Transportation 3775 results

Junction coverup: Bus shelter finally back


Thanks to Chas Redmond for that photo and word that the shelter on the southwest corner of California/Alaska in The Junction is back. When it was removed nine months ago (WSB report here), the county said it was going away so KeyBank could do some work on its building. (That same post had a long list of other shelter changes that were in the works at the time.)

West Seattle Gas Price Watch: Pump-jump slowdown

June 23, 2008 5:40 am
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 |   Gas prices | Transportation | West Seattle news

76expensive.jpgThe highest price in this week’s West Seattle Gas Price Watch — our weekly survey of posted regular and premium prices at all West Seattle stations (checked during late-Sunday-night drives and posted early Monday mornings) — is only two cents over last week’s highest price: It’s $4.45/regular at Lincoln Park 76 (photo left). More than half the other 19 West Seattle stations have the same price for regular, a rare sort of consensus – some are even unchanged from last week — one station is actually cheaper! See the latest prices, on our map and text list, ahead:Read More

The Viaduct: Inspection results, closure reminder

viaductsign.jpgFirst, one last note that The Viaduct will be closed 7:45-11 am tomorrow for the Race for the Cure (not too late to register! we’ll be in the 5K Walk crowd that’s always an amazing sight, swarming the carless Viaduct decks). And the state just issued its announcement of results from this week’s quarterly inspection (along with the dates for the next total-shutdown inspection, which we’ve added to the WSB West Seattle Events list) – sounds like you can breathe a little easier as you drive it:Read More

The Cart Project: Get one — and/or help distribute them


Feet First, which helps make our area more walkable, is close to kicking off The Cart Project – distributing carts like the one shown above, for a nominal price – and that means two things for people in West Seattle. First, the carts will be initially offered to Westwood-area residents. Second, volunteers are needed to help match carts with takers. Here’s what Ellie Taylor from Feet First sent us to share with you:

Meet new people, and give neighborhood residents a reason to get out and walk! This is a volunteer opportunity for Feet First’s new Cart Project, which aims to make it easier for people to do their everyday shopping on foot with personal hand-carts.

Location: The pilot project is in Westwood Village, West Seattle. Volunteers would help distribute carts to neighborhood residents who come through the QFC in Westwood Village.

Times: Throughout the day; evening availability (5-7) is especially appreciated.

Tasks: Volunteers will ask people if they are within the target area, describe the project, administer a short survey, and collect some money.

To find out more, e-mail Ellie at

Weekend traffic alert: Viaduct reminder, and more

June 19, 2008 12:07 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news


First – Dump the Pump Day must be a roaring success; we couldn’t get a parking place within blocks of the Water Taxi dock, compared to two days ago, when we got here at 10 minutes before departure time and got a space within a few blocks. (Yes, we know, should have just left earlier and taken the bus all the way from home.) So we’re trying again for the 1 pm run. Meantime, a lovely view here at Don Armeni (cameraphone photo above), where our inbox just yielded the city’s official weekend traffic alert, including the 7:45-11 am time frame for the Saturday morning Viaduct closure we first told you about earlier this week – read on for the full citywide list:Read More

Fauntleroy/Dawson signal now in full operation


Thanks to Sue for the tip – after a round of testing this morning, following a few days in yellow-flashing mode, the new Fauntleroy/Dawson pedestrian signal is now in operation – just five weeks after the city told neighbors the construction schedule was being moved up in a big way (original WSB coverage here).

Happy “Dump the Pump Day” 2008

dumpthepump.jpgEvery day on the calendar has a promotional tie-in … National Chocolate-Covered Pickle Day, Worldwide Sing While Standing On Your Head Day, and on and on … but today’s is worth a note: “Dump the Pump Day” is meant to encourage you to try transit. This year, gas prices could certainly be an impetus – on Dump the Pump Day “Eve” last year (6/20/07), this WSB report showed the 35th/Avalon 7-11 at $2.99 for regular; as of our latest West Seattle-wide weekly survey Sunday night, that grade at that station was $4.33, up $1.34 in a year. We were already planning to use transit today (Water Taxi-ing downtown to cover the city Design Commission presentation on Myrtle Reservoir Park); if you need more convincing, Metro offers suggestions here. And the American Public Transportation Agency offers you the online game Whack-A-Pump.

Another West Seattle hearing about The Viaduct

June 18, 2008 4:30 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

SCENIC_Alaskan_Way_AWV1.jpgJust in from the state – another round of public hearings about the Alaskan Way Viaduct – this time, regarding the environmental assessment of the plan to replace its south end. One of the hearings is set for Madison Middle School in West Seattle, 5-8 pm July 15th. The environmental assessment will be posted here June 27; here’s the full calender of citywide hearings (plus Stakeholder Advisory Committee meetings). Meantime, another reminder — as we reported on Monday, The Viaduct will be closed Saturday morning for the Race for the Cure.

