West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
With Oprah talking about it today, Twitter is suddenly The Next Big Bandwagon. We’ve been talking about Twitter here for a long time – WSB has been using it since November 2007, and we added a page here last year enabling you to check out recent tweets by almost anyone mentioning West Seattle, plus our latest tweets. You don’t need to sign up for Twitter to see what’s on it — just as long as you know who you’re looking for, you can check out their latest tweets on the Web; for example, we are @westseattleblog, so you can see what we’re up to at twitter.com/westseattleblog, Twitter member or not. Enough about us: We got word via Facebook (where you can “friend” us: WS Blog) from local diving instructor Dave Rintoul of Dive Canuck SCUBA that he’s set up a Twitter account – inspired by one in Malibu – to share info on Seacrest diving conditions. Find him at twitter.com/seacrestdiving – he says he’ll be looking for more divers to share the responsibility of posting condition updates.
From West Seattle photojournalist Matt Durham, of mattdurhamphotography.com:
Clockwise from lower left: Spring foliage adorns the trails as hikers and naturalists tour Schmitz Park Friday. White Trillium flowers (Lily family) can be found by the keen observer. Skunk Cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) sprouts from soggy soils and their flowers are short-lived. Various other plants and flowers await visitors in West Seattle’s second-generation “old growth” forest.
Never been to Schmitz Park? Here’s a map.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Much has changed since the first public discussion of possible changes to little California Place Park in North Admiral – and much has not.
What has changed:
*After going through the design process funded by a $15,000 city matching-funds grant, the proposal for possible park changes does not include anything resembling a children’s play area.
*The so-called “southern triangle” of city-owned land, southwest of the park itself, is now under Parks Department supervision since the process brought to light the fact it was somewhat neglected SDOT-owned right-of-way.
*Life has changed for one of the leaders of Friends and Neighbors of North Admiral — Manuela Slye is moving her Admiral District home-based bilingual Cometa Playschool — which some critics had suggested was a motivation for proposing park changes — to part of the former Prudential NW space about two miles south.
What hasn’t changed:
Those opposed to any changes in the small triangle of lawn and trees remain resolute, particularly nearby resident Jan Bailey, who has spent many hours standing in the park with her NO CHANGE TO PARK sign, gathering almost 700 petition signatures, and brought her sign and flyers to last night’s meeting, greeting neighbors at the door, then keeping vigil at the back of the room.
Also unchanged, one stark reality: The fact that intensive community fundraising would be needed to make any changes to the park.
Will add this to the West Seattle Weekend Lineup too, but wanted to share the entire announcement just in from King County Sheriff’s Office spokesperson John Urquhart – a big football event in West Seattle tomorrow, presented by an organization led by both KCSO and Seattle Police – read on for details:Read More
Thanks to the anonymous e-mailer who tipped us to this last night; we confirmed it in person this afternoon: Alki Cafe‘s longtime owners Carol and Steve Roaldson have sold the restaurant. It’s now owned by John Bang, who was there today, greeting customers, too busy to talk in detail at the time but promising to share more information about his plans shortly.
What a weekend – more than FIFTY events in our area! Including – Earth Day work parties and festivals, Healthy Kids Day at the West Seattle Family YMCA (WSB sponsor), a movie star at Admiral Theater (which is still celebrating its impending SIFF debut), a spaghetti dinner to raise money for ARK Park, local students show their talent including the “Fashion Through the Ages” Seattle Lutheran HS duo and Chief Sealth HS musicians, freebies including free Sunday yoga at Sound Yoga and free jazz at Admiral Church (both WSB sponsors) plus free swimming at Southwest Pool — here’s the full West Seattle Weekend Lineup, brought to you by Skylark Cafe and Club:Read More
(Harold and Hester, in a photo shared with WSB from last year’s Snooty Walk)
We told you two days ago about the third annual Snooty Walk and Pet Rodeo, presented by West Seattle High School students, coming up at Hiawatha a week from tomorrow – and now we have word from Teri Ensley at Furry Faces Foundation that a Pet Adoption Event will be part of it. Teri tells WSB:
We just confirmed that West Seattle-based Animals First Foundation and King County Animal Care and Control will both be at the Pet Rodeo from 2 pm – 4pm. Additionally, Deena Cornish of Good Citizen Canine, Animals First Foundation’s dog behavorist/trainer, will be on site to answer questions about people’s dogs. And of course, Furry Faces Foundation will have a booth there because we love the students and this event.
