West Seattle restaurants 1544 results

West Seattle food news: Changes for Endolyne Joe’s parent firm

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Chow Foods, parent company of local restaurants including Endolyne Joe’s (which raised $1,000 tonight for the Fauntleroy Fall Festival), has just sent out a news release confirming reports its owners were splitting the chain (here’s the Capitol Hill Seattle report from last Saturday) and explaining what happens next. Read on for the details:Read More

Tonight: Endolyne Joe’s fundraiser for Fauntleroy Fall Festival

April 28, 2009 3:49 pm
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It’s been on the WSB Events calendar for weeks, but we just got a request for one last reminder: Endolyne Joe’s is donating a portion of its proceeds tonight to the Fauntleroy Fall Festival. 10:08 PM UPDATE: Carrie from EJ’s says they “met (their) sales goal” so that means about $1,000 going to the FFF.

2 West Seattle food notes: Zeeks change; Dining Out for Life

ZEEKS PIZZA: We checked in with Zeeks Pizza‘s Dan Black to see if everything was on track for the grand-opening plan at the new Morgan Junction location (California/Fauntleroy) this Friday – he says yes, with one change: Instead of opening at 11 am, they will open the first day at 4 pm. (Here’s our story from last week about their delivery boundaries.)

DINING OUT FOR LIFE: Last week, we passed on the word from the Lifelong AIDS Alliance that it needed one more restaurant to match last year’s total of 155 participants (food/drink venues that will donate part of their proceeds this Thursday). Just heard back that two local establishments that saw the note here have signed up – and now, citywide, Dining Out for Life has a record 160 participants! The two local additions are Coffee at the Heights (whose proprietors mentioned in comments on that report that they were signing up) and Full Tilt Ice Cream; they join WSB sponsors Skylark Cafe and Club and Ama Ama Oyster Bar and Grill, as well as Abbondanza Pizzeria, Eats Market Cafe and Buddha Ruksa (full Seattle participant list here).

More trailer food en route to West Seattle: Rancho Bravo Tacos

Just one day after Skillet Street Food staked its claim in the Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) courtyard (our coverage here, Skillet’s update here), where it will return next Sunday (new menu here), another famous-in-other-neighborhoods trailer-centered food purveyor is heading this way: Rancho Bravo Tacos. So says food writer Nancy Leson at seattletimes.com. In her story, Rancho Bravo‘s proprietor describes the impending spot as “half a block up from Diva Espresso.” That opens a multitude of options, so we’ll be checking further to nail the site down. (Photo courtesy Capitol Hill Seattle; Rancho Bravo recently opened its first non-mobile location in that neighborhood.)

Happening now: Skillet Street Food’s West Seattle debut

Well – as we post this photo, it’s still a few minutes till Skillet Street Food officially opens in the Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) courtyard at 11 am (they’re scheduled to be here till 2 pm – California SW, just south of Genesee, north of the post office). That’s the menu and pricing, written in purple on the side of the gleaming chrome Airstream trailer. We peeked into the trailer too, where Josh, Mark and Mary are working – video shortly.

ADDED 11:08 AM: Here’s video of Mary inside the Skillet trailer, telling us a bit about the burger, the poutine gravy, the Thom Kha soup and the calamari (see menu/pricing photo above):

10 minutes after they opened, there’s a line, but not too bad – still inside the courtyard.

ADDED 11:39 AM: Here’s the current line:

And most important of all, their signature dish – “The Burger” (one person just suggested it’s a serious rival to West Seattle’s current burger fave, Zippy’s):

Good reviews so far – including this :15 assessment of The Burger, from Gatewood resident Dave Gross:

We’re moving on to a few other stories but in case you checked online before heading out into the sunshine, we knew we had to report on the big debut. Their menu changes weekly and you can usually find it on the home page at skilletstreetfood.com; if you haven’t been to Hotwire before, here’s a map to their location. P.S. If you’re just catching up with all this and wondering what’s the fuss — Skillet sets up at various Seattle locations and has amassed quite the following, since street-side food is not often also somewhat gourmet, and this is yet another sign that West Seattle has “arrived” as a foodie destination (in addition to rave reviews for local eateries such as Spring Hill); previous “press clips” can be browsed here. P.S. We were asked via Twitter (@westseattleblog for human-powered updates and observations, @westseattlenews for links to WSB stories as they’re published) if Skillet takes credit cards – answer, yes.

