West Seattle, Washington
16 Sunday
Cocktails, anyone? Play that video and you’ll see, and hear, Matt Johnson making the St. Basil during tonight’s sneak-preview invite-only party at Morgan Junction’s new Feedback Lounge (between almost-done Zeeks Pizza and one-year-anniversary-celebrating Beveridge Place Pub). As we mentioned this morning, its website is now fully launched, and the drink menu is just part of what you will find there. It springs forth, of course, from the bar:
There’s food too (here’s the menu, from the website). And the people. Like proprietor Jeff Gilbert:
You can meet him, look inside the Whammy Bar — where you’ll find those guitars — and more, starting 6 pm Saturday. The sign went up today, too, so there’s no chance you’ll get lost:
Thanks to those who’ve e-mailed about a police search under way on the east side of Gatewood – west of 35th, centering around SW Kenyon. There is a report of possible shots fired but there is no report of a shooting victim at this point. A K-9 unit is involved in the search and has followed tracks to a building on 35th SW. 10:49 PM UPDATE: Commenter says the shots were heard at 34th/Kenyon (map). Still no indication on 911 log of any actual shooting victim. Sounds like the search trail is stalling.
By Keri DeTore
Reporting for West Seattle Blog
A variety of West Seattle-related issues came up — on and off the agenda — during tonight’s Parks Board meeting downtown, including new hope for construction of the Delridge Skatepark, plus other items from the golf-course plan vote to the stadium situation to Hiawatha bids and even a warning that swimmers will want to hear:
Via one of County Council Chair Dow Constantine‘s Twitter feeds (@Dow_KingCounty), we get that Twitpic of the County Executive candidate onstage during his rock ‘n’ roll fundraiser at Crocodile Cafe, which continues till midnight. Meanwhile, back on this side of the bay, Bonnie caught this scene at Seacrest:
Bonnie reports her kids were particularly captivated by the flounder, whose catcher released it shortly afterward.
Just last night we checked with Josh Henderson of Skillet Street Food to make sure they were still on for their West Seattle debut this Sunday, and at the time it looked like all systems were go. Then tonight, he sent this note:
We just got word from Diamond Parking that the lot that we were supposed to be in on sunday in the Key Bank parking lot, is not a possibility any more.
So…at this point we are looking for a spot…and will put the word out..
If you have a suggestion, there’s contact info on the Skillet website.
A milestone tonight in Junction development: The 5th time turned out to be the charm for the Conner Homes two-building megaproject, which is now done with Design Review, one year and twelfth days after the first DR meeting on the project. The rendering above shows “scheme D” from the latest round of proposals for the till-now-undecided final element of the project – the shape/look of its western building, at California/Alaska. That shape, with a few changes large and small, will form the framework of the recommendations made tonight by Southwest Design Review Board members as they concluded their fifth — and now, it can be said, final — meeting on the project, which ended moments ago. About 50 people filled the room at one point – breaking several times into applause during the public-comment period, especially for West Seattle resident Rene Commons‘ impassioned presentation (second one she has made to the board) requesting architectural details that would at least give a nod to the area’s history.
Board members did make one stipulation that’s a major change from any of the four options shown: They want the retail facade along the southwest street-front of the project to be two stories instead of one story, in no small part to “mask” the higher stories from those passing by on the street. And they’re calling for some sort of strong element at the California/Alaska corner – maybe a vertical sign or some other “supergraphic” element, as board member Vlad Oustimovitch put it – to give the project some of the “quirky” West Seattle flavor to which Commons had alluded during her presentation.
Have just received a couple of notes – including this from Nathan:
I was just out in my front yard and saw at least three cop
cars circling the area. Two officers stopped to ask if I had seen a
white male, blond hair with a two-tone jacket come by. They indicated
that there was a break-in a couple blocks north on 39th (somewhere
near 39th and Graham or Morgan) and they are conducting a search.
Also word of police presence near 35th/Morgan. Checking to see if we can find out more.