Another followup: Alki sidewalk project “moving forward,” says city

We are still pursuing comment from opponents but wanted to pass this along before too much more time passed by; at the end of last week, we checked with the city Transportation Department regarding the status of the controversial Alki Point sidewalk project. (We hadn’t had official updates since April, after a city-organized meeting ended with some opponents threatening to sue.) Here’s what SDOT communications chief Rick Sheridan tells WSB:

The city remains fully committed to completing the Alki Avenue Sidewalk project. The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is moving forward with a design that maintains existing traffic conditions and provides accessible sidewalks for the entire project area using public right of way. We are still planning to begin construction as of spring/summer 2009. Sam Woods, the project manager, will be visiting the Alki Community Council in the near future to discuss input gathered from the neighborhood and outstanding design details. If citizens still have concerns about the project, they are welcome to share that with Ms. Woods via e-mail at: Sandra.Woods@Seattle.Gov

Sheridan also reiterated that the “one-way” option that seemed DOA at the April 2nd meeting remains out of the picture.

Reader report: Tree blocking section of 48th SW


Katie sends word of a tree down across both lanes of 48th SW “on the hill between Holly and Graham” (map). 11:43 AM UPDATE: As of our drive-by about 10 minutes ago, the road is still blocked off; this is the section of 48th that runs between Lowman Beach and Seaview. We just added a photo we took around 10:15; one of the crews on the scene told us it appeared that “two half-dead trees” had somehow come into conflict and one ultimately came down.

Alaskan Way Viaduct notes: Inspection tomorrow, closure Saturday

viaductphoto.jpgINSPECTION TOMORROW: The state Transportation Department just sent word that The Viaduct gets its quarterly inspection tomorrow, but NO LANE CLOSURES are needed. (Side note – the next Stakeholders’ Advisory Committee meeting re: the future of the Central Waterfront section of The Viaduct is June 26, 4 pm, City Hall.)

SHUTDOWN SATURDAY MORNING: FYI in case you would be driving that way – but also, it’s not too late to register if you want to take advantage of this every-June chance to walk on The Viaduct for a good cause — Saturday morning is the annual Race for the Cure. Still checking on the exact shutdown hours, but last year it was 7:45-11 am. The three of us do the 5K walk in R4TC every year; here’s our report on last year’s event, exactly one year ago. (P.S. You can also join in a cancer-fighting event right here in West Seattle in less than two weeks — Relay for Life at West Seattle Stadium, from 6 pm June 27 through noon June 28. We’ll have a detailed preview later this week, but for now, you can get involved by calling Karee Boone at 206-674-4105, Melissa Bazala at 206-281-3738, or Diane Redenbaugh at 206-937-2291.)

West Seattle Gas Price Watch: Another week, another dime

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The highest posted price for regular in West Seattle is a dime higher as of late last night than it was exactly a week earlier – though a different station now holds the “honor” of having the highest price. The map above locates each station – click and you’ll see current and past prices from our surveys; or, read on for the full text list plus who’s gone up the most in the past week and who’s gone up the least:Read More

Gimme shelter: 35th/Webster “surprise”


Got this report from Anna and headed over to get photographic proof:

It’s not a major thing, unless you happen to live near the corner of 35th and Webster [map] and ride the bus. In the last week they have recovered the sidewalk at this bus stop and this morning, I was surprised that the (county) had installed a new bus shelter (previously no shelter from the rain at this stop) and provided us with a trash can. Before yesterday, this stop only had one small exposed bench, no trash receptacle and no covered shelter. A lot of people commute using this stop, so it was really nice to see some … amenities to make our commute a little nicer.

Update: New Fauntleroy/Dawson signal powers up


Thanks to Sean for that photo and the report that the new Fauntleroy/Dawson pedestrian signal (map) is just about ready for action, exactly a month after neighbors reported getting word the construction schedule had been moved way up – he says it was in “flashing yellow” mode when he went by. (We’ll check back on it in a few hours if we don’t get an update first.)

“Car-free” day on Alki? SDOT says it’s not a done deal

As mentioned in our Parks Board meeting report, Parks staffers didn’t say anything more last night about the line in their briefing paper saying there could be a “car-free” day on Alki in late summer — they mentioned it in passing as a city Transportation Department proposal. So we asked SDOT communications boss Rick Sheridan this morning about the status and what’s next. Here’s the reply that just came in:

“Car Free Days,” where some city streets would be open to bikes and pedestrians, is an idea that Mayor Nickels proposed as part of the campaign to “Give Your Car the Summer Off.” The effort seeks to combat global warming by encouraging more walking, biking, car pooling and taking transit. The closures would be similar to Bicycle Saturdays and Sundays along Lake Washington Boulevard.

Parks and Recreation jumped the gun as no definitive decisions have been made. The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is still fine-tuning the concept and needs other departments (fire, police, etc.) to approve it. Outstanding issues remain about mitigating the impacts on nearby streets and finding city resources to support it. The three corridors mentioned are, at this point, only possible locations. As we move further along in the process, we are interested in hearing the public’s perspective on the idea itself and suitable locations. SDOT should have more information to share in the next few weeks.