8:32 PM ADDITION: Speaking of Twitter, this postmortem from Skillet via Twitter (@skilletstfood):

so..that was the biggest opening day at any location we have ever had..and the biggest day we have ever had…..thanks WS, WSB and hotwire

West Seattle food update: Skillet is a go – next to Hotwire

This just in. Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) owner Lora Lewis offered courtyard space to Skillet Street Food in the wake of the sudden parking-lot cancellation that otherwise might have kept them from opening this Sunday – and “it’s a go” per a quick message we just got. Details to follow. (By the way, the reason for the lot cancellation remains a mystery; Skillet’s proprietor Josh Henderson said he got the word from Diamond Parking, but we got a call back from the Diamond manager who runs the lots in this area and he didn’t know anything about it.)

ADDED 3:15 PM: Since everyone responded so fast – including Lora! – we wanted you to see the message he sent on Twitter; by WSB, he really means YOU!

New west Seattle location this sunday… In the courtyard of hotwire coffee… Thanks lora!! And the WSB..

Direct link to that tweet here. Still working to confirm that the hours will be the same as the original West Seattle plan (which were 11 am-2 pm); here’s the menu they’ll be serving.

4:30 PM: The hours will indeed be 11 am-2 pm. Hotwire’s courtyard is just north of the coffee shop, which in turn is just north of the post office, east side of California just south of Genesee. Same place outdoor movies are shown in the summer!

Welcoming a new West Seattle Blog sponsor: Cafe Revo

Today we welcome West Seattle’s newest restaurant, Cafe Revo, to the WSB sponsor team; new sponsors get the chance to share information about their business, and here’s what Cafe Revo wants you to know:

(From left, Kevin Fry [manager], Chef Sean Goff and Sofia Zadra Goff [owners], Milo Goodrich [manager]
Even though it’s been open for less than 2 months, diners say the atmosphere at Cafe Revo is warm and family-like. The restaurant is owned by Sofia and Sean Goff. Sofia is a fourth-generation West Seattleite, and she says it’s long been her family’s dream to bring a restaurant to the neighborhood that honors their ancestral home of Revo, Italy. Sofia says that some guests have compared their food to meals they had while visiting Italy. Sean’s cooking resume includes six trips to Italy to study the cuisine and 25 years working in Seattle restaurants. Sofia and Sean also bring some Seattle to Revo by featuring ice cream from Husky Deli, West Seattle’s Finamoré Limoncello, cheeses from the West Seattle Farmers Market, Uli’s Famous Sausage from Pike Place Market, West Seattle’s Gioia Wines, Pioneer Coffee (which has a store on Alki), and flowers by West Seattleite-owned Monday’s Flowers. Sean and Sofia are also active with the Westenders Scooter Club. They work in their children’s schools — Arbor Heights Elementary and West Seattle High School — and they’re also involved in the Arbor Heights Girl Scout Troop, as well as West Seattle’s own Endolyne Children’s Choir. Cafe Revo is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner. They also offer happy hour Monday – Friday 4-6:30, and they take reservations. You can see their full menus online.

We welcome Cafe Revo to the WSB sponsor team; you can see all our sponsors listed here, along with information on how to join them!

Sudden snag for Skillet: West Seattle spot falls through

Just last night we checked with Josh Henderson of Skillet Street Food to make sure they were still on for their West Seattle debut this Sunday, and at the time it looked like all systems were go. Then tonight, he sent this note:

We just got word from Diamond Parking that the lot that we were supposed to be in on sunday in the Key Bank parking lot, is not a possibility any more.

So…at this point we are looking for a spot…and will put the word out..

If you have a suggestion, there’s contact info on the Skillet website.

