West Seattle, Washington
15 Wednesday
That’s dashcam video we shot last fall showing some of the patches and bumps on just one side of the street not-so-affectionately dubbed by some “Fauntle-Rut Way.” As we’ve been reporting since the news first broke in mid-October, Fauntleroy Way is about to get repaved from the Triangle area to Morgan Junction (and as revealed in mid-March, a few extra blocks were added because the bid came in low enough to enable it). While the repaving is under way, the city also will be restriping and reconfiguring lanes (as finalized in January):
After SDOT’s paving expert Jessica Murphy told the Morgan Community Association earlier this month (WSB coverage here) that the contract had just been finalized (with Merlino Construction) and that the work would start “mid-May,” we kept checking back for word of a more specific date, as well as to ask what end of the project site would be tackled first, and here’s what we heard back:
We have tentatively set the start date for this project as May 26th, just after Memorial Day. We will begin in the north end at Alaska and work down the west side first and then work back up the east side. The schedule for the “added” area between California and Holly has not been determined (but it won’t be first!).
Even more details of the plan are expected later this week. The city’s website for the project is here (although it doesn’t yet reflect the fact the work will extend southwest to SW Holly).
Mother’s Day is exactly two weeks away — but one West Seattle flower shop has already had a burst of extra family spirit: Sharon’s Westwood Florist and Tanning invited WSB to drop in one morning this past week as the shop hosted West Seattle Moms of Tots members in a fun floral-creation activity. That’s store team member Thaddeus at right in the photo above, assisting; below, one of the young designers with the finished product:
Sharon’s Westwood Florist is at 35th/Kenyon (map), just north of Kenyon Hall. The day BEFORE Mother’s Day – as if they’re not busy enough – they’re participating in West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (Saturday 5/9, a record-setting 170+ sales!)
If you’re worried about all this swine-flu news (here’s the newest nationwide update) and wondering what’s being done in our area, just in case, we’ll find out more from public-health authorities late tomorrow morning: West Seattle-residing King County Council Chair Dow Constantine has arranged for an 11:30 am briefing during tomorrow morning’s County Council meeting, per a media advisory sent out tonight – read on:Read More
It’s been a busy few days, so you might not have seen this on partner site White Center Now yet: If you live in south West Seattle, you’ll be interested in the crime updates — which included some good news! — plus Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg‘s remarks, as reported in our coverage of the South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Coalition meeting Thursday night. See the story here. (Also of interest to south West Seattle: The Highland Park Action Committee‘s monthly meeting is tomorrow, 7 pm, 11th/Holden.)
(photo by Gary Jones, taken today at Alki)
After all the incredible photos shared with WSB lately showing eagles around West Seattle, we thought it would be interesting to get a broader look at the local population. Since we (like many other local-news organizations) work on occasion with the University of Washington News Lab, we asked if any of their student reporters might want to take that on – they agreed, and here’s the result (with some WSBers’ eagle photos and video woven throughout)!
(Brace Point-area juvenile eagle, photographed by Rick R)
UW News Lab
This spring, people in West Seattle have noticed an increase in bald eagle sightings, particularly around Alki Beach and Lincoln Park.
David Schneider, a resident of West Seattle, has spotted a few himself. “I think there are only two or three pair, but I usually see them on Beach Drive on the north side of the park.”
Seven months ago, that was the scene as hundreds of people helped clean up the “Gateway” area from Walking on Logs up to 35th/Fauntleroy. We just got word from that cleanup’s organizer, Nancy Driver of the Fairmount Community Association, that a smaller followup cleanup is planned for 9 am-1 pm Saturday, May 9th (yes, it’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, but if you’re not part of the 170+ sales, you can pitch in before or after you shop!) — and she’d like to hear from anyone who can help. Here’s the announcement:
We are doing a four hour cleanup and blackberry removal on Saturday, May 9, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. We will only be doing the area from the gates (near the overpass) down to Walking on Logs. Objectives will be to accomplish the following: 1) pick up all trash; 2) weed whack and clean up the “Walking on Logs” area; 3) blackberry removal starting from the blackberry patch nearest to the gates and moving north. I found last fall that the blackberries pulled out of the ground fairly easily – using leather gloves and both hands I was able to rip them out of the ground, roots and all. Our hope is too get at least one large swath of blackberries removed – if we can get more than that done, great. The blackberry removal is a long-term project but this will be a start.
The city will provide canvas gloves, safety vests, bags, and a few shovels and rakes. We will round up at least one gas weed trimmer but if you have one you are willing to bring that would be great. Volunteers are encouraged to come with their own leather gloves if you plan on helping with blackberry removal. The city will also provide us with a water cooler and we’ll have cups – unfortunately, no snacks this time, just water. IMPORTANT: Unlike the September cleanup – no traffic will be closed off next to the area we are working in.
