. I would use this as a thread to provide the storyline and cut the rest of my interviews around it.

This is a serious project; David already has met with agencies and groups from WSDOT to the Port of Seattle to the Admiral Neighborhood Association. If you think you might be the commuter he’s looking for, e-mail him here.

Traffic alert: Bridge backup

October 23, 2007 7:43 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

If you’re waiting for someone coming home up the Fauntleroy side of the end of The Bridge – might take a while longer; there’s a big backup because of some kind of “aid response” just past the overpass. Big Fire Department rescue vehicle & several police cars. Couldn’t quite tell what was wrong with/in the car — might be clearing soon; looks from the 911 log like the Fire Dept. is clearing out. (Campic of the backup below – the one with the rescue vehicles didn’t come out.)


New proof West Seattle’s going foodie

The “Top 10 New Restaurants” featured in Seattle Metropolitan Magazine‘s November issue include 2 from West Seattle: Beato and Bakery Nouveau. So says (206) Life, as linked from Citizen Rain.

West Seattle hearing tomorrow re: how your $ should be spent

Just in from the office of West Seattle’s King County Councilmember Dow Constantine: A reminder that as county leaders work on the budget for next year, you’re invited to have your say at a hearing in West Seattle tomorrow night, 7 o’clock, West Seattle High School. Among the many decisions to be made: how much will be spent on transit, including the Water Taxi and Metro buses.

West Seattle seal pups update


The residents who first sounded the alarm about the net fishing vs. seal pups problem off Anchor Park say the fishing crew in question (shown in the photo above, provided by those residents) hasn’t been back since last weekend. Some reports suggested the net might have belonged to the Suquamish Tribe, which is still investigating, so there’s no confirmation at this point who was to blame, nor about the fate of the pups that were photographed. … Also regarding the seals who continue showing up on West Seattle shores, we have heard from Brenda Peterson of the Alki Seal Sitters, who has two things she wants you to know: “With the beautiful weather there is a lot of foot and dog traffic, so we are asking people to please leash their dogs, especially now. Several pups were almost attacked this past weekend by off-leash dogs — the number one predator of seal pups on the beach.” Brenda also says there is a fishing derby off Harbor Ave this weekend and volunteers are needed to keep watch over any seals that may haul out during the tournament; e-mail us if you might be available to help (be sure to include a phone number) and we will forward your contact information to Brenda.

Next time will be better, the mayor promises

West Seattle’s Most Famous Politician just promised (as detailed in a city press release here) that if anything like last December’s storm happens again this year, we won’t all be left in the dark for so long, literally OR figuratively. Meantime, the storm-related repairs that have been 10 months in the making are finally under way at the Thistle/Northrop sinkhole (full details here) — the heavy equipment arrived a couple hours ago:


Last day to gawk at the goats

October 23, 2007 12:01 pm
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 |   Gatewood | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools


At midday tomorrow, sadly, the Rent-A-Ruminant goats leave the formerly tangled slopes of Gatewood Elementary. Organizer Steve from the Gatewood playground project tells us they’ve been amazed at the reception — people stopping by for a look at the goats at all hours, as well as during the “Kids for Kids” playground-renovation fundraiser they had last weekend. He says they’ve definitely covered the costs of bringing in the four-hooved land-clearers, so that’s good news; Steve adds, “Bringing them in has made significant strides in knocking down the foliage [as shown in WSB photos above & below, taken this morning] … so we can now go back with humans and continue the cleanup. … (After this) we could use volunteers to help dig out roots and lay out the burlap and wood chips. All time spent counts as hours that we need for matching our grants.” Contacts for the Gatewood PTSA and playground project organizers are here; see WSB goat-arrival video here.


No longer easy to get a bead on the Gatewood “hunting lodge”

7200 block of California, June:






We first told the story of the fight over the townhouses, and the now-obscured view of the old house many in the area know as the Gatewood “hunting lodge,” in February.

West Seattle Food Bank follow-up: Donate at your door!