5 West Seattle business/real estate notes

ZEEKS PAINTING: Happening right now, with eight days to go till the grand opening (11 am May 1st) of the new pizza restaurant in Morgan Junction (California/Fauntleroy, ex-Corner Inn). The big rotating neon sign is expected to arrive next week.

CF WEST SEATTLE SIGN’S UP, SALE’S PLANNED: After two years, the “Auto Buff Moving May 1st” (which was for 2007) banner is down; the CF West Seattle banner is up. We told you last week about Eric Renn‘s new business enterprise at 42nd/Admiral; he is signed up for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 9th and planning proceeds from his sale to go to the Liver Foundation – they’re looking for items to be donated to sell that day (and will be taking $ donations for the LF too). E-mail us and we’ll put you in touch with Eric.

FROM THE TRIANGLE: Sharonn Meeks sent word, with the above photo, that the old West Seattle Furnace location at 4619 37th SW has finished its remodeling work and now has a sign up for Certified Land Services Corporation.

CUPCAKE ROYALE OWNER IN D.C.: Jody Hall, owner of West Seattle’s (and elsewhere) Cupcake Royale, is in D.C. for a small-business health-care roundtable with President Obama. According to this CR webpage, you can watch live on C-SPAN starting at 8 tomorrow morning.

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BUILDING FOR SALE: Speaking of land – we often note sizable real-estate listings, so we’re passing on the word that the apartment/commercial building at 6015 California SW is now on the market for $1,940,000; here’s the listing.

1 more restaurant needed! Will anyone else in WS step up?

Five West Seattle restaurants — including WSB sponsors Skylark Cafe and Club and Ama-Ama Oyster Bar and Grill — already are participating in Dining Out for Life, one week from tonight, with a percentage of proceeds benefiting Lifelong AIDS Alliance – just got word from the organization that they need ONE MORE restaurant somewhere in Seattle to join in, to match last year’s participation. Anyone else in West Seattle want to join in? Read on for the announcement and who to call:Read More

West Seattle sites: Feedback Lounge, Snooty Walk, Skillet

FEEDBACK LOUNGE SITE LAUNCH: Feedback Lounge (the long-awaited Morgan Junction hotspot opening 6 pm Saturday night, as announced last Saturday) now has its full website up and running at feedbacklounge.net – including the drink menu, food menu and Tune-O-Matic Library.

SNOOTY WALK SITE RELAUNCH: The 3rd annual Snooty Walk and Pet Rodeo organized by West Seattle High School students (also happening Saturday, 2 pm) launched its new site overnight at snootywalk.com.

SKILLET STREET FOOD: We reconfirmed with Skillet proprietor Josh Henderson that the silver Airstream trailer famous for its on-the-street cuisine is on target to make its West Seattle debut (first reported here 3 weeks ago), and will be in the Key Bank lot next to the West Seattle Farmers’ Market 11 am-2 pm Sunday. Here’s the online component: Henderson confirms this is the menu they’ll offer this Sunday.

More West Seattle restaurant news: New ownership for Alki Cafe

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Thanks to the anonymous e-mailer who tipped us to this last night; we confirmed it in person this afternoon: Alki Cafe‘s longtime owners Carol and Steve Roaldson have sold the restaurant. It’s now owned by John Bang, who was there today, greeting customers, too busy to talk in detail at the time but promising to share more information about his plans shortly.

Another Zeeks Pizza update: West Seattle delivery boundaries

(recent WSB photo peeking inside the Zeeks construction site)
As we first reported last night, the new Zeeks Pizza coming to the ex-Corner Inn spot at California/Fauntleroy has finalized its grand opening date and time: 11 am on Friday, May 1st. After we published word here and on Facebook following Zeeks executive Dan Black‘s announcement at last night’s Morgan Community Association meeting, some WSBers asked if they had firmed up their delivery boundaries yet (always a hot topic when it comes to West Seattle and pizza). We followed up with Black this morning, and here’s his reply:

North – Water
West – Water
South – 116th St SW [map]
East – Highway 509

Plus one pocket outside those boundaries, which he described as “the Shorewood neighborhood.” He also told us after last night’s meeting that Zeeks is thinking about asking customers, once they’re open, to co-create a West Seattle-exclusive pizza that would only be on the menu at this location. Meantime, he adds that they are still hiring, and in the midst of an intensive final two weeks of work renovating and rehabilitating the space; the building’s owner was at last night’s meeting too, and recalled that it was a market and hardware store when he took it over more than 40 years ago.