For details on how your pets can be part of the Pet Rodeo/Snooty Walk fun, check out our Wednesday report.
Announced this morning: $13 million in planned cuts to the general fund, plus $5 million to be pulled from the so-called “rainy day fund” (a sixth of its total), to help make up for that $40 million-plus shortfall in last week’s revised city revenue forecast. Here’s the city news release; there’s also a doc online with all the details, line by line (the very last page includes planned Seattle Public Library cuts, such as a weeklong closure saving $655,000).
(2007 Mudhoney photo via Flickr, by DaigoOliva)
With less than three months to go till West Seattle Summer Fest — the huge three-day street festival in The Junction — a big-name music act has signed on: Dave Montoure from West 5 and the West Seattle Junction Association confirms that Seattle’s own Mudhoney (which has at least one member with WS ties) will headline the first night of the live music slate, Friday night, July 10th. Some other big changes/improvements are on the drawing board for this year’s festival (July 10-12) too, with details to be made public soon. By the way, if you’re a vendor, performer, artist, or food seller, you can find applications for Summer Fest at the festival website.
Metro has just unveiled a slate of proposed route changes, mostly related to the impending opening of the light-rail line: Southwest changes are listed here (including rerouting the south end of 128, which travels through West Seattle/White Center) – but we noticed one big thing missing: The proposed Route 50, which generated some West Seattle excitement because it would have included a leg taking bus riders directly between North Delridge and The Junction, is no longer under consideration. That’s “because of costs,” Metro spokesperson Linda Thielke tells WSB; she also noted that the proposal generated mixed feedback during the public-comment period. Its Southeast Seattle leg had been linked to some changes that were generating concern in that area, according to what Metro reps told the North Delridge Neighborhood Council two months ago (WSB coverage here). The next step for all the changes proposed today is a County Council committee public hearing next Tuesday night (info here) and then a vote in May. (If you want to see what’s being proposed for southeast Seattle, here’s the direct link to those details.)
Before we publish the full West Seattle Weekend Lineup a bit later, a couple quick notes about events today/tonight: St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church‘s two-weekend rummage sale starts today, 9 am-3 pm; the West Seattle CoolMom group’s next Family Movie Night, featuring “An Arctic Tale,” is 6-8 pm at Camp Long Lodge (there’s still room, according to CoolMom’s Laura Elfline, who recommends calling Camp Long NOW to save a space).
From Thursday night’s quarterly meeting of the Sunrise Heights Neighborhood Association (this area is roughly between High Point and Westwood, between 35th and Delridge):
E.C. HUGHES SCHOOL’S FUTURE: Sage Wilson of the SHNA board has been talking with Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association about applying for a city Department of Neighborhoods grant to study community interest in the closed Hughes school. (After temporarily housing South Lake High School the past two years, it’s vacant again this year.) The grant would facilitate open houses for public input on the site, to figure out if there’s enough interest to look into buying it, since it’s on the Seattle Public Schools surplus-property list. Neighbors’ general consensus was that it’s a good idea to talk about this before a development proposal comes in from outside the neighborhood. Sage will head up the grant-writing effort, to meet a July deadline.
SEX OFFENDERS: Detective Bob Shilling from the Seattle Police Sex Offender Detail briefed the neighborhood about how to find information online, as well as what families really need to know about sex crimes: Long story short, very few involve “strangers.” As for sex offenders in local neighborhoods, you can use this website to see if any level-1 or level-2 offenders are living near you (it’s linked from the bottom of our Crime Watch page if you ever need to find it again); the West Seattle overview is that the Southwest Precinct area has 163 right now, fewer than any other precinct in the city (the largest number is 343 in the North Precinct). Statewide, there are 20,178 registered sex offenders.
POKER TOURNAMENT FUNDRAISER: This Saturday night is SHNA’s 4th annual Texas Hold’em Poker Night at the social hall of Our Lady of Guadalupe, $15/person or $120/table of 9. Must be 21 or older. More info on the SNHA website.