7:44 PM UPDATE: From Ashley, in comments:
We’re in the 36th and Morgan area (map). Our neighbor’s place was broken into, hence the police presence. She was home…and the punks walked right in through the garage in the back. Everyone be careful! It’s amazing that this stuff is now taking place in broad daylight…walking right in the door. Bad enough we have our cars broke into on a normal basis!
Today we welcome a new WSB sponsor, Barbara West, an elder law and estate planning attorney with the law firm of Short Cressman & Burgess. Barbara is co-chair of her firm’s Estate, Family and Life Planning Practice Group, which also includes 2 dissolution attorneys. She frequently works with seniors and their families to create estate plans and settle issues that arise within families as parents age or become incapacitated. Barbara says, “As our population continues to age, elder law continues to grow in importance. Elder law attorneys advise seniors and their families about the need to plan ahead for incapacity and beyond. Many clients seek assistance when they realize they are confronting natural aging issues, or progressive or terminal illness. Although we acknowledge that we have to make end-of-life decisions, the focus of our work is the future. If we are successful, our clients remain in control of their lives by implementing the plan we have created together for the management of their lifetime financial and health care needs. For me, it is both professionally and personally rewarding to help clients and their families move through difficult times with confidence, security, and peace of mind.” Barbara’s clients have said that she is able to simplify the complex subject of “estate planning” and approaches her work matter in a calm and thoughtful manner. Part of Barbara’s assistance can include, if needed, referrals to support services and providers who assist their families in making transitions to in-home services or residential care. If you’d like an in-depth look at Barbara’s approach to her work you can read her article, “What They Don’t Teach You in Law School.” She can be contacted at 206-682-3333 or bwest@scblaw.com.
Thanks to Barbara West for joining the team of WSB sponsors, listed in full here, along with info on how to join them!
Steph just sent that photo of her kids with their brand-new Tony Hawk-autographed skateboard, procured – sort of – via Twitter. It’s part of a nationwide “Easter egg hunt” promotion in which boards have been hidden in various locations, then announced at the @tonyhawk Twitter account. We happened to be checking West Seattle “tweets” right after this got announced about an hour ago; didn’t get there in time to capture the “find” but got Steph’s photo and note shortly afterward:
Luckly we had Tony Hawk on our twitter an my husband was looking at it during the time his tweet went out. We were picking up my daughter from school and got the call from him to go to the location. The skateboard is sweet! The kids are so excited!
The board was hidden at Shadow Land, by the way. (On Twitter, you can find us at @westseattleblog for 24/7 human-powered updates, including immediate word of breaking news, and @westseattlenews for a feed of WSB links as they’re published. Hope you’ll “be our friend” on Facebook too, where we are WS Blog.)
ZEEKS PAINTING: Happening right now, with eight days to go till the grand opening (11 am May 1st) of the new pizza restaurant in Morgan Junction (California/Fauntleroy, ex-Corner Inn). The big rotating neon sign is expected to arrive next week.
CF WEST SEATTLE SIGN’S UP, SALE’S PLANNED: After two years, the “Auto Buff Moving May 1st” (which was for 2007) banner is down; the CF West Seattle banner is up. We told you last week about Eric Renn‘s new business enterprise at 42nd/Admiral; he is signed up for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 9th and planning proceeds from his sale to go to the Liver Foundation – they’re looking for items to be donated to sell that day (and will be taking $ donations for the LF too). E-mail us and we’ll put you in touch with Eric.
FROM THE TRIANGLE: Sharonn Meeks sent word, with the above photo, that the old West Seattle Furnace location at 4619 37th SW has finished its remodeling work and now has a sign up for Certified Land Services Corporation.
CUPCAKE ROYALE OWNER IN D.C.: Jody Hall, owner of West Seattle’s (and elsewhere) Cupcake Royale, is in D.C. for a small-business health-care roundtable with President Obama. According to this CR webpage, you can watch live on C-SPAN starting at 8 tomorrow morning.
BUILDING FOR SALE: Speaking of land – we often note sizable real-estate listings, so we’re passing on the word that the apartment/commercial building at 6015 California SW is now on the market for $1,940,000; here’s the listing.