More West Seattle barbecue: Brickyard BBQ coming to Admiral

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Five months after OK Corral opened in the Triangle area, it’s about to get competition in the West Seattle barbecue business: Brickyard BBQ is coming to 2310 California SW (map), just north of Admiral Pub. West Seattleite Don Kriley says he and brother Dan are hoping to open the restaurant June 1st. It’ll be take-out and sit-down, Don tells WSB; they’re planning to build a seating area to facilitate the latter. He says this will be their first venture in the restaurant business. Side note: After talking briefly to Dan, we realized why the address (which we first noticed while perusing liquor-license applications) looked so familiar: A development proposed for that address has been in the works for a while and even went through Design Review in 2006-2007. We’ll be checking into its status separately.

So where DID Lily get her steak?

The WSB Twitter page is a snapshot at any given time of the most recent Twitter messages – “tweets” – from anyone anywhere mentioning West Seattle. We check it often because it offers WS tips and trivia beyond the people we get to interact with via the @westseattleblog Twitter stream. Interesting group of tweets at the moment – singer Lily Allen is still in Seattle after her Showbox show last night and put out a question a few hours ago to her 125,000+ Twitter “followers” – “Where’s good for steak in Seattle?” Among the replies, our WS-specific Twitter sampling shows, four people quickly recommended JaK‘s in The Junction (and this search shows a few more). Lily then tweeted an hour later “Bout to get my meat on” – no word yet (even via Twitter) whether she did that here.

Skillet Street Food in West Seattle? Here’s the latest

(Skillet promotional video from August 2008, posted on YouTube)
We could almost hear the stomachs growling across West Seattle as enthusiastic reaction rolled in following our story yesterday about Skillet Street Food possibly heading this way. Just got a call back from Skillet’s Josh Henderson, who answered our plea for a few more details: As he wrote online, they’re targeting Sunday, April 19th, as a start date, and he reiterated he’s 99 percent sure of that date; now the question is, where? He’s hoping to be in The Junction and will be taking a look at the Key Bank parking lot today, with the hopes of being set up alongside the West Seattle Farmers’ Market on Sundays, “probably 11 to 2, we’ll see how it goes, and then probably expand to breakfast.” So why West Seattle for Skillet’s next stop, we asked? “During the week, we need to be near offices,” Josh explained, “but Columbia City was a pretty big hit on Saturdays … West Seattle seems like a good spot to hit on Sundays.”

SATURDAY UPDATE: Latest from Josh – April 26th is now the target start date.

More West Seattle food news: Skillet cooking up a plan

(Skillet promotional clip from 8/2008 – find other clips on this YouTube channel)
The portable cuisine of Skillet may soon turn up on this side of the bay. Thanks to Clint for the tip – he saw it in the Skillet newsletter, and we found it repeated online:

additionally we are probably going to be moving away from our sunday fremont experiment and looking for a west seattle location… probably shooting for the 19th of the month

Clint adds, “If you’ve experienced Skillet’s cuisine, you’ll agree that having the trailer in our neighborhood would make for a superb take-home Sunday brunch. I’d be curious to see how many other WSB devotees feel the same way. Maybe we can convince Skillet that WS would make a good home.” We’ll see what more we can find out (meantime, you can explore their main info site here).

Spring Hill’s Mark Fuller among Food and Wine “Best New Chefs”

Got the news via Twitter (thanks @rebekahdenn and @experiencewa) that Spring Hill Restaurant proprietor Mark Fuller is one of Food and Wine‘s 2009 Best New Chefs, one of 10 nationwide.