… Whether it’s an hour, two hours or all four, any time you can contribute will be greatly appreciated. Additionally, any time you put in can be used toward matching funds from the city to get needed irrigation and drainage work done at the Walking on Logs that is needed.
Can you help? If so, please e-mail Nancy: ndriver@quidnunc.net
That’s Chas Redmond, who’s with Stu Hennessey from Alki Bike and Board at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market right now, handing out programs and signing up volunteers for the Sustainable West Seattle Festival, which happens one week from today, right across SW Alaska from the market. Chas also showed off small-scale versions of maps that will be at the Feet First/West Seattle Trails Alliance booth at the festival, with sharpies and sticky dots you can use to “visually vote” for the kind of transit you would like to see, and how you think transportation dollars should be spent:
The Farmers’ Market continues till 2 pm; Chas and Stu are along the alley, on the east side. If you don’t catch up with them, the schedule and map for the festival can be seen online here (including our spot in the media zone near the main stage, where the West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day maps will debut at our table); the festival runs 10 am-3 pm next Sunday (5/3).
Well – as we post this photo, it’s still a few minutes till Skillet Street Food officially opens in the Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) courtyard at 11 am (they’re scheduled to be here till 2 pm – California SW, just south of Genesee, north of the post office). That’s the menu and pricing, written in purple on the side of the gleaming chrome Airstream trailer. We peeked into the trailer too, where Josh, Mark and Mary are working – video shortly.
ADDED 11:08 AM: Here’s video of Mary inside the Skillet trailer, telling us a bit about the burger, the poutine gravy, the Thom Kha soup and the calamari (see menu/pricing photo above):
10 minutes after they opened, there’s a line, but not too bad – still inside the courtyard.
ADDED 11:39 AM: Here’s the current line:
And most important of all, their signature dish – “The Burger” (one person just suggested it’s a serious rival to West Seattle’s current burger fave, Zippy’s):
Good reviews so far – including this :15 assessment of The Burger, from Gatewood resident Dave Gross:
We’re moving on to a few other stories but in case you checked online before heading out into the sunshine, we knew we had to report on the big debut. Their menu changes weekly and you can usually find it on the home page at skilletstreetfood.com; if you haven’t been to Hotwire before, here’s a map to their location. P.S. If you’re just catching up with all this and wondering what’s the fuss — Skillet sets up at various Seattle locations and has amassed quite the following, since street-side food is not often also somewhat gourmet, and this is yet another sign that West Seattle has “arrived” as a foodie destination (in addition to rave reviews for local eateries such as Spring Hill); previous “press clips” can be browsed here. P.S. We were asked via Twitter (@westseattleblog for human-powered updates and observations, @westseattlenews for links to WSB stories as they’re published) if Skillet takes credit cards – answer, yes.
8:32 PM ADDITION: Speaking of Twitter, this postmortem from Skillet via Twitter (@skilletstfood):
so..that was the biggest opening day at any location we have ever had..and the biggest day we have ever had…..thanks WS, WSB and hotwire
(Photo added 9:54 am courtesy Lora @ Hotwire, as Skillet crew sets up)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS MARKET: 10-2 in The Junction; here’s what to look for.
SKILLET STREET FOOD’S WEST SEATTLE DEBUT: Remember, look for the Airstream trailer in the courtyard by Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor), 11 am-2 pm, because of the last-minute change in locations. Menu’s here.
Lots more happening today, including a craft show/brunch to benefit the fight against leukemia/lymphoma and The Esoterics at Holy Rosary – here’s the Sunday list, from the West Seattle Weekend Lineup.
Registration is now closed, and the semifinal tally – pending a little checking and rechecking – is 170+ sales – big, small, inbetween, some for fundraising, some just for fun. That means the 5th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on Saturday, May 9th, will be by far the biggest one yet. Now we start making The Map, so the first copies will be available for you to pick up at our table at the Sustainable West Seattle Festival a week from today. Stand by for updates — including more on some of the big sale spots, as we start going through the signup stack!
Monday at noon, if you happen to be outside the Jackson Federal Building downtown, you’ll see colorfully clad dancers demonstrating – to urge Sen. Patty Murray and other local lawmakers to support single-payer health-care. Helping lead the way: Dina Lydia Johnson, who’s also active with the Highland Park Action Committee (which, incidentally, meets Monday night, 7 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club). She’s put together a webpage with more about the demonstration – see it here.