Longtime West Seattleite J.B. Webster has died, friends tell WSB. He was known for many things — as a Seafair Commodore (they have a brief tribute graphic on their website right now and you can see him in Commodore jacket here), as a Keller Williams realtor, as an alumnus of West Seattle High School, where he played football. He also was involved with the West Seattle Hi-Yu Summer Festival. The memorial for Mr. Webster is next Tuesday (4/28) at Alki UCC, 11 am (61st and Hinds; map). We’re expecting to receive his obituary later today and will add it here when it’s available.
ADDED FRIDAY AFTERNOON: The short obituary, e-mailed to WSB:
JB Webster, longtime West Seattle Real Estate Agent, passed away on April 22, 2009. Also known as “Call JB First,” will be greatly missed by his family, wife Christi & their children Tyler, Logan and older son Eli along with his many friends. JB’s service will be held on Tuesday April 28th, 2009 @ 11 am. Location: Alki Congregational United Church of Christ, 6115 SW Hinds
St. Seattle, WA 98116. There will be a light reception following the service.
ADDED SUNDAY: If you haven’t already seen it, this followup includes a link to a fund for JB Webster’s family. Also, friends have asked us to add these photos of Mr. Webster and family – here he is with wife Christi:
And from left, with his kids – Tyler, Logan, Eli & JB:
Five West Seattle restaurants — including WSB sponsors Skylark Cafe and Club and Ama-Ama Oyster Bar and Grill — already are participating in Dining Out for Life, one week from tonight, with a percentage of proceeds benefiting Lifelong AIDS Alliance – just got word from the organization that they need ONE MORE restaurant somewhere in Seattle to join in, to match last year’s participation. Anyone else in West Seattle want to join in? Read on for the announcement and who to call:Read More
Quick update on this Saturday’s big Junction sale (first reported here a week ago) — a dozen coupons are now available for you to print, from the West Seattle Junction Association website; find the coupons here.
Another reminder about a big event tonight — King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg is scheduled to speak at tonight’s meeting of the South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition (6 pm, St. James Place, 9421 18th SW; map). If you’ve got tough questions about the criminal-justice system and how crime suspects are handled after their arrests, he’s the elected official with the answers — although some of the decisions about sentences and criminal law ultimately are up to state legislators and the Governor. Here’s our report on his recent speech to the Rotary Club of West Seattle (and here’s our followup with the wild West Seattle car “chase” video he showed the Rotarians).
We make calls, send e-mail, dig through records, cover stories in person, the usual gamut, but sometimes no journalistic research beats asking YOU for help. So we’re throwing this one out again – it’s come up in the WSB Forums recently and also in a new comment on the East Duwamish Waterway Bridge update, from barton_st:
I’m curious to know if they are working at night. For 2-3 nights this week, I’ve been hearing some far-off humming or vacuum-like sounds that seem to increase/decrease in sound level, possibly due to wind changes. Kind of annoying. To cope, it helps to know the source. Anyone else notice this?
We’ve heard the hum this week from WSB HQ in Upper Fauntleroy and from outside the Southwest Precinct near Home Depot … maybe you have heard it too. We’re checking with authorities that would handle noise complaints but in the meantime, from among the thousands of WSBers, perhaps someone has The Answer.
Just in from SDOT: What’s new with all the Spokane Street Viaduct Widening Project work you see when you go to Costco, head downtown via the 1st Avenue South exit, etc. And a new detour on the way – read on:Read More
FEEDBACK LOUNGE SITE LAUNCH: Feedback Lounge (the long-awaited Morgan Junction hotspot opening 6 pm Saturday night, as announced last Saturday) now has its full website up and running at feedbacklounge.net – including the drink menu, food menu and Tune-O-Matic Library.
SNOOTY WALK SITE RELAUNCH: The 3rd annual Snooty Walk and Pet Rodeo organized by West Seattle High School students (also happening Saturday, 2 pm) launched its new site overnight at snootywalk.com.
SKILLET STREET FOOD: We reconfirmed with Skillet proprietor Josh Henderson that the silver Airstream trailer famous for its on-the-street cuisine is on target to make its West Seattle debut (first reported here 3 weeks ago), and will be in the Key Bank lot next to the West Seattle Farmers’ Market 11 am-2 pm Sunday. Here’s the online component: Henderson confirms this is the menu they’ll offer this Sunday.