2 weeks till Easter: An invitation to churches, restaurants

March 29, 2009 3:27 pm
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With two weeks to go till Easter, here at WSB we’re doing what we do for all major holidays – making a special page so you can find West Seattle-specific information all in one place. We’re gathering information from websites and phone calls but also wanted to issue an invitation: If you’re associated with a church and you have its Easter service information, please let us know so we can make sure it gets onto that page; if you’re associated with a restaurant and you’re having Easter brunch, same invitation applies. Best way to reach us is e-mail: editor@westseattleblog.com – and if all the info is already on a page on your own website, just sending us that link is fine, you don’t have to retype it or cut-and-paste it. We hope to get the first version of this page up within the next 24 hours, but if you don’t see this till Monday afternoon or later — that’s OK, we’ll just keep adding info, as always. (Other Easter-related activities welcome too – we’ve already got various egg hunts listed on our Events page but let us know if you know of one that’s not there.) Thanks!!!! (Photo credits: Peeps from kimberlyfaye‘s Flickr page; beach group, WSB photo from local UCC churches’ 2008 sunrise service on Alki)

Happening now: Alki Homestead post-fire cleanup, repairs

Meet Marcus, Josiah, and Taylor Tunison, brothers who went to high school at West Seattle’s own Seattle Lutheran, volunteering their time right now to help clean up the historic Alki Homestead‘s fire-ravaged interior. In a WSB comment thread earlier this week about concern for the Homestead’s future, 2 months after the fire, owner Tom Lin said this:

I found a contractor who can come on Friday to build a temporary roof. If anyone is really interested in helping out, be at Homestead 9 am on Friday. He will start the work at that time.

This morning, four people did that – three of them, the young brothers you see above. A professional work crew is also there:

That worker subsequently invited us inside to see what’s happening – the cords in this photo, next to the huge stone fireplace, lead up through an opening in the roof, which workers are trying to get covered:

The most striking image of the morning remains that of the three young brothers who just showed up to help:

Lin wondered – where is everyone else? He says that contrary to perception, the insurance company he’s working with has been “great” – and finally just this week gave him a green light to do some cleanup, even though the insurance company itself technically now owns the “contents,” including fire-damaged items that the young volunteers are helping bring out. We will check back later in the day to see how this is going; Lin had to leave the site for a while for an appointment at the restaurant he says he is taking over so that his Homestead employees will have work — “Ten people are going to get a job from that,” he called out to us, as he walked to his car. (He is not yet publicly naming the restaurant.) If you want to help with the cleanup happening right now, the Homestead is on 61st just south of Alki Ave (map).

West Seattle restaurant note: Cafe Revo starts happy hour

E-mail note tonight from Cafe Revo, which opened three and a half weeks ago in the Luna Park business district – it’s starting “happy hour” as of tomorrow, 4-6 pm Mondays-Fridays, with offerings including $4 appetizers.

Film followup: Rock star’s guitar to go on display at West 5

March 16, 2009 3:17 pm
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Back in January, West 5 in The Junction had its first-ever movie screening — “Rock ‘n’ Roll Gearhead – 4 Days with Billy Gibbons.” Its locally based filmmaker, Jamie Chamberlin, sent that photo and this accompanying announcement:

In response to the warm hospitality extended … by West 5 in screening the NW premiere of “Rock and Roll Gearhead,” Gibbons has flown up a most enviable wall piece. Taking time out of his hectic recording sessions with producer Rick Rubin down in Los Angeles, Gibbons custom pin-striped a mustard yellow guitar to be hung on display at The West 5. The legendary guitarist is celebrating a 40-year anniversary with his band ZZ Top and is slated to have a new album out this year as well as a worldwide tour. The guitar should be on display by week’s end.

Chamberlin says he’ll be visiting West 5 to personally present the guitar for display. There’s more about his movie, including its trailer, at this MySpace site.

West Seattle restaurant update: Circa closed for repairs

Just got a note from Kirsty wondering why the windows at Circa in the Admiral District are papered over, so we ran over to check: Note on the window says the restaurant is closed for “equipment repairs” and planning to reopen March 24.