Since we reported yesterday on the West Seattle Food Bank‘s request for immediate help — we have already heard of some people stepping up in ways big and small, all helpful. (Read the original report here.) That includes at least one business joining the cause — Garlic Jim’s Pizza proprietor Ryan Reese says he’s going to print up 3,000 coupons offering $3 off pizza deliveries for customers who donate at least three canned/nonperishable food items — giving the donations to the GJ’s drivers who shows up at their door. They bring you the pizza, you give them donations for the WSFB; as Ryan puts it, “how easy is that!” He’s planning on sending the coupons out for printing this afternoon after the Food Bank folks take a look at it this morning. 3,000 coupons=at least 9,000 items for the Food Bank! (And remember the online donation link here.)

Big beefy buy


4 weeks after we told you about WSB reader Meghen‘s invitation to others to join the West Seattle Meateaters meat-buying club she was forming to get sustainably raised meat through Thundering Hooves – they just got their first delivery over the weekend. Meghen sent us the photo above, and told WSB that Thundering Hooves declared the WS delivery their biggest first-time order ever. They’ve got unlimited room for more people to join before the next delivery December 1st; you can sign up any time up till the Monday before the delivery (in this case, that would be November 26th) by going to the Thundering Hooves site and looking for West Seattle Meateaters. (Or e-mail Meghen directly with questions by clicking here.)

Avoid California south of Morgan Junction for a while

Big fire/police response right now because of a report of “assault with weapons” at 7010 California. From the scanner traffic we just heard, though, sounds like it may have been fatal but NOT a crime; however, what’s overheard on the scanner is never considered to be an official report, so, keeping that in mind, know that police will keep investigating. 7:35 PM ADDENDUM: Photo of all the police units filling Cali in front of this apartment building (right across from Caffe Ladro, if you are having trouble placing it). The major fire units were starting to leave while our camera-carrying team member was there, which would seem to align with the report of this involving a death rather than a life-saving situation:


Video feature: West Seattle’s newest cat-adoption facility

The folks who run Kitty Harbor, a new addition to the east side of Harbor Ave by ActivSpace, welcomed a WSB visit this past weekend for this video feature. Kitty Harbor is operated by Delyn Kosbab, founder of the rescue organization Animal Safe Haven Association. As you will see her explain in the second clip (with the help of a playful pal), this is NOT a place to drop by and just gawk at cute cats; they are extremely serious about finding the best home for the dozens of rescued cats and kittens they are trying to place. Like these, who couldn’t resist trying to play with a volunteer helping clean cages:

In this clip, founder Delyn Kosbab explains Kitty Harbor and its guidelines, adoption fees, etc.

You can find out more about Kitty Harbor at its new website. As you’ll see on the site, it’s open Friday-Sunday or by appointment.

GEE/Huling update: The deal to clear out

If you drive along Fauntleroy, you’ve probably noticed the lots are finally starting to empty out, more than 2 weeks after closing:


Today we have more details on what’s going on, now that court documents are available for the agreement reached in the Huling suit to evict GEE (we reported last Tuesday that the Huling lawyer said the agreement was in the works to give the Gees till November 30th to clear out):Read More

Just in: West Seattle Food Bank needs you, now

Just got e-mail from the West Seattle Food Bank and it’s more important than the other stuff we’re working on to post for you later – so here goes. Preface: Last fall, when you probably didn’t even know we were here (WSB readership now is 10x what it was then, thank you!), readers generously joined in an impromptu campaign to rustle up turkeys for another area food bank, and it felt great to help. Now, the West Seattle Food Bank is putting out the call to WSB readers for immediate help — we’ll do what we can and hope you will too. If you’re too busy to get food and drop it off at WSFB or the donation bins at three local supermarkets (mentioned below), click here to go to their site now and donate $ online (we just did so we’re challenging you to join us; the service handling $ donations takes credit cards or PayPal). Here’s the full text of the WSFB request:

The West Seattle Food Bank is seeking food and cash donations to ensure that no one in our community goes hungry this holiday season.

“There are many of our West Seattle neighbors who need special help,” said Food Bank Executive Director Fran Yeatts, “and unfortunately that’s especially true at this time of year. The West Seattle Food Bank will greatly appreciate anything you can do to help bring cheer to their holidays.”

Individuals and businesses can make holiday meals possible by donating items from the list below. Donations will help the most people by bringing Thanksgiving food donations to the Food Bank by November 17th.

Holiday foods to donate:

* Frozen turkey
* Hams
* Stuffing mix
* Mixed salad greens
* Canned cranberries (whole or sauce)
* Canned gravy
* Yams or sweet potatoes (fresh or canned)
* White potatoes
* Pumpkin or apple pies
* Dinner rolls (frozen or packaged)

Cash donations are always welcomed and will help the Food Bank purchase items that are needed Cash donations can be sent to: West Seattle Food Bank, 3419 SW Morgan Street, Seattle, WA 98126, or donated online at westseattlefoodbank.org. Food donation bins are also located at Metropolitan Market, PCC and West Seattle Thriftway.

“Generous neighbors can make such a difference,” said Yeatts, “and on our clients’ behalf, we thank everyone.”

We’ll remind you about this in the days/weeks ahead, but do what you can now – donate online, get extra food in your next grocery trip, make it a happier holiday season for West Seattle families who are counting on you.

Stair shutdown looms for sinkhole repair


One of West Seattle’s best hillside workouts is about to be off-limits for a week or so. We told you ten days ago that the Upper Fauntleroy sinkhole (at the top of the above-pictured Thistle staircase, a popular route to and from Lincoln Park) is finally about to be filled in, 10 months after it opened in the December ’06 storm; this morning, we checked back with Seattle Public Utilities for an update on the timetable, and Jim Lee just told WSB that work begins tomorrow, with debris removal first, followed by sinkhole-filling. New flyers are up at the site, with the reminder that the stairway will be closed during the work, which should be finished within a week or so.

Sign vigilantes strike again – and, again, it’s legal

Not far from the epicenter of our recent discussions about the relative signlessness of the Fauntleroy overpass, arose this complaint e-mailed to us last night by Andrea about anti-campaign-sign vigilantism on the roadside itself:

It seems we have an anti-campaign sign thief on the WS Bridge (near Kids on Logs). This week I’ve noticed various signs – both D & R candidates – gone missing. My Democratic friends and I are supporting Dan Satterberg for King County Prosecutor and have been posting these signs. Twice now, they’ve been removed. For example, today around 4:00 there were many signs for Dan and some other school board candidates. At 6:30, all were removed and in a pile. Isn’t this illegal? I know many people think they are annoying, but I thought we lived in a free country where we can express ourselves.

Actually, research reminds us, it’s not illegal. According to city sign regulations, under the heading “Yard Signs Prohibited on Public Property,” city law “prohibits placement of campaign signs on all public property, includin but not limited to: medians, boulevards, parks or public golf courses, greenbelts, rights of way to arterials or freeways, bridges or overpasses or planting strips that abut public property, such as schools, public buildings, parks or public golf courses.” However, the regulations also say, “yard signs may be placed on … planting strips abutting private property, with the consent of the property occupant.” Lots more interesting reading, involving all types of “temporary signs” (not just political), here.

Another progress report – this one from The Bohemian


The team putting together The Bohemian in the space that used to be Leslie’s Country Store (3405 California, next to Spiro’s) is finally ready to reveal more about their plans. They answered our e-mail by writing up a cheery blurb that we decided to share in its entirety:Read More

Where the signs are hung by the curb with care …

Maybe too soon for the Christmas phrase-turns; blame the decorations that already have sneaked into some stores … But we digress. This post is about real estate — always a Sunday pastime as “open house” signs pop up on corners around WS. A couple noteworthy offerings, not necessarily brand-new, but they just hit our radar. First, 4315 SW Stevens, across the street from PCC , across the alley from McDonald’s, $725K:


This is notable because the property was home to a hair salon that some neighbors were upset about (as reported here last March). Thanks to WSB reader Luckie for the tip that it’s now for sale; she sent the photo shown above as well as a photo of the flyer posted in the window, which touts “beautiful extended family home … also has a fully running hair salon … you can work from home!” Here’s the official listing page, though it currently appears to be displaying the wrong photos. … Now, to another up-for-sale home, with almost twice the price ($1,499,000), almost twice the age, and countless times the history:


That’s the Herren House at 1603 45th SW, shown in a photo from the city Department of Neighborhoods’ page detailing its history, which DON says dates back to 1891, though King County property records say 1900. Interestingly, the official listing website calls this house “The Painted Lady,” same as the still-apparently-unsold “Satterlee House” on Beach Drive.