On Tuesday, we showed you all four of the “schemes” now proposed for the western building in this two-building project (see them in this WSB story) in the heart of The Junction. Tonight, 6:30 pm, West Seattle Christian Church, members of the Southwest Design Review Board will look at them and decide whether the project will get the green light to move on to the next stage of the permit process. One person you can expect to see there is Rene Commons, who, at the third meeting, brought architecture examples she hoped the project team would take a cue from:
Commons has been working to be sure everyone knows about tonight’s meeting – she even made and distributed this poster:
(The city’s own signage is generally a bright green “NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING” flyer.) She explains, “I think West Seattle deserves more on this corner of our historic Junction. Our community recognizes that the building planned for this corner of the 4-way in the Junction is our quirky Times Square and a building of this size and magnitude should be designed better compliment the character of the small business quirky atmosphere of the Junction. I can embrace large structure like this if it is well-designed at street level and in context or improved context of the existing historical buildings in the junction. The Design Review Board really needs community support to guide the developer to get it right.” To see the full “packet” for tonight’s meeting – which, as we reported after meeting #4, was called expressly to deal with the “massing” and look of the western building — go here. If you’re going to tonight’s meeting, which like all Design Review sessions includes public-comment time, parking for WSCC is off Genesee, just east of the main church building at the 42nd/Genesee corner – look for the signs.
Quick note to remind would-be sellers who haven’t signed up yet to get on the map for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (9 am-3 pm Saturday 5/9, sales big and small all over the peninsula, more than 120 registered so far) — if you are going to mail in your registration, it’s a good idea to get it in the mail by today, since we need to have all signups in by Saturday night (when an intensive week of mapmaking kicks off). Find links to the registration forms — printable and do-it-all-online, as well as where to pick up preprinted forms — by going to this page on the official WSCGSD website. Thanks!
In that photo are Brittany Dawson, Tyson Kimball and Sumeet Chadha – who with Maggie Oliver form a quartet of West Seattle High School students headed next week to Anaheim, where they’re competing in the Internationals put on by the marketing-student association DECA, with students from all 50 states and various other countries. They’re hoping you’ll cheer them on – and they’re hoping for a little more: They need one last fundraising push to cover the costs of competing and traveling. Here’s a letter from Sumeet:
West Seattle High School is heading to DECA Internationals! This year, four West Seattle students will have the opportunity to compete with students from around the world in the field of business marketing, advertising, and financing! Sumeet Chadha and Tyson Kimball have placed 5th in the State of Washington for “Advertising Campaign.”
DECA gives students hands-on experiences in the fields of marketing, business and entrepreneurship, DECA enhances the classroom experience by providing conferences and competitions that mold high school students into character-driven leaders. Washington DECA currently has over 10,400 members in 144 chapters around the state. DECA is the only student organization operating in 50 states, attracting students for life long careers in marketing, management, and merchandising.
This year, Sumeet Chadha, Tyson Kimball, Brittany Dawson, and Maggie Oliver together will participate in competitions, seminars, and meet with field professionals for summer internships. “This once in a lifetime opportunity will help these students not only mold their resumes, but also provide them lifelong networking opportunities,” aays Michelle Sloan, advisor for DECA at West Seattle.
West Seattle High School started this year with an enormous budget deficit, the Marketing Department being no exception. With the cost per student at about $700 to attend Internationals, estimated total costs are around $2,800. Students have currently raised about half of the costs with fundraising events around West Seattle. We are now looking for the support of local businesses and individuals.
We understand that this is a tough time for many businesses and individuals. Any amount would be greatly appreciated. This is the first time in 10 years that any students in the district have gone to internationals. We also understand that this is short notice however, donations is our last resort for money.
We have attached a donation slip for your convenience. You are always welcome to email or call us with questions or comments. We look forward to working with you. We cannot wait to represent our community at Internationals!
Sumeet Chadha
(Marketing Student at West Seattle)
To print out the form Sumeet mentioned, just go here.