7200 block of California, June:



We first told the story of the fight over the townhouses, and the now-obscured view of the old house many in the area know as the Gatewood “hunting lodge,” in February.
7200 block of California, June:
We first told the story of the fight over the townhouses, and the now-obscured view of the old house many in the area know as the Gatewood “hunting lodge,” in February.
The original post expired after Vlad posted his information about the DPD violation of city and state laws. Does anyone know if there was a legal action that was initiated against this project?
I am only curious – long time resident of West Seattle, and unfortunately out of town for business for the last 9 months and missed out on this issue.
Are there any updates?
The biggest problem with this development, and most others of this sort, is design. Bad design. Bad architecture. Bad siting. Indifference to (or disdain for) its surroundings. This one is not as bad as many others, but it is no where near what it could or should be.
Hi – if you follow the link on the word “July” above, it will take you to our post about the agreement that was reached.
you forgot ‘bad paint colors’.
at least they’re nowhere NEAR as hideous as the Red Square Block ApartmentBuilding From Hell just down the street. Good lord. Who the HELL thought THAT looked good?
Agreed grr, also, has anyone commented on the building next to the True Value? It renders me speechless.
The green they used on the building next to TrueValue looks so distinctively 80’s I’m speechless. The developer must have some fond memories from back in the days…
I’m embarrassed to admit, that I kinda like the Red Square Block Apartment Building. At least compared to the cookie cutter crap.
(It took them long enough to get past the initial framing, or whatever point they were stuck at for so long, with their permitting problems.)
Too me, it looks like a non-descript boxy old building built in the early part of the previous century, that’s cool, only because it’s so old.
I won’t rehash the the battle that occured regarding this development, which had already begun construction before any public notice was given. Ultimately there was an agreement reached between the developer and the community that requires three things:
1. The 20 foot wide section of dirt and gravel along the Orchard side of the street will be landscaped with native vegetation consistent with the neighborhood plan for a “green crescent”. It will have mounded areas that will enhance the ravine quality of the street. This work will start shortly, it is permitted and a contractor has just been hired.
2. Fence heights at the street will be limited so that side views of the lodge will be maintained from a small section of Orchard (that is the best that could be done given the fact that buldings were already under construction).
3. The center units are being built slightly lower to allow some views from the lodge. According to the owner, the slight reduction has helped significantly.
As for the True Value building with the really ugly colors, I should give a little background on that project. Originally the developer wanted to have a drive through coming off of the front of the building for his business (an investment firm). The Southwest Design Review Board would not allow this because it would have a detrimental effect on pedestrian activity at the Junction, and there was a legal challenge by the developer. At the time I was the chair of the DRB and had to testify at the Hearing Examiner, and I’m glad to say that the no vehicular access was allowed off of the street (only from the alley behind). This decision by the Hearing Examiner set a legal precedent that has ensured that pedestrian use of streets would have a higher importance than vehicular use when other alternatives were available. Most people don’t know about these events, which occured a couple of years ago, but they have had a major impact on land use issues all through the city. As for the garrish colors, perhaps they are a little revenge by the developer who did not get his way, I can’t imagine anybody choosing them because they liked them.
Sorry, comment time is over.