Rick Sheridan

Walking the walk: Map update; plus, those “walkability” scores

June 12, 2008 7:06 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | Transportation | West Seattle news

Two notes: First, Chas Redmond says a few more spots have the new West Seattle Trails walking map, if you’re looking for a (free!) copy — Alki Kayak Tours at Seacrest, Atomic Boys in Admiral, and the city’s Delridge Neighborhood Office. Full distribution list is online at Second, you probably heard about a new website scoring Seattle neighborhoods by walkability; if you haven’t already seen the WSB Forums discussion about it, here’s the topic we opened this morning.

At least one “Car-Free Day” proposed for Alki Ave. this summer

summeroff.jpgRemember when we talked about the city’s “Give Your Car the Summer Off” campaign a couple weeks ago, and mentioned the city would identify certain streets for “Car-Free Days” before summer’s end? A briefing paper for tonight’s Parks Board meeting (same one where the beach-fire-ban briefing is planned) says:

SDOT is proposing Car Free Days for one Sunday each during this August and possibly September at these locations:
• Alki, between the Water Taxi dock at Seacrest Park and 63rd Ave SW in West Seattle;
• Create a loop from Pioneer Square to Pike Place Market via Alaskan Way and First Avenue to Olympic Sculpture Park;
• Connect Magnuson Park to Seward Park via Burke Gilman Trail, the Arboretum, part of Montlake Bridge and Lake Washington Blvd and encourage attendees of the Pro Bike Pro Walk event to participate.

There will be the need for close coordination as park usage will be involved. For all locations, SDOT is interested in linking to special events and/or including programmed activities to enhance public awareness of the program and have a critical mass of public participation.

You can read the whole briefing paper here. A public hearing is planned on the proposed road closures during tonight’s Seattle Parks Board meeting; it starts at 7 pm at Parks Department HQ in Denny Park, 100 Dexter Ave. N. (scroll down this page for directions), and the sign-up sheet for public comment is available starting at 6 pm. It’s one of a mountain of major events tonight (all listed on West Seattle’s most comprehensive events calendar) – if you can’t go, here’s how to send written comments.

More SDOT action in Westwood: Crosswalk work


Thanks to Todd for the tip – more of the work promised by the city along Barton near Westwood Village is getting done – the tape and cones are protecting newly poured ramps at the crosswalk between the shopping center and Roxhill Park. This WSB report from April has more on what’s to be done in this area (which is just east of where parking restrictions were put into place to try to discourage “car ranching”).

Fauntleroy/Dawson signal update: Almost done

June 9, 2008 1:40 pm
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 |   Safety | Transportation | West Seattle news


Caught this photo around noon while heading to the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor), where we had the chance to chat with a great group of seniors interested in hearing the latest on WS development and other happenings. (When we headed back the other way, the lights themselves were back under wraps.) Previous WSB coverage of the Fauntleroy/Dawson signal is here and here.

West Seattle Gas Price Watch: New “leader” of the pump pack


We usually crop the rear-view mirror out of “taken from the car” photos. However, the above shot seemed to capture the flavor of our drive-by survey of West Seattle gas prices late last night. It shows the station that now has the highest WS price for regular – $4.33 @ 35th/Barton Exxon. Just ahead – the full West Seattle survey, which now includes a map as well as the text list of current and past prices:Read More

Parking alert: Sidewalk work set to start tomorrow


Noticed these signs along the west side of California SW just north of Morgan Junction – between Graham and Raymond (map). The “no parking” warning kicks in tomorrow and the project is described on the signs as “sidewalk restoration.” (There’s also a stack of “businesses open during construction” signs ready to go, too.)

First full ’08 month for Water Taxi a biggie

June 6, 2008 12:02 pm
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 |   Elliott Bay Water Taxi | Transportation | West Seattle news

wttuesday.jpgAs promised the other night, when King County Councilmember Dow Constantine told the Southwest District Council that the Elliott Bay Water Taxi’s ridership was up 17 percent over last year (as of mid-May), we now have the complete May report, and it has other interesting details — read on:Read More

Traffic alert: Another round of Delridge work this weekend

June 4, 2008 12:45 pm
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 |   Delridge | Transportation | West Seattle news

Just in from the city Transportation Department:

SDOT paving crews will repair failed concrete panels on the west side of Delridge Way Southwest at Southwest Elmgrove Street on Saturday, June 7. (Last Saturday crews repaired pavement on the east side of the street.)

The crews plan to work from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., starting with breaking out and removing the damaged concrete. One lane will remain open to traffic. Flaggers will assist drivers through the area. On-street parking will be restricted. When the new pavement has sufficiently cured, expected Saturday evening, the full street will be reopened to traffic.

Elmgrove doesn’t fully intersect with Delridge – this is the 8100 block of Delridge – here